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时间:2021-08-16 来源:未知 编辑:梦想论文 阅读:

[Abstract] "Fangong dike" is an important symbol of the history of Jiangsu coastal development and human adaptation, the historical record is rich and complex. Through the study of the carding and analysis of the literature shows that "Fangong dike" refers to the continued existence of universal phenomenon generation object, not just about Huainan ". Although the "Fangong dike" in Huainan is still historical consensus, but with Huaibei dikes may also be defined as "contradiction Fangong dike". Analysis of restoration using literature comparison, space research in Huaibei in the late Ming Dynasty Guan Du Huai sea guard field ancient weir and dam line and general Anton County distribution, with Huainan "Fangong dike", adjacent function the same, they are generally known as the "Fangong dike", rather than literature mistakes.

[keyword] these sea Fangong dike; weir; Huaibei; Huainan; Jiangsu.

Coastal development is an important part of ancient society and economy, human migration to the sea coast, the risk gradually increased, it has become an important guarantee of seawall construction in ancient coastal areas for people's production and living. The history of Jiangsu coastal plain tidal disaster frequent, since the Tang dynasties have held these sea engineering. Among them, the most prominent is Fangong dike, since the Northern Song Dynasty, many times by building a deferral, become an important guarantee for the coastal people, covering fields, shielding salt stove, salt, agricultural production and life provides an important barrier.

Review the relevant historical documents, the sea guard weir, "Fangong Jiangsu Di" records is called rich, but also has the obvious contradiction and ambiguous place. Not only the "Fangong dike" means there is a big difference between the generation of object, and the same in the literature, often many contradictions. In addition, the Northern Song Dynasty Tiansheng period (1023-1032 years) built these sea and across the weir, "Tongtai sea" and "Winton Chu" two said, especially in the literature about Huaibei and also called "Fangong dike" records, such as "Guan Du Fangong dike, adongo Huai River levee.

How to understand the different periods in the literature on the sea "and these contradictions in Yan Fangong dike" records, Huaibei "Fangong dike" is real, or the record of mistakes, these are worthy of further study. Some scholars of the northern Jiangsu sea weir has done these more in-depth discussion, but these tend to focus on the sea and only after the abolition of the weir, the south section of Huai words rarely involved, the coast of Huaibei, also did not notice the existence of "Huaibei Fangong dike" in the literature and discuss these contradictions. Through rereading literature, combing the historical records. Using the methods of historical geography, summed up the "Fangong dike" refers to the evolution process of generation of the object, to deepen understanding of the process of the development of history in these sea weir, and on how to correctly understand the literature in Huaibei "Fangong dike" and "Fangong dike" records many contradictions, put forward some personal views.

First, to Huainan "Fangong dike" from Taizhou sea guard weir.

1 Taizhou sea guard weir and the narrow sense of "Fangong dike".

The years, due to tidal flooding in Hailing, Xinghua County, Xixi Jianghuai shipment makes Zhang Guan, Fan Zhongyan and Wei Wei Yan Guan Shao Qing Hu Lingyi to upgrading Taizhou ancient Hanhai weir (i.e. the Tang Dynasty Yan Chang Feng) (Figure 1). According to Zhang Wencai's research, the Taizhou sea guard weir was completed in 1028, starting from the east to Hailing Town, Hu Dun (now in Dafeng County, southwest sea field) is Tao Pu (this Dongtai County, an Fengzhen) to the south, across two states, Chu Tai, a total length of 25696 feet, 171 meters, 3 meters thick 1 feet wide, 1 feet high, 5 feet in Taizhou. These sea Xing Zhu and Yan Yan building, 1055 Haimen county magistrate Shen up coastal embankment 70, later known as "Shen embankment, Lu four, to more than xichang.

1177 Taizhou governor Wei Qinxu, from the river to the South and 35 mulberry dike, Zhang Lun project to fill the unthinkable.

