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时间:2015-11-11 来源:未知 编辑:梦想论文 阅读:

In recent years, the theory for "Marx Freeman" interpretation is ambiguous, Different people, different views.. But I feel, these interpretations are still unable to put Marx to be implied in the idea of future society deep person intention accumulate fully carried out and leave the Marx's humanistic dimension, a "free people of the Commonwealth" fallen people reading a series of paradox trap and to extricate themselves. Therefore, from the perspective of the people this dimension to resolve this proposition, is to open up the basic spirit of Marx's social ideals in the future construction and the way to think of a secret key.




Man's own development is the liberation of people, that is, from the natural, social and people's own oppression and bondage, and thus get free. The realization of man 's liberation is the most basic thought of the whole Marx theory. Thought is fundamentally from Marx's early works of "man is the highest essence" (Marx, Friedrich Engels, "the first volume, the 461 pages)," the people "(ibid., Chapter 4. Pages) to communism is" by people and for the people and the nature of true possession "(Marx, Friedrich Engels," the 42 volumes, the 120 page), and then to the "Communist Manifesto" (hereinafter referred to as the "Declaration") and "Das Kapital" in "free association" proposition put forward, without revealing Marx the thought is a Communist the core idea and spiritual essence.


From the spring of 1845, Marx has shifted the focus from the theory to the field of history and practice. It has become the main task of the theory of human history, especially at that time, the nature of the capitalist society and its development. With this change, Marx's ideas about the future of the society have also occurred some changes. If Marx's thought of communism in this way is still focusing on the dimension of man, then the dimension of historical practice is mainly focus on the following. That is why in 1845, Marx focused on the economic, political, and all levels of the system to criticize capitalism and the idea of future society. In 1845-1846's "outline of Feuerbach" and "German Ideology", although the study of man's essence and its alienation is still a considerable amount, it belongs to the study of history and constitutes one of its internal links. Here, "the nature of the class," "the existence of the class" and the "real" "person" has been replaced by the "reality" in the "1844 Economic Philosophy Manuscript" (hereinafter referred to as "the manuscript"). Such a person is no longer lives in speculative philosophy, also "not in some kind of illusory solitude and fixed in the state, but in reality and can be observed by experience, and under certain conditions in the process of the development of people." ("selected works of Marx and Engels. Vol. 1, P. 73. Therefore, such a person constitute Marxist materialist historical view of the premise. Marx clearly pointed out that the historical view of this materialism is not without preconditions. It is from the premise of reality, it is not a moment to leave this premise. It is the premise that people ". (the same as) the" Declaration "as the scientific socialism of the classical literature, in the future on the issue of communism, Marx is based on the inherent contradictions of capitalism can not solve the problem of the future of the new society. On this basis, the idea of how to realize the power, the means, the way, the task and the tactics of the Communist, and the people's Liberation and development through these measures are realized. Marx's historical practice of this reality in theory has been through the middle and late stages of the work.


Can not be denied, young Marx of humanism mainly expounds in the middle and later age, Marx never seen, Marx by center of gravity has changed, but this does not mean that, the human dimension in Marx does not exist, not to say that people's Liberation and the development of ideas from relegated to a subordinate even minor status. Marx in many areas, there is a consistent thread, this is people's Liberation and all-round development. Both philosophy, economics and scientific socialism are the ultimate goal of this service. In the field of social practice, whether it is the elimination of private ownership, break the bourgeois state machine, or change all of the production, increase the productivity of the total, if take off from people's Liberation and development, lost value and significance. Although the dimension of man is in the subordinate position in his middle and late period. , but not equal to it is not important. On the contrary, the shift of Marx's thinking and the transfer of research focus is to solve the problems of people's Liberation and development more deeply.









The essence of man's liberation is man's freedom. What is the nature of man? In fact, this problem can be given a different answer from different dimensions. It is generally believed that Marx about the classical definition is made in the spring of 1845 "on Feuerbach's Outline", this is the "in reality, it is the sum of all social relations". ("selected works of Marx and Engels. Vol. 1, page 56) this definition emphasizes the social nature of man is concrete and historical. In addition, Marx has also been discussed in the sense of the nature of "the existence of human being", "the essence of the category" and "the true man". Whether it is the thinking of the "real person" or the "real person", it is the product of the abstract thinking, but the degree of abstraction is different. The former is the concrete and historical change of the social nature of human, the latter is a "abstract" to the extreme and absolute transcendence of human nature, the former is based on the abstract, the latter is beyond the "reality" of the abstract. As dialectics everyone Hegel, philosophy is "pure concept", therefore, it must be the investigation of things the purest and the highest level of abstraction in order to derive absolute ultimate "pure concept". Marx, as the founder of the "new materialism", in people's problems, he must to carry on the main body, the end of the study, and from the abstract to the concept of "real people".


