essay case
Term paper


时间:2022-06-06 来源:未知 编辑:梦想论文 阅读:
In 2017, the opinions on strengthening and improving the ideological and political work in Colleges and Universities under the new situation put forward the concept of "three complete education", adhered to the education of all staff, the whole process and all aspects, and guided the ideological value through the whole process and all links of education and teaching. In 2020, the Ministry of Education issued the guiding outline for the ideological and political construction of courses in Colleges and universities, emphasizing that "to build a high-level talent training system, we must integrate the ideological and political work system, pay attention to the ideological and political construction of courses, and solve the" two skins "of professional education and ideological and Political Education... We should innovate the classroom teaching mode and promote the application of modern information technology in the ideological and political teaching of courses". Based on the guidance of the thought of "three complete education", in the process of policy promotion and practical exploration, the curriculum ideological and political construction continues to build an ideological and political education ecosystem involving leaders, managers, teachers, students and other multiple stakeholders.
Insurance is a financial course for majors related to economic management, which is both theoretical and applied. Through the study of the insurance course, students can understand the comprehensive guarantee role of insurance in the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics, assess the risk status of individuals or organizations, formulate corresponding risk management plans based on pure risk, analyze actual insurance cases using relevant insurance principles, and plan insurance financing plans at different stages of life. The insurance course has a wide audience. The ideological and political construction of the insurance course is not only the need to cultivate young students' risk awareness and insurance concept, but also the need for the insurance course education concept to adapt to the transformation of real economic and social development.
The ideological and political construction of insurance course is guided by the concept of "three integrity education", with the goal of "gender once", around the student-centered teaching reform, and through three rounds of teaching practice, it has formed a model of curriculum ideological and political construction that can be used for reference and promoted, a design idea of curriculum ideological and political design from an integrated perspective, and a practice path and practice model of mixed ideological and political teaching in the whole process.
1、 The course Ideological and political construction mode of "teaching reform promotion, teaching material assistance and evaluation promotion"
The educational reform has promoted the whole process and mixed curriculum ideological and political teaching. From 2019 to 2020, there are 4 successful educational reform projects directly or indirectly related to curriculum ideological and political education, which has effectively promoted the realization of curriculum ideological and political construction centered on value shaping in insurance. The textbook ensures the systematization and integration of the ideological and political education of the course. The chief editor of the textbook systematically designs the textbook based on the law and needs of college students seeking knowledge, takes the core professional knowledge points of insurance as the outline, determines the content of professional theory combined with the theme of moral education, and serves the formation of youth values. The process and final paper examination ensure the output evaluation of the course Ideological and political work, and the decentralized three class examinations are used to replace the final centralized examinations; In the process assessment, the integrated data of cloud class and rain class are used to replace the separate homework and assessment, and the process assessment scores are adjusted with coefficients. The possible assessment deviation problems of the process assessment and process test are replaced with the optional comprehensive interview and supplementary interview at the end of the period, the final exam is replaced with the final paper, and a feasible and comprehensive paper evaluation method is explored year by year. The promotion of educational reform, the assistance of teaching materials, and the promotion of curriculum evaluation have effectively solved the dynamic mechanism of curriculum ideological, political, educational and learning.
2、 Curriculum ideological and political design mode from the integrated perspective of "goal integration, discipline Association and teaching links"
Teaching is a systematic process. The ideological and political education of insurance course is designed from the perspective of integration. It is designed from the perspective of integration of teaching objectives, horizontal integration of subject relevance and vertical integration of teaching links, which solves the problem of lack of systematicness and embeddedness in the ideological and political education of the course.
