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时间:2021-09-17 来源:未知 编辑:梦想论文 阅读:
1, preface
With the continuous improvement of China's economic level, the implementation of the "National Fitness Program", people pay more and more attention to the health problem. Cheap, casual and modern square dance is the first choice for most people to exercise. The development of square dance has a long history, the first square dance is a kind of form and means for the ruling class to be used for religious worship. Its origin in the early production of human labor, is the way of production activities of the masses of the people in the present, there is a strong vitality and cultural heritage value. Square dance in the development of China's small town is relatively backward. Square dance is a form of performance, but also a special cultural phenomenon, it comes from people's work and life, so that people out of the house, place oneself in the square. Unfettered freedom and threw himself into a relaxed and pleasant natural environment, whether novice or expert, without taboo dance is beautiful, can follow one's inclinations, free play, reveal personality style, self enjoyment of entertainment.
The majority of the elderly is practitioners and beneficiaries of building a well-off society in an all-round way, their level of physical and mental health to build harmonious society and promote the national fitness campaign by a significant impact, through investigation, Xinghualing District, Taiyuan city elderly square dance activities carried out in the found problem, put forward reasonable suggestions, and promote the Taiyuan City in elderly people's spiritual and cultural development.
2, research objects and methods
2.1, research object
This study selected 300 of Forest Park, Longtan Park, the Wolong mountain park, Fenhe River Park in the square dance exercise in older people as the research object.
2.2, research methods
2.2.1, questionnaire survey method
According to the content and object, in reference to the relevant information based on questionnaire design and in the four park square dance exercise in the elderly to participate in were random survey, questionnaires were distributed to 300 points, recovery of 286 points, the recovery rate was 95.3%, excluding invalid questionnaires, 11 points, the effective questionnaire for 275 points, the effective recovery rate was 96.2%.
2.2.2, literature and information method
Through the university library, the Chinese knowledge network and the national fitness related documents for inspection, to understand the relevant research data, to lay the theoretical foundation for this study.
2.2.3, mathematical statistics method
The questionnaires were collected, and the data were analyzed by using MicrosoftExcel data processing software.
3, research results and analysis
The analysis of the basic characteristics of 3.1 elderly participants, Xinghualing District of Taiyuan in the square dance
Gender characteristics of elderly participants in 3.1.1 and square dance
Table 1 Gender Characteristics Questionnaire (N=275) in middle and old aged participants
From the table 1 shows that the square dance participants were seriously uneven distribution of women, women accounted for 80% of the men accounted for only 20%.
The reasons are: (1) the retirement age of men and women is different. Men retired 5 years later than women, men of the same age under the pressure of work is relatively large, there is no effort to exercise, and women have relatively adequate time to exercise.
(2) the influence of traditional thought. Women tend to be in the pursuit of the perfect body, male participation is to make people feel uncomfortable by this traditional idea of restraint, so that some want to participate in the exercise of men to give up.
(3) the contents of the arrangement. Layout is based on the physical and psychological characteristics of women, the content is more dance, women, it is difficult to accept the male, but also cited the interest of men.
(4) physiological structure. General women's flexibility, coordination ability and the ability to dance, music, the ability to perceive stronger than men, so women master action faster than men, men can not keep up with the rhythm of the music and lost interest.
Age characteristics of the elderly participants in 3.1.2 and square dance
Table 2 the age characteristics of middle aged and elderly participants
From table 2 shows, 45-55 years of age to participate in the number of square dance exercise 15.2%, young and middle-aged people due to work pressure or family busy, so they are square young dance random large, there is no law. . years old in the square dance young in the elderly accounted for 78.6% of the total, among them most of the retired and is happy to participate in some of the masses, leisure and rehabilitation of sports activities, so their young time is fixed, and can insist for a long time. 75 years old above, in the number of young accounted for only 6.2% of the total number of activities, because the body is not suitable for long time to exercise, so they don't fix in square dance activities.
3.1.3, square dance in the professional characteristics of the elderly participants
Survey shows that retirees accounted for 53.7% of the total number of people involved, the largest proportion, mainly adequate leisure time to ensure that the exercise. Followed by education workers accounted for 18.9%, they have a higher level of culture, more attention to health problems, can take the initiative to participate in fitness activities. Enterprise staff accounted for 16.8%, this part of the work time is fixed, only to participate in the evening square dance activities. In the least is the business and farming personnel accounted for only 10.6%, and this time the conflict and conservative ideas. So we in the promotion of square dance at the same time, we should vigorously promote health knowledge, so that more middle-aged people to join the ranks of the exercise.