So far, two song Yuchu, Thailand, three coast, has a total of nearly 300 in the build these seawalls weir, and to "Winton Chu" summary of Huainan sea guard weir across the board range. Such as the "history of the Song Dynasty, Emperor Ji" in "building Sanzhou sea guard Winton Chu Yan." Zhan Shilong Van Dyke amendment to the Yuan Dynasty, from the four to the Lu Miao Wan, Huainan Fangong dike was finally completed. Note that, by reviewing the literature, the Southern Song Dynasty to the Ming Dynasty, Huainan section of these tend to "defend the sea sea weir weir" match, such as Taizhou sea guard weir, Winton Chu Hanhai weirs. Not to "Fangong dike" or "Van Dyke" collectively, and until the late Ming Dynasty to "Fangong dike" refers to Huainan across the sea guard weir, so Mr. Zhang Wencai believed that "Fangong dike" began to appear in the Ming Dynasty. However, Mr. Zhang Wencai referred to can be understood as "Fangong dike", and generalized to Taizhou these sea "Fangong dike" weir narrowly occurs earlier.

In fact, the song and Yuan dynasties have appeared in the name of Fan Zhongyan Memorial, and specifically to Taizhou sea guard weir. Such as the Southern Song Dynasty scholar louyue in "Taizhou building" recorded in the sea guard weir:"...... West big weir Fangong, if not this shift is built within the field as Chilu weir."

In addition, the yuan Lv Yanzhen in the poem "Weiyang Eight Sights" in poetry "make spring": "is born alone Liufang grass, van dyke. Ten even the Haidian, all partial to mountain."

Therefore, the song and Yuan Dynasties has "Fangong Da Yan", "Van Dyke" is used to refer to the Taizhou Tiansheng period built these sea weir, but not universal, still use the "Taizhou sea guard weir, song and later documents are recorded as" Taizhou sea guard Weir ". For example, a" history of the Song Dynasty Lun biography "called" Taizhou sea guard Weir "," Sons Jinzon chronicles a "cloud:" August Chinese new building, Taizhou sea guard weir." "Li Tao and Wang Yinglin" xuzizhitongjian Changbian "jade sea" not only known as the "Taizhou sea guard Tiansheng weir, and there are detailed records. When the start points of the late Qing Dynasty, Wu Tongju in the book" in the "Jiangsu water conservancy is still called" Fan Zhongyan built Taizhou sea guard weir one hundred and forty-three miles ".

In addition, according to Fan Zhongyan Description: "in my day,...... With the autumn tide, steeped in the two cities between hailing, Xinghua...... Beginning as anti, through one hundred and fifty, the tides are not harmful." Chuan Liu mentioned here only hailing, Xinghua two counties, it was mainly for the protection of the sea weir in coastal areas of Taizhou, it is known as the "Taizhou sea guard Weir" is more appropriate.

Therefore, the "Taizhou sea guard Weir" is refers to the Tang Dynasty Yan Chang Feng Tiansheng period as the foundation, Zhang, fan, Hu trio together to build these sea weir, and the first with the name of Fan Zhongyan, to commemorate the difference.

In other words, "Fangong dike" or "Van Dyke" is a word originally only refers to "Taizhou Tiansheng period defend sea weir." this kind of "Fangong dike", referring to the Taizhou Tiansheng period built in these sea weir, are common in later literature. For example, the Republic of China, Wu Tongju in "the chronology of the Huai Bian" is still used in the "Fangong dike" refers to the Taizhou sea guard Tiansheng weir.

2 long and generalized "Fangong dike myth".

Generally speaking, the ancient "building or defend common host named sea weir. For example, the coast of Jiangsu in history, Shen Bao Ji embankment dam and embankment, but the connection with Taizhou sea guard weir all kinds of weirs, eventually are collectively referred to as "Fangong dike", even involving the Huaibei sea guard weir, "Fangong dike embankment, become generalized." at this time, its connotation has come and defend North Jiangsu Hai Yan synonymous. This is Fan Zhongyan, in addition to personal fame, I think, "Fangong dike" concept in fact exist continuously, widely used universal phenomenon, largely with the "Sima Guang Winton sea" said long spread about.

