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时间:2021-08-16 来源:未知 编辑:梦想论文 阅读:
The Chinese is experiencing social changes in multiple forces not before the ancient, city, industrialization, globalization and informationization, China social norms and social structure, is undergoing changes in turn the world upside down. In contrast, the impact of the traditional rural areas by the impact of the modernization of the most powerful, the most profound change. Along with the differentiation of interests and the division of values, the rural areas in a large number of areas are in a state of disorder. "The foundation is not solid, the reconstruction of local social order, the earth trembled and the mountains swayed" has become an important part of comprehensive deepening reform and promoting national governance system modernization.
Social order: concept definition and mechanism
Order and human survival and development. Man is not alone, isolated from birth. As Marx points out, "the essence of man is not an abstract thing of a single human being. In reality, it is the sum of all social relations." The survival and development of human beings can not be separated from the support of the society. The thought and behavior of human beings can not be separated from the guidance of the society. The value and significance of human life can not be separated from the social giving. From this point of view, "society is based on the common material production activities, which is linked to each other." [2]
People in a certain historical conditions, engaged in the production of material, in this process, forming a variety of social relations. However, the production of material can not be separated from the mutual cooperation between people. However, because of the contradiction between the diversity of interests and the limited nature of social resources, the conflict between people is everywhere. How to maintain interpersonal cooperation to the greatest extent, the conflict can be maintained within the controllable range, the order problem arises at the historic moment. The concept of order means that there is a certain degree of consistency, continuity, and certainty in both the natural and social processes." The relative order is 3 and disorderly, disorderly concept shows that there is a fracture (or discontinuous) and irregularity of the phenomenon, that is the lack of knowledge and mode -- or performance from one situation to another situation unpredictable mutation." The problem of social order is one of the most important problems in the field of Chinese and foreign thinkers. It is also the core issue of political science and sociology. "Social order, simply speaking, is the way society can be brought together. Generally speaking, the basic connotation of social order includes three aspects: first, the relative stability of certain social structure. Second, the normal implementation of a variety of social norms. Third, the disorder and conflict control in a certain range. That is to say, the society is in a state of relative balance and stability." 5 "the establishment of a social order depends on the following three factors: the arrangement of individual behavior; behavior between individual and individual arrangements (private relationship); the relationship between individual and organization." [6]
It can be seen that social order refers to the equilibrium and harmonious relationship between people and people, people and groups, groups and groups. Individual does not exist in isolation, each individual is in the established social conditions to create their own history, therefore, social factors constitute the macro background of social order construction. Generally speaking, the construction and maintenance of social order depends on the following 3 aspects.
(1) changes in social structure
"Social structure" refers to the form and pattern of the members of a country or region that have certain resources and opportunities." Generally speaking, the social structure refers to the relatively stable and lasting relationship between the various components of the society or the components of the 7. Social members (micro refers to individuals, organizations, macro, including the state, market, society) is the main body of the social structure, resources are the basic elements of social structure, the opportunity is the possibility of social members to obtain resources. The social structure can be divided into rigid and elastic, the former mainly refers to the closed society, members with the amount of resources and status, mainly determined by blood, race and other congenital factors; the latter mainly refers to the open society, the resources and status, mainly consists of trying to decide.
The two concepts related to the social structure are social stratification and social mobility. The amount of resources, determine the person's status hierarchy. The social stratification, whether in the rigid or flexible social structure in all exist, its roots in private ownership and social division of labor, it is expected that the mankind in the long historical development stage, the social stratification is inevitable. There are social stratification, there will be social mobility, is the so-called "people go to the top," the lower social class is always doing everything possible to achieve a higher social class changes. Whether it is social stratification and social mobility intensifies, frequent, will have a huge impact on the original social structure, which brings great challenge to the existing social order, social order turbulence also in this case.
(two) the implementation of social norms
Whether social stratification and social mobility bring social order is the key to the improvement of social norms and the recognition of social norms. Social norms are the social expectations of the members of the society, is to test whether the eligibility criteria, is to maintain the existence of social adhesives. Part by the role of social norms, customs, morals, law, mutual contact between the parts, process experienced force, conscious from the inner to the outer, from weak to strong.
