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时间:2021-09-17 来源:未知 编辑:梦想论文 阅读:
Competitive sports is an important part of sports in our country. Since the reform and opening up, China's competitive sports by the impact of foreign culture, although we have made a great progress, but there are a lot of thought and method is no longer suitable for the situation of our country, there are many disadvantages, seriously affect the sustainable development of China's modern sports. At this time, when the great rejuvenation of China's traditional culture, especially in China's far-reaching impact on the Taoist culture revealed a great advantage. Taoism advocates "imitation of nature" and "simple" "Gongcheng hence" "since the winner," thought essence. This is the connotation of the lack of the healthy development of China's modern sports and the urgent need. Therefore, the scientific and rational use of Taoism to analyze the development of China's competitive sports problems, and then put forward the correct direction of development, has become an important issue in today's competitive sports research.
1, the deficiency of modern competitive sports in our country
1.1, youth early special training
Early special training is to determine the special after the aim to lay a good foundation for the early training of special training. Along with the rapid development of modern society, people are eager to pursue training performance of athletes, the rapid increase of that most coaches on early specialized training understanding is not accurate enough, resulting in the early special training of adolescent athletes, one-sided understanding.
"Early special training" is the problem that our country sports training field has been concerned about, but it has not been solved very well. At the base of the athletes and the primary training stage, too early, too many adult athletes training methods and means, as well as too many special training, resulting in the early special training of juvenile athletes. In the special technical and physical ability of the training, can not really understand the impact of special development of the inherent, essential ingredients, and just too much to carry out a simple imitation.
1.2, over the pursuit of competition ranking
Competitive sports, also known as competitive sports, is an important part of sports, it is a sports competition as the main feature, in order to create outstanding achievements, to win the game as the main goal of social sports activities. From this concept, we can see that the goal of competitive sports is to create excellent sports performance, to win the game. Athletic performance is the result of athletes participating in the competition, which is a comprehensive assessment of the status of the competitive ability of the athletes and their competitors according to the specific evaluation behavior. This assessment includes both the athletes themselves in the game as well as the performance of the level of competition, including the outcome of the game and ranking. However, in modern competitive sports, most managers, coaches and athletes one-sided pursuit of the outcome and ranking, ignoring the athletes' own competitive level and performance in the game.
In modern society, people understanding of performance pay more attention to the outcome of the pros and cons of, in many of the world competition, most people only concerned about whether to win the championship, to champion crazy chase after hold in both hands, in contrast to other similarly pay hard work of the athletes but nobody cares.
1.3, managers, coaches and athletes are too concerned about their own honor gains and losses
It is well known that many of the big games often match fixing, doping scandal broke, behind these unfair competition there are many deep-seated reasons, but I think the most important point is managers, coaches and athletes on their own honor gains and losses had to focus on and excessive pursuit of the interests of the. Now sports popular with a classic question and answer, the 1984 Los Angeles Games Canada opposed abuse drugs, chairman of the organization, steroid experts Bob Goldman once to 198 excellent athletes in the world put forward such problems: "if I had a magic drug. It can make you 5 years inherent including invincible in the Olympic Games, all the games, but you have this medicine, 5 years to die, you want to eat it!" The result is unexpected, but there are 103 athletes (52%) answered that they would like to eat.
Competitive sports after the victory of the great interests of the vast number of players are full of temptation. The great honor and benefit of the sports competitive victory has overwhelmed the people's fear of injury. With professional sports in-depth and excessive commercial development, people for game ornamental have become increasingly demanding, sponsors of the Games in order to obtain greater benefits, selectively sponsor the good results of the sports teams. Only get good results, sports team managers and coaches can get more benefits and job promotion.
1.4, the government's excessive intervention in management
In twenty-first Century, with the reform of the national political and economic system, China's sports management system has also been a series of reform. A series of reform measures have been introduced, such as the association system, the club system, the sports market and the group socialization. Prior to the reform, our country used the typical government management system, which is characterized by the government to set up specialized agencies to manage sports. The power of the government is highly centralized, and the way of administration of comprehensive management, whether it is to formulate the overall goals and plans, or the selection of athletes and published the technical level of athletes, coaches and are managed by the government. However, a variety of social sports in the substantive management of the lack of appropriate rights. After the reform, our country adopted the combination type management system, by the government and the social sports organization. The government has a special sports management organization, but only the implementation of macro management of sports, that is, to develop the overall goal, to play a coordinating and monitoring functions. Under the macro management of the government, the social sports organizations are in charge of various micro business management, such as organizing training and competition, developing social sports and so on.
The combination of the system is conducive to the government's macro-control role and encourage the community to support and participate in sports. But can not be a good division of rights and distribution of interests. In fact, in the combination of the system, some of the emphasis on government management, and some emphasis on social management. Management system of China's emphasis on government management, in the course of establishing socialist market economy, continue to appear with the social environment does not adapt to the phenomenon, dependence on government function, inhibit the social organizations to participate in sports enthusiasm; on the other hand, the Political Education Office of management institutions to focus more on the micro transaction management, but weaken the macro management functions. Due to the excessive dependence on the government, the sport has lost the self perfection and self-development mechanism, any changes to the political and economic will cause it to fluctuate and oscillation.