The scope of the early record Xing Zhu Taizhou Tiansheng period defend sea weir, in addition to Fan Zhongyan himself, there is an easy for scholars to ignore the historical records, namely Sima Guang "Wen" in SHUSHUI note, saying: "Haizhou Tongtai Binhai, the old city is to tide, soil can not be Chilu jiase. Fan Wenzheng Xixi warehouse supervisor, the white building in North Korea, please protect seawall in three states place hundreds of miles long, with Tian Weimin, from the court.

...... Hair, Thailand, Chu, four sea state porters rule, as well as, people still enjoy the benefit of the people of Xinghua are to name "fan. This is the earliest mention of Taizhou sea guard weir involving" Tongtai sea "three state records, Fan Weiyuan Fan Zhongyan recorded more than Taizhou hailing and Xinghua. Subsequently, this song and Yuan said that in the Ming and Qing Dynasties literature was widely quoted. Note that, "said Sima Guang Winton sea" the scope and Fan Zhongyan himself described the apparent inconsistency, two people are also built in the 1980s, the state has not changed.

So Sima Guang took these years in Taizhou Tiansheng records across the sea Weir "Tongtai sea" three states, "hundreds of miles long, this is clearly not the facts.". Previously stated, Taizhou sea weir across these days Tongtai two states, to the late Southern Song Dynasty to cross "Winton Chu" in three states (Figure 1), can not step into Haizhou. But surprisingly, Sima Guang said "Tongtai sea" has been widely misinformation, far-reaching influence.

According to Mr. Deng Guangming of the Southern Song Dynasty scholar speak highly of "Ji Wen" SHUSHUI historical value, for Zhu Xi, Li Tao, Jiang Shaoyu, et al. Chen Zhensun also quotes a lot of "zhizhai content explanation" in "the book said to be Shijiu." Sima Guang wrote "Ji Wen" is Su water for the preparation of the "comprehensive after Jian Ji" data preparation, but do not have to go. The Southern Song Dynasty scholar Li Tao is the book uses a lot of data, it has compiled "xuzizhitongjian Changbian". It is not difficult to find, Sima Guang's fame and the descendants of the "smell", remember SHUSHUI respected the wide spread and copied, the "sea Winton" spread far and wide. But it is not no one found one mistake, Li Tao composed "xuzizhitongjian Changbian", the "Sima Guang Winton sea" made the right choice. Li Tao said Taizhou sea guard Weir "and did not like other documents as copy of Sima Guang errors. In addition, the Qing Dynasty scholar Xu Qianxue compiled the" mirror ". Also acknowledged Li Tao's judgment, and for the first time to do research. However, research and judgment of such rare did not cause enough attention, in fact, in a large number of the other mistakes recorded before, later if not in-depth comparison is difficult to obtain a correct understanding.

Therefore, the Ming and Qing Dynasties, a large number of official and private documents is generally not only a continuation of Sima Guang "Tongtai sea", but rather mysteriously appeared in the Haizhou section of Hanhai weir built in specific locations, especially the error will be "Fangong dike" extends to Haizhou Xu Du, even Shandong sunshine. Such as the Pan Jixun River "at a glance" set: "Richard Song Chen Fan Zhongyan built a causeway, Lu Zhao from the four, finally Xu Du, after hundreds of years, around thirty, outside the dike were salt".

And as Liu Wulong built Qianlong Jiangnan seawall "please sparse": "from Tongzhou and Haizhou to the north of old Fangong dike road." "Ruan Kuisheng": "the Hakka tea river bank name Fangong dike, from four to Lu Xu Du after hundreds of years, surrounded by dozens of."

