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时间:2021-08-31 来源:未知 编辑:梦想论文 阅读:
To improve the efficiency of primary school Chinese reading and writing teaching is always the direction and goal of Chinese teachers' unremitting efforts. This article is based on the teaching of animal husbandry in many years. This paper expounds a new exploration of the teaching of Chinese reading and writing in primary school.
An analysis of the connotation of the teaching of animal husbandry
1 the connotation of the teaching of animal husbandry
Animal husbandry teaching is that of life education of Tao Xingzhi and the background of the curriculum reform in teaching dialogue theory is a kind of initiative to experience as the core, pay attention to the life world and the connected, focusing on hands-on understanding, promote the independent development of unique teaching methods.
In-depth dialogue. The course of the teaching of animal husbandry is a deep dialogue between teachers and students, which highlights the teaching process of cooperation and opening. Traditional teaching students only need to accept the ready-made knowledge of the teachers, students are accustomed to accept, not accustomed to the construction; habits alone learning, not accustomed to sharing; the habit of class competition, not accustomed to partners. Teachers are also used to lead the students to teach fixed knowledge, do not like to stimulate the thinking, but also do not like to question and criticize. This will inevitably lead to the thinking of teachers and students closed rigid, the relationship between the classroom alienation. There are many kinds of cooperative relations between the main body of the animal husbandry and the types, including the relationship between teachers and students, the relationship between teachers and students, the relationship between individual and individual, the relationship between individual and group, the relationship between the individual and the group. The complex and changeable relations constitute the three-dimensional network of communication and cooperation in the classroom. Animal husbandry teaching is an open teaching system, which is open to all around the theme. The object is open, the classroom can be oral or text dialogue with other subjects. Information sources are open, books, newspapers, television, Internet, other people can become effective information source; time is open, and after class and after class are the extension of dialogue; evaluation is open, not only the uniqueness and standard of the answer. The cooperation and opening up of the teaching of animal husbandry has created a communication and dialogue between teachers and students.
Full autonomy. Animal husbandry teaching is a fully autonomous teaching system. Compared with the traditional teaching, the teaching of animal husbandry is the initiative of the students. Teach, teaching from "Teacher centered" steering "student center", respect the students' learning autonomy and independence in the process, advocating "self-determination, cooperation, and explore" way of learning. Teachers should take the initiative to understand students' learning desire and demand, guide them to choose the appropriate learning content and method, listen to their feelings, experience and understanding, set time and space for students to judge, choose, control the content, progress and time, change "passive acceptance" as "active exploration". In the course of teaching materials, accurate grasp of the compilation of ideas, key points and teaching materials to students' requirements, and lay the foundation for students' autonomous learning, cooperative inquiry. Real pastoral teaching should be the process of emotional communication between teachers and students, ideological communication and life integration. In this process, the teacher plays a leading role in guiding the organization and promoting the study of the students and teachers and students to communicate and discuss the teaching methods together. Students take the initiative to discover knowledge, construct knowledge, chew knowledge. Accordingly, the teacher adjusts the teaching process actively, adjust the student's excitement, let the students learn the initiative, to learn actively, to learn happy.
Relative freedom. Animal husbandry teaching is a teaching system which is relatively free. Compared with the traditional teaching, the students are more free and have certain choice.
What to learn, how to learn, what to learn, in a certain range by the learner's freedom to decide. Teachers acknowledge that there is a difference between learners and adjust the teaching according to the differences. Therefore, teachers and students have a larger initiative. But this does not mean that let things drift to the students, but the teaching in a controllable range limit, students in the controllable range free feeding. Real pasture type teaching is the embodiment of educational innovation. It sets, guide, create, and reception as a whole. "Release" is the teacher to break the traditional teaching mode, teaching organization in informal format, to provide a relaxed learning environment for students, ensure leave space for students to develop freely in the routine management. "Guide" is the guide, the teacher has the purpose, the plan is in the space, the study goal and the way of thinking, the practice method to strengthen the guidance. "Record" is based on the full excavation of the materials in accordance with the actual situation of students and the school, the design of teaching methods, to encourage students to boldly innovate. "Master" is student-centered, pay attention to students' subject status, students' thinking, questioning and solving problems in analysis of self training process. "Accept" is the full embodiment of students' subjectivity, the use of the necessary classroom routine management. Therefore, the teaching design should strive to be relaxed and happy, not only for the students to imagine, play a free space, but also must be limited, and can not be separated from the basic teaching standards, in a controllable range of healthy and happy to learn to grow.
