essay case
Term paper


时间:2022-06-05 来源:未知 编辑:梦想论文 阅读:
Under the background of the Ministry of education's comprehensive promotion of education informatization 2.0, college teaching reform is facing unprecedented opportunities and challenges. The "Internet + Curriculum" has become the focus of college curriculum reform. In order to accelerate the integration of information technology and education and teaching, and improve teachers' teaching level and classroom quality, the mobile teaching platform - learning app came into being. The learning app can provide a large number of books, periodicals and general education course resources, with multiple modules, full functions and convenient use. Smallprivateonlinecourse (SPOC), namely "small-scale restricted online course", is a mixed teaching mode that combines classroom teaching with online teaching. Insurance course is a professional compulsory course for the major of Finance and insurance in Colleges and universities. It is a discipline that teaches the theory and basic knowledge of commercial insurance, involving economics, management, law, sociology, medicine and other disciplines. Its contents include insurance principles, insurance contracts, types of insurance, insurance market and insurance supervision. The course is practical and practical. The insurance course of the school of economics of Changchun University is a professional basic course, which adopts the teaching mode of joint classes, with a total of 48 class hours. During the teaching process, the insurance course pays attention to theoretical understanding, analysis, demonstration and speculation, pays attention to teaching correct insurance concepts, constructs a scientific insurance theory system and framework, and summarizes the laws and refines the theories of the development of insurance. Therefore, the requirements for students' independent learning ability are high.
1、 Current situation of insurance course teaching in Colleges and Universities Based on "learning pass" SPOC software
With the development and progress of society, people's awareness of insurance has been continuously enhanced, the insurance needs of society, enterprises and individuals have been effectively stimulated, and the development of the insurance industry has ushered in new opportunities. Therefore, only by cultivating compound talents who meet the needs of society and enterprises, have solid theoretical foundation and the ability to innovate, start a business and create excellence, can we meet the development needs of the insurance industry. The insurance theory explanation and insurance case analysis in the traditional teaching mode can no longer meet the needs of current talent training. Learning through SPOC software teaching has auxiliary teaching functions such as sign in, selection, group discussion, in class test, live broadcast, etc. this mixed teaching mode can stimulate students' learning enthusiasm and mobilize students' learning enthusiasm and initiative.
1. pre class stage
In combination with the characteristics and functions of the classroom teaching of "learning pass" SPOC software, the pre class module is used to upload the prepared videos and teaching materials to the corresponding module of "learning pass", and the preview announcement is issued after the student viewing mode is set. The preview announcement will prompt students to watch the duration through the learning communication SPOC system, and synchronously record and count the time students watch learning.
Teachers can also download the course materials related to insurance courses in the teaching resource library and upload them to the learning pass SPOC system to enrich the preview content of students. For example, in the explanation of the fundamentals of insurance, teachers can download the "insurance principles test questions of Zhejiang higher education self-study examination in april2009" for students to preview. Teachers should use the bulletin board function to prompt students to record problems they do not understand in the preview process and discuss them with teachers and classmates in class.
2. in class stage
Based on the comprehensive and practical characteristics of insurance, teachers can adopt diversified teaching methods in the teaching process to improve students' practical ability. The learning general teaching mode adopts online and offline parallel teaching methods, which is conducive to stimulating students' interest in learning and giving full play to students' subjective initiative. In the online teaching process, teachers can use the learning link to conveniently and quickly sign in the classroom, so as to realize the diversification of roll call. Teachers can generally use the classroom practice in the class activity module to sign in. For example, in the teaching content of explaining the origin of insurance, you can enter "please answer the origin of insurance?" in the topic of the in class exercise, Enter "A. marine insurance B. fire insurance" in the option. Students can judge according to the preview understanding before class, and the learning pass SPOC system will count the percentage according to students' options. At the same time, the SPOC software of Xuetong will count the list of students who did not participate in the answer, and teachers can make attendance records according to the list. This method of using knowledge points to check in can not only mobilize students' enthusiasm for attendance, but also ensure the quality of pre class preview, so that students can develop good learning habits.