Error loading "Fangong dike" in Xu Du probably began with "history earth summary", the Qing Dynasty scholar Xu Ming pan Zhuan "Fang Yu ticket", to "read history earth summary" mistakes made on the gaps, but did not find "Fangong dike" in Xu Du mistake of Fangong Di recognition is still the continuation of the corruption. Other documents and Xu Du error is in Yancheng county. The actual situation is, Xu Du Haizhou, in the northeast of Qushan, Lin Hong, "southeast now Lianyungang city east near, far away from Yancheng (Figure 1). In two a total of thirty Huai salt, in Huaibei, Dongguan, Xu Du, Du Banpu Xing Zhuang, Lin Hong five salt. Xu Du is located in Xu Dupu field. In addition, there will be "Fangong dike" literature is far wrong records repair to the Shandong Rizhao, such as the Qing Dynasty Xu Xudan "Fangong dike repair discussion" set: "Fangong dike formerly known as sea guard weir...... From Tongzhou to Shandong Langshan, Rizhao Miangen, seven hundred years."

Chuan Liu language where such records, historical records have been vague, difficult to study, or fiction, or mistakes. But it is not difficult to find, they are affected by the Sima Guang Winton sea ". Mistaken "Fangong dike is across present-day Nantong to Lianyungang north coast all.

This misconception continues to the present, there are still people who think "Fangong dike" from Nantong to Lianyungang Chuan Shi. Therefore, long-term misinformation led to the "Fangong dike" fuzzy obvious understanding, but actually contributed to the "Fangong dike" pan. That is to say, the late Ming Dynasty "Fangong dike" is mainly referred to as Huainan section of these sea weir. But because the spread of Sima Guang "Tongtai sea", as well as a large number of literature phenomenon as "Fangong dike" concept of Pan Huaibei provided the conditions of use.

In the same document, the "Fangong dike" there are obvious contradictions, say coexist, no people, this is very common in historical records. As in "Huaian Prefecture" set: "according to the" Song Mingchen book "words and deeds...... Fan Wenzheng Xixi white male prison, in North Korea, please make sure the seawall in three state territory." Chuan Rong with the book also contains: "Fangong dike, a guard sea weir (Yancheng county), to treat two outside the east gate, south of Taizhou, Haimen, North Yan Sha Pu is a Yanmao, 700." Chuan and in addition, compared with the popular "Tongtai sea", from the space distance, are rarely seen in historical records "Tongtai Chu" said is more reasonable.

The Northern Song Dynasty of the East Huainan Chuzhou is located in the south of Haizhou, Lianshui, in the north of Taizhou, Yancheng, Chuzhou (Figure 1). As Zhang Zan "Yang Gong Yan Ji": "song fan Zhenggong prison Xixi Yancang recommended by building, through Winton Chu Sanzhou."

In short, roughly in the Wanli period of Ming Dynasty, a large number of the use of "Fangong dike" referred to as Huainan section of these sea weir began the official and private, but before the main use of these sea weir. "" Fangong dike "has become the sea guard weir name, has been tantamount to" defend the sea weir. "So far," Fan Gongdi "is no longer only to" defend Taizhou, Huainan and Haiyan "refers to all kinds of these sea weir. Due to the "Fangong dike" refers to the scope of the existence of individual to general, especially to the general trend of expansion, coupled with the "sea Winton" generalized "Fangong dike so widespread," may also extend to the Huaibei area.

However, for the "Huaibei Fangong dike", the "Yancheng county" the essays have on: "Fangong dike north to Haizhou, said this mistake."

Although denied widely misinformation "Tongtai sea" said, but also ignored the "Fangong dike" is not really restrictive concept, is no longer the specific meaning, has become synonymous with the "sea guard Weir". In other words, due to the large number of false records and misuse, widely used, objectively "Fangong dike" is refers to the historical process of expanding the scope of generation, and not one-sided view of "Fangong dike" can only be referred to as the Huainan section Hanhai weir. In fact, Huaibei has been dubbed the "Fangong dike dike" phenomenon, unlike the Fangong dike in Xu Du, like sunshine obviously wrong records, this cannot be denied.

Two, the Huaibei sea and "Fangong dike weir guard."