2 animal husbandry teaching idea
Shepherd (teacher) is the leader and the leader of the grazing behavior, rather than the truth and authority of the knowledge in disguise, and this is the animal husbandry teaching philosophy. Teaching here become a guidance of knowledge activities. It pays attention to the "herd" the object is instructed whether to accept, accept what and how to accept. Facing a series of knowledge teaching activities, educated is not completely passive acceptance, they have their own thinking, have their own needs, what to learn, how to learn, when to learn, in a specific range educated have some options. This kind of teaching activity holds that knowledge is acquired by the teacher to lead students to explore. Initiate students to experience and explore individual knowledge.
The differences and teaching admit learners. In teaching activities, the relationship between teaching and learning is the relationship between teachers and students. Teachers and students have a certain communication, exchanges and cooperation, the teacher is the organizer of the study and collaborators, and not just the authority of the narrator, therefore, the teaching of animal husbandry and learning to promote students' autonomous learning, learning, free learning.
The teacher plays a leading role in the teaching of animal husbandry. The transfer function of knowledge is excluded from the original center position, which emphasizes active learning and self learning. Only students have the requirements of learning, teachers can guide them to explore. To understand the needs of students, teachers should take the initiative to understand the needs and ideas of students. This requires that teachers have the ability to adapt to the changes in the classroom and to adapt to the unexpected events.
Therefore preparing a lesson to prepare a teaching framework. Teachers must try their best to understand each student. Teachers need to have the teaching skills, teaching experience, which makes the classroom lively, interesting, full of challenges and novelty, students are curious about, the students are willing to accept the challenge. In such a classroom teaching may deviate from the teachers' pre - set track, but this can stimulate students' interest in learning. The vitality of teachers and students in the classroom are fully played. In this teaching, as in within the scope of curriculum standards, students want to learn what, teachers teach what teaching has become is only suitable for the experience of inquiry activity. It shows that: learning as the main body, teaching as the leading. The teacher is not only the possession of knowledge and the teaching of knowledge. For the students who are learning, the teacher is the beacon. He may not have knowledge, but he knows how to acquire knowledge. The relationship between teaching and learning is here: you need to, I offer you.
At present, the way of teaching is still dominated by passive acceptance, the specific performance is: teaching to teach the main, very few students through activities and time to get knowledge, get development. The idea of the teaching of animal husbandry is that both teachers and students communicate with each other, communicate with each other, inspire each other, complement each other, share their thinking, experience and knowledge. Teachers not only teach, students are still learning, students not only learn, still be learned. Equal participation, equal dialogue and cooperation between the two parties. Teachers from the traditional sense of the knowledge into the students' physical and mental development facilitator. Knowledge teaching becomes the basis of the study, and the teaching of the knowledge is carried on. A teacher is a guide to a student's study, and a student can provide a knowledge and experience for a teacher.
3 theoretical basis of animal husbandry Teaching
And teaching students more freedom, have the right to choose certain. That is what to learn, how to learn, learn to what extent, in a certain range by the educated to decide. Educators recognize the existence of differences between people, and according to the difference of adjustment of teaching. [1] education has great initiative, students also have a certain initiative.