According to the stage of human development, from the agricultural society to the industrial society, from the "acquaintance society" to "stranger society", the members of society have experienced the transition from "mechanical unity" to "organic unity". Accordingly, the social control mechanism has changed from "etiquette" to "rule of law". Of course, the division of this change is only ideal, the development of human society is not linear, but complex. "Strangers society" with the "acquaintance society", "organic unity" with the "mechanical unity", "rule of law" in a sense must rely on the power of etiquette can be carried out. The conflict of norms, norms and values, which are caused by the alternation of old and new norms, can easily lead to a large number of anomie behaviors.
(three) the change of social environment
Environment is the premise of the existence and development of human beings, and the factors that affect the social environment include natural resources, population, science and technology, economic development, cultural change, social movement, etc.. Form the basis for human survival of the natural resources, science and technology is the first factor to promote the development of productive forces, while the population quantity, quality, structure and distribution, has become an important factor to promote or hinder the development of productive forces. From the agricultural society to the industrial society to the information society, the economic development model of the corresponding requirements change from labor-intensive to knowledge intensive, therefore, culture as soft power development, become an important factor affecting the social environment. According to Augerben's "culture lag" theory, non-material cultural changes, development always lags behind the material culture; material changes brought about the development of science and technology, will bring the culture out of control or disorder. In addition, since the beginning of the enlightenment, the state organization, especially the monopoly of violence, has made a plan for the transformation of the society.
Of course, the problem of social order is everywhere, at all times and in all historical stages. As far as China is concerned, compared with the city, the modern movement of the hurricane has been the biggest impact on the traditional rural areas since the modern times, the small peasant economy has gone bankrupt, the farmers have been flowing frequently, and the rural areas have declined obviously. "Nearly a century of Chinese history, it can be said to be a history of rural destruction." 8 after the Republic of China, although after the regime change, the government of local social order reconstruction efforts, still half gained but half lost. Looking back on history can provide experience for the reconstruction of today's order.
Two, rural social order: the traditional changes and modern problems
The traditional society is a native of the land, as the basic means of agricultural production, farmers will not be moved fixed on the land, farmers have a long-term "facing loess back into the air", "sunrise, sunset, drilling and drink, farming and food, Dili on what I have is" relatively calm life, unless the war, famine and other disasters, farmers' values in the "Hometown" concept, to make the most of life rarely left home. Even through the imperial examination to obtain fame, mostly in the elderly after his hermitage hometown, is the so-called "roots", they together constitute the leading force for maintaining the social order and the clan elders. Reflect on them is a "civilized power", both older accumulated experience and understanding of human social relations in the Confucian classics, the former village of ordinary people to meet production needs, which reflects the needs of national ideology.
In the "imperial no county" under the framework of the country, forming a "rite order". "The ritual can self-cultivation, to family, and so can the rule of etiquette, not only some retreat to etiquette rules, but a set of both ethical and political and cultural meaning of the system specification, is by road. It is important to note that although the etiquette and the law of the gains and losses, with the times, but always linked to the holy, so part of the sacred tradition. Follow this tradition, it is the foundation, the rule of virtue of posterity." [9]
Of course, this kind of rural society is "ideal type". In reality, the class contradictions and class differentiation, when replacing the old young people on the elderly and so on the authority of the rebel conflict, almost everywhere and everywhen; by the regime, ethnic, religious and masculine "repression of the people, always a revolt. With the increase of personnel upper bureaucracy, the rulers of extravagance, excessive extort excessive taxes and levies, deprivation of peasant is one of the few remaining, even consume its basic production data in natural disasters, finally caused the bottom resistance, the peasant war continuously, become an important driving force to promote the change of the order of dynasty.