1 Huaibei sea guard weir.

To clear the Huaibei "Fangong dike" is misused, you must first figure out who was dubbed "Fangong dike" in Huaibei about whether there is, rather than similar to the "Fangong dike" stop in Xu Du, sunshine like fiction.

There are a lot of Huaibei coastal dikes project, its construction far earlier than in Huainan. Wu Tongju said: "in the coastal area of Huaibei, yellow stream, Ruan sea area, there is no sea salt, reed."

In fact, this view is not accurate. The north shore of Huaihe coastal zone in the landscape and to the south of Huaihe are basically the same, but history also has a number of ancient sand distribution, also has a large population and developed agricultural production, is not the lack of basic geological and economic demand built dikes. Before the Tang Dynasty, the ancient North Huaihe estuary along the coast of Jiangsu (Huaibei section) is China's construction of the seawall in key areas such as North Haizhou. People build "Chang Yan", the Sui Dynasty in Donghai County to build the "West Hanhai weir 63, build" defend sea square "in 15. To the Tang Dynasty, although the South Tong key areas of national construction, but the Huaibei coastal seawall in the original scale still has been extended. According to "Haizhou Province, Jiaqing annals" records, Tang Kaiyuan seven years (719 years), the East China Sea county magistrate yuan warm, after Sui Zhuxi defend weir, and put these 39 in the East Sea weir. "Yan in three county northeast, southwest of Cangwu mountain, to the northeast of the giant Ping shan. Outside these tides, stagnation of the landscape, people for irrigation." Ming Longqing "Haizhou Zhi" contains: "Tang Kaiyuan and fourteen years (726 years), the tide surge, governor Du Lingzhao built Qushan Yongan embankment, North Mountain, South Guo, six or seven Miangen, to defend the tide."

Yongan City dike "north mountain, seven miles long to defend the tide Chuan Liu. After the Tang and Song Dynasties, with the economic and population center of ancient China eastward migration to the south, Huainan coastal development and speeding up the process of the dam project will be increased, but Huaibei is still an important project about" building, considerable scale (Table 1).1128 the Yellow River South North Sea, Huaibei about most of the embankment, and the area of the river due to impending tide, river with river and coastal defense function.

The history of Huaibei a lot about the existence of "Fangong dike and the Ming and Qing Dynasties" concept is widely used, it is not difficult to conclude that this is just across the river, there are these tidal function and geomorphology consistent about Huaibei, intentionally or unintentionally, also dubbed the "Fangong dike" may provide a great. In the "Fangong dike" pan and misuse of the background, it is entirely possible to refer to the Huaibei dam, this seemingly error refers, essentially "Fangong dike" concept has been widely used, from the first to refer to the Taizhou sea guard weir, to defend the sea all collectively referred to as Huainan Yan, is to use "Fangong dike" in the name referred to the historical process of continuous generations these sea weir, finally even about Huaibei. If you follow this way of understanding, is not a simple negation appear in the literature of Huaibei "Fangong dike".

Specifically, the "Huaibei Fangong dike", mainly refers to the Dongguan Du field and the ancient sea guard Yan Huai Di Anton county. The past scholars discuss these North Sea weir, often avoided the "ancient Guan Du Huai Fangong dike and Anton dike, apparently by" Fangong dike "effect can only be referred to the Huainan sea guard weir.

2 "Fangong dike" Guan Du.

According to the "Haizhou Longqing Zhi", Huaibei Dongguan Du saltworks Hongwu (1368) from the set, is the Ming Dynasty Huaibei five (Dongguan Du, Iura, Lin Hong, Xing Zhuang, Xu Du) one of the. Interestingly, the "two Huai salt Zhi" Guan Du field map, the plot "Fangong dike" (Figure 2), which is rare in the literature of Huaibei "Fangong dike".

The book said clearly records about the starting point: "Du Guan field...... The sea is coastal guard weir, south of Haikou, West Lu shi." Haikou: yellow and Huai into the sea, commonly known as Haikou. "(Huaian) east of the house there are two hundred large Haikou, Huaihe into the sea, the south of the temple bay."

