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Type the English Title of
Your Thesis Here
Paper submitted to the English Department of
in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of
Bachelor of Arts
By (Your Name in Pinyin)
English 08x (Your Class)
Supervised by (Name of Your Supervisor)
April 22, 2018 (Date of Thesis Submission)

                                     年    月    日

摘   要
本研究以 xx 为案例,从 yy 理论框架下对 zz 的主要方面和有关因素进行了调查和研究。经过详细分析和验证,本研究发现 … 并由此提出 …
介绍研究的主要内容、理论视角、研究方法、主要结论和研究意义等,避免过多解释性的内容和辅助性的观点。字数控制在 300 字以内。
格式说明:1. “摘要” 二字为三号宋体加粗居中
2. 摘要内容使用小四号宋体1.5 倍行距
关键词: 关键词1;关键词2;关键词3;关键词4
格式说明:1. “关键词” 三字为小四号宋体加粗
2. 列出关键词 3-6 个,其间以分号隔开,使用小四号宋体

This study examines the differences in conceptual organization between English and Chinese. An integrated theoretical framework is constructed by incorporating Langcker’s theory of Cognitive Grammar with Lakoff and Johnson’s model of conceptual metaphor, so that the widely discussed similarities and especially divergences between the two languages are illuminated in a new, cognitive light.

介绍研究的主要内容、理论视角、研究方法、主要结论和研究意义等,避免过多解释性的内容和辅助性的观点。英文摘要控制在 200 词以内。
格式说明:1. “Abstract” 一词为三号 Times New Roman加粗居中
2. 摘要内容使用小四号 Times New Roman1.5 倍行距
Keywords: keyword 1; keyword 2; keyword 3; keyword 4
格式说明:1. “Keywords” 一词为小四号 Times New Roman加粗
2. 列出关键词 3-6 个,其间以英文分号隔开,使用小四号 Times New Roman

1. Introduction.......................................................................................... 1
2. Previous Studies.................................................................................... 1
2.1 The Objective View of Meaning...................................................... 1
2.2 A Cognitive View of Meaning.......................................................... 2
3. Conceptual Structures.......................................................................... 2
3.1 Language and Cognition.................................................................. 2
3.2 Linguistic Structures as Imagery..................................................... 3
4. English and Chinese at the Conceptual Level..................................... 3
4.1 Conceptual Structures as Language Specific................................... 3
4.1.1 Cross-linguistic Conceptual Structures................................... 3
4.1.2 Overlapping Conceptual Structures........................................ 4
4.1.3 Language-specific Conceptual Structures................................ 4
4.2 Common Conceptual Structures in English and Chinese................ 4
4.3 Differences in English and Chinese Conceptual Structures............. 4
4.3.1 Cause 1 for the Divergence...................................................... 4
4.3.2 Cause 2 for the Divergence...................................................... 4
4.3.3 Cause 3 for the Divergence...................................................... 4
4.3.4 Cause 4 for the Divergence...................................................... 5
5. Conclusion............................................................................................ 5
Bibliography............................................................................................. 6
Acknowledgements................................................................................... 7
格式:1. “Contents” 一词为三号 Times New Roman加粗居中
2. 目录条目内容使用四号 Times New Roman1.5 倍行距
3. 目录条目中的一级标题字体加粗
4. 目录中最多包含三级标题。
上面的目录是由 Word 自动生成,并可以自动更新。方式如下:
1. 在写正文时,保留现有的可用于自己论文的那些标题,可以随意更改其文字内容和格式,但只要不改变标题的样式 (即目前设好的一级标题的样式为 “标题1”,二级标题为 “标题2”,三级标题为 “标题3”)。
2. 删除其中多余的标题,如需添加新的标题,记住要把添加的标题设为与同级标题相同的样式,可以先用鼠标选中现有的一个同级标题,然后点一下工具栏中的格式刷 (就是样子像一把刷子的那个按钮,如果找不到,可以看下面的图片),然后再去刷一下新加的标题即可,这样新加标题的样式就和同级标题的样式一样了。
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1. Introduction

Introduction to your thesis usually deals with the subject matter of your study, its scope, aims, and significance. That is, you should tell the reader what you will study, and for what meaningful purposes you will do it.
格式:1. 一级标题为小三号 Times New Roman加粗顶格
2. 正文内容使用小四号 Times New Roman1.5 倍行距
The introduction may also include information about the structure of your thesis: What will you discuss in the following chapters?