Use the class activity module to carry out theme discussion and improve students' participation in class. Teachers can choose topics related to insurance facts or insurance cases, divide students into groups according to student number, and use the rush to answer module to answer questions. The opinions expressed by the students will be graded by the students in other groups to arouse their enthusiasm to participate in the discussion.
In classroom teaching, teachers can use the video module in the activity module to display the image data associated with the course content, so that students can learn knowledge in the context of reproduction. For example, teachers can play video materials of insurance exhibition industry, guide students to conduct situational simulation and exercise of insurance exhibition industry, move the social "big stage" into the classroom, closely combine classroom teaching with social real life, achieve simulation in the classroom, learn in simulation, and combine theory with practice.

3. after class stage
The after-school stage is the extension and supplement of the insurance class, closely connecting the teaching process of the pre class and in class stages of insurance. Teachers can assign homework and test relevant knowledge points through learning SPOC software, which can not only save the time for class representatives to collect and hand in homework, but also conform to the current environmental protection concept of paperless teaching, and enable students' learning situation to be fed back in time for teachers to master. In this way, teachers can improve and perfect the teaching design in time according to the students' learning situation.
4. build a curriculum evaluation mechanism based on learning pass SPOC software
The course evaluation system of insurance SPOC software includes evaluation means and standards. The evaluation means include direct evaluation and indirect evaluation: direct evaluation includes attendance, classroom interaction, in class test, mid-term exam and final exam; Indirect evaluation includes group discussion, scenario display, group discussion, etc. The results of the above evaluation will be presented in the learning statistics module in the form of class report and learning situation statistics. The system will summarize the scores of the first two items, count the total score of the insurance course, and draw a comprehensive score distribution map according to different categories and grades. 90 points and above are excellent, 80 ~ 89 points are good, 70 ~ 79 points are medium, 60 ~ 69 points are pass, and below 60 points are fail.
2、 Teaching effect of College insurance course based on "learning pass" SPOC software
1. teaching effect in pre class stage
By using the SPOC pre class preview module, students' autonomous learning ability has been significantly improved, which is mainly reflected in the flexible application of the combination of classroom teaching theory and practice. The learning pass SPOC pre class preview module not only provides a large number of learning resources, but also allows students to integrate fragmented time for learning. Teachers can make scientific and reasonable use of the SPOC pre class preview module to timely understand students' mastery of knowledge points and lay a solid foundation for the effective development of teaching.
2. teaching effect in class
(1) The diversified assessment methods have achieved remarkable results. Traditional check-in uses roll call to determine attendance, absenteeism, lateness and early leave, which not only wastes limited classroom time, but also makes teaching inefficient and fails to achieve ideal teaching results. Teachers can use SPOC software to use a variety of sign in methods, which can not only test the effect of students' preview before class, but also improve the enthusiasm of students' autonomous learning and promote the effective development of classroom teaching. Through 24 times of attendance statistics, the attendance rate of students remained above 90%, and the lateness was significantly reduced, effectively ensuring the attendance rate.
(2) The part of selecting students to answer questions improves students' participation in class. The classroom rush to answer has injected vitality and vigor into the classroom and activated the classroom teaching atmosphere. In the traditional classroom teaching, students' participation is not high, and they lack the consciousness and enthusiasm of learning. Generally, teachers only participate in the classroom interaction by calling the roll. There are also forced to speak in the process of answering questions, so the classroom participation is not high. The rush to answer link has improved students' participation in the classroom, changed students' passive learning into active learning, and significantly improved their ability to answer questions and logical analysis.
(3) The topic discussion session broadens students' knowledge. In the thematic discussion in groups, teachers can adopt heuristic, discussion and inquiry teaching to organize students' discussion and exchange, so that students can speak freely and boldly in class. This is conducive to cultivating students' autonomous learning ability and autonomous inquiry ability, laying a solid foundation for students' knowledge and broadening their knowledge. Topic discussion can not only broaden students' knowledge, but also form students' internal control mechanism, promote students' self-management ability, and cultivate students' spirit of unity and cooperation. The mutual evaluation in the topic discussion session enlivens the classroom atmosphere, arouses students' enthusiasm for learning, and makes students have a strong interest in insurance professional knowledge.