Although the upper regime change frequently, but the traditional Chinese grass-roots society has formed a "super stable structure". Although each dynasty in different ways, but all belong to Eisenstadt's "adaptive changes", which is unchanged in the institutional framework and structure rules under the condition of self adjustment and self adaptation, feudal society has not formed self denial of power, the reason lies in two aspects: one is the traditional internal China some lack of enough to damage factors existing in the institutional framework, including did not differentiate independent aristocratic groups and city groups and religious groups; on the other hand, there are certain to maintain the existing institutional framework of the factors, including the composition of traditional China state based on the unity of ideal and maintain these ideal intellectuals." [10] the "big change" of traditional Chinese rural grassroots order appeared in modern times.
In the Opium War, the strong external force, the old closed Chinese were forced into the process of globalization, the impact of industrialization, the continuation of the Millennium natural economy gradually disintegrated, rural social structure has undergone tremendous changes. The state faces the enormous pressure of modernization, to increase the rural resources to draw strength, city becomes the carrier of modern values, a country has the ability, wealth, status of the new place; excessive extraction of resources and a large number of talents loss, resulting in the bankruptcy of agriculture, rural decline, poor farmers.
In order to realize the social control of the country, in the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, the state power gradually sinking, but in the rural reconstruction of bureaucratic efforts did not succeed, the national policy still rely on the original rural informal institutions. In the country of "cultural power network" (Duara) is broken under the condition of the traditional exit "gentry", "Wu Shen" and "evil gentry" become a dominant force in the country of the stage, countries are unable to control these informal institutions and rural leaders, no state government intensifies, "rite" evolved into "richeer".
The Communist Party of Chinese in recognition of the farmers is the main force of revolution, the revolution carried out in the country: first, realize the land to the tiller, the agrarian revolution. Second, clean up the effect of reconstruction of rural social order local tyrants and evil gentry. As a foreign scholar concluded: "the Communist Party of China has been able to survive and develop by creating a new order at the village level." 11 after the founding of the PRC, "after a three", especially during the period of people's commune, one of the military political and economic governance, the power control of rural reaches hitherto unknown point. This governance model, first, in the difficult environment, the government backed by the force, cheap or even free access to rural human, material and financial resources to meet the needs of large-scale industrialization. Second, excessive control, in fact, inhibit the division of labor and the interests of the division of the rural areas, farmers will be firmly fixed in a single position in accordance with the class composition, suppress the free development of market forces. The country's excessive integration of the countryside, but played a role in maintaining the strength of the traditional rural social order.
After 1949, the state power of the country's powerful penetration, and did not necessarily erode and eliminate the pre revolutionary social relations and behavior habits....... Although rural political movement is repeated, the traditional ties with blood relatives, neighbors and community based personal friendship, and balance of personal interests, still determines the interpersonal relationship in the village, the relationship between the masses and cadres caused hatred, discrimination and asylum and factionalism." (12) the real impact on the traditional social order is not the "artificial order", but the reform and opening up in 1980s. The state power selectively and gradually withdraw from the rural politics, promoting villagers' autonomy, reduce administrative cost; economic implementation of household contract responsibility system, autonomy to the farmers in production, is actually a national moderate decentralization to the society, gradually to the market spontaneous mechanism instead of the original planned economy mechanism. In general, the impact of market forces on the traditional rural society is far greater than the national strength. First, to mobilize market autonomy, farmers' enthusiasm for production and business, prompting farmers out of the narrow and closed rural modernization, and consciously accept the influence of knowledge, broaden their horizons, their skill in the market economy, offers the opportunity to build up the family fortunes. Second, the market destroyed the original planned economy era of rural collective production mode, but also destroyed the original collective mutual aid model, rational calculation instead of the geographical, kinship and other family friendly mutual mode. Because of the lack of effective integration mechanism in the disintegration of the people's commune system, farmer workers, resulting in a huge loss of rural talent, rural atomization, fragmentation, hollow trend has become increasingly prominent, mostly rural or weak, or evil forces rampant, modern rural crisis has emerged to maintain order. Nowadays, the imbalance of Chinese rural areas is mainly manifested in the following aspects.
