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Term paper


时间:2015-10-15 来源:未知 编辑:梦想论文 阅读:
Since seventy time, our country academic circles about the European Renaissance, published a number of articles and works, mainly discusses the Renaissance achievements in literature and art, but the historical role of Renaissance ideas have many differences, talk is not enough. This paper attempts to discuss the relationship between the ideological liberation of Renaissance and Enlightenment of his own opinion.


"Renaissance", the original intention is refers to "Greek classical culture, regeneration of Rome". However, when the cultural revolution movement of Western Europe bourgeois includes a series of important historical events, the main one is: "the rise of humanism"; negation scholasticism and the monks; art style update; dialect literature production; utopian socialism; to the development of modern natural science; printing application and dissemination of scientific and cultural knowledge, etc.. This a series of big events, rather than the "regeneration" of classical culture, be inferior to saying is "beginning" of modern culture; it is the "Renaissance", rather than "innovation". "Renaissance" marked a great turning point in the history of human civilization. It is the new culture, is to reflect the new economic and political, social, is the emerging bourgeoisie in the ideological and cultural fields, anti feudal struggle.

恩格斯曾高度评价"文艺复兴"在历史上的进步作用。他写道:"这是一次人类从来没有经历过的最伟大的、进步的变革,是一个需要巨人而且产生了巨人--在思维能力、热情和性格方面,在多才多艺和学识渊博方面的巨人的时代。 "(注:《马克思恩格斯选集》第三卷第445页。)
Engels spoke highly of the "progressive role in Renaissance" in the history of. He wrote: "this is a human has never experienced the greatest, progressive change, the need is a giant and a giant - in thinking ability, passion and character, versatile and have a large stock of information in the era of giants. "(Note:" Marx Engels collection "third volumes of 445th pages.)


If the discovery of human geography to the material world into the unknown, then Renaissance is human to the spiritual world into the unknown, is in the spiritual world in the exploration. This exploration has created great achievements in literature, art, political and ideological fields of natural sciences and. Renaissance of great historical significance in that it prompted the Europeans in God as the center from the transition to the human as the center, is the people's awakening, lie in the people to shift the focus from the next life to the present world. It awakened people's entrepreneurial spirit, creative spirit and the spirit of scientific experiments, and in the spirit of open road victory for the capitalist system and establishment. Renaissance plays an important role in the European history.


The first is found in people. Compared with the middle ages, the Renaissance brought a series of great changes in the ideological sphere. The most prominent change is the change on people's values. In the middle ages, the ideal person should be inferior, passive, attempt nothing and accomplish nothing, people in the world the meaning of inadequate. The Renaissance has discovered that people's great, affirmed the value and creativity, make people to obtain the liberation of personality should be free. Attention to value of people, asked to play one's ability and cleverness and creative potential, the attempt nothing and accomplish nothing against the negative attitude towards life, to promote a positive spirit of adventure. Attention to this life, the afterlife or the aeriality heaven despised a myth, the pursuit of material well-being and carnal desire of satisfy, as opposed to religious asceticism. To request the literary and artistic expression of one's feelings, against the hypocrisy and affectation. Such as: Pytlak's "Songs", Bio's "Decameron". Pay attention to scientific experiments, opposes apriorism; emphasized the use of reason, opposing follow blindly; requires the development of individuality, against the detention of humanity; require indulgence in the moral sense, against the self-restraint; promote "civic virtue", think a successful career and enrich one's family is the moral behavior. Promote optimism attitude towards life. The irrepressible curiosity and to explore the spirit, to study it in all things, not satisfied to have a superficial knowledge of the spirit, and strive to create this world happy optimistic and enterprising spirit, the people from the medieval Christian theology, the liberation of the shackles, the bourgeoisie is the creation of modern capitalist world in under the guidance of the spirit. In 1500, before and after the great geographical discovery, is the external manifestation of this spirit of humanism. Italy is the birthplace of the Renaissance, and "geographical discovery" the protagonist of Kolumb and Capote were italian. They are all in the geographical exploration work in the spirit of humanism inspired by. Kolumb regardless of hardships and dangers, engaged in dangerous, arduous exploration business, it shows that he is optimistic and positive spirit of adventure. He yuanduzhongyang trend, turning the water overtopping the driving force, is the strong desire to find gold, but also to the pursuit of earthly happiness desire. Looking westward route to the Orient, is based on the earth is round scientific belief, also shows that he is convinced that the spirit of scientific experiments and explore the spirit. It can be said that "the great geographical discovery" is a by-product of the renaissance. Of course, led to a series of other factors and conditions of the great geographical discovery, but the great geographical discovery and Renaissance era spirits, is be beyond all doubt.

The next Renaissance has broken the religious mysticism rule all the land situation, effectively promote and influence of the reformation, and provide an important boost for this movement. The Renaissance to promote attention to this life, anti authority, among aroused in the contemporary Catholic Church and the theology of suspicion and resentment. Such as: Beek Canterbury gift of the pseudo debate, led to the outbreak of the reformation movement. From Luther's thinking was remarkable. Luther believed that people are more important than the monarch: "I am a person, this title more than the monarch. The reason is: God did not create the monarchy, only God created man, so that I become a man. "From the single to his own marriage, that he attached importance to human values, attention to worldly pleasures. This shows that he accepted the strong influence of the renaissance. The humanist Renaissance through literature, art and other forms of satire, exposing the Catholic Church * * * * and ugly. Such as: Erasmus "Julius", "Yu" rejected "to expose the ugly church, provides a number of powerful shells as Luther attack catholic. Renaissance on the formation of the new doctrine had influence. Erasmus edited the Greek text of the new "Bible", this work will help restore the distorted and concealed the true teachings of christ. His work paved the way for the development of new doctrine of Martin Luther, no wonder that Erasmus had half make fun of to say: he first laid an egg, and then Luther use this egg to hatch chickens. These examples are fully described Renaissance power of religious reform. Since then, the world never know, not for, the impossible, and that may be possible.