Song for the Lianshui military territory, was here to set up Haikou saltworks (Figure 1, figure 3). Lu Shi Lou hill, in the southeast of Haizhou, "world peace in mind" contains: "Lu Mountain (in Qushan) sixty miles southeast of the county." Now the Iraq Lushan, located in the west corner of Shanxi side (Figure 3).

Lu Shishan, Zou Xi Shan, Shan Dong Zou three coastal low mountain, is a unique landmark in Haizhou area. Haizhou is the earliest extant chronicles of Longqing "Haizhou Zhi" in the "Haizhou general Lu Mountain, which is set in the Dun Lu Mountain military facilities Yandun warning. The cloud: "Dong Zou in the sea, West Zou Ju Haiyu, second confrontation."

Therefore, the west mountain is located at the corner of the coast edge Longqing years. Figure 2 "Mary mountain" in the name of the test can not be, may be the west mountain areas.

Figure 2 shows that the Dongguan "Fangong dike ditch" side there are two north-south large river, river, river, namely yifan. In the "Huaian Prefecture" cloud: "Guan river...... From the west of Nantong Lian Lian, the East, the other was scattered into the river into the Huai River, the North Haizhou saltworks, Zhou Ji will."

Salt River predecessor. Yifan River in the "official East, Lushan flow to Iraq, Nantong Anton into the huai"

That is, between the Huai River and Lu Mountain, and official river toward similar (Figure 3), this Lianshui county has a long. Yifan river is likely to borrow to build weir left Huainan waterway, and Chuanchang river embankment soil is caused by the same.

From Haikou Lu Mountain in about Yibaishushi (Figure 3). From the distance, the Dongguan "Fangong dike ditch" of the scale is not small.

But puzzling is that in addition to Jiajing, Kangxi, Yong Zheng and Qianlong "two Huai salt Zhi", "Guan Du Fangong dike" is rarely recorded in other historical records. Kangxi, Yong Zheng, and the "two Huai Zhi" in Dongguan salt "Fangong dike ditch" line starting and ending point specific and clear, it is difficult to understand is the author made more, not only on the basis of "Fangong dike" is referred to as Huainan sea guard weir and simple negation.

In fact, in the vicinity of Dongguan Du did exist all kinds of these seawalls field. Such as the Jiajing twenty-four years (1545) the magistrate of Haizhou king "Haizhou Rose River norishige monument" set: "Haikou dike five, with tidal barrier."

The dikes on a large scale, there are several other banks. In addition, according to Kangxi, "Anton county", the Ming Dynasty Anton county magistrate Huang Xing Zhu Yao Di Chengzhang north the Yellow River (Long Beach, "Anton) from Yan Jiahe County to pick off the ladder Fangong dike, through one hundred and fifty"

Here. "Then Fangong dike" unexpected, but the line, spatial position and Jiajing "two Huai salt law Chi" in Dongguan Du "Fangong dike" south of Haikou field is also positive, the ladder is located near Haikou (Figure 3). It can be considered that, in "Huaian Prefecture" in building the ground along the Yellow Chengzhang Fangong dike "refers to the" two Jiajing Chi "in Dongguan Huai salt ditch" Fangong dike "(Figure 3).

After seventeenth Century, the the Yellow River delta rapid siltation. To Qianlong, Guan Du "Fangong dike was long water washed not repair. When the field is far away from the sea of Guan Du to Yibaishushi, difficult to tide," Guan Du salt, mow for class, salt pond gradually moved eastward.

The first year of Qianlong (1736) is a new field, Dongguan ditch field into the old abandoned dike repair.

Note that in "two Huai salt law records" many salt map and places do exist in the gaps and inconsistencies. Such as tea as "Fangong dike Ben said Huang Shayang from the northwest southeast from the mouth to the angle of oblique angle", "Van Dyke is something even bencha", but in the field of bencha, jiaoxie are missing "Fangong dike" plotting.

