essay case
Term paper

The implementation strategy of primary school mathematics in

时间:2015-11-10 来源:未知 编辑:daimao 阅读:
Abstract: the new curriculum advocates "hands-on, inquiry teaching self exploration and cooperation and exchange". We should implement the active search for knowledge, practice, cooperation and exchange, discover a problem, solve the problem of learning style, with independent research and development ability of students.

Keywords: explore; practice; evaluation; the download

Primary school mathematics inquiry learning is to let the students under the guidance of teachers, around a need to explore and solve the problem, with a similar "scientific way of" independent to found the problem, problem inquiry, access to knowledge. The basic pattern is: the creation of context - independent inquiry --- --- --- using cooperation practice evaluation summary.

一、 创设情境
One, the creation of situations

Students explore learning enthusiasm, initiative often comes from to the learner is full of doubt and question situation. The creation of the problem situation, is to make people a students with questions about the situations the process, through the creation of problem situations, to enable students to clear inquiry goal, give thought to direction; at the same time have a strong desire to explore, give thought to power. Therefore, in teaching, teachers must deeply excavate the content of the teaching material, contact the student original knowledge and experience, through visual materials and living example, induced thinking, guiding ideas, enhance the exploration of the internal driving force. Such as teaching "penny", the teacher should guide the students from the collation of stationery and learning with starting question: "those things on the learning tool box? What to put in the pencil case?" This design is accord with the low grade first-year students' curiosity, they would begin tinkering with classification. Another example of teaching "interior angles of a triangle", the teacher told the students to tell the two corners of the triangle of arbitrary degree, the teacher immediately and accurately say third angles, the teacher even did not see the triangle me, how will know that third angles? Students hearts full of wonder and curiosity, want to know what the teacher has "magic weapon", so as to stimulate students desire to explore, to actively participate in the inquiry activities.

Two, independent inquiry

所谓自主探究,就是让每个学生根据自己的体验用自己的思维方式自由地、开放地去探究。课堂上要给学生自由探究的时间和空间,鼓励学生大胆猜想质疑,去创造出新的数学知识,让学生从“敢问”到“善问”,让学生在质疑、解疑的过程中培养探究能力。如教学“认识厘米 用厘米量”时,教师让学生用尺子去量一支铅笔的长度,要求将铅笔的一端与尺子的零刻度对齐,另一端指到几,这支铅笔的长度就是几厘米。这时一个学生问:“老师,在测量物体长度的时候,一定要把物体的一端与刻度尺的零刻度对齐吗?”这时的教师并没有马上回答,而是对这名学生提出的这个问题给予表扬鼓励,然后说:“如果你们手中的尺子是一把折断的没有零刻度的尺子,你们分组研究看看,能否量出铅笔的长度?”此时,学生的探究兴趣非常高,积极地参与探究活动。通过讨论他们发现这把断了的没有零刻度的尺子同样也能测量出铅笔的长度。这个问题的解决,相信一定会在学生的头脑中留下深深的烙印。
The so-called self exploration, is to let each student according to his own experience with their own way of thinking freely, open to inquiry. Class to give students the freedom to explore the time and space, to encourage students to boldly guess questioned, to create a new mathematical knowledge, let the students from the "ask" to "good question", training the students inquiry ability in the process of questioning, question and answer. Such as teaching "understanding of CM with CM volume", the teacher told the students to use the ruler to measure the length of a pencil, requirements will be zero scale alignment of one end of a pencil and ruler, the other end refers to a few, the pencil length is a few centimeters. When a student asked: "teacher, when measuring the length of the object, must take the zero scale alignment end and the scale of the object?" When the teachers did not immediately answer, this problem but put forward for the student to give praise to encourage, then said: "if you are the hands of the ruler is a broken no zero scale ruler, you have a look whether the amount of group study, the length of the pencil?" At this time, students' inquiry interest is very high, actively participate in the activities of inquiry. Through the discussion they found this broken no zero scale ruler can also measure the length of the pencil. To solve this problem, I believe that will leave a deep imprint in the minds of students.