(1) Design from the perspective of integration of teaching objectives
The teaching objectives of the course are consistent with the ideological and political objectives of the course. The formation of students' emotions, attitudes and values is the realization form of the ideological and political goals of the curriculum. The subject knowledge and professional skills are the knowledge carriers of the realization of the ideological and political goals of the curriculum. The teaching process and classroom design are the method bridges of the realization of the ideological and political goals of the curriculum. The three-dimensional objectives are connected, embedded and serve the ideological and political teaching of the curriculum. Specifically, the insurance course introduces the role of insurance in protecting a better life through the introduction, so that students can understand the comprehensive guarantee role of insurance in the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era; By introducing the relevant history of China's insurance market in the theoretical chapter, we can achieve the touch of socialist values with knowledge as the carrier; Through the introduction of relevant cases and government regulatory policies in the insurance market products and market operation, we can strengthen the socialist values while improving practical skills. Through the design of integrating teaching objectives with an integrated perspective, the educational concept of "value shaping, ability training and knowledge imparting" can be realized.
(2) Design from the perspective of horizontal integration of discipline Association
Subject relevance and value embedding are the remarkable characteristics of curriculum teaching. All courses should work in the same direction as ideological and political theory courses to form a synergistic effect and jointly serve the fundamental task of Building Morality and cultivating people.
In addition to the integration of the curriculum system, the specific knowledge learned also needs to be guided with an integrated vision. Any course is not an isolated island. In the teaching process of insurance course, the position of insurance course in the curriculum system of economic management specialty is stated in detail, and the overall logical connection between this course and other courses. The internal relationship between insurance courses and mathematical statistics courses leads students to understand that although the law of large numbers is the mathematical basis for the operation of the insurance market, the monopoly insurance market is not an ideal state; Insurance is an important tool of risk management. The importance of risk management is illustrated through cases. It is necessary to establish risk awareness and effectively manage it for individuals, organizations and countries. The relationship between the insurance market and other financial markets. Through financial crisis cases, this paper analyzes the problems existing in the risk management of insurance institutions, and reminds students of the bottom line thinking they may encounter in their future career: the relationship between commercial insurance and social security system is indispensable as the second pillar of a national social security system.

(3) Design of vertical integration of teaching links from the perspective of practice
Deeply understand the student-centered teaching concept. The vertical integrated design of teaching links takes the teaching objectives as the design guide, makes full use of all kinds of open educational resources, and carries out the design guided by autonomy, practicality and interaction, and carries out the integrated design before, during and after class.
The insurance course carries out the integrated design of the course ideology and politics from the whole links of teaching materials, syllabus, lesson plans, classroom design and course assessment. The insurance lecture notes have been re compiled and the teaching materials have been officially published. The teaching materials integrate the thinking on the guiding role of students' value borne by the professional courses into the compilation of the teaching materials in the form of reference materials, news excerpts, expert viewpoints, etc. The syllabus clearly defines the comprehensive guarantee role of insurance in the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era. Pay attention to the silent integration of relevant ideological and political topics in the teaching plan, and integrate relevant ideological and political topics into professional courses by means of pre class reading, in class discussion and after class practice before, during and after class. Change the course assessment method, combine the process formative assessment with the basic test, and conclude the course in the form of course papers. At ordinary times, guide students to pay attention to some hot topics in the insurance market in the course, and take the initiative to think, so as to present this kind of thinking in the course paper. After class, we will use questionnaires to strengthen our understanding of key ideological and political topics such as risk awareness training, risk management and insurance market supervision. Through the integrated ideological and political design of teaching links, the ideological and political education of the course can have a foothold, guarantee and output, effectively improve the "gender unity" of the course, and realize the learning centered and continuously improved ideological and political education of the insurance course.
3、 The whole process mixed ideological and political teaching practice path of "outline reconstruction, content reorganization and mode innovation"
The hybrid teaching based on Internet application has brought new ideas to the curriculum ideological and political education. With the help of the learning revolution brought by the Internet, the curriculum ideological and political education has truly become a new form of Ideological and political education that students love to see, teachers are willing to carry out, and the implementation effect is remarkable.
