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时间:2021-08-15 来源:未知 编辑:梦想论文 阅读:
1 Status
To hold large-scale sports events, not only the need for professional sports team, but also from the support of all aspects of society, sports volunteer service team is an important supplementary force. Volunteer service is the social service activities and government services, market service convergence, is to mobilize resources, human social sports meet sports fitness show, competition needs, guarantee the smooth progress of the game, to create a harmonious atmosphere for sports, promote social fairness and justice is important.
To carry out social sports volunteer service activities to meet the people's growing demand for social sports service oriented to cultivate and practice the socialist core values, and to promote sports development as the goal, to promote volunteer service organizations and individual ability construction as the foundation, to expand the field of voluntary service, and constantly promote volunteerism institutionalized and standardized normalization. To promote the dedication, friendship, mutual assistance and progress volunteerism and inheritance "unremitting self-improvement, self transcendence" of the Chinese sports spirit together, the volunteer service activities as a powerful carrier of the practice of socialist core values and important content, innovation form, rich theme, build the practice platform, cultivation of voluntary service "soil". Volunteer service plays a unique support, counseling, education and coagulation function in social governance, improve and perfect the practice of voluntary service system and mechanism system, the formation of government guidance, organizational autonomy, social participation, public support pattern, inject positive energy for the development of the society, has become an important starting point to promote grassroots social governance capacity and governance system construction the.
The consciousness of voluntary service and the construction of volunteer team is an important embodiment of the equalization of basic public services, and it is a beneficial attempt and supplement for the social forces to undertake the public service of the government. Gaotai County has a long history, rich cultural heritage, Gobi, desert, oasis interlaced, natural conditions, provided the conditions for sports, richly endowed by nature tourism and cultural development of the medical support integration, such as the success of the rope skipping, swimming, fitness yangko dance fishing, national and provincial sports events, city construction, city civilization accomplishment, sports infrastructure, media environment and service advantages has been greatly improved. To meet the sports enthusiasts to enjoy a high level sports personalized and diverse needs at the same time, also promoted the rapid development of voluntary service in the platform, they love to pass the voluntary organization activities, in the maintenance of city traffic, love Empty Nester, help left-behind children, clean city "beauty", eliminate uncivilized habits and other aspects play a positive energy. Volunteer service has become a healthy lifestyle for many people, they put the love and responsibility into the building of a harmonious society in the practice of service, to undertake the transfer of civilization and health of social responsibility.
2 problems
Finally, the effect of sports volunteer service should be tested with the satisfaction degree of social recognition and the event organizers and the participating units.
From the current point of view, there are still problems in the allocation of resources.
2.1 fine management is not enough
Sports volunteer service organization is a temporary sports game, study the characteristics and development trend of sports volunteer service work under the new situation is not enough, internal management is not standardized, arbitrary, initiative is not strong, social awareness is not high.
2.2 the enthusiasm and creativity of the social subject needs to be further stimulated
Sports volunteer service is lack of necessary system guarantee, continuity and stability is poor, service ability needs to be improved.
At present, the national fitness volunteer service organization system is not perfect, volunteer recruitment, training, use and assessment system is not perfect, and the people's social services look forward to a certain gap.
2.3 resources to enhance the integration and transformation is not enough
Sports volunteer service activities lack the necessary funds. The biggest factor of funding itself is plagued sports competitions, the organizers may not from the extremely limited funds earmarked for the development of a voluntary service, volunteers dress uniform, unified identity certificates is a voluntary service, due to limited funds, can not give the volunteers provide excellent material (equipment, reward). Enthusiasm to a certain extent, also affected the volunteer.
2.4 social participation needs to be further expanded
Volunteer service is a part-time job, have working enthusiasm, but due to the influence of their own quality and the nature of the jobs, it is difficult to guarantee the time and energy of voluntary service, voluntary service influence and the demonstration effect is not obvious.
3 explore the path of voluntary service
Held every big game, we elaborate the volunteer recruitment plan, including etiquette guide, competition protection, audience service, media services, consulting, traffic grooming, event promotion, event order maintenance and emergency rescue and other volunteer volunteer service jobs, according to their ability and quality, provide the conditions for the service post. Strengthening the volunteer service responsibilities, the establishment of volunteer service registration system, each volunteer efforts will be put in proper position of service, the self growth, professional training and self-protection in voluntary service activities.