3.1.4, square dance in the income of the elderly participants
Table 3 monthly income status of middle aged and elderly participants (N=275)
Shown in Table 3, the majority of square dance participation in the income of the majority of 1000-3000 yuan between. Accounted for 70.1% of the total number, mainly because of the participation of the square dance exercise in the middle and old age retirees wages concentrated in this class. People with low income and high income groups accounted for a smaller proportion, accounting for 9.1% and 9.5%. Square dance sport is a low cost movement, it is in line with the income of Taiyuan city square dance participants, so it can be widely carried out in Taiyuan city.
Activity status of elderly participants, 3.2 of Taiyuan city square dance in Xinghualing District
3.2.1, square dance activity place
Table 4 survey of active sites in middle and old aged participants (N=275)
From table 4 shows, most of them participated in the square dance exercise in the elderly is generally concentrated in the park, which is 49.1% of participants choose Riverfront Park, the remaining three Park in there was not significant difference in the number of people. The large area of Forest Park and Wohu Hill Park, good environment, because away from area residents gathered, so fewer number of activities; Longtan Park nearby residents, but a small venue, limiting the elderly exercise activities. According to the survey, participants of the square dance is mostly choose home near the Plaza, parks, community, so there is no suitable venue or too far away from home is affecting the elderly in square dance is one of the important factors.
3.2.2, square dance of the elderly in the way of participation and learning
Table 5 middle aged and elderly participation channels questionnaire (N=275)
Table 6 Learning Style Questionnaire (N=275) in the middle aged and elderly
From table 6, table 5 shows, square dance in the middle of the elderly people's participation is mainly friends and family to introduce, accounting for 91.7% of the number of community and unit organizations add up to only 4.3%. Through the investigation that 55.3% of the elderly are followed his lead dancer's pace in the team together to learn; 24.7% of them are adjacent, or friends with mutual exchange of learning; otherwise 8.0% have someone to guide, general this combination with a relatively small number of lead dancer to teach; and other ways of learning, such as watching video self. Survey shows that the formation of square dance group is too loose, the need for community driven and professional guidance of professional instructors, so that more people involved.
3.2.3, square dance guidance and the degree of satisfaction
Table 7 square dance dancer situation questionnaire
Table 8 square dance participants' satisfaction degree questionnaire (N=275)
From the table 8, table 7 shows that the square dance of the 94.9% are spontaneous formation of non professional enthusiasts, the 2.2% is the relevant departments to appoint a professional community guidance personnel, 2.9% participants at their own expense to hire the leader. At the same time, in view of the people to the professional skills of the dancer's satisfaction survey, 10.2% of the people are very satisfied with the attitude, 66.2% of the people are satisfied with the attitude. As a lot of people involved in the square dance, a lot of people are very difficult to see clearly the movement of the dancers, in addition to their own action is not high, so not very concerned about the professional skills of the dancer. And 24% of people are not satisfied with the attitude, they want to make every move is perfect and beautiful, so I hope the professional instructors to guide.
The behavior characteristics of the elderly participants, 3.3 of Taiyuan city square dance in Xinghualing District
3.3.1, middle and old age to participate in the purpose of square dance
Table 9 the survey of the elderly in the square dance (N=275)
From table 9 shows, 74.5% of the participants think through the square dance to enhance health, disease prevention, the square dance belongs to a kind of aerobic exercise, long-term adherence will really make the elderly respiratory system, heart and lung function improved, and can prolong life. Followed by the purpose of leisure and entertainment accounted for 52.7%, they believe that the square dance in the leisure time can play to alleviate fatigue, leisure and entertainment to see the work. Mail 0% of the elderly who want to lose weight by square dance, to maintain the body, especially middle-aged and elderly women, waist and abdomen fat accumulation more square dance for the elderly women is a very suitable exercise. And 20.4% of them are in order to increase interpersonal communication, make some of the common interests of the "dance"". Another 19.6% of the people are affected by the popular trend of participation in the square dance team to carry out fitness exercises.