(1) Mixed teaching promotes the systematization of Ideological and political practice
The ideological and political construction of the course is a systematic project. How to deal with the relationship between knowledge transfer and value guidance in the course teaching, and how to "timely", "appropriate" and "appropriate" integrate the ideological and political content into the professional course teaching are the main problems in the practice and development of the course Ideological and political. At present, professional teachers tend to be random, fragmented and subjective in promoting curriculum ideology and politics, and there is a relatively common phenomenon of decoupling between supply and demand, teaching form and connotation. In order to improve the adaptability, connection and sociality of the course, it is required that the syllabus, teaching content and course practice should be organically unified, and the relevant teaching design before, during and after class should be systematically connected.
The hybrid teaching mode integrates online teaching and traditional teaching, and effectively improves the depth of students' learning by reconstructing the learning process. Students complete the "information transmission" of teaching through the online resources provided by teachers before class, while the "absorption and internalization" in class is completed through student-centered classroom interaction, including classroom design in the form of students' speaking, teachers' questioning, group activities, etc. Because of its unique learning process design, the hybrid teaching mode can make full use of network resources to effectively carry out the ideological and political practice before and after class, which provides conditions for the systematic ideological and political practice mode.
The teaching of insurance course implements the ideological and political practice of micro theme courses through three ways: one is case teaching, in which the classroom uses rich case materials to discuss the principles; The second is market practice, which launches the investigation task of insurance market operation and practice in the form of a group; The third is the conclusion paper, which guides students to investigate and study the hot issues related to the market in combination with the practice of the insurance market.
(2) Multi dimension ideological and political teaching of Hybrid Teaching Innovation Course
Classroom is the main position and channel of Ideological and political work in Colleges and universities. The integration of knowledge and value in classroom teaching is the internal requirement of Ideological and political work in Colleges and universities. Hybrid teaching puts forward new requirements for "whole process education". Making full use of modern information technology to realize the whole process of Ideological and political education can fully reflect the high integration of Ideological and political education and information technology. It is an important direction for the reform and innovation of the teaching mode of Ideological and political education, and it is also the requirement of the Ministry of education for ideological and political education.
As the original people of the Internet society, college students are constantly impacted by different values in the face of the network Pseudo Environment Constructed by media technology. Therefore, it is an important subject for ideological education in Colleges and universities to ensure the safety of network ideology and build a discourse system of socialist core values under the network conditions. In order to achieve the purpose of education in the learning background of the dissipative state of the Internet, we must innovate the multi-dimensional teaching mode and give full play to the role of the main channel of classroom teaching. Mixed teaching provides the possibility for innovating the multi-dimensional Course Ideological and political teaching mode.
Actively explore the practice path of curriculum ideological politics in hybrid teaching, and solve the integration obstacles, source obstacles and ability obstacles in the construction of curriculum ideological politics from three aspects: the reconstruction of curriculum syllabus to improve "value guidance ability", the reorganization of curriculum resources to enhance "Internet empowerment" and the innovation of teaching mode to promote "internalization and integration".
1. curriculum reconstruction - improve "value guidance ability"
Based on the mixed teaching practice widely carried out since the outbreak of COVID-19, the insurance course summarizes the "Internet + Course Ideological and political" teaching mode for economic and management disciplines, and changes the traditional course Ideological and political teaching structure. Starting from the syllabus and textbook system related to the professional courses, we should pay attention to the guiding and shaping role of basic documents on students' values; Specific ideological and political content should be set for specific links of mixed teaching. Add a description of the achievement of the value shaping goal in the curriculum goal, reconstruct it from the three aspects of curriculum goal, curriculum content and curriculum evaluation, and improve the value guidance ability of professional curriculum.
2. curriculum resources reorganization - enhance "Internet empowerment"
The information received by students in the Internet era has the characteristics of decentralization and fragmentation, and is often presented in a scattered and incomplete way. Through the systematic reorganization of online and offline resources of the course and teaching materials and teaching aids, students can form a scientific holistic view and enhance the effectiveness of the course ideology. In hybrid teaching, online resources play an important role in pre class preview. Textbook resources should be systematic and clear-cut. Teaching aids should be able to trace history and integrate current politics. There are more than 100 teaching resources in the cloud class of insurance course, which are dynamically updated every year, and are divided into thesis resources, network resources, teaching plan courseware and case resources. According to the teaching progress, pre class reading materials, extended reading materials and academic materials are distributed by nodes. There are nearly 30 group activities and open task resources in the classroom, which are dynamically updated and available on demand. Since 2020, the hybrid teaching method of combining rain class and cloud class has been used to further increase the course resources.