(a) the absence of governance subject
Governance is the way to realize social order. In 1995, the committee released the global governance "our global partnership" report made the following definition of Governance: governance is the sum of all public or private individuals and institutions in many management ways in their common affairs. According to this definition, the main body of governance should include government, market, society and other forces, and the maintenance of social order depends on the cooperation between the government and the civil society.
However, in all subjects of power, the government is of overriding importance, any other power subject and the government are not enough to par, on behalf of the state's legitimate government is still the main formal rulemaking, the....... In the reality of political development, the government is still the locomotive of social progress, officials are still the driver of the human political train, the government still plays a decisive role in the realization of good governance." [13]
In other words, in the case of the current social forces are not developed, the rural grass-roots government is still the main responsibility for maintaining social order. In essence, the government should be the representative of the public interest, above the interests of the various groups, under the guidance of the rule of fairness and justice, the conflict of interest between different levels of compromise. However, in reality, the township government or village level public organization, in the "investment" under the banner of the evolution of "the profit broker", naked deprivation on the powerless, is undoubtedly the main cause of rural mass incidents frequent.
In addition, "in 2006 after the abolition of agricultural tax, the township government and village public organizations should become the modern market economy service, but because of their limited financial resources, the township government function is not perfect and the assessment mechanism is rigid, the township government inadvertently also unable to provide farmers with the necessary public service." 14 "even in the central government to increase rural public transfer payments, the township government and village public organization collusion profit." The collusion between public power and capital, the suppression of the growth of social power and the positive effect of the market in the prosperity of the rural economy has been greatly reduced by 15. "When the government in market economy become a direct participant, an active person, become a kind of not what two stakeholders and enterprises, there is no social justice to speak." 16 because of the lack of fair competition in the market, only the "unspoken rule" instead of "formal rules", personal relationship network instead of government public authority, power and monopoly, resource allocation aroused resentment, implies the seeds of conflict, make it difficult for farmers to obtain employment in the local fair competition environment, forced migrant workers (one of the reasons this is also the academic long-term neglect of farmers leave their homes or local protest).
(two) deterioration of social norms
State and market forces, breaking the original rural "acquaintance society" pattern, rural evolved into a "semi acquaintance society" or "local society", the original acquaintance social ethics, because the village boundary fuzzy, the flow of personnel, has lost the moral precepts and collective punishment power, a large number of the evolution of rural economic and social differentiation degree is low, weak community memory "low social relevancy" village. 17 is powerless to resist the unreasonable demands of rural regime, and to prevent spalpeen threats, but also to the construction of public works. "When a village public enough to arouse interests in participating incentive does not exist in a village in the village, the village cadres and politics is often just" members "proprietary" public space ", relatively speaking, the whole village is the" non political "." [18]
Low degree of social differentiation, indicating that the lack of modern elite; weak social memory, indicating that the decline of the traditional rule of power. The market economy leads to collective irrationality of individual rationality, opportunism, hitchhiking is rampant, farmers in individual form were thrown into the ruthless market, participate in unfair competition, even in such a dramatic change in period, rural grassroots cadres and the masses collective trend of a quick buck, "in the public domain on the performance of corruption corruption in the private sector; on the performance of a variety of deviant behavior in the political field; the existence of power as a tool to realize the interests of the individual, that do not have the right has expired; in the economic field, that all the money, that money is higher than all, means for money services, competition can disregard the moral and legal use unscrupulous divisive tactics., regardless of the consequences; in the field of culture, advocate what is profitable, the production of what works, regardless of social effect; in the field of ethics, advocating a People first, that human nature is selfish, not for himself, by heaven; in the areas of life, should enjoy life, think of drug abuse, prostitution, gambling, wine is a personal life, not others intervention; in the interpersonal relationship, that Never mind do not matter, advocate forming relationships, are used to treat. Gifts, bribes as an effective means of exchange, etc.. In this way, further exacerbated the social disorder, and even lead to social unrest." 19 rural social norms from the early days of the "standard" evolution to the beginning of reform "no norms" and evolved into today's "evil norms", and "evil norms" itself the consequences of self strengthening of the trend, the formation of vicious spiral circle.