To "sheep grazing" for the purpose, the two sides have a certain degree of communication and cooperation. If "sheep" show don't like the appearance of a "grass", "shepherd" will bring "sheep" to ethylenediamine tetraacetic grazing, the shepherd will to sheep certain space make its free. Therefore, animal husbandry teaching to capture the nutrition from the life education theory, from the theory to absorb the essence of dialogue teaching. Dialogue teaching in the teaching objectives, teaching process, teachers and students view and evaluation of the teaching of animal husbandry teaching has an important impact. On the teaching target, the dialogue teaching is to cultivate the dialogue reason, guide the dialogue life. This is to focus on the completion of the three tasks: to cultivate the consciousness and ability of reflection and criticism, to cultivate the consciousness and ability of communication and communication, and to develop the spiritual life of life experience and value experience. In the teaching process, teaching is by no means an teacher in the monologue to the students one-way transmission, professor and inculcate knowledge, doesn't necessarily mean that students only from teachers passive acceptance, receive and store of knowledge, both to the identity of the main activities together into the teaching field, where both the spiritual encounter, the significance of the creation of teaching in the experience sharing and promotion of life value and enjoy the poetic life. In the view of teachers and students, it takes "relationship ontology" as the philosophical basis, and advocates the relationship between teachers and students as a "I - you" relationship.
Both as an independent personality and the main body of the complete personality into the "I - you", the other side with each other to recognize, to participate in, close cooperation, enjoy the understanding, communication, harmonious life. [2] in the evaluation, the dialogue teaching evaluation is more concerned about the progress of the students and the development of the potential of dialogue. And this is the premise, emphasizing the significance of knowledge, teaching the meaning and significance of life.
Two, the teaching method of primary school Chinese reading and writing in the teaching mode
1 read and write from "text type" to "life style""
The so-called "text type" reading and writing refers to the teaching of the Chinese language teaching, that is, teaching materials. "Life style" reading and writing is in the process of language teaching, pay attention to the contents of the text and students' living world, including students' life experience, life experience, living environment, and social practice, the natural environment, so that learners in their own participation in the problem, thinking, problem solving, get experience, and realize the continuous reform and restructuring of knowledge, so as to improve the ability to read and write content, that is, we usually say "teaching materials".
Animal husbandry, intended for grazing. The primary condition of the "Pastoral" is the creation and provision of the activity environment space. This is especially important for the Chinese teaching in primary school. Chinese language and language is the Chinese nation to study culture, exchange ideas, express feelings, the basis of the cultural heritage of civilization and culture carrier, which is infiltrated in the activities of life, and people's lives are inseparable. Chinese language learning, application source in life, the mere life, and people's living environment has a wide connection, and is not only limited in classroom, especially as the Enlightenment of primary school Chinese reading, speaking, writing teaching should and social importance, natural fusion, strengthen links with the actual life of students, student support of self construction and meaningful learning. In view of the primary school language reading and writing and life in the world has a wide range of subject characteristics, the primary school students read and write teaching by the text"
The way to expand to the "life" of the teaching mode of the "life" of the world has become a must, it is only in this way, it is possible to effectively improve the effectiveness of reading and writing. Text to read and write to the "life style" teaching mode, the need to implement the three extensions: the era background, social environment, such as the use of modern media technology, social and political, economic, cultural and other social conditions, to provide students with an understanding of social politics, economy, culture, etc., to provide students with an understanding of social politics, economy, culture, etc., to provide students with an understanding of social politics, economy, culture, two to the work of the author's ideas, cultural life, and the author's ideas, the author's ideas, the author's ideas, the author's ideas, the author's ideas, the author's ideas, the author's ideas, the author's ideas, cultural life, and the author's ideas, the author's ideas, the author's ideas, the author's ideas, the author's ideas, the author's ideas, the author's ideas, the author's ideas, the author's ideas, the author's ideas, the author's ideas, the author's ideas, the author's ideas, the author's ideas, the author's ideas, the author's ideas, the author's ideas, the author's ideas, the author's ideas, the author's ideas, the author's ideas, the author's ideas, the author's ideas, the author's ideas, the author's ideas, the author's ideas, the author's ideas, the author's ideas, the author's ideas, the learning from life, learning from practice, improving thinking, criticizing, exploring and applying the inner driving force to achieve good Chinese quality and quality.
