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TCM syndrome elements and common syndromes of heart failure

时间:2021-08-17 来源:未知 编辑:梦想论文 阅读:
Cardiac output heart failure refers to the absolute or relative shortage, can not meet the needs of metabolism, resulting in pulmonary and systemic blood stasis symptoms, is the final stage of cardiovascular disease, is a common clinical disease. Ancient literature and heart failure related records, according to the clinical manifestations can be attributed to the "palpitation", "chest", "cough", "edema" etc.. This disease is still lack of standardized criteria in syndrome differentiation, most of the physicians according to the clinical experience in syndrome differentiation and their influence, make them vulnerable to subjective factors of medicine. Therefore, it is the main content of the research in this field that the standardization of TCM syndromes and the establishment of a unified syndrome diagnosis standard. This paper discusses the syndrome elements and common syndrome types, which provide the basis for further standardizing the clinical syndrome differentiation of heart failure.
1 method
200 general data were selected from March 2014 to January 2013, 1.1 patients with heart failure in the Department of Cardiology of Jiangsu Province Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, including 112 male and 88 female, aged from 43 to 82 years old, average (63 + 0.78) years old. The duration of 20 days to 25 years, the average (5.23 + 0.12) years.
1.2 diagnostic criteria of Western medicine with reference to the Chinese Medical Association for the diagnosis and treatment of chronic heart failure diagnosis and treatment of [1] for diagnosis.
1.3 syndrome diagnostic criteria according to the "Zhu Wenfeng syndrome" [2] develop heart failure syndrome diagnostic criteria are as follows: blood stasis: chest pain, fixed location than the sting at night; color dark purple; the dark purple tongue or petechiae, pulse. Phlegm: chest pain; the body fat and body weight difficulties; sputum; the dark complexion; the purple tongue, greasy fur and slippery, slippery pulse. Yang: continuous chest pain, warm hi; the cold limbs; the back knee soft; the pale; the Pan Qing spit saliva; the tongue pale, with teeth marks, moss thin white and moist, thready pulse. Yin: chest pain; second, five upset hot, afternoon fever, night sweats, dry mouth and throat; the red tongue Shaojin, littlemoss or no moss, pulse fine. Qi: palpitations shortness of breath; the Shenpi dizziness; the pale tongue, weak pulse. According to the clinical manifestations of heart failure, the disease syndrome elements, through the combination of disease and syndrome elements, analysis and summary of common Chinese medicine syndrome type distribution.
1.3 statistical frequency and frequency of clinical symptoms were classified, using SPSS18. 0 statistical software, measurement data using the standard deviation, data entry excel table, statistics the frequency of its emergence.
2 Results
2.1 disease syndrome factor distribution according to the disease syndrome factor analysis can be drawn from heart failure disease syndrome elements include the actual situation of the two ends; the empirical main have blood stasis, phlegm, deficiency of qi deficiency, yin deficiency, Yang deficiency. See Table 1
2.2 patients with heart disease in the distribution of heart failure in the heart, may be involved in the spleen, lung, kidney. See Table 2
3 discussion
3.1 the syndrome elements of the disease are mainly in the syndrome of blood stasis, phlegm, Qi deficiency, yin deficiency and yang deficiency. "Through the" cloud: "the heart, the viscera of the Lord", "heart blood", that the main function of the heart is to promote blood circulation to moisten the whole body. Qi is the commander of blood, the heart qi is dynamic blood running, qi stagnation and blood stasis, Qi and blood can not all heart failure. Because of blood stasis blocking collaterals gas, affecting the normal distribution of liquid water, and become phlegm. The phlegm accumulation of pathogenic stagnation or meridians or left in viscera, stagnation of Qi, blood stasis and obstruction. "Q - ping meteorological theory": "people left breast, the dynamic clothing, cases of gas leakage", that heart qi deficiency is the pathological basis of heart failure, heart qi to promote the blood run, is the root cause of heart failure tissue hypoperfusion and metabolic demand imbalance. Heart yang to dirty, "Yang" for use, has a role in promoting the heart Yang, heart yang deficiency, heart beat is slow and weak, can cause blood circulation disorders, heart yang deficiency and blood stasis veins; gasification adverse, water transport weakness, can cause water retention of [3]. with mutual interdependence between yin and Yang, the deficiency of yin and blood, blood Yangxin, heart Yang (gas) apraxia, and heart failure. Modern research also suggests that the microscopic intrinsic nature of yin deficiency syndrome is chronic activation of the neuroendocrine cell factor system in [4].
3.2 the disease of the syndrome element of the macroscopic disease is mainly in the heart, but also affects the lung, kidney, spleen and liver. The heart governs blood, lung gas, blood run, in addition to the dependence of the impulse of heart qi, Qi auxiliary also rely on the coordination between the two, to ensure the normal operation of the blood. If the "lung qi, Qi and blood through the heart chakra, prone to cause blood stasis, and heart failure. The intercourse between heart and kidney, kidney essence deficiency, if the disease is long not above in blood in the heart, kidney yang deficiency, function of water metabolism, water retention, lies in the heart, heart failure. The heart is the mother child relationship, spleen transport, the source of Qi and blood, spleen biochemical passive, not to lose heart, for the heart of red blood, malnutrition, and heart failure; spleen phlegm, phlegm and stopping blood stasis, can cause heart failure. The liver, blood and viscera of Tang Rongchuan "disease theory" cloud: "the liver is wood, wood and air supply, not to stop, depression, blood vessels, liver qi, Qi, body fluid movement disorder, poor blood, phlegm and blood stasis can be formed, with heart failure.
[1] Huang Jun. 2007 Chinese "most recent advances in the treatment of chronic heart failure diagnosis guide" interpretation of [J]. Contemporary Cardiology, 2008: 497 -503.