3. teaching mode innovation - promote "internalization and integration"
Teachers are the most difficult to change in teaching. Under the background of mixed teaching, the transformation of curriculum ideology and politics should start with the innovation of teachers' teaching mode. Teachers are required to update teaching concepts, change teaching behaviors, return the initiative of learning to students, and establish the idea that students are the main body in the whole classroom teaching process under the guidance of modern education theory. With the idea of "teaching students to think, learn and develop", we should innovate the teaching mode so that education can be internalized and externalized into practice.
Using the idea of "micro theme", we innovated the ideological and political model of the course, made full use of modern information technology, decomposed and refined the knowledge system of the ideological and political course, transformed from knowledge transfer to ideological influence, and highly integrated teaching with information technology. Reasonably organize the ideological and political teaching form of the course, pay attention to teaching students according to their aptitude, and promote the internalization of morality after class.
4、 The course Ideological and political practice mode of "total score, drip irrigation and modularization" the ideological and political education practice mode of "total score structure, drip irrigation design and modular teaching" has been formed in the insurance course Ideological and political education, realizing the unity of instrumental rationality of insurance professional knowledge and value rationality of ideological and political education. As an important introductory course of risk education, the insurance course Ideological and political education helps students understand that insurance is an important financial tool to protect a better life by mining the hidden education resources of insurance courses, introducing current political hot spots, cultivating young students' risk awareness and insurance concept, and presenting the content to be taught in the way of combining moral education with knowledge education, so as to teach students a warm Knowledge of risk and insurance.
The insurance course Ideological and political education has formed a practical model of "total score structure, drip irrigation design and modular teaching" for the ideological and political education of financial professional courses.
(1) Ideological and political structure of "total score" course
The "total" in the "total score" refers to the role of insurance in safeguarding a better life, starting from the introduction and starting from the "having a sense of security for the elderly, a sense of medical care for the sick and a sense of support for the weak" in the picture of a better life under socialism with Chinese characteristics in the report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China; "Score" refers to pushing ideological and political theme materials related to professional education and sharing them in class in the form of pre class reading while educating the professional knowledge of insurance. Through the cloud class, 21 pre class reading materials were pushed to students, covering important topics such as insurance policy, insurance market and social security.
(2) "Drip irrigation" Course Ideological and political implementation
Curriculum ideological and political education is not a label. It aims to improve the effectiveness of College Students' Ideological and political education. Therefore, flexible teaching, moistening things and silence is an important principle of curriculum ideological and political education. The ideological and political design of the insurance course starts from the students' demand for knowledge, follows its growth law, "combination of art and Tao", takes the core professional knowledge of insurance as the key link, determines the moral education theme, introduces the classic case situation, deeply expands the teaching content, moves the teaching focus downward, and gives full play to the main channel position of classroom teaching "educating people".

(3) Ideological and political teaching of "modular" course
According to the syllabus of the insurance course, in the logic of professional knowledge promotion, risk - risk management - insurance principles - insurance market - insurance products, the risk education module, moral education module, market education module and government policy education module are designed. Video teaching and expert opinions are used in the classroom to increase case discussion, Using examples and data to realize the unity of instrumental rationality of insurance professional knowledge and value rationality of Ideological and political education.
The risk education module starts with enterprise risk management, analyzes various types of risks and new risks, deepens students' risk awareness through class discussion, and establishes the concept of risk management. The moral education module analyzes the moral risk factors in the insurance market from the principle of maximum honesty, the principle of insurable interest and the principle of loss compensation, and guides students to establish correct professional ethics. The market education module starts with the exhibition of the insurance market, analyzes the insurance business activities of the applicant and the insurer in the market in combination with the agency relationship and "dual core" business of the insurance market, and guides students to establish a correct concept of code of conduct in line with the market norms. The government policy education module starts with the insurance market supervision and social security system, introduces the socialist market risk supervision and social risk security system with Chinese characteristics, guides students to understand and understand the social security system and risk supervision system in the socialist market economy with Chinese characteristics, and strengthens the socialist values and world outlook.