2 read and write by "cramming" to "experience"
Primary school Chinese reading and writing teaching in the "do not read a sentence" difficult to write written "or" stereotyped "phenomenon, with the teaching of" arrogant "and" spoon fed indoctrination "approach not unrelated. Mandatory indoctrination although can receive some "test" effect, but it is difficult to fundamentally improve the quality of language learners, rote at the moment has stalled on internalization and application. How to learn to go far it? It is often said that familiar with the three hundred Tang poems, not a poem will sing. This remark has its own philosophical, as with the "familiar" individual "perception", namely read accumulation occurred enlightenment sublimation, medium without individual readers of "perception" in, I am afraid it is difficult to enter the "not a poem will sing" realm.
Chinese language is a carrier of Chinese thoughts, emotional, spiritual, cultural, each characters, vocabulary, sentence, discourse and its connotation and extension are diverse, even with a word, phrase, sentence in a different context also has different meanings, so "cramming" read and write teaching is a kind of intimidation, mechanical teaching, it objectively deprived of the learning subject participation, experience in, contrary to the education of the basic principles and rules.
The core idea of the teaching of animal husbandry is to respect the life and the education ethics. Experience is the perception of people through the visual, touch, hearing, taste, smell and other sensory contact with the outside world to obtain the perception, this feeling is individual, but also varies from person to person, not mandatory, and no substitute.
Primary school Chinese reading writing teaching conversion required to proceed from three aspects: an intuitive experience, namely perceptual experience, intuition is important to the Chinese character for beginners of children, such as of strokes of Chinese characters, Jianjia structure need through audio-visual experience, in language teaching in primary schools, teachers can be the specific character and nature of animals, plants, and other things transformation, help children to gain intuition experience; and through the integration of word form, sound, tone, meaning to enhance the perception of children "the contemplation of all things are contented. Two is the behavior experience, namely the activity in person and the experience. Experience is an important way for learners to acquire knowledge and experience, are obtained for the dynamic experience dear.
According to the characteristics, the elementary school language reading and writing teaching should change the mechanical, rigid teaching methods, to strengthen and pay attention to the dynamic design of the teaching process, such as according to the specific content of the design is suitable for children age characteristics of situational games, role-playing teaching activities, let the children experience in the practice of gestures. Three is the inner experience, namely the rational experience. Inner experience is the psychological process that occurs on the basis of intuitive experience and behavior experience, which is the interaction and mutual dependence between the three, which is of positive significance to the development of children. Reading and writing teaching in the primary school language teachers to apply trap, leading, guiding, effective way, actively encourage children with "heart" to experience, and experience in teaching requirements internalized into quality and explicit for action, promote their cognitive and sensible development.
3 read and write by "instead of" steering "dialogue"
Teaching should be the shepherd herding guide, animal husbandry as the object of experience, and I also guide experience. In the process of teaching, the knowledge learning and experience of the life meaning of life, from the perspective of the survival of the individual's survival practice, highlighting the practice of teaching, enjoy and reflect on the expression.
Primary Chinese reading and writing teaching by "instead of" to "dialogue", needs to start from the change of classroom teaching mode of operation, make efforts to establish open, safety, equality, multiple dialogue platform: one is independent reading and writing platform, and the text of the dialogue. The process of reading and writing in primary school is actually a kind of dialogue between the learners and the reading material. This kind of dialogue is individual and implicit, and this kind of dialogue with the text is not replaceable. Therefore, in the implementation of teaching, teachers should pay more attention to the students' independent reading, and give them time and space to have a dialogue with the text, and respect their personal experience and understanding of the text. The two is to read and write sharing platform, the dialogue between teachers and students. The process of classroom teaching is a process of interaction between teachers and students, and it is also the process of sharing information, ideas and opinions among students and teachers. The dialogue between teachers and students is an important form of the process, but also the main method to carry out effective teaching.