(three) legal identity crisis
Rule of law is an important means to achieve social integration in modern countries. Identity is the positive attitude of an individual or group to a thing or a point of view. Identification of the depth and breadth, determines the continuity of the rule of law and certainty. The so-called "reasonable public order, from the angle of politics, is coherence refers to the subjective evaluation of most of the members of the public order and the society has to some extent, that is not simply rely on force to maintain consistent values, culture and social justice but the dominant, and most of the members of voluntary cooperation and social generally recognized as formed the basis of order." [20]
In modern times, the state power increasing infiltration and control of the country, but they are not very successful, even after the founding of the regime to the countryside, countryside, countryside, Party administrative policies to the countryside, the countryside, the countryside legal propaganda multiple means 21 effect is the pros and cons and. The most important reason is that it is difficult for the farmers to achieve the highest degree of identity in their own social control standards. For example, in 1980s after the delivery of the countryside, also appeared in Mr. Fei Xiaotong said "the current judicial system in the country has side effect is very special, it destroyed the original order of ritual, but can not effectively establish the rule of law and order. The establishment of the rule of law can not only rely on the development of a number of legal provisions and the establishment of a number of courts, it is important to look at how people use these devices. Further, there must be some reform in the social structure and ideology. If the reform is not in these areas, the implementation of single law and the courts to the countryside, the rule of law and order is not good results, and the destruction of the order of the ills have happened. [22]
Many laws formulated by the state in the country is difficult to implement, not only lies in the low cultural quality of farmers, legal concept is weak, is not inconsistent with state law and folk law, the key is in the process of legislation of farmers "endorsement", in the process of law enforcement and judicial favoritism unfair judgment, farmers in mind, or in the practice of grassroots judicial trust and satisfaction degree is relatively low, 23 farmers only use the law as in their specification, only when forced to fight in accordance with the law "(Ou Bowen, Li Lian, Jiang) or" resistance by law "(Yu Jianrong). So, even if the code is only on the multitude, because, "the law must be faith, otherwise it will be useless." [24]
Three, rural society: order reconstruction and future prospects
To sum up, social order is the product of social authority, social norms and social identity. The rural social order, from the microscopic point of view, mainly based on the feelings of farmers; from macro view, most of the feelings of farmers and living environment are closely linked. The restoration and reconstruction of rural social order, only a little village improvement is not enough, should have a historical perspective, the rural development in the history, from the macro top-level design of the system to a comprehensive reform, create a good social environment, we can solve the dilemma facing local social order fundamentally on.
(1) to establish a fair and just social space
1 break the boundaries of identity and provide equal opportunities. The ultimate source of many conflicts lies in the unequal distribution of wealth. In the context of uneven distribution of resources, especially in the context of large-scale intervention in the market, the poor farmers who can not obtain the basic survival resources will become the main force of the reform.
In rural areas, which have basically been lifted out of poverty and achieved basic affluence, the tensions that lead to social conflict are still. The modernization of the countryside to the people described a beautiful picture of the future, inspired them to become rich after the desire to participate in politics. If the reality is a hindrance to the realization of their aspirations, the rich peasants will become the opposition forces. Therefore, how to reform the current political system, solve the structural inequality of resource allocation, and give farmers an equal opportunity to participate, is the best way to build a stable social order. Giddens pointed out: "the most in a time of poverty and can not be classified as the excluded ranks, rejection is not with others in the degree of differences - for example there are fewer resources -- but not most people have the opportunity to share. The dispossessed are the losers in the competition, and the excluded are not even involved in the competition." [25]
Amartya Sen believes that freedom is the ability to enjoy the kind of life that people have reason to cherish, and that poverty must be seen as a deprivation of basic ability, not just low income." The 26 is equal opportunity in terms of local social micro mechanism of change, reform depends on the governmental policies, how to realize Olsen's "market oriented government" two contents: one is the definition of personal rights. The two is to prevent any form of extortion, become the key of the reform lies.