5、 Innovation and application of Ideological and political teaching in insurance course
(1) Innovation of Ideological and political education in insurance course
1. in terms of dynamic mechanism, it innovates the ideological and political theme in the construction of teaching materials and the threshold evaluation in the assessment mechanism. The textbook highlights the values of the socialist market economy, systematically plans in the push materials before and after class, and sets the threshold coefficient for adjustment in the usual performance assessment.
2. in the design of ideas, it puts forward the idea of curriculum ideological and political design from an integrated perspective. The design of the integration perspective of teaching objectives, the horizontal integration perspective of discipline Association and the vertical integration practice perspective of teaching links have enabled the ideological and political education of the curriculum to have a foothold, guarantee and output, effectively improve the "gender unity" of the curriculum, and realize the ideological and political education of insurance curriculum that is learning centered and can be continuously improved.
3. on the practice path, it puts forward the "micro theme" and "whole process" Ideological and political practice focus of hybrid teaching, focusing on solving the obstacles of the integration of Ideological and political education and professional teaching.
4. in the practice mode, it has innovated the professional course Ideological and political mode of introduction ideological and political education and modular ideological and political education. The introduction focuses on the important role of insurance in the socialist market economy with Chinese characteristics; Design different modules in the course to conduct in-depth analysis of their functions.
(2) Popularization, application and practical significance of Ideological and political education in insurance course
1. application effect in insurance courses
The ideological and political teaching of "drip irrigation" course has played a certain role in the formation of students' mainstream values. After the completion of the insurance course, students complete the questionnaire on Ideological and political topics. From the results of the questionnaire, 70%~90% of the students have reached a consensus on the value of relevant social topics. The course of insurance is concluded in the form of papers. From the research topic of students' papers, it shows that they pay attention to social related hot spots. It can be seen from some keywords intercepted from the theme of the thesis that students are also paying attention to some social hot issues, such as public welfare insurance, insurance poverty alleviation, aging, etc., in addition to their professional knowledge. The students' final papers are published in the core journals after revision and improvement.
2. practical application value in other courses of economics and management
The insurance course Ideological and political teaching case "create with love and protect with insurance" was pushed as a course Ideological and political case on the official account platform of the school educational administration, and was included in the insurance of the economic discipline in the "Course Ideological and political teaching case sharing collection" of the university teacher service studio official account, which may be used for reference by the ideological and political teaching of relevant courses. The ideological and political ideas of relevant courses are further applied in other courses of team members, such as microeconomics and management economics.
6、 Concluding remarks
Since 2018, the insurance course has been themed with the protection of a better life by insurance. It has arranged a 2-hour ideological and political introduction course to share with students the role of the insurance market in the construction of a better life of "providing for the elderly, providing medical care for the sick and helping the weak". Starting from this round of practice, I deeply realized the significance of curriculum ideological and political education in improving the overall quality of the curriculum and educating people. I also realized that curriculum ideological and political education is not only a lesson, but also an overall teaching design. Curriculum ideological and political education should run through the whole teaching process. Starting from the 2019 course, combined with the teaching reform project of insurance course Ideological Politics, the insurance class has formed a course ideological politics mode of "total score structure, drip irrigation design and modular teaching". Curriculum ideology and politics can make the classroom more closely conform to current politics, and can also help teachers pay attention to the transmission of mainstream values in classroom links in teaching design. As the famous educator Herbart emphasized in his thought of "educational teaching", there is neither "education without teaching" nor "teaching without education". Moral education and intellectual education should be unified through means and purposes. Curriculum ideology and politics is a good carrier of "educational teaching". Curriculum ideological politics is not a lesson, nor a knowledge point. Curriculum ideological politics is a teaching system, which can reconstruct the teaching relationship.