In fact, Marx is not only in his early works, but also in the early stages of the work of the human nature of the free nature of the discussion. In "Manuscript", Marx clearly pointed out: "a kind of all the characteristics, the kind of characteristics of the life activities, and the characteristics of the people is precisely the free and conscious activities." ("the complete works of Engels and Marx" forty-second volumes, ninety-sixth pages) scholars generally believe that this definition is the recognition of the nature of the production of human labor, but in reality it is not. This definition is to confirm the nature of human freedom.


Marx is sure that "animals are also produced", and also in their own lives. However, animals and their life activity is directly in the same, it can not put themselves with their lives to distinguish, "it is this life". And people are conscious of the existence, he can make a distinction between themselves and their life activities, the formation of ego consciousness and object consciousness. Therefore, "man is the existence". (ibid., P. 95) of the "characteristics" to produce personal "class consciousness", namely "free and conscious" consciousness. The one characteristic of "conscious of freedom" is that it can transcend itself, and then return to itself, to reflect on itself, so that it is beyond, and constantly to reply, so that to achieve unlimited. In "Manuscript", Marx put his own thinking on the concept of "freedom" of infinite transcendence in the future. He said: "communism is private property that is man's self alienation, actively develop the useful and discard the useless, so it is extraordinary and for people and the essence of real possession; it is therefore to itself, to the society (people) who return. This return is complete, conscious and preserved in the past development of all the wealth of. This kind of communism, as the nature of the completion of the humanitarian, and the completion of the humanitarian, equal to the natural, it is between human and nature, and the real solution to the contradiction between human and human, is the existence and nature, object and self confirmation, self and inevitable, individual and class struggle between the real solution. It is the answer to the riddle of history, and it knows that it is the answer." (120th pages) this is a rational reflection of Marx from the transcendence, the ultimate man of this dimension to mankind through communism. Before Marx in induced Lugar's letter, sharply criticized the those of utopian socialism's ideological dogmatism, they always to world string Yao, in their hands, master a set of all worldly problem solving ready-made answers, "foolish mortal world only need to open your mouth to accept absolute scientific roast grouse". ("the complete works of Marx and Engels. Vol. 1, page 416) Marx pointed out:" the advantages of new thought just is we don't want to be dogmatic to predict the future, but only to discover a new world through criticizing the old world. " "Our task is not to infer the future and to announce something that is suitable for the future," but only for the world "a real battle slogan" and "to the world what it is." (418th pages) this is the place where Marx is different from all kinds of space. In Marx, the essence of human nature of the ultimate thinking and the reality of the historical practice of thinking is dialectical unity, there is indeed a contradiction, but this is a dialectical thinking is bound to occur, not to say that it is the dialectical thinking, there is no such "contradiction", there is no dialectical thinking.

Man's freedom is a contradiction in itself. It is because of this kind of "free and conscious" consciousness that enables it to transcend its existing state, and to set up its own future. In this way, the essence of man has been divided, that is, the nature of the present and the future of the nature of the conflict, people always want to have the nature of the future, and it is regarded as the true nature of the people, and the existing nature as an irrational state. Therefore, the self reflection of human's free nature is divided into two parts: one is the "realistic person", which is based on the existing state, and one is the "real person" which is based on the future. On the one hand, people can construct the "real person" in the self reflection, and be sure to be able to occupy this essence. On the other hand, people are not completely in the nature. However, the essence of man's "real" is not a thing that is always hanging out of people, it is in the process of realizing and occupying the essence of the person who is in fact no end. Obviously, the two vision of human being's reflection is the inner unity, and their unity exists in the course of the development of human's essence based on the historical practice.


If the abstract man Marx and the enlightenment scholars and Feuerbach's book on what is different, so different, this is not that it is not "abstract", also is not the essence of the dual split in the human self reflection in the ("real people" and the essence of "real man" nature) interleaving and contradiction, but it is based on the historical practice, and on the basis of objective to restore the "real people". While abstract humanistic defect is not of human nature or the people of "abstract", but always stay in the abstract thinking, and not from this abstract speculation in go, to find the real foothold in the historical practice of secular, and return to the "real people".


