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时间:2022-09-02 来源:未知 编辑:梦想论文 阅读:
In recent years, as an important way of rural governance, rural e-commerce has made great contributions to the development of rural economy, the adjustment of agricultural structure and the improvement of farmers' living and consumption levels. With the arrival of the new era of rural Internet, rural areas can adopt this model to broaden the sales channels of agricultural and sideline products, so that agricultural and sideline products can be produced and sold on a large scale, build local agricultural brands, and promote farmers' income. However, the external environment of rural e-commerce, such as policy support, infrastructure, internal website construction and logistics channels, is not perfect. It is necessary to build a new model of new rural e-commerce and create an operating system suitable for the local actual situation in accordance with the objectives and tasks of the National Rural Revitalization Strategy.
(1) the importance of rural e-commerce development for Rural Revitalization
1.1 help the production and sales of agricultural products and open up new channels for Rural Industrial Development
As early as before, before the Internet was popularized, the sales channels of agricultural and sideline products in China were single, and the sales volume was only maintained at a general level, without regular growth. With the development of the Internet, especially the popularity of mobile terminals, rural e-commerce has begun to graft on rural resources through network platforms. Relying on e-commerce sales, the production level and sales quota of agriculture have been greatly improved on the original basis. Due to the expansion of marketing channels, the integration of traditional mode and new mode reduces the risk of redundant agricultural and sideline products, and provides a new channel for agricultural income increase.
1.2 promote the upgrading of rural industrial structure
The adjustment of rural industrial structure is not only the requirement of narrowing the gap between urban and rural areas and urban-rural integration, but also an important engine of economic revitalization. At present, the industry in rural areas of China is still dominated by the production of agricultural and sideline products in the primary industry, and farmers' ideas are solidified. Promoting the development of rural e-commerce is conducive to intensive management, market-oriented operation and cross industry cooperation, so that farmers can change their original fixed thinking. With the development of e-commerce, agricultural and sideline products in rural areas have more sales and channels, which promotes the formation of independent brands that adapt to the local environment, and increases their income by expanding their sales through brand effect. This sales model makes rural industries not only focus on rural areas and agriculture, but also add a service-oriented nature to agricultural production and processing, making rural primary, secondary and tertiary industries more balanced. If the scale and process are truly realized, the development of rural e-commerce will greatly promote the improvement of the comprehensive competitiveness of agricultural and sideline products, the optimization of the rural industrial structure, and the driving of rural warehousing, logistics, processing, trading and other businesses, so as to fundamentally increase the income of farmers, invigorate the economy of agricultural and sideline products, and achieve the economic revitalization of rural areas.
1.3 promote farmers' employment and increase farmers' income
Employment is the foundation of people's livelihood, and the key to solving rural problems lies in promoting farmers' income. However, due to the limitations of their education level and ideas, the employment direction of farmers is mainly agriculture and work, which are low in technology and high in physical consumption. Moreover, many farmers can not be fully guaranteed in terms of wages, insurance and medical care. At the same time, affected by the COVID-19 epidemic, many farmers' opportunities to work in cities have disappeared, and the current situation of farmers leaving their hometown for employment is not optimistic. As far as the reality is concerned, the vigorous promotion of rural e-commerce in China has transformed many farmers from agricultural and sideline product producers and migrant workers into operators, and many rural areas are transforming into "Taobao villages". Of course, this change will not happen out of thin air. It must be encouraged by policies of governments at all levels, supported by funds and talents, and guided by professional education. Through active guidance, farmers can effectively carry out e-commerce activities, and through the exemplary role of typical rural e-commerce and the publicity and guidance of policies, they can really accept and apply this advanced operation mode ideologically. The start of rural e-commerce activities not only enables farmers to engage in the production of agricultural and sideline products or give up their original land to go out to work, but also attracts migrant workers to return home to achieve employment and entrepreneurship, promotes the flow of high-quality talents to rural development, returns talents to a certain extent, saves farmers' self-development, improves the average income of rural people, and reduces the gap between urban and rural areas, Further improve the level of urbanization.
(2) current problems in the development of rural e-commerce in China
2.1 backward concept of farmers and shortage of e-commerce talents
Because the Internet penetration rate in rural areas is relatively low, some farmers can not feel the convenience brought by the Internet, and at the same time, they are skeptical of the idea that the Internet drives the economy. Therefore, it still needs a long way to go for farmers to truly realize the benefits brought by rural e-commerce. In addition, as the hollowing out of rural areas is becoming more and more obvious, many young and middle-aged people in rural areas flow into cities, and most of them stay in rural areas are middle-aged and old people with poor labor ability. Young and middle-aged people are in short supply, and few people are willing to go to rural areas to engage in e-commerce activities due to relatively low wages, geographical advantages and inconvenient transportation. These reasons are not conducive to the cultivation of e-commerce talents and the development of e-commerce. The revitalization of the countryside needs the integration of fresh "blood", and the concept of the countryside also needs young ideas to drive.