In the "two Huai salt general" and "Fangong dike", and "Tongzhou branch secretary general", Feng Li, jiaoxie and bencha and a lack of "Van Dyke" or "sea guard Weir". In the Middle East mountain field map Banpu Zou painted the wrong on land. In addition, Temple Bay field and cloud:"...... The Defense said Van Dyke, up flow Pu, and ended in the Huai River meandering northwest. These seawalls weir as far as four from lu."

However, Guan Du said field graph and its content. Only in the "Huaian branch secretary general in Dongguan Du field and did not" Fangong dike ".

On the surface, Dongguan ditch field guard sea weir really should not called "Fangong dike". But "there is no unified standard for this specific concept of Fangong dike" in the long-term use, especially a lot of literature on the "sea Winton" said the rumor, so may be completely used to a river Huaibei a Hanhai weir. If you give up the "Fangong dike" "Haizhou" one-sided understanding and considering the "Fangong dike" refers to the object extension, extension, can understand Huaibei "Fangong dike" and a lot of misunderstanding.

Therefore, through the above research and analysis, the documents recorded in Dongguan "Fangong dike ditch, ditch these sea field just Dongguan weir is generally known as the" Fangong dike ". It is not the false records of literature. In addition, due to long-term salt heavy North South light, and the South Bank of Huai long, storm surge had more impact on the government of Huainan in Ming and Qing Dynasties about investment in Huaibei, about less investment, so the Huainan "Fangong dike" records is often more common. Of course, even if the "Fangong dike" pan used about Huaibei, it also did not reach consensus, is only an individual phenomenon.

"For four years as Qian Long salt Province Map" and not "Fangong dike" plotting to the coast of Huaibei, it is in the Miaowan finally LV four.

3 Anton county ancient Huai River levee.

In addition to Dongguan "Fangong dike ditch", the Ming and Qing Dynasties Anton county (now Lianshui county) ancient Huai River levee is also known as the "Fangong dike". According to the "Huaian Prefecture" and "Kangxi Anton county" contains: "Gu Huai River levee, namely Fangong dike. To treat (Anton) east fifteen, east shore up in Huai Hai one hundred and forty, directly, with anti huaishui overflow. According to "Song Mingchen"...... Fan Wenzheng Xixi white male prison, in North Korea, please make sure the seawall in three state territory."

The author clearly by Sima Guang "Winton sea", mistaking a part of Huai River levee as "Fangong dike adongo" cross "Tongtai sea" in three, and also to "Fangong dike" refers to. In addition, Gu Zuyu cited has lost "Haikou Chi" cloud:"...... There are fifteen Di Huai County East, namely Fangong dike also."

"Haikou will" may be the earliest known as "Huai di Fangong dike, this is also used for many historical records. The" Huaian Prefecture "called" Gu Huai Di "," Haikou Zhi "called" Huai Di ", the latter contained no later than mid sixteenth Century. However, as these sea Dongguan field ditch weir, the ancient historical records of the dike very vague. However, if it does not exist, only according to the "Tongtai sea" said invented, it is hard to imagine.

In fact, the Huai River levee is likely to be the late Ming Dynasty to the early Qing Dynasty. On the north shore of the Yellow River County Anton embankment predecessor. The late Ming Dynasty to the early Qing Dynasty, the north shore of the Yellow River county has been rebuilt many times about anton. According to Kangxi, "Anton county", the Ming Dynasty Anton county magistrate Huang Chengzhang building "," Anton Chang Di Yan Jiahe County to pick off the ladder, Fangong dike, through one hundred and fifty"

Yong Zheng county "and" Anton, Wanli and Qing Jin Fu Huang Chengzhang of the Huaidi rebuilt reinforcement, make it become strong. On the north shore of the Yellow River embankment. In Jiaqing "Qing Yi Tong Zhi" is also summarized: "Gu Huai Di, fifteen in East Anton County," Fu Zhi "from the shore in Huai East, direct sea one hundred and forty, anti overflow huaishui. Jin Fu "book" Anton County on the north shore of the Yellow River river embankment, from the Shanyang County community, down to the limit of Guanshan County ladder. Twenty-three thousand three hundred and eleven feet long."