Three, cooperation and exchange

合作是人类赖以生存和发展的重要动力。合作交流是让学生在自主探究的基础上,以学习小组为单位充分展示自己的思维进行交流,达到取长补短之目的。如学习了乘法以后,教师出示了这样一题:把下列算式改写成乘法算式 7+7+7+7+4 ,学生思考后列出了三种不同算式:①7×4+4 ②7×5—3 ③8×4 , 然后,教师让学生针对这三种情况分小组进行讨论、比较、交流,使学生明白前两种算式含有加减运算,不能算为一个乘法算式,只能算为一个简便算式,只有第三种算式才符合要求。这一过程学生从被动接受知识变成主动探索、合作探索,提高了学生的表达能力和与他人合作的能力。
Cooperation is an important factor to the survival and development of human. Cooperative communication is to let the students on the basis of self inquiry learning group as a unit, to fully display their own thinking to communicate, achieve the purpose of. After such as learning the multiplication, the teacher shows such a problem: put the following formula rewrite the multiplication formula 7+7+7+7+4, after the student thinks lists three different algorithms: 7 x 7 x 5 - 3 4+4 in the 8 * 4, and then, the teacher asked the students to these three kinds of situations in small groups, comparison, discussion communication, make students understand the former two kinds of formulas containing the addition and subtraction, not as a multiplication formula, can only be considered as a simple formula, only third kinds of formulas to meet the requirements of. This process of students from the passive acceptance of knowledge into active exploration, cooperation and exploration, the ability to improve the expression ability of students and cooperate with others.

Four, the practice application

《数学课程标准》指出:“能综合运用所学知识和技能解决问题,发展应用意识”。探究性学习也注重将所学的知识运用于解决问题的实践中,这里的实践运用不是练习题的技能操练,而是一个“解决问题”的过程,仍然是一个探究过程。教师设计练习时要设计一些开放性的题目,学生通过运用知识解决问题,巩固掌握知识,提高数学应用意识及实践能力。例如:学生在自主探索圆面积S=πr 这一公式后,教师让学生计算学校的圆形花坛,圆形钟表面的面积……这些实际生活中的圆形物体没有圆心标示,直径、半径又不能现成地获得,怎么办?学生再次经历独立探究和合作交流的过程,想出“用线绕钟面一周量出周长,再计算出直径或半径……等好多办法。通过这样的练习,培养了学生运用所学知识解决实际问题的能力。
"Mathematics curriculum standards" pointed out: "to the comprehensive use of the knowledge and skills to solve a problem, the development and application of consciousness". Inquiry learning is the focus will be the knowledge into practice to solve the problem, practice here is not exercise skills practice, but a "solve the problem" of the process, is still an inquiry process. Teachers design practice to design some open questions, students solve the problem by using knowledge, consolidate the mastery of knowledge, improve the mathematics application consciousness and ability of practice. For example: the students in the independent exploration area of circle of S= PI r in this formula, the teacher told the students to calculate the school round bed, round the clock surface area...... The circular object in real life without a center mark, diameter, radius and not readily available, how to do? The students again experience the process of independent exploration and cooperation and exchange, to come up with "line around the clock face a week amount to calculate the perimeter, diameter or radius...... Many measures. Through this practice, cultivate the ability to solve practical problems of students to apply knowledge learned.

五、 评价总结
Five, evaluation summary

The main purpose of the evaluation is to promote the development of students' subjectivity, enhance power the students' active development, improve the ability of active development. Therefore, teachers should pay attention to in the classroom: one is the students independent study, cooperation and exchange, practice learning activity showed the autonomy, initiative, originality were evaluated; two is to guide the students to reflect on the process of inquiry learning activities, to enable students to obtain the positive emotional experience and mastery of methods and Strategies of learning from, and some perception of mathematics method of thinking and learning strategy, consciously thinking of mathematics method of thinking and learning strategies, ability to improve the initiative to acquire knowledge, to solve the problem.