The time, frequency and intensity of 3.3.2 and middle aged and old age to participate in square dance, square dance participants of the exercise time
Table 10 statistics of each exercise time (N=275)
As shown in table 10, each exercise time accounted for more than 1.5h-1.5h accounted for 80.7%. Exercise time in more than 1 hours accounted for 17.5%, while the exercise time is less than 1 hours accounted for 1.8%. Above, square dance time mostly in more than 1 hour, because the square dance throughout the exercise intensity is not large, we must require a certain amount of time to exercise, can play to the effect of physical exercise, in order to meet the physical and mental needs of human., square dance participants activity frequency
Table 11 square dance participants exercise frequency questionnaire (N=275)
From table 11 to participate in the square dance and a week 3-5 times a week to reach 69.8%, followed by the time to exercise the 20%, 1-2 times a week of 7.3%, the rest of the 2.9% is to see the mood to carry out square dance exercise. In the elderly more leisure time, and actively participate in the square dance fitness, with beat stretch their limbs, or leg, or bend the knee to enjoy their leisure time., square dance participants activity intensity
In general, greater intensity exercise, sweating more, a square dance exercise, moderate sweating in the aged accounted for 52.3%, slight sweating accounted for 26.2%, all fever and sweat a 4.0%, 17.5%, indicating that the exercise intensity reached medium or partial on the level, can reach the fitness function.
According to Lu Yuanzhen written in the Chinese sports social science "in the definition of sports population: weekly physical activity frequency of more than 3 times, each time physical activity time of 30 minutes or more, every time the intensity of physical activity of moderate intensity above. Only at the same time to meet the three conditions can be called sports population.
From table 8, 9 see, 69.8% of the square dance participants meet the requirements of the sports population, from advocating fitness, mass sports development angle for, to carry out extensive square dance is a effective method to increase the number of sports population in our country.
3.3.3, middle-aged and elderly participants for the love of square dance
Table 12 participants in the square dance of the degree of preference questionnaire (N=275)
As shown in table 48%, 12 of people are very fond of, 43.6% of people like. Square dance is popular among middle-aged and elderly people in Taiyuan city because of its unique characteristics of aesthetic, entertainment, fitness, etc., which is on the square dance activities of affirmation and recognition, is conducive to the square dance activities in Taiyuan city faster and better development.
4, conclusions and recommendations
4.1, conclusion
(1) of Xinghualing District, Taiyuan city square dance movement in the personnel structure, the dancers are women, too few male dancers; participated in the "main force" in the sport for 51 years old, the elderly; its income mostly in 1000-3000 yuan, a certain amount of money as a square dance events; they are retirees, free free time added to square dance team.
(2) the square dance activity places focused on the investigation of four parks: most participants after the introduction of family, friends bring a way involved, through in the crowd of mutual imitation learning; square dance and the lead dancer in the majority is non professional hobbyists. Most of the participants on the professional level and the lead dancer in not too high requirements, so the dancer said basically satisfied.
(3) the purpose of the square dance participants in order to improve health prevention of disease, leisure and entertainment, weight loss, increase interpersonal communication, popular trends. Most elderly people can insist on every week 3-5 times, moderate and above, average time of each exercise 1.5 hours and above the square dance exercise, long-term adherence to square dance exercise in the elderly in generally believe that the square dance exercise effects on health, they like to Huan square dance activities, and will always stick to it, but there is a lack of social sports instructors, lack of government attention, the activities of the funds is not in place, the poor site conditions, which is also present in the biggest problem.
4.2, suggestions
(1) square dance activities of service shall be provided by the government, including the construction of indoor activities field so cover windshield rain, equipped with square dance activities necessary for props and audio equipment and arrange someone to check and maintenance, expand the activity space, to ensure that can accommodate more people to participate in activities. In the urban construction planning, attention should be paid to the improvement of the living environment, the reasonable layout of residential areas, to provide a wide range of fitness for the population, the application of the fitness field.
(2) to encourage young people to join actively, promote the active participation of the elderly to participate in a relaxed and pleasant square dance activities. To cultivate the professional social sports instructors and teaching and dance choreography of old square dance, dance in the elderly of creating, to highlight the elderly.
(3) the government sector to in various communities and activities are often organized square dance contest, at the same time, increase the square dance and dance fitness knowledge propaganda, enhance understanding of their square dance activities, attract more people to join the ranks.
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