It is necessary to point out that with the "Jiangsu water conservancy Wu cited in the book" and "Huai Quan Bian" chronology was not mentioned in ancient Huai Di Anton county. And said: "the Huai River Oxbow, the original ancient embankment. The Yellow River won the Huai Huai River, water flow, parallel to the sea, at the end of the embankment."

But Haizhou, Anton County Tian large flood and tide with sea embankment coexist, not difficult to imagine the protection of weir. In addition, Wu Tongju in the "Huai" in the chronology of the whole series also describes the Wanli Anton county magistrate Huang Xing Zhu Di. Chengzhang. But as "reproduced Yan Jia set for Haikou 50", not "Fangong dike ground". It may Wu by "Fangong dike" in Huainan is not in the one-sided understanding of the impact of Huaibei, mistaking here documented mistakes, will not ignore, only vaguely do expression. Yan Jia set in Anton west of town, close the distance ladder is far better than the 50 in (Figure 3). Obviously, with the example of Wu County along the riverbanks, Anton sea Weir's judgment is not accurate.

Wanli, the water from Huang Huai Yun Hing, he had noticed the yellow building. The Wanli Di Chengzhang literature, so as not to neglect the Wanli "Huaian Prefecture" middle Huai River levee materials. It may be the same as the middle Huai Wu Di dubbed "Fangong dike" by mistake, in "Huaian's history" and the ancient Huai dike and the "Song Mingchen" words and deeds recorded "Tongtai sea" said together, so that this does not exist or the wrong note about literature. Unfortunately, the same is not for Wu Dynasty, directly ignored these materials, quite puzzling.

Three, discussion and summary.

"Fangong dike" since the song and Yuan Dynasties refer to "defend Taizhou sea Weir", gradually expand the scope of use. To the late Ming Dynasty, "Fangong dike" will become the main sections of these sea collectively referred to as Huainan weir, and finally Huaibei dikes were called "Fangong dike", is the period of the song to the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the general concept gradually widely used results. Therefore, Fangong dike refers to the North Sea guard weir, experienced from the narrow to broad, the individual to the general, especially to the development process in general.

In other words, historical records "Fangong dike" has two meanings. It is a narrow Fangong dike, the Northern Song Dynasty in the Tang Dynasty to Tiansheng period on the basis of Yan Chang Feng repair, built by the Taizhou sea guard weir; generalized Fangong dike, refers to the Song Dynasty in Huainan coast in previous extended repair these sea weir. But we can not only think "Fangong dike" can only refer to the Huainan dam. In fact, a lot of mistakes in the promotion of literature records, it has been widely used to refer to the object about Huaibei. A large extent, "said Sima Guang Winton sea", a large number of official and private documents recorded in Taizhou sea to defend Tiansheng weir across "Tongtai sea state three. To some extent, "Fangong dike" concept, general and widely used "Fangong dike" from narrow to broad change, provide conditions. Taizhou Tiansheng period up to cross these sea weir, "Winton Chu", not including the Huaibei coast. Interestingly, the Ming and Qing Dynasties, "Fangong dike" referring to the scope but true across the "Winton sea" three states, namely Huaibei dikes also referred to collectively as "Fangong dike". On the surface, is a misuse of the "Fangong dike", with special performance is "Fangong dike" concept of long the essence of pan.

In a word, "Fangong dike" refers to the continued existence of the phenomenon of Pan generation, Huaibei dikes can also be referred to as "Fangong dike", "Fangong dike" can not be one-sided view that only in Huainan. Although the "Fangong dike" in Huainan is still a consensus, but with the Huaibei sea guard weirs also referred to collectively as "contradiction Fangong dike", not indiscriminately literature that the latter is the wrong note. The late Ming Guan Du Hai and Huai Yan field guard adongo dike with Huainan "Fangong dike", adjacent function the same, they are generally known as the "Fangong dike", we can not simply deny.