In the teaching of reading and writing in the classroom, the teacher should design the teaching material content, organize the questions, organize and answer the questions, stimulate the students' enthusiasm to participate in the dialogue, create the opportunity of knowledge training, application and feedback. Three is a reflection of the platform, self spiritual dialogue. The process of dialogue in teaching is the process of the baptism of the soul of every body. Learners in different experiences, ideas, ideas, views, will cause their own judgment, or recognition, or negative, or modified, or otherwise, and the generation of recognition, negation, correction and new ideas are inevitably self reflection, in other words, reflective expression is bound to experience the process of self reflection after the behavior results. In primary Chinese reading and writing teaching, teachers should pay attention to students the spirit of dialogue type reflection expression and gives the opportunity to state their opinions, listen to their "experiencing thinking", in the multivariate evaluation, develop their thinking, to promote the internalization of knowledge, enhance understanding consciousness, improve judgment, selection and fusion of learning ability, mental structure optimization, learn how to learn.
Three. The change of the organization form of the teaching in the teaching of animal husbandry
Traditional classroom teaching, reading and writing points belong to two completely different teaching styles, which are in the teaching of reading and writing teaching. Pastoral style teaching of reading and writing is based on the new curriculum standards as a guide, students in teacher's effective excitation, independent reading, writing, and evaluating, so as to improve the reading and writing ability and language proficiency of the new teaching style. The cognitive strategies is break the cognitive process of intake (reading) and feedback (expression) distinct boundaries, mutual penetration and promotion process of expression from outside to inside of the reading and from inside to outside, read and write, write read, and reading and writing teaching process, adding to the students writing correction link, making students read and write autonomy fully demonstrate, reading, writing and correcting the node as a whole. Structure as shown below:
The form of classroom organization is presented in detail:
1 overall back reading "dialogue" reading class
The overall read back, showing reading, guide the "dialogue", is the main features of "dialogue" in the reading classroom. In the classroom, teachers guide students in the overall perception of the text, based on the value of the topic, to guide students into the text, "dialogue" exchange. The students in the mutual interpretation and mutual talk, form independent views, to achieve the self construction of reading. The main process is (see "dialogue" in the "dialogue" type of reading classroom building, "2007.02B" Jiangsu education "):
2 to reveal the laws of "independent" classroom exercises
Reveal the rules, summary writing, guide "independent" exercises are main features of "independent" writing classroom. Teachers in the classroom for writing training focus and difficult design corresponding fragment practice according to the, according to the requirements of writing, inspired students to make full use of the materials, integration of their feelings of writing. The process is as follows (see "2009.06" guiding strategies of students' self writing "and" colorful Chinese Teachers Forum):
3 to "deepen" classroom assessment infer other things from one fact
Development practice, "deepening" assessment is infer other things from one fact, main features of "deepening" classroom assessment. Teachers organize students in the appreciation of others or their own writing good, the defect in the modified, on basis of student self-assessment, peer assessment, the teacher to carry on the review. Students in self review, modify, appreciation of understanding and improve reading and writing proficiency, the main processes for (see "the pupils' self rating group writing tactics talk" 2009.04 "Jiangsu Education version b):
Animal husbandry teaching has changed the traditional teaching idea, and has presented a new teaching perspective, and the experience of constructing learning activity is becoming more and more popular in the primary school Chinese reading and writing teaching. However, in practice, the teaching of animal husbandry, and some of the practice into a misunderstanding, it is worth further research. If some teachers understand the nature of the teaching of animal husbandry, that is a variety of information, comprehensive learning of the environment, the Chinese class to sing and dance very lively. Obviously, this is only the "shape" of the pastoral teaching. There are arranged by the teachers finish learning tasks, then direct acceptance of trouble, excessive let go even lead free in the study, lax discipline disorder. In the teaching evaluation, the inertia of the standard answer is still about the teacher's thinking, and the control influences the students' learning style. Teachers in the evaluation of the role of not from the role of knowledge, students will be difficult to fundamentally change the inherent way of learning and methods, it is difficult to have a real sense of pastoral teaching.
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