2, the Enlightenment of Taoist Thought on the development of competitive sports
2.1, "imitation of nature", training the human body to follow the law of growth and development
The meaning of "man law, law day, days France Road, imitation of nature" is that people follow in the earth, big wig imitation in heaven, heaven to follow to the "Tao", "Tao" is let nature take its course. Imitation of nature is the way to imitate or follow the laws of nature, that is to say, the operating rule of everything can not contrary to the laws of nature.
In the juvenile sports training, coaches should also follow the normal human growth and development pattern, and the physical quality of growth period and sensitive development period, comprehensive system theory, control theory and information theory basic point of view, early training should to model training method or procedure training method of overall control, with its based combined with other specific methods, constitute the early training of comprehensive and effective training system, choose the correct training methods and means. On the basis of following the rules of human movement and scientific training methods, the special ability of the children and the competitive ability of the sports quality.
2.2, "the winner is strong, since the winner strong", the game is beyond the self
In the thirty-third chapter the moral wrote: "zhirenzhe wisdom, zizhizhe ming. Strong, strong, strong, since the winner is strong". The meaning of this sentence refers to the understanding of other people can understand that it is wise to understand their own can be regarded as a true master. To be able to overcome others is a force, able to overcome the self, beyond the self is the real strength. He believes that although "people" and "wins" is very important, but "knowing" and "self -" more important.
In training and competition, our managers, coaches and athletes should be aware of this point, the object of the game is to get a good athletic performance, but a good athletic performance not only refers to the competition is to win victory, more is the Athletes'Competitive ability in the game long play. Therefore, managers and coaches usually to give athletes positive encouragement, in the setting of targets for training and competition is to consciously pay attention to improve the players' athletic ability, dilute the outcome of the game and ranking. Athletes in training should also be down to earth to improve their competitive ability, and constantly go beyond the self. In the game do not too much to consider the game of victory or defeat, to beat the opponents is admittedly important, but to put their own usually gained by training the competitive ability in normal and long play out is the real victory.
2.3, "unmoved either by gain or loss, with little selfishness and desire"
"The Lao Tzu unmoved either by gain or loss" reflects the favor and disgrace view, namely: dilute the virtual float, not spoiled by panic. But now many people are lack of this kind of self-cultivation, encounter the favour and insult will panic, this will inevitably lead to failure. Now athletes in major competitions once they get good results or defeat, managers and coaches will be very frightened. Get good grades, afraid of the next game is not maintained; the defeat, fear of higher criticism or demotion. Never have a calm attitude towards the game winning, and that will only make their own disarray, not from a long-term point of view to develop athletic sports. Therefore, managers, coaches and athletes should be done Chongrubujing, of course, no matter the outcome of the game we have to to sum up experiences and lessons, but cannot be these surface phenomena have blind, we should cherish the serenity to objective treatment.
"Simple", Laozi's ideal state of social atmosphere, he thinks people at the beginning of goodness, people originally should is pure and simple, indifferent to fame and wealth, and in actual society. But people lost the nature of this, many people are for their own selfish interests, ambitions, intrigues, extravagant corruption, so Lao Zi advocated "simple". If the modern athletics sports managers, coaches and athletes are learning desires of Taoism, then there will be no so much in their own interests to match fixing, whistle blowing, there will be no more stimulant abuse. Everyone without desires, competitive sports will be more clear and pure, to healthy and sustainable development, in order to maintain Changchun.
2.4, "Gongcheng things", government decentralization
Lao Tzu "Gongcheng things, people say I" to describe his ideal country's political blueprint. He believed that rulers should accord with nature, quietism. Laozi's ideal best ruler is honest, inaction, rulers do not easily give orders, but the people and the country but peaceful. Although only the ideal political way at that time does not exist, but has the certain reference significance to the present our country competitive sports management.
Although now, China's sports management system is the use of government and social integration, but in fact there is no real play the role of social organizations and markets, but over reliance on government. However, in the market economy system, the economic function of sports has been strengthened, and sports has become a new type of industry. Therefore, our country should reduce the government's micro management function in the sports management, all levels of government should reduce the direct intervention to the sports management. And various social sports organizations should strengthen the effective management of sports business. Government and social sports organizations in sports management power and the distribution of interests and should be in sports system organically combined and the formation of sports system internal decision mechanism, so that sports can be self - development and self - perfection, so our government to reach the "Inaction".
3, knot language
For more than two thousand years, Taoism prolonged does not fade, continuous development and progress, not only affects the China's politics, economy, culture, education, but it is the guide of the modern athletic sports, inoculation, permeate and promote the role. Although Taoism culture is not a panacea, now there are a lot of controversy, but it in some specific mode of thinking and cultural connotation of our country athletics sports sustainable development has great inspiration. This paper mainly discusses the "imitation of nature" and "the person who wins a strong, strong self"
"Simple" and "Gongcheng. Hence" the Taoist View of sports influence, and put forward the reasonable suggestions and comments to the development of modern competitive sports in China, in order to get considerable development and progress.
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