If, in the spring of 1845, the self reflection of the Marx dimension is more devoted to the state of man, so that more people will be put into the existing state after that. This change is not accidental, the fundamental reason is that Marx in the free nature of human reflection, at the beginning with the various utopian socialist schools as well as young Hagel and Feuerbach. He pays special attention to the historical practice and the social reality, and advocates the change from the religious criticism to the political criticism. From the philosophical thinking to the real world. In his view, it should be from the history itself to explain the history, and people are engaged in the object of the practical activities of people, it is in this activity, people to generate and develop their own nature. This reality and historical elements of Marx's human dimension are becoming more and more expansive, in particular the theoretical mission of Marx's service to the working class. It is guided by the theory of Marx's theory. However, this change does not mean that Marx's concern about the nature of human freedom is the least, and it does not mean that in the field of historical practice, the ultimate search for the nature of human freedom is completely eliminated.


Marx in the "German Ideology" the philosophy of poverty "," Declaration "and" Das Kapital "these is recognized as mature as all put forward the idea of" the united body of the free people ", and the declaration of the elaboration of the most refined and concise, but also the richest ontology meaning:" instead of that there are classes and class antagonisms, the old bourgeois society, will be a joint body, where, the free development of each person is the condition for the free development of all people. " ("selected works of Marx and Engels. Vol. 1, page 294)" the united body of the free people "is Marx for the new future society the most basic assumptions and the essential characteristics of the future society the most highly summarized, future society is undoubtedly Marx pursued the lofty realm. Because of this, Engels to it as the future of the new era, the most appropriate expression. ("selected works of Marx and Engels. Vol. 4, page 731) in the expression," free "is endowed with the most fundamental significance, it is the characteristics of the new society, the nature of the future. Here, "freedom" is not only the nature of society, but also the essence of the social subject. The free nature of the society is not more than the individual freedom, but the alienation of individual freedom and social freedom has been abandoned. The two has been built into a harmonious relationship between the two conditions.


Between the individual and the individual freedom, individual and society between the freedom that mutual relationship of confrontation and conflict has been eliminated, as Marx described that "other people's feelings and enjoy has become my own possession" ("the complete works of Marx and Engels. Vol. 42, P. 125) and with mandatory division of labor of broken people can" with their own interests. To do this, tomorrow do that "(" selected works of Marx and Engels. Vol. 1, page 85) of the free state has emerged.

For Marx on the "free person" of this section of the classic description, only from the human dimension to interpret, to understand the deep inside, grasp the dialectical mood. Here, as the essence of man, "freedom", on the one hand, has the ultimate meaning, is the highest level of human nature development. On the other hand, this "freedom" also exists in the historical movement of reality. In general, Marx in the Manifesto, this paragraph of word with the "Manuscript" in that period compared to, cause the thinking the coherence, deny this coherence cannot read the "freedom" as the ultimate significance. However, the declaration of "the manuscript" and "the manuscript", in the "Declaration", the ultimate human freedom has been firmly established on the basis of historical materialism, and in the manuscript, the historical materialism is still in the embryonic form, the real nature of human thinking is still in a position to.




Today we re read the "Declaration", carefully and then think about the "free person" of the united body of the people, not for speculative interest, but the historical practice and social reality needs.


What are the values of the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics? There is no doubt that it is the people ''s Liberation and human freedom and comprehensive development. But in real life, some people think that this goal is too abstract and space hole, and even think that this problem will lead to the abstract human trap. In some people's view, material civilization, productivity, economic construction, since it is the center of our work, but also the fundamental value of our pursuit. They may not deny the importance of their own development, but they will be regarded as the second things that are determined by the economic foundation. This deep-rooted "material" theory "has long been a subtle influence on people" s mind, regulating the relationship between the material production and the development of people, has caused a certain negative effect on the reform and modernization construction.