2.2 the quality of agricultural products is uneven and the degree of standardization is low
E-commerce products need to win by quality. Due to the low entry threshold of e-commerce, the quality of products can not be guaranteed. In this era when you can open an online store with simple operation, what is most needed is products. The important thing is how to make them stand out among many identical and similar products and become the first choice of the public. Quality is the key. At present, online products can't be completely speculated on their quality only by virtue of descriptions, pictures, buyer comments, etc. the market is full of many phenomena of "selling dog meat by hanging sheep's head". Some illegal e-commerce companies use immoral or even illegal means to obtain benefits, which makes many customers suspicious of online shopping, and makes some customers think that online goods are mostly fake and shoddy products. Agricultural production in rural areas of China is still blind, and the quality is often uneven, because problems such as sowing, fertilization and pesticides in the production process of agricultural and sideline products can not be completely controlled, and it is difficult to formulate unified standards, and it is difficult to ensure the quality of agricultural and sideline products sold online without perfect quality testing. It is difficult to know at what price agricultural and sideline products of different quality are sold. The damage caused by their preservation, storage and transportation is also a problem that rural e-commerce needs to solve.

2.3 the credit of product online sales is low
Nowadays, there is a positive relationship between the credit and sales of online products. If the quality of e-commerce products is good, can meet the needs of buyers, and the after-sales service is good, it is easy to get favorable comments from buyers, the credit of its stores will be improved, and stores with high comprehensive evaluation will be more easily found and placed by buyers. However, for agricultural and sideline products, it is not easy to achieve high credit. Because of the different time of arrival at each destination, their freshness will be different, which is affected by many factors such as logistics speed, storage technology and fresh-keeping technology. If the products reach the customers and fail to meet their expectations, the e-commerce credit will be affected, and if the after-sales service fails to meet the requirements, the customers' trust will be lost. For example, some businesses have clearly stated that bad fruits are guaranteed to be exchanged and compensated, but when they negotiate, they will find out many reasons to evade, or logistics reasons or differences in round-trip freight will affect customer satisfaction, which will lose many existing and potential customers.
(3) countermeasure analysis of promoting the development of rural e-commerce in China
3.1 improve the comprehensive quality of farmers and vigorously cultivate e-commerce talents
Farmers are the main body of rural e-commerce development, and rural development mainly depends on farmers. Farmers' education level is relatively low, and they are deeply influenced by traditional concepts. They will have a rejection of new things, resulting in low enthusiasm to participate in rural e-commerce and doubt the credibility of e-commerce. Therefore, it is necessary to urge farmers to fundamentally change their concepts, promote the improvement of farmers' overall quality, develop rural economy, and improve farmers' comprehensive quality. First of all, this needs the attention of the higher-level government. Through advocacy and instructions, we should let the rural areas establish a civilized fashion, encourage them to compete as advanced figures by setting examples, and promote the trend of continuous learning and lifelong learning; Secondly, strengthen professional knowledge training and eliminate blind spots and doubtful points to avoid some unnecessary losses; Third, we need to introduce e-commerce talents. Because the rural economy is developing well and the rural market is broad, the rural area is more attractive than before. Therefore, the rural area needs to attract talents for development. College students can be encouraged to return home for employment and entrepreneurship. The government has given more employment and entrepreneurship welfare policies, which not only ensures the employment of college students, but also can use their knowledge to help rural e-commerce, cultivate more e-commerce talents, and contribute to the Rural Revitalization Strategy.
3.2 improve rural infrastructure construction and rural logistics system
E-commerce, a huge system covering all walks of life, needs strong public infrastructure and strong logistics development as material guarantee. Logistics distribution is a necessary condition for the development of rural e-commerce. Without an efficient logistics system, it will be difficult to ensure that products can reach customers with quality and quantity. Traffic problems are the key factors affecting logistics. Rural e-commerce development is concentrated, and the focus is on hardening and maintaining rural dirt roads and bad roads to ensure smooth roads. There is also the problem of logistics companies, which involves the distribution of products. Most express companies do not go to village level stations, and can only deliver them to county and town level stations, which is not conducive to the timely receipt and delivery of agricultural and sideline products. For site problems, we need to negotiate with logistics companies to establish a centralized collection point for agricultural and sideline products with the village as the unit, so as to ensure that agricultural and sideline products can be delivered in time at a fixed time every day. We also need to negotiate the freight price of each order, We can cooperate between villages to strive for mass delivery to save costs. Secondly, storage construction should be put on the agenda. Nowadays, farmers still store agricultural and sideline products in the traditional way, which undoubtedly increases the damage degree of agricultural and sideline products. In order to ensure the quality of products and reduce the losses caused by damage, we can establish cold storage in villages, strive for government policy support, introduce modern technology to preserve agricultural and sideline products, and provide corresponding funds, technologies and talents. Thirdly, it is the popularization of Internet in rural areas. With the steady increase of farmers' income and the optimization of the Internet environment, the Internet penetration rate in rural areas has greatly increased in recent years. Without the Internet, online trading of agricultural and sideline products can not be started. This requires operators to provide broadband services to farmers, based on the popularization of broadband installation and use, and give preferential broadband fees. The broadband fee of the operator is about 1000 yuan per year, which may be difficult for ordinary families to accept. As a potential broadband customer group, rural areas need to provide low-cost broadband trials to cultivate their consumption habits. Preferential policies will be given after the trial period, which will greatly increase the penetration rate of the Internet.
