essay case
Term paper


时间:2022-06-06 来源:未知 编辑:梦想论文 阅读:
With the development of globalization, there is a growing demand for foreign language talents in contemporary China. As a communication tool, language plays an important role in people's life, especially in the academic life of students. This translation practice report selects the content of chapter 9 in the content and process of second language teacher education. Guided by skopos theory and taking the translation of the source text as corpus, the author categorizes and analyzes the specific problems encountered in the translation process, and discusses the translation methods and strategies for the texts of language teaching.
This translation practice report first introduces the translation task, mainly including the research background and significance, text characteristics and language teaching brief. Secondly, the process of translation is divided into three parts: pre-translation, translation and post-translation. The second part is the case analysis, which is the core part of the translation practice report. Under the guidance of skopos theory, the author will analyze the translation difficulties and problems in terms of vocabulary and syntax in the process of translation of the source text. Finally, the paper summarizes the whole translation practice report, and puts forward the shortcomings of the report and the prospect of academic translation research. This paper mainly introduces the vocabulary and sentence translation strategies in English and Chinese, as well as sentence structure transformation and translation strategies in English and Chinese translation. These two sections mainly focus on the problems of the translation of academic words, complex sentences and passive sentences in the original text, and analyze and summarize the corresponding translation methods, so as to make the translation more accurate and smooth, and provide reference for the translation of academic texts of language teaching.
Key words: The content and process of second language teacher education; Skopos theory; Case study; Translation strategies
摘    要

Acknowledgments iii
Abstract iv
Chapter One Introduction 2
1.1 Report background 2
1.2 Significance 2
Chapter Two Project Survey 4
2.1 Pre-translation preparation 4
2.1.1 Translation tools 4
2.1.2 A brief review of Skopos theory 5
2.2 While-translation work 5
2.3 Post-translation checking and proofreading 6
Chapter Three Case Study 7
3.1 Lexical Translation 8
3.1.1 Strategies for translating proper nouns and technical terms 8
3.1.2 Strategies for translating common vocabularies with special meanings in teaching English 9
3.2 Syntactic Translation 10
3.2.1 Strategies for translating passive sentences 10
3.2.2 Strategies for translating long and complex clauses 11
Chapter Four Conclusion 13
4.1 Major Findings 14
4.2 Limitations 15
4.3 Suggestions for Further Practice and Study 16
Bibliography 18
Appendix I 20
Appendix II 21
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 The Background of the Translation 
Language is a tool for people to exchange ideas and carry out various social activities, as well as an information symbol in the process of expressing thoughts, feelings and emotions. Language is the medium of communication between teachers and students, and it is the main means for teachers to achieve teaching objectives. With the development of globalization, the communication between countries is increasingly close. In order to eliminate the barriers caused by language in communication, it is particularly important to master a foreign language proficiently. Therefore, scholars have carried out extensive research on issues related to second language teaching, and on this basis, put forward relevant educational and teaching theories to guide the teaching practice of second language (foreign language).In this respect, foreign scholars are ahead of domestic scholars and have achieved remarkable results.
In order to promote the development of language teaching in China, it is necessary to extensively introduce foreign advanced educational and teaching theories and learn from foreign teaching experience.Therefore, the needs of relevant theories and works translation prompted the author to carry out this translation work. However, theories and works on literary translation have always been dominant in the field of translation studies in China, while applied translation (such as scientific translation and legal translation, etc.) is rare, and translation and translation studies on language teaching texts are even less(Wu Wenan,2014).
Product and process in second language teacher education mainly includes the excellent articles on second language teacher teaching published by the author in his academic career, discusses the interaction among teachers' identity, teaching concept, teaching skills and teaching practice, and explains the role of teacher education in promoting teachers' professional development. The articles in the book have been published for more than 20 years, and they are the great achievement of the author's theoretical and empirical research in the field of foreign language teaching and teacher education, providing valuable academic resources for language teachers, educators and researchers.This topic selects the content of Chapter 9 in Product and process in second language teacher education, and analyzes and discusses the translation strategies and skills of this kind of texts under the guidance of Skopos theory, so as to accurately translate and introduce the advanced foreign educational concepts and teaching methods to the domestic readers.
1.2 The Significance of the Translation 
The research on skopos theory in China started relatively late, but it has achieved remarkable results. For example, Gu feng et al. discussed the translation of advertising style from the perspective of skopos theory (2014). Xiao Yanmei (2011), a scholar, discussed the translation of tourism texts under the guidance of skopos theory. Scholars wen jun et al. (2003) took two English translations of gone with the wind and a dream of red mansions as corpus, and conducted a comparative study on literary translation with skopos theory. Relevant studies mainly involve translation definition, translation standards, translation criticism, translation teaching, translation strategies, literary translation, and non-literary translation (such as tourism translation and trademark translation). Under the guidance of skopos theory, there are few papers on academic text translation (Chen Yulong, 2010). There are only a few studies focusing on a single issue, such as the translation of academic English long sentences or academic English terms. There are few studies on the translation strategies and methods of academic texts from the syntactic and lexical levels under the guidance of skopos theory.