(4) The in class test enables teachers to understand students' mastery of knowledge points in time. Teachers can use the learning pass SPOC software to insert in class test links according to the distribution of curriculum knowledge points, so as to timely understand students' learning. The evaluation method of setting students' mutual approval can enable students to consolidate their knowledge points again and increase their thinking on the practical application of knowledge points on the basis of understanding the classroom knowledge points.

3. after class teaching effect
Teachers use learning to pass SPOC teaching, and can enhance the interaction between teachers and students by assigning homework after class. In the process of finding, discussing and solving problems, students have improved their professional knowledge and professional skills. In the process of interaction between teachers and students, teachers can discover students' knowledge structure in time, carry out targeted teaching and improve the pertinence of teaching.
4. effect of curriculum evaluation mechanism
Learning pass SPOC software can objectively and truly record students' course participation through direct and indirect assessment, which can provide a basis for the conclusion of insurance courses and provide effective data for the next round of learning quality management.
3、 Teaching suggestions of College insurance course based on "learning pass" SPOC software
Using learning pass SPOC software to carry out teaching can facilitate students to use the resources on the platform to carry out independent learning, extend the span of learning, and strengthen the strength and intensity of learning, but there are also many aspects that need to be improved.
1. enrich pre class learning function modules
According to the current use of learning pass SPOC software, the function modules before class are relatively simple. Teachers often set the time period for students to watch by recording the course micro video in advance for students to preview in advance, or arrange group discussions in advance to complete the business plan. The learning form is relatively simple. In order to change this single mode, teachers can try to add new functions to the learning module in the pre class preview link. For example, in the process of watching the pre class video, the test function related to the teaching video can be inserted, so that students can complete the test content online in the preview process. At the same time, Xuetong SPOC calculates the answer scores online in the background. The increase of learning modules can mobilize students' learning enthusiasm, improve students' learning efficiency and cultivate students' autonomous learning ability.
2. Diversified Assessment in class
At present, the sign in of the learning pass class has realized sign in, QR code sign in and photo sign in. Students can sign in as required. In the case of a small number of students, the check-in results are clear at a glance, but in the case of a large number of students, it is easy to sign on behalf of others and sign in remotely. Therefore, when using the learning pass to sign in, teachers can adopt the method of in class test to achieve the dual effect of signing in and consolidating knowledge points. In the assessment of the discussion session, the learning pass SPOC can add the function key of the teacher's port and the function of adding specific items to the sub items according to the discussion content. For example, add specific sub items such as language expression and logical clarity, set scoring points, and add evaluation results such as excellent, good, medium and pass according to the final score, so that students can see the evaluation given by teachers in the discussion session online.
3. optimize and improve after-school homework grading links
According to the assessment requirements for knowledge points of insurance course, after-school homework can be arranged with single choice, multiple choice, short answer, discussion, data questions, calculation questions, etc. Diversified question types can meet the assessment requirements for knowledge points. However, when teachers use the PC port to correct homework, the correction process is cumbersome. After correcting an assignment, they need to pull up the menu to the top, click the return button, and return to the assignment list interface. After selecting the next assignment, they can enter the next assignment approval. This complex operation reduces the efficiency of correction and prolongs the time for teachers to review their homework.
4. optimize the course evaluation mechanism
At present, the course evaluation includes homework, classroom interaction, sign in, course audio and video chapter tests, group tasks, chapter learning times, discussion, reading, live broadcast, examination and offline links. It is troublesome to calculate the scores according to the teachers' grading links and weight proportion. Therefore, the evaluation mechanism can be further optimized to evaluate students objectively and accurately.
To sum up, "learning through" SPOC is a mixed teaching mode that combines classroom teaching with online teaching. This mixed teaching mode can stimulate students' enthusiasm for learning, give full play to students' subjective initiative, improve teaching efficiency and quality, and play an important role in cultivating compound talents who meet the needs of society and enterprises, have solid theoretical foundation and the ability to innovate, start a business and create excellence. Under the situation of COVID-19, the internet teaching mode has been widely used. Using learning pass SPOC to combine online teaching with offline teaching has become a new mainstream teaching mode. Learning pass SPOC has flexible teaching methods, full functions, many resources and high efficiency, which can meet the needs of contemporary college students who are good at using the Internet to learn, and make the learning of insurance professional knowledge more efficient.