3.3 improve product quality and strengthen brand building of agricultural and sideline products

Products need to win by quality. Rural e-commerce products are not simple product sales. To operate for a long time, we need to ensure good quality and create independent brands of agricultural products. Agricultural and sideline products need to have their own regional characteristics, homogeneous products lack competitiveness, and local unique products need to be created according to local conditions. First of all, establish demonstration sites for the production of characteristic products, pay special attention to the quality and service of products, expand the share of products in the market, mobilize farmers to participate with the results of the pilot, strengthen the level of intensification, and produce scale effects. Secondly, we should strengthen brand awareness. We should not sell products for the sake of selling products. We should build up a reputation for products, build up our own strong characteristics, or provide good service or high quality. We should not just blindly pursue low prices to compete. It is difficult to produce long-term benefits. In addition, in order to carry out brand promotion activities and make the brand known to the public, it is necessary to select the appropriate media. Then, it is necessary to lock in the target customers and let the media give full play to its effectiveness, so that the publicity can be noticed by the target customers. In particular, we media operation mode is widely welcomed by the public. Agricultural and sideline products can be publicized and promoted through we media, showing the planting, production and processing process of agricultural and sideline products to the public, so that they can understand the production process of local characteristic products, and it will be easier to market the products.
3.4 improve the marketing guarantee system to ensure the safety and reliability of online transactions
Internet security has always been a concern. The security of online transactions sometimes brings certain concerns to buyers and sellers to a certain extent. To develop e-commerce, it is necessary to improve the transaction guarantee system so that the rights and interests of businesses and consumers can be protected. First of all, in terms of ensuring the rights and interests of consumers, the platform needs to strengthen the supervision of online stores, pay attention to stores with low scores, remind them to improve their comprehensive quality, and remind consumers to buy products from stores with low scores cautiously. In addition, in order to improve the platform's intervention service, when it is difficult to resolve the differences between merchants and customers, the platform needs to give a fair judgment and rectify a certain number of shops with poor reputation involved in disputes. Secondly, the rights and interests of merchants also need to be guaranteed. If merchants are in a weak position and cannot protect their own rights and interests, it is difficult to ensure the normal operation of rural e-commerce. Therefore, it is necessary to train and prompt the operation of the merchants so as to avoid huge losses caused by operational errors or system vulnerabilities of the merchants. "Wool collecting incidents" are common on the Internet, and these bad operations increase the risk of e-commerce operation. The event that attracted the most attention was the closure of the online shop caused by the fans "gathering wool" of the main organization of station B up. Because "guoxiaoyun flagship store" mistakenly labeled the oranges of 28.8 yuan 4500g as 28.8 yuan 4500 Jin, this error led to more than 30000 orders for the goods in a short time under the publicity of the up owner, involving losses of more than 7 million yuan, which directly led to the closure of the online store. Due to the store's mistakes and impossibility of placing orders according to the price, it faced high liquidated damages, so it had to close the store. This incident is only a microcosm. In fact, there are many "wool collecting" professional households on the Internet. Their actions will threaten the rights and interests of the e-commerce industry, and large-scale collective actions may even cross stores. From the perspective of buyers, they want to buy their favorite products with the least amount of money, but they need to guide the public to place orders through formal channels, so that there is a bottom line for "pulling wool". In short, a safe trading environment and a win-win marketing model need to be jointly built by both parties.
(4) conclusion
To sum up, rural e-commerce has a far-reaching impact on Farmers' production and life and rural economic system reform, and its prospects are very broad. It has a profound impact on the further solution of the "three rural" problem and the further implementation of the Rural Revitalization Strategy. It needs to follow the pace of the times and establish a sense of innovation. The e-commerce model changes very rapidly, and business opportunities are often fleeting. It is urgent to break the traditional business operation model. Now we media marketing is in full swing, and the marketing ability of live broadcasting with goods is exceptionally strong. These new marketing models are worth learning from rural e-commerce to further expand sales and popularity. At the same time, rural e-commerce, as an important way of industrial poverty alleviation, has added strength to the realization of comprehensive poverty alleviation and comprehensive well-off. In the context of promoting the Rural Revitalization Strategy across the country, rural e-commerce still has a long way to go. It needs to be integrated with the times and keep pace with the times, so as to have more development opportunities.