Language is the medium of communication between teachers and students, and it is the main means for teachers to achieve the purpose of teaching. In order to promote the development of language teaching in China, it is necessary to introduce advanced teaching theories and experience from abroad, which are largely dependent on the accurate translation of relevant papers. The necessity of relevant translation studies has become increasingly prominent. According to the data of cnki, there are 62 search results with "language teaching translation" as the key word. After further combing the results, the author found that the literature on the translation methods of language teaching texts was mainly guided by functional equivalence theory, cognitive psychology theory and communicative translation theory. Therefore, guided by skopos theory, it is necessary and meaningful to explore the translation strategies and methods of language teaching texts from the perspectives of syntax and vocabulary.
With the development of globalization, there is a growing demand for foreign language talents in contemporary China. As a communication tool, language plays an important role in people's life, especially in the academic life of students. At present, English is regarded as a compulsory course in primary schools, junior middle schools, senior middle schools and even universities. Good English scores are the guarantee for students to go to school. Therefore, language teaching is particularly important. The content and process of second language teacher education is an academic work on the subject of language teaching. The translation and introduction of this book, on the one hand, can provide teaching reference for teachers and educators engaged in language teaching, on the other hand, can help them better cope with the challenges of language teachers' career.
The translation practice report to select the content and the process of second language teacher education in the content of chapter 9, this part mainly introduces the role of language in English teaching, discusses the teachers' identity, the education idea, teaching skills and teaching practice, the interaction between illustrates the promoting function of teacher education to teacher professional development. Under the guidance of skopos theory and with the translation of source text as corpus, the author intends to classify and analyze the specific problems encountered in the translation process, and explore the translation methods and strategies of language teaching texts, so as to provide reference for the translation of academic texts of language teaching. 
1.3 The Authors and the Source Text
The original text of this translation practice is extracted from the book content and process of second language teacher education. This book is written by Jack C. Richards and published by Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press in 2018. It is one of the "world famous linguists' treatises (Volume I)". Jack C. Richards is a world-renowned second language and foreign language teaching expert, applied linguist and educator. He has worked in New Zealand, Canada, Indonesia, Singapore, Hong Kong, China, the United States and other countries and regions. He has been committed to research teaching practice and professional development of teachers for many years.
This book is a collection of excellent articles on the second language teacher education published by the author in his academic career. It focuses on the interaction among teachers' identity, educational beliefs, teaching skills and teaching practice, and explains the role of Teacher Education in promoting teachers' professional development. This book has been published for more than 20 years. It is a collection of the author's theoretical and empirical research in the field of language teaching and teacher education. It provides valuable academic resources for teachers, teacher educators and researchers. The translator selects Chapter 9 of this book for translation, which describes the kind of specialized language skills needed to teach English through English, explores the relationship between language proficiency and teaching ability, considers the impact of language ability on different dimensions of teaching, and raises the implications for language assessment and for the design of language enhancement programmes for language teachers.
At present, the translator does not find the Chinese version of the book in CNKI, Amazon, Google and Baidu's online search.
Chapter Two Ttranslation Process

2.1 Pre-translation Preparation

As the saying goes, "no war without preparation", a good translation can't do without sufficient preparation. Therefore, the author has done a lot of preparatory work before translation.
First of all, the author carefully read the original text, deeply understand the content and structure of the original text, and search the relevant background information and resources in the school library and online to obtain more relevant knowledge.
Secondly, the original text selected by the author in this translation practice is an academic work on second language teaching, which will inevitably contain some professional knowledge related to language acquisition. In order to better understand the original text and make the translation more accurate, the author consulted a large number of parallel texts.
Finally,as an MTI student, I have mastered a lot of translation theories and translation skills through the study of one-year professional courses. During the second year of graduate school, as an English substitute teacher, I translated some teaching related articles in my spare time. Therefore, this also laid a foundation for my translation task.
In addition, the author also prepared some translation tools that may be used in the process of translation, including some dictionaries recommended by the teacher during the first class of the first postgraduate course, such as English Chinese dictionary, Oxford Advanced English Chinese dictionary and new century Chinese English Dictionary edited by Lu Gusun, as well as various online dictionaries, such as Euro dictionary, Youdao dictionary, Google translation, etc。The use of tools helps the author to find difficult words and professional terms quickly.Therefore, it lays a solid foundation for the follow-up translation work.
