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时间:2021-08-16 来源:未知 编辑:梦想论文 阅读:
Blueberry, genus Vaccinium Ericaceae, (Vaccinium), the species name for blueberry (English name Blueberry) is a perennial shrub, small berry fruit, fruit is blue named [1]. blueberry has rich nutritional value, rich in flavonoids, polysaccharides, protein, vitamins and other nutrients in fruits, minerals and the contents of trace elements are also considerable [2 -3]. blueberry has other fruits and vegetables and do not have the material - eyes in anthocyanins, blueberry anthocyanin on the human body have a good maintenance, it can not only relieve eye fatigue, improve eyesight, but also can accelerate the synthesis and regeneration of retinal and rhodopsin [4 -7]. also blueberry has a good diet and health value, is listed as one of the five major human health food fao. Other studies have indicated that -9] [8, blueberries can effectively lower cholesterol, prevent atherosclerosis, promote cardiovascular health, enhance heart function, prevent cancer and heart disease, but also to prevent brain aging, enhance brain. In addition, blueberries can also treat common colds, sore throat, diarrhea and other symptoms, has good medicinal value. With the development of the role of blueberry, the market demand for blueberry is also growing. In this paper, the author analyzes the type, theme, journal distribution, the authors unit, the fund support, and the domestic research results of the research literature on Blueberry research in the last 25 A, hoping to provide a scientific reference for the further research and development of blueberry.
1 materials and methods
1.1 data sources
Use the following table retrieval tools and retrieval in 1, searching for bibliographic data, and use statistical analysis to record all the contents of the field.
1.2 methods and data processing
Analysis method and data processing reference [10].
1.3 analysis index and content
Analysis index and content reference document [10].
2 results and analysis
2.1 research field and annual document quantity
From the database used by the Chinese Communist Party to detect the research literature 4805, after finishing to weight, the actual search to the literature 3693, the area of the document quantity (top 6) by more than in order to agricultural economy, horticulture, light industry hand industry, preventive medicine and health, industrial economy, forestry (see Table 2 and table 3).
2.2 journal distribution
3693 articles on Blueberry research papers were published in various journals, table 4 listed only the publication of research papers on Blueberry 6 journals most, from table 4 shows that the most is "74" northern horticulture; followed by "Anhui agriculture" 54 "science and technology of food industry;" 49; "modern agricultural science and technology" 49; "food science" 41; "36" China forest by products.
2.3 document unit
3693 papers on Blueberry research are involved in multiple units, the list of the top 5 of the list of the top 5 units, from the table 5 can be seen, the most published papers is Jilin Agricultural University; second is the Shenyang Agricultural Uinversity; third is Northeast Forestry University; fourth is Majiang County, Guizhou County, County fruit office; fifth is Beijing Forestry University.
2.4 paper fund support
3693 papers on Blueberry studies, some of which have received financial support from the state or other funds. It is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, which is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China. The second is the science and technology development program of Jilin province. 25, third, 22, fourth, 948, 15, 13 (see Table 6).
2.5 blueberry research results
From the view of information, at present, China's blueberry research mainly involves the cultivation techniques of blueberry, blueberry tissue culture and industrial technology research and other fields (see Table 7).
3 summary and discussion
3.1 conclusions
1) research areas and documents. From a statistical analysis of the literature search, there were no reports of blueberries before 1989, and since twenty-first Century, there have been reports of blueberry every year. The most of them were 913 in 2013, followed by 728 in 2012. In the research of blueberry in 3693 areas, most of the literature in the field of agricultural research, although the amount of the document issued in 25 A reached 3693, but the quality is still not high, as there are independent intellectual property rights of research results as soon as possible.
2) Journal distribution. The papers on Blueberry research are mainly published in the Journal of agricultural science, and the influence of the research is relatively low, and the paper is a research on the industrial technology and cultivation technology of blueberry. "Northern horticulture" issued a document of up to 72. As the fruit of blueberry is rich in nutrition, economic value and ornamental value is very considerable, so it has a broad prospect of research.
3) document units. About blueberry research papers more than the University, the Jilin Agricultural University issued a document, there are 72, mainly on the development of blueberry industry, culture and other aspects of research, and focus on the content of blueberry in the very high content of anthocyanin pigment in the human eye has a very good maintenance. And the research on protein, vitamins, minerals and trace elements in blueberry is still missing. In addition, blueberries contain phenolic acid, superoxide dismutase, pectin, pterostilbene, Yun bin tannin alcohol and other special nutrients, still need to be further research on the role of the system.
4) fund support. 3693 papers on Blueberry research, some of which have been supported by national or other funds, including the National Natural Science Foundation of China, 49. The economic value and the value of the blueberry are becoming more and more prominent, but the related research of blueberry needs to be more in-depth, and the value of the research is still to be excavated.
3.2 discussion
At present, the domestic scholars mainly focused on the evaluation of blueberry resources, blueberry cultivation techniques, blueberry fruit industry technology, and other aspects, the research on blueberry is not deep enough. In addition, China's blueberry breeding mainly by tissue culture and cutting, but due to excessive exploitation of the local people, the Northeast China wild Vaccinium uliginosum resources are shrinking, and blueberry planting is dependent on certain conditions, such as soil pH value, seedling domestication technology, and research in these areas in China there is still a gap between the scholars. Along with people's pursuit of health regimen, it is necessary to promote the research of blueberry to explore its potential effect and develop and utilize the potential effect, which can promote the rapid and sustainable development of blueberry industry.
The blueberry industry rapid development of foreign research field, which involves a wide range, in addition to the general cultivation, fertilizer for plant growth, plant diseases and insect pests, disease prevention and other [11] technology, analysis, in the nutritional composition of blueberry fruit and its processed products storage and transportation technology of [12] have reached a very high standard, and domestic scholars in the field. The research has some gap.
[1] Gao Zichun. Preliminary study on the extraction and purification of anthocyanins from blueberry [D]. Hangzhou: Zhejiang University, 2014
[2] Li Yingchang, Ma Chunying, Meng Xianjun, et al. Studies on antioxidant capacity of blueberry anthocyanins extract [J]., 2010 (2): 92 -95.
[3] Zhou Yanqi, Bu Qingyan. Analysis of the nutrition and health care function of blueberry and its development and Utilization Prospect of the northern horticulture, 2010 (8): 215 -217.
[4] Liu Kening, Li Gongcun, Gu Haiyan, etc.. Evaluation of core germplasm resources of blueberry [J]. Shandong Agricultural Sciences, 2011 (1): 20 -23.
[5] Yang Zhengsong, and added Wei, Tang School, etc.. Wild blueberry resources in Northwest Yunnan [J]. Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2008 (4): 1059 -1062.