2 change the traditional ideas, the establishment of a reasonable system. The government should break the boundaries of identity, equally treat all citizens, to provide equal opportunities for farmers in the market, breaking the monopoly of resources and employment discrimination, all jobs are open to all people, all people to get the corresponding resources through fair competition, occupy the corresponding position. Some people think that farmers are not selfish, conservative, backward, so the competition in the market current situation is precisely the system cannot withstand a single blow, "cheap agricultural" 27 (refers to the agriculture as the base concept, consciousness, speech, value orientation and policy orientation. It is to suppress the rights of farmers, the value of rural areas and agriculture, from the cultural and value level negative, from the physical and practical level to eliminate agriculture, rural areas and farmers. It not only remain in the system of discrimination against farmers, but the agricultural and rural fashion, namely to the "three rural" as the concept of product base). As Peter Drucker pointed out: "only when the society can give the individual members of the social identity and social function, and has the decisive power legitimacy of this society, society can only become a social." [28]
(two) improve the social security system.
1 to alleviate the anxiety of farmers, improve social security. The market is full of risks. "Risk", which means the uncertainty of future gains or losses. In the state of uncertainty, people generally show for quick success mentality, the pursuit of short-term gains. Even after the implementation of the contract responsibility system, the free flow of the whole country and the free flow of resources, farmers are still full of anxiety. Only when the external risk is reduced to a minimum, that is, when the market is able to consistently treat them fairly, the farmer will trust the outside world. A poor working environment, super strength labor, wage arrears and deduction; stigma and discrimination of citizens of the city; the government's apathy and brutality, especially the land property right is not clear, resulting in land requisition for free or low-cost, forcing farmers to lose the last place to live. Farmers find that because of their lack of important resources and technology, large social organizations and institutional practices often fail to ensure that they have the right to fully operate these organizations and practices. In many cases, farmers have found that participating in the social system has not been good for them, and they still lack the necessary protection to resist exploitation." [29]
2 infiltration of the concept of risk, build social order. In the protection of farmers, we should not only emphasize the responsibility of the government and enterprises, and continue to promote and improve the social security system, but also, more important is to use a new way of farmers will be reorganized, mutual trust, risk sharing. "Risk when more and more become the potential risk of social reality, as a concept to people's mind, cooperative behavior is the only choice, but only the reconstruction of the order are possible. This order must be shared risk, common order." [30]
(three) increase investment in social capital
1 improve the relationship network, forming a mutual organization. Social capital is a social network based on trust and reciprocity. First, the network of moral resources, can effectively solve the atomization of the individual can not complete the work, to meet the needs of individual tools. Second, the social network formed by the social capital can provide the appropriate channel for the expression and support of the members' emotion. Third, the formation of social networks and consolidate the desired informal or informal characteristics with incentive or constraint specification, constitute a control mechanism for members of the network, to prevent deviant behavior, to achieve social stability and integration. According to Putnam's view, social capital is the carrier of social organization transverse inoculation. Of course, now most rural areas, whether the composition of mutual cooperation of the social organization, so as to realize the self-discipline and self democracy through social organizations, in addition to policy support or not, mainly depends on the peasants' willingness to invest in social capital.
2 increase investment and achieve social stability. "Generally speaking, will be the individual social capital investment: 1 with the personal discount rate of future increased; 2 men left the indigenous community with increased probability of decline; 3 opportunity cost with time increasing; with 4 individuals engaged in the occupation of social skills required return increased; down 5 with the social capital depreciation rate increasing; towards the end of 6 with the individual life period decreased." 31 therefore, predictably, only the integration of urban and rural balanced development, rural residents live and work in peace, enhance the sense of farmers' social glory, a lot of young talents to return to the countryside, farmers' social capital in order to realize the combination of traditional and modern, and realize the fusion is "mechanical solidarity" and "organic unity" of the countryside deviant behavior and anomie behavior can be greatly reduced, the rural society can truly achieve prosperity and stability.
In short, in today's comprehensive strategy to promote the rule of law under the background, the reconstruction of rural social order, must be fairness and justice of the state statute for internalization of norms of behavior of rural residents consciously agree and abide by, its lasting effect will, the country can realize the long period of stability because the height of the rule of law society, "true, in fact is a social morality."
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