2.1.2 A brief review of Skopos theory
As a new translation theory, skopos theory was put forward by the German translator Hans vermeer in the 1970s. Skopos is Greek for "purpose". Skopos theory is a theory that applies concepts to translation. According to this theory, the most important factor in the process of translation is the purpose of all translation activities, and the most important factor in the process of translation, that is, the most important factor determining the purpose of translation, is the target readers of the translated text. Skopos theory contains three principles: the principle of purpose, the principle of coherence and the principle of loyalty.
The objective principle is that translation should be able to function in the context and culture of the target language in a way expected by the recipient of the target language. The purpose of translation behavior determines the whole process of translation behavior, that is, the result determines the method. That is to say, as long as the intended purpose is achieved, the translation may not be "faithful and equivalent" to the source text. Coherence means that the target text must conform to the criterion of intra-linguistic coherence, that is, the target text should be readable and acceptable, so that the recipient can understand and make sense in the target language culture and communicative context in which the target text is used. In intralingual coherence, the translator should recreate a text that is meaningful to the target language reader. The translator has a moral obligation to the recipient to explain what he or she has done and why. This is one aspect of the loyalty principle. Another aspect of this principle is that the translator is required to be loyal to the original author. The translator should respect the original author and coordinate the target language with the author's intention. (Nord: 1997) therefore, the loyalty principle mainly focuses on the relationship between the translator and the original author, the client, the recipient and other participants in the translation process. In a word, these three principles constitute the basic principles of skopos theory, but the coherence principle and fidelity principle must be subordinated to the purpose principle, which is the first principle of skopos theory.
2.2 While-translation work
First of all, after the preparation before translation, the author begins to translate the original text. This translation took a month and a half, and the whole process was completed under the guidance of functional skopos theory.
Secondly, in the process of translation, the translator will find some difficult technical terms. In order to ensure the accuracy and professionalism of the terms, and successfully complete the translation, the translator first marks these words, and then the translator extensively reads parallel texts and consult books related to education, such as pedagogy, educational psychology, etc., and summarizes these words To prepare for the following case study.
Finally, due to the different expression habits between English and Chinese, the translator will encounter some sentences that are difficult to read. The translator first marks these sentences, and then, under the guidance of functional skopos theory, makes a preliminary exploration of the translation skills of academic texts, and tries to solve the problems encountered in Translation through the three principles of Skopos theory,
In addition, the author will actively communicate with the tutor and solve the problems one by one.
2.3 Post-translation checking and proofreading
Due to the limitations of the author's own translation skills, mistranslations, omissions or improper expressions are inevitable in the translation of the content and process of second language teacher education, which requires further improvement in the post-translation proofreading stage. Siguo once said that "translation is not like washing a shirt, which can be washed clean, and translation is like zhuoyu, which can be polished endlessly" (2001). Indeed, translation is a slow work, not only the translation can't be hurried, but also the proofreading should be meticulous, from small punctuation marks to large sentence expressions. After the translation, the translator changes the translation with other members of the class, looking for incoherent or poor sentences. The author is very grateful to the other team members for putting forward feasible plans, and they all pointed out the details. For example, the translation of punctuation marks in chinese-english translation. There is no one-to-one correspondence between single quotation marks in English and single quotation marks in Chinese. The rule of using single quotation marks in Chinese is that they must be in double quotation marks, but there is no such rule in English. In addition, English does not have a pause sign, while Chinese often use a pause sign when it means to list similar things inside a comma. Therefore, it is necessary to convert symbols. Then, the author repeatedly checks the translation and the original text whether there are omissions, additions and other errors. At the same time, pay attention to typos, punctuation and formatting. Due to the influence of British thinking, some sentences in translation have the phenomenon of translation cavity. In this translation practice, the author has proofread the translation for three times in total. The first proofreading is mainly to compare the original text to find out whether there is any omission or mistake in the translation. The second proofreading is to break away from the original text and check whether the language expression of the translated text is natural and in line with Chinese norms. The third proofreading is to check whether there are any typos in the translation to ensure the accuracy of the translation.
Chapter Three  Case Study
Academic papers are highly professional, scientific and creative, and due to the high degree of rigor and conciseness of the language, they have high requirements on the wording, syntax and even the arrangement of some paragraphs. Besides the general translation rules, the translation of academic papers should consider the particularity of its text type. Different countries and regions have different academic environment, academic atmosphere and different academic standard system and different terminology, cognitive structure reflected in the academic and professional background of academic papers on the target reader group characteristics to do a detailed analysis and forecast, the translator should know more the frontier in the field of research questions, research methods, common terms, the academic development direction. During the implementation of academic paper translation project (including preparation, translation and proofreading), translators will encounter a series of problems due to the objective existence of these particularities. To face and solve these problems smoothly, we need a lot of academic paper translation practice, in the translation of different types of academic paper text processing and translation comparative analysis, review to find the best way to solve.
