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The curriculum reform of Higher Mathematics in higher occupa

时间:2015-11-01 来源:未知 编辑:梦想论文 阅读:
Abstract: the higher occupation colleges of higher mathematics is an important basic subjects, but also a number of professional basic course, now a variety of disciplines development especially in science and engineering to build the disciplines of mathematics, higher mathematics as a traditional subject, must have its historical legacy of disadvantages, especially some problems exist in the course content, teaching mode, teaching method etc.. These problems can be smoothly done or easily solved by curriculum reform. Higher mathematics curriculum reform mainly in combination of engineering oriented, practical application as a breakthrough point, focus on the cultivation of students' innovation ability and job practice ability.

Cultivation of higher mathematics on student learning and subsequent courses of thinking quality plays an important role. However, a fly in the ointment is that, for many years, backward teaching content and teaching method cannot meet the needs of development of various disciplines and engineering practice of mathematics and mathematics education, and the implementation of the practice ability and the occupation ability are inseparable. In order to realize the goal of senior talent cultivation of innovation ability, improve the students of higher occupation colleges occupation ability, operating ability cultivation of quality and ability, to carry on the reform of mathematics education has become a very urgent problem. And improve the comprehensive ability of students, teaching content, mathematics curriculum must reform the existing teaching mode, teaching method.

The 1 reform of higher mathematics course content

At present, the higher mathematics of higher occupation college is an important basic course for students in the future, the cultivation of professional courses and quality plays an important role, but from the choice of teaching materials, the current domestic advanced mathematics textbooks follow the same pattern, change the place less and less, some theories and views even several decades ago, so this textbook did not keep pace with the times, did not keep pace with the times, the latest knowledge and understanding of mathematics can not be timely. The theory is still use outdated. So that the students not to the new knowledge, so it was very passive. In addition, from the reform of school teaching, mathematics teaching content and lesson plans and no fundamental change, all the year round are the same things, knowledge of the old, and dampen the enthusiasm of students, and seriously influence the teaching quality and teaching effect.

The 2 reform of higher mathematics teaching mode

The teaching mode is adopted what culture teaching targets and methods. Especially the training target determines the teaching mode. The training goal of post training goal is a few years this new proposed. Is the students after graduation in has the ability to work. Post training the ability of these years has been a hot issue, but also the universities attached great importance to the issue of. For example, can adopt the combination of engineering teaching mode. That work to learn, learn to work. The combination of engineering is a combination of work and study, is the knowledge learning, ability training, work experience with a kind of education mode together. Learning content is realized through work study job. Are related here working and learning, "work" is the means, "learning" is the purpose. Minister Zhou Ji has pointed out: "the training mode of work study combination of talents, promote exploration engineering, to adapt to the rapid development of economy and society has China characteristics of the occupation education development thought, has already become the outstanding problem of current education reform and the development of occupation. Occupation education front to raise awareness, and actively explore, bold practice, gradually skilled talents training mode changed to the combination of engineering, work his way up, and the industrial departments and enterprises to jointly build a road, the training mode of energetic, highly efficient, mutual benefit and win-win with China characteristics of the occupation education talents, the reform and development our country occupation education to a new stage." With the college continues to expand the scale and professional courses in comparison, basic subject is not more and more attention, the difference of students' mathematical level is more and more big, caused by the same teacher, with a class, some students, some students are unsatisfactory. On the other hand, because of the increased workload, teaching methods and means backward, inefficient work and other reasons, cause the teacher a lot of time repeatedly was busy preparing lessons, classes, homework, this situation has seriously affected the teaching quality and effect. In order to avoid such cases can take multiple project teaching mode in the practical teaching of higher mathematics, put into two projects: infrastructure projects and professional practice project. The teaching contents based project setting is to ensure that meet the professional requirements of mathematics as the basis, teaching is the most basic content. Professional practice project is determined by the teachers engaged in higher mathematics teaching, at the same time reference to other lines of professional teachers' opinions according to the different professional set up different projects. For example, civil engineering, need to open some and identify the images, drawing related mathematical knowledge, mathematical knowledge engineering cost major focuses on the computation of class. In this way, the mathematical level is not the same students can choose to study or professional practice project of infrastructure project. Students can choose according to their own situation and professional to learning content to do have a definite object in view, and professional graduate jobs, close contact. The creation of higher mathematics and the purpose of this course can be achieved.

The 3 reform of higher mathematics teaching methods

In recent years, the teaching of higher mathematics, we always hovering between tradition and modern, traditional teaching means lagging behind, a book, a piece of chalk and a blackboard, and the teacher What I say goes., self-centered, ongoing exercise and calculation on the blackboard, the students ignored the feelings, had higher mathematics some boring, extremely easy to cause the students to listen, this approach is not conducive to the cultivation of more students professional quality improvement and innovation. And the improvement of the traditional teaching methods, the use of the new teaching method is a pressing matter of the moment. I think from the following aspects to improve mathematics teaching methods of our.

3.1 the use of modern means of teaching

To carry out the computer aided teaching design, the mathematical model of teaching, mathematics competition, increase the interest of students, improve the students' ability to think independently. The use of computer software and multimedia projection equipment, can make mathematics more vivid, lively, overcome the disadvantage of dull as ditch water, enhance the students of mathematics understanding ability. Here especially pointed out that mathematical modeling contest. It was created to provide the direction for the national college students in learning higher mathematics. China Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in modeling contest tenet is: innovation consciousness, team spirit, participation, fair competition.

Chinese Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in modeling is one of the largest extracurricular activities of science and technology in Colleges and universities. The competition every September (usually in the middle of a weekend from Friday to next week week for a total of 3 days, 72 hours) held, competition for the national college students, regardless of major. China Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in modeling is the Department of higher education and Chinese jointly sponsored by the society for industrial and Applied Mathematics for national college students mass activities of science and technology, aims to encourage students' enthusiasm for learning mathematics, improve the students' mathematical model is established and the comprehensive ability to solve practical problems by using computer technology, to encourage the students to participate in extra-curricular science and technology activities, enlarge their knowledge, cultivate creative spirit and cooperative consciousness, promote the reform of university mathematical teaching system, teaching content and methods. The mathematical modeling competition has become a means of modern teaching of higher mathematics can not be ignored.

3.2, vigorously carry out practice teaching

We used to think that the higher mathematics and school mathematics, is a problem, cannot do without the book, we just ignore the effects of social practice, the final purpose of learning mathematics knowledge and other disciplines is to learn the application, the training of mathematical consciousness in practice. Teachers need to mathematics knowledge into practice activities to. Let the students contact the society, contact problem, for students to think, explore, discover and innovate, to provide maximum space. For example, the CNC technology professional students, in the course of professional practice, first of all, combined with the basic mathematical knowledge, application of AUTOCAD drawing software, drawing graphics, then, are discussed and then fixed blank material.

In a word, the reform of higher mathematics is ultimately for one purpose, that is, to cultivate students' practical ability, improve students' post cognitive ability and operation ability, it is project of a system, also need to pay more efforts.


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