"Object oriented" and "man oriented" is a contradiction and unification. Man is not free to float in the clouds of romance, must be based on the material of the earth. That's how people develop. Man's development must be built on a more solid material foundation, leaving the foundation, it is impossible to have any real development. However, the development of human and the improvement of material productivity are often contradictory. If there is no contradiction, there is no relationship between people and things. The contradiction between human and object is usually expressed in the pursuit of material interests, which will cause the one-sided and lopsided development of the adult, and even cause the oppression and trample on the people themselves. For example, no control by behavior will make the interests of the majority of people were killed, the expanded self-interest of the individual or group of interest will continue to unfold the "tragedy of the commons" and the prevalence of money worship and extreme individualism will make adult somatopsychic disconcordance, from inside the human nature of destroying human life existence. All this will in turn constrain and undermine productivity and society as a whole healthy, harmonious and sustainable development from the foundation of the. "Man" and "object" is the organic combination and dialectical unity, "man" must be "material" as the basis, "object oriented" must be "people-oriented" as the guide, but from a fundamental perspective, people and only the people, is the world can not be deprived of the main body. "The reality of people, it is the relationship with the object, the reality of human beings, is the human activity and human movement, because according to people" s meaning to understand the subject ". (" Engels Marx "forty-second volumes, 124th pages) in the relationship between people and objects, people in essence is the existence, although people's activities relative to the object of action, but that is" according to people's meaning to understand the dynamic ", because people can also be active in the presence of such a move. In theory, people are the main body of the initiative, in the world of real possession of relations, it is "a kind of self enjoyment" ("Engels Marx" forty-second volumes, 124th pages) but in a very long history of development, the "object" pressure "person", people are materialized. It has its historical inevitability of evolution, we can not simply this moral indignation. But in today's era, the development of productive forces can make the vast majority of people live a happy life, "self alienation sublation with self alienation is a road" (ibid., page 117), compared with the past, humans have equipped with the means and ways to sublate alienation of people or things of more effective is much wider. Socialism and communism are the positive development of human's self alienation, which is the essence of man and man and man and man. (same as above, 120th pages). It is the essential requirement of the society and the new era of the new century.

Adhere to the people-oriented, highlighting the "human oriented", the key is to grasp the essence of "human oriented". "Man oriented" should be based on what is this, in specific historical practice may involve the specific task to be different, but from the universal that is the essence of the meaning, "human" is the freedom, people-oriented, that is, the freedom of this, the essence of human. If you leave free to talk about "person", the "people-oriented" simple understanding to improve people's life and increase people's benefits, so it is in another form and back to the origin, but also contrary to Marx's socialist and Communist free thinking. Freedom is not abstract, freedom means respecting people's freedom to create, respect for the personality and potential of gifted people, respect people guaranteed by law the inalienable individual rights; freedom also means to create harmonious interpersonal and social interpersonal relationship, the personal freedom and all other people free energy in a rational equal and orderly regulation of communication freedom. Freedom means sound democracy and the rule of law and the use of this kind of legal system to safeguard social fairness and justice, democracy and the rule of law, fairness and justice is wings of freedom, without which liberty cannot take off. Just like a free space, the free bird can revive the vitality of its life, the human also only have access to their own free nature, in order to produce infinite creativity, can really make all the creative vitality of the burst, in order to make the main role of the history of the main role of the full show. A human history is the history of human evolution, that is, the nature of human beings and the development of human history. In the free creation of civilization, and the freedom to create and promote the progress of civilization. The history of civilization has been proved to be a truth that man's free space is so great that man's creativity can be. Recalling the course of 30 years of reform, it is essentially a process of liberation and freedom of the individual. Imagine, if you do not cancel the "two whatevers" spiritual shackles, people's mind is not the liberation of; rural without breaking the "big pot" system, farmers can't from the shackles of the land liberated, get real freedom of person; do not get rid of the unification of planned economy system, enterprises and workers could not become autonomous and self development of legal person and natural person. In the final analysis, people's Liberation and free development is the driving force to promote China's reform and modernization construction, people's Liberation and development can go far, reform and construction will go far, the causal relationship between the two fully explained the people's Liberation and the free development of the whole reform process in the dominant position and the main line.


China's reform has entered the a key period, smooth "checkpoints", to achieve the strategic goal of our country, and realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, the key is continuing to promote human's liberation, further get rid of binding a variety of imprisonment, for the freedom of people to create free development and provide more freely in the vast world. This is not only the essence of the scientific development concept of "people oriented", but also the purpose of deepening the reform and development of socialism with Chinese characteristics.




"Complete works of Engels and Marx", 1956, 1979, people's publishing house.


"Marx Engels anthology", 1995, people's Publishing House edition.