2. Previous Studies

This part offers a review of various studies which are somewhat relevant to your own and which you can draw on to go a little further or explore something new. You will need to cite them in a logical way and follow some conventions for citation.

According to Hart (1996), researchers took Terrace’s conclusions seriously, and funding for language experiments soon declined. …

Researchers took Terrace’s conclusions seriously, and funding for language experiments soon declined (Hart, 1996).

Hart (1996: 112) reports that “they both complied with requests without assistance on approximately 70% of the sentences”. …

With these discoveries, some primatologists “wondered if apes had learned Language, with a capital L” (Hart, 1996: 109).


2.1 The Objective View of Meaning

格式:二级标题为四号 Times New Roman加粗顶格
It is very common that you need to divide the various studies into different groups, so that you can discuss them in a more coherent way. You may choose whether to cut your literature review into distinctive sections with their own sub-titles.


2.2 A Cognitive View of Meaning

When quoting a Chinese literature, you need to paraphrase or summarize it with your own words, in English, and put the author’s Chinese name in brackets (王力, 1981).

If you need to mention a Chinese author’s name within your words, you should use it in pinyin. For example, Wang Li (王力, 1981) argues that …

If you wish to quote a Chinese author’s specific words, you need to translate the words into English and put them in quotation marks. For example, Wang Li points out that “linguistic structures are in fact reflections of conceptual structures” (王力, 1981: 13; my translation).


3. Conceptual Structures

This chapter mainly deals with some theoretical notions and principles which are necessary for the comparison and contrast between Chinese and English of conceptual structures. …


3.1 Language and Cognition

Talking about the cognitive nature of language, Lakoff (2005: 25) explains:
Language is not something formal, but conceptual and cognitive. This is shown by the fact that …
Noam Chomsky dismisses the studies on Kanzi with a flippant analogy: “To maintain that Kanzi has language ability is like saying a man can fly because he can jump in the air.” (Cited in Booth, 1990: 15)


3.2 Linguistic Structures as Imagery

In his Cognitive Grammar, Langacker (1981) views linguistic structures as performing the function of imagery. …


4. English and Chinese at the Conceptual Level

Based the previous theoretical discussion, this chapter will explore the similarities and differences between English and Chinese in their conceptual structures. …


4.1 Conceptual Structures as Language Specific

Conceptual structures are too often language specific. This means that different languages tend to have different conceptual structures. …


4.1.1 Cross-linguistic Conceptual Structures

格式:三级标题为小四号 Times New Roman加粗顶格
It is no surprising that languages will share some common conceptual structures. … Consider this example:
(1) This is an example.
… Now compare (2a) and (2b) in terms of their …:
(2) a. This is an example.
   b. This is another example.


4.1.2 Overlapping Conceptual Structures

Some conceptual structures are partly shared by languages. …

4.1.3 Language-specific Conceptual Structures

Some conceptual structures are only witnessed in certain languages. …


4.2 Common Conceptual Structures in English and Chinese

English and Chinese share some common conceptual structures. …


4.3 Differences in English and Chinese Conceptual Structures

Some conceptual structures are only witnessed in English. …

Some conceptual structures are only witnessed in Chinese. …


4.3.1 Cause 1 for the Divergence

A possible reason for the relevant divergence between English and Chinese conceptual structure is …


4.3.2 Cause 2 for the Divergence

A second possible reason for the relevant divergence between English and Chinese conceptual structure is …


4.3.3 Cause 3 for the Divergence

A third possible reason for the relevant divergence between English and Chinese conceptual structure is …


4.3.4 Cause 4 for the Divergence

Another possible reason for the relevant divergence between English and Chinese conceptual structure is …


5. Conclusion

This part draws a conclusion to your thesis. It usually includes a summary of what you have found in the previous parts and some suggestions for further studies. …



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This is where you can express your gratitude to whoever helps, supports, encourages, or does anything else for you which you consider valuable or important for your study at the college in general or the writing of your thesis in particular.