essay case
Term paper


时间:2015-11-11 来源:未知 编辑:体操女孩 阅读:

On the balance of wood basic difficult movements for the correct grasp, you can play a positive role in many of the same type of difficulty action, is conducive to women's gymnastics athletes will grasp the same difficulty movement of the time effectively shortened, and even help them to develop and innovate the future of high difficulty.


A summary of the balance beam of 1 female juvenile gymnastics players


In the women's gymnastics, the development of the balance beam technology has entered a new stage, it has a relatively large difficulty, and the number is more, the connection is more difficult, but the arrangement is relatively new, the climax is more. Therefore, the female juvenile athletes in order to get high marks in the balance beam, you should first set the whole set of action to improve the score, in order to obtain the starting line of the gymnastics competition advantage. In the process of scoring, the factors that affect the process are many, including the completion of the situation and the structure of the structure. And the core factor that can affect the score is the difficulty of the whole action. Therefore, under the new rules, the female juvenile athletes in the gymnastics competition to achieve the desired results, it should be first to be familiar with the new rules. Then the female juvenile athletes can be combined with their own characteristics in a solid basic difficulty, on the basis of the value of the high difficulty movement to develop, but also should be arranged into a set of exercises.


2 basic difficulty movement analysis of the balance beam


In gymnastics, the basic difficulty is the basis for the development of high difficulty movement, but also the basis for the high difficulty of the connection, the basic difficulty of the balance beam must be given enough attention. While the basic difficulty of balancing wood is more complex, to get the ideal training effect, it should be a clear understanding of the basic difficulty of the balance beam, to ensure that the balance of wood basic difficulty training system and comprehensive.


3 training method


Female juvenile gymnastics players must do a good job in the basic difficult to train, so as to lay the foundation for future development. Therefore, in training must be solid and accurate. The basic difficulty training of the balance beam of female juvenile gymnastics should meet the requirements of the essential movement type of the new rules, and the content should be rich, and avoid the singularity. And not only this one basic difficulty training, should intensify the development difficulty of training basic balance beam. In addition, the basic difficulty of the balance beam can be a solid foundation for the long-term development of the gymnastic athletes themselves. Therefore, the female juvenile gymnastics athletes should do a good job in the basic difficulty of the balance beam training.


3.1 Guarantee Technology


Device of balance beam of length, width and height respectively for 5 m, 10 cm and 1.25 m, gymnastics athletes to complete there are a variety of difficult movements in such devices, such as flip, twist and the step jump, and so on. Action to maintain stability, for the future development of the difficulty to lay a good foundation, it is necessary to ensure the correctness of the technology, and the right to be relatively high. In the process of the basic difficulty training of the balance beam, all kinds of difficulty movements can not be completed by the individual's ability of the individual. For example, small and small connected double backflip wood and a series of basic difficult movements should be very high. If the lack of correct technology, on gymnastics athlete to complete rolls forward and support collapse in difficulty, enable the airspring height and fall wood stability can not reach ideal degree, and even lead to smaller space for the development of twisting somersault. The greater the age, the body weight will be increased, the ability will be reduced, a lot of action in the completion of the difficulty will become increasingly large. Therefore, when the gymnastic athletes in the basic difficulty of balancing wood, must ensure that the correct technical movement. Even when the ability of the athletes in gymnastics is very good, still need to ensure the completion of the operation of the right, so as to lay a solid foundation for the future.


3.2 must grasp the key


In the balance beam basic difficult movements connected, often used to connect to the Arab Spring and the small somersault. Therefore, hanging on the key link is balance beam of the Arab Spring and small, gymnasts should the skilled and master. Due to the limited length of wood balance, in practice purgation process, it should be through the run-up of long distance to obtain the horizontal velocity. Therefore, in the balance of the basic completion of the exercise of the basic gymnastics and the exercise of the basic level of freedom, the difficulty will be much more difficult. But gymnast can correct grasp of the Arab Spring technology, which can guarantee the smooth completion of the somersault, also can ensure smooth practice purgation. In addition, e.g.small technology under the premise of correct, can ensure the somersault angle, height, flip, fall the successful completion of the wood, such as a series of actions.

3.3 type should be comprehensive


In the women's junior gymnastics basic difficult movements, there are five types of difficult movements, including forward and to the side somersault, backward somersault, hop, twist and group D dismount. Each type is indispensable. Female juvenile gymnastics players must be fully developed to balance the basic difficult movements, so as to meet the needs of future development.


3.4 avoid be anxious for success


In the development of balanced wood basic difficulty training, can not ignore the quality of its specifications and action stability. The condition is not permitted, can not be anxious for success. For example, the gymnastics athletes have just completed the action of low wood, the technology is not stable, should not be eager to do difficult action on the high wood, otherwise it will lead to athletes thought nervous or afraid, more impossible to complete the action, but also very easy to let athletes get injured, and even the formation of mental disorders, will be in the next time to do the difficult operation of high wood conditions reflect the tension. Therefore, in the basic training should pay attention to the difficulty, step by step, should not be anxious for success.


4 Conclusion


A new version of the rules of the sport, which makes the movement of the whole set of exercises have a direct impact on the results of the competition. Therefore, athletes must lay a solid foundation in the children's training stage, do a good job training, and thus effectively develop more difficult movements.




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