In the process of translation, the translator, in this academic paper, Found there are a large number of professional terms and fixed expressions, when reading the early found that it is easy to understand, but when he read deeply found that poor translation, and translation of the language used is not very accurate, so in the process of translation, the translator also read lots of books and literature, to verify the accuracy of the terminology and fixed expression. In addition, there are also a large number of names in the translation.
3.1 Translation Methods at Lexical Level
3.1.1Methods for translating proper nouns and technical terms
ST:A positive relationship between perceived level of language proficiency and sense of self- efficacy. 
Analysis: At first, the translator didn't notice that this is a proprietary term. Because the word "sense" is a common word, the translator literally translates it into "consciousness". However, after verification, it is found that it can't be read in the context. Therefore, it is found that the term "自我效能感" does exist in the query of vocabulary in the field of education technology. This is due to the translation errors caused by the lack of background knowledge of translators. Therefore, in translating scientific and technological texts, we must pay attention to the mastery of parallel text materials and the familiarity with the background. Some professional terms have been blurted out in the eyes of the insiders, while the layman is likely to make jokes because of the lack of knowledge.
ST:The distinction between content knowledge and pedagogical knowledge and ability has also been framed in terms of the distinction between declarative knowledge (knowledge about something) and procedural knowledge (the ability to do things), which Pasternak and Bailey (2004: 158) describe as entailing at least three areas: 
Analysis: The structure of these two words is "Adjective + center word", which can be translated directly.
ST:The relationship between the language proficiency of language teachers’ and their ability to teach in the language is complex, and often problematic both for teachers who recognize limitations in their language abilities as well as for providers of training and professional development programmes for teachers. 
Analysis: At first, the translator did not notice that this is a proprietary term. Because "programme" is a common term, the translator literally translates it into "节目". However, after verification, it is found that this term can not be read in the context. Therefore, it is found that the term is indeed found in the query of education domain vocabulary, that is, "专业发展课程". This is due to the translation errors caused by the lack of background knowledge of translators. Therefore, when translating academic texts, we must pay attention to the mastery of parallel texts and the familiarity with the background. Some professional terms seem to have been blurted out in the eyes of the insiders, while the layman is likely to make jokes due to the lack of knowledge.
After searching the Internet, the translator found that the meaning of ELT includes: euglobulin dissolution time; English language teaching; national online love test; euglobulin dissolution time measurement; English teaching. The translator is not sure what it means in the sentence. Therefore, after analyzing its meaning in parallel texts, the translator determines "English Teaching" as translation, which belongs to one of pedagogical terms.
Examples of multiple translations are as follows:
ST:The introduction of English at primary level, the use of CLIL in some contexts where subject-teachers teach part of their courses in English, and the expanding role of private language teaching institutes has created opportunities for English teachers as well as problems in providing sufficient suitably qualified teachers to meet the demand.
ST:The majority of the world’s English teachers (80% according to Canajarajah, 1999), are NNESTs, and while many are expert users of English, many are not, as is seen in these examples of teachers’ written English.
3.1.2 Strategies for translating common vocabularies with special meanings in teaching English
Because academic papers are concise in writing, and there are often some complex and long noun structures and professional phrases in these papers, frequent use of abbreviations has become a major feature of academic papers. Abbreviations can effectively reduce the length of papers, avoid unnecessary repetition of long structure, and make the writing of academic papers more compact and efficient (Yu Hailan, 2012:23). Abbreviations with high frequency are as follows in this translation project:
As a foreign language teaching monograph, this book contains a variety of educational and teaching terms. How to accurately and clearly translate these terms is of great significance. A term refers to "a reduced qualitative symbol, either a word or a phrase, that expresses or defines a professional concept by means of speech or text."(wu guoliang, 2) xu jialu once said: "the standardization of scientific and technological terms is of great significance to the construction of disciplines, cultural inheritance, scientific and technological exchanges and development, as well as ethnic unity and national unity."(xu jialu, 1)" in view of the translation of terms in this project, the author mainly USES free translation and literal translation. Literal translation plus paraphrase
In order to pursue the accuracy of term translation, literal translation should be the most appropriate method to accurately convey the meaning of the original text. For example, "summative assessment" is translated as "summative assessment" and "formative assessment" is translated as "formative assessment", which respectively refer to two different evaluation methods in the course summary at the end of the course and in the process of the course. Literal translation can most accurately and faithfully convey the original information to the target readers.
Of course, at the same time of literal translation, it is sometimes necessary to make readers understand more easily through some additional translation to achieve the best effect. For example, "pre-reading, while-reading and post-reading" are respectively translated as "reading before class, reading in class and reading after class". Here, the original text does not directly explain what is in front of and after class, so the information of "course" needs to be added and translated according to the context to accurately convey the meaning of the original text. Therefore, supplementary explanations should be provided where necessary to make the meaning more clear, so that readers can truly realize the convenience of "barrier-free" reading when reading the translation, which is where communication lies.