Third, the Renaissance has broken the scholastic philosophy unified situation, for the later thought progress clearing the way, make all kinds of secular philosophy. The British experience of materialism. It also promoted the development of political theory, after Machiavelli, Grotius, Spinoza, with Hobbes, Milton and Rock such a large number of thinkers, the development of "natural rights", "the social contract", "the people's right of revolution" and "separation of the three powers" theory. All of these for the enlightenment and the bourgeois revolution made ideological preparation.


Fourth, denied the feudal privileges. In the middle ages, feudal privilege is as unalterable principles, family status idea ingrained. The Renaissance is that these things in a measure of balance lost weight. The dignity of the human person is endowed with new connotation. Poggio think, only personal virtue is a noble. Peter Lark said: "the true nobility is not innate, but for self. "At the time of Italy's social life, talent, and instead of money from the door, into the ladder any man climbed to the top. Milan Dagong Roosevelt check original but is a farmer; the ruler of Florence Medici was businessman. The feudal nobles were deprived of privileges, if a person incompetent inaction, also in the community is no longer the most respected people, noble as a class are not society's most respected class.

Fifth, denied the divine right of kings. In the middle ages, countries and the monarch is said to God, to be caring for the fall of man. The monarch is the representative of God, the monarch's obedience is a religious obligation. But a humanist but of the country as a secular happiness tool, its basic task is to maintain social security and peace. They believe that, if the king be tyrants, will people's * * * *, this is the historical law. They opposed the * * * *, puts forward the slogan of freedom and equality. The concept of freedom is different from the ancient times, has a distinct political content. Bruni put each people have equal opportunity to take part in the government management and the freedom to criticize called "true freedom". Equality is not early Christianity that equality before God, but the equality before the law. Bruni made it clear that all the people in the equality before the law.

Sixth, do away with all fetishes and superstitions, emancipating the mind. Renaissance recovered, dignity and value of rational thinking. Although the Renaissance achievements in philosophy is not big, but it destroyed the scholastic philosophy system rigid and inflexible, advocating scientific method and scientific experiments, put forward "knowledge is power", to create a new atmosphere exploration and real world. People believe his own eyes and mind, believe the experiment and experience is the only reliable source of knowledge. This is attitude, this way of thinking, the scientific method for the development of 17, 18 and nineteenth Century natural scientific and lay a solid foundation.

Seventh, the Renaissance created a great deal of charm of art and literary masterpiece, become human art treasure trove of priceless treasures, shine forever. The medieval legend, the Bible is full of art, suffocation of the art of life. The Renaissance is not only the mother into a human woman, the apostles to human praise, and began to direct description of daily life and the reality of people. Anatomy the perspective of science but also for the first time with art. Modern western realistic art from the beginning.

The above shows that the Renaissance did in the ideological field has brought a great liberation. It is called in the ideological field and medieval a big break. In the ideological content, tendency that tend to direct reality, tend to earthly pleasures and worldly interests and adapt to the capitalist mode of production. Individual freedom is the first condition of bourgeois expansion activities. Political equality and political freedom is the construction of nobles and * * * * rule. On the exploration and scientific study of real people and the world, is also necessary for the development of capitalism. So Engels pointed out, the Renaissance Philosophy and "small bourgeois development process for the big bourgeoisie adapt ideology of philosophy" (Note: "Marx Engels collection" fourth volumes of 250th pages.). If the Renaissance has established ideology rather pompous, bourgeois complete but, laid the foundation for the Renaissance is the ideology, has opened up a new era of scientific culture is undeniable. From the thought manner of speaking, the meaning is more great renaissance. It first broke the medieval theology and other outside authority on the thought firmly bound. It not only abandoned God's eyes to eyes, but also with their own eyes to observe the people, society and nature. Da Finch said: "who rely on quoting authority to debate, he is not the use of reason. "(Note:" foreign philosophy of natural science data collection "sixth series of forty-seventh pages.) Use your own reason, use their brains, using their judgment, not repeat word for word what others say, without thinking, the so-called God conclusion as beyond the absolute authority of all. This is the Renaissance building principle.

In this way, the Renaissance was later cleared the way for ideological progress. Since then, the natural science advance with great strides. From Copernicus to Newton, the development of natural science to make God's a place to live in is shrinking. "Chapel declined, thriving in laboratory. "(Note: Fernand Braudel, Gu Liang, Zhang Huijun." "capitalism, Westview press, 1997 edition, page thirty-second.) Human nature began to challenge, to the theological challenge, a challenge to mankind itself.

Although this period of artists, scholars have strong performance and carry forward the spirit of humanism, understand and expose the Catholic Church and the Pope's decadent, evil, but because of the limitations of the times, or are willing to accept the protection of the Pope and the church, the church and hold solution attitude, humanists did not and could not completely abandon religion; although most humanism thinkers mentioned the concept of democracy, demand freedom and democracy, but regardless of ideological emancipation degree, revolutionary struggle spirit and political requirements, have early, immature characteristics. The democratic political theory with early immature characteristics. But it broke the feudal shackles of pioneering role, any movement is not a substitute for the.