3.1 carry out the publicity of sports volunteer service, and create a good ecological
Volunteer service activities carried out widely, not only to promote the sports scientific and standardized operation, also affect the host city's civilization taste and the quality of civilization, is to cultivate noble civic responsibility and social consciousness, promote the establishment of modern life style and promote the foundation of the stadium civilization, it is the source of wisdom to solve the problem of sports events the dispute. For the growth of civic spirit, the government should not only carry forward, but also learn from the wisdom and strength, and constantly improve the government's public service consciousness and ability, to make people more aware of the government's responsibility and care, feel the warmth of the people. An important carrier of brand sports events and the fishing game dragon plateau is the cultivation of public consciousness and public spirit in Gaotai County well built, but also to create a volunteer service platform. With the development of the national strategy to promote national fitness and sports brand continues to introduce high level sports event havesettled in Gaotai County, not only enrich people's cultural and sports life, enhance the quality of citizens become the carrier, and its good physical fitness culture, highlighting the progress of the value of the pursuit of fashion, has become an important path to cultivate civil society consciousness.
Public spirit, that is, the citizen's active participation in public affairs, the recognition of the basic values of the society and the maintenance of public norms. It is a kind of civic virtue, but also a kind of living resources, good public spirit for the development of social undertakings lay the foundation, and the development of social undertakings for the cultivation of public spirit provides a strong condition. Citizens based on various needs, the creation and development of social organizations, in order to protect their different interests, are the spirit of cultivating the public spirit of the soil. The development process of citizen's public sports spirit. It is also the practice of sports public life, in the 1 emotions, paid a lot of effort, has been respected. Citizens are the people in society, a healthy society is the basis for the realization of individual rights of citizens, and the formation of a healthy society also requires the contribution of every citizen. It is the duty of every citizen to participate in sports public affairs, to promote the balance of public interests in sports, to pay attention to the cause of national fitness and to promote the progress of social civilization.
Normalization of volunteer service is a vigorous national fitness show. Gaotai County will combine sports events scale, relying on the carrier, to build a volunteer service platform, established the "civilized lead coordination, department management, community wide participation in the volunteer service work system, recruitment information through the media, opened the volunteer recruitment hotline, QQ group and creating the volunteer service files, through WeChat micro-blog and other volunteers on the path to achieve classification registration, standardized management. At the same time, to establish an effective incentive mechanism, through the development of volunteer Recognition Award, deeds report, star certification, enhance the volunteer volunteer service for the identity and sense of belonging, forming a "I volunteer for the service competition, I color" advocating strong atmosphere of volunteer service, volunteer service into people's daily life, become a the way of life. Where is the sports competition, where there are volunteers busy figure, they sow love, the transfer of civilization, a beautiful landscape of urban and rural areas. At the same time, all kinds of social sports instructors play the role of "leader" in the voluntary service of mass science and fitness guidance.
3.2 innovative activities to expand the field of volunteer services
From the sports meet needs and wishes of residents fitness guidance, cultural ideas, interpersonal skills, professional skills and other aspects of professional knowledge and skills training for volunteers, volunteers to improve the quality of service, continuously enrich the connotation of volunteer service, expand the volunteer services, such as the development of social sports instructors in rural community public welfare activities community, fitness auditorium and other activities, both set the stage of social sports instructors, and through the activities of practice show volunteers good professional quality, has laid a good foundation for promoting mass sports, sports culture, sports industry and other social welfare and healthy development.
3.2.1 on the scale of events and projects, expand the field of voluntary service according to the different scale of events to provide volunteer service jobs, increase the strength of the volunteer service in an important link in key areas, such as the Great Lakes Bay, Gaotai County Tourism Cultural Festival in the water safety, road traffic, traffic guide, medical aid, (end) post event control point as a key risk control, set up a number of volunteer service positions, increase the strength of voluntary service, both to ensure the safety, ensure safety of personnel.
3.2.2 to create a professional service team, improve the content of volunteer service according to the volunteer service post setting event, send volunteer service personnel of the project or the project and similar projects, give priority to have experience in volunteer service and enthusiastic volunteer service personnel, to provide professional training for its advantages of volunteer service positions, not only to ensure the quality of voluntary service, also temper the fine style of voluntary service team and excellent quality, the society is a leading and exemplary.
3.2.3 focus on improving the health literacy of citizens, to create a volunteer service platform to guide the masses of scientific fitness as the carrier, the organization of social sports instructors to carry out sports three countryside activities. Enrich the cultural life of urban and rural residents, and guide the masses to participate in cultural entertainment activities, to residents of popular forms, promote the socialist core values, cultivating new interpersonal relationship of solidarity, equality and fraternity, advocating scientific and healthy way of life, civilization and progress.
3.2.4 surrounding the implementation of the "health Chinese" strategy, the construction of voluntary national fitness service system rises for national strategy, all kinds of capital into the field of sports industry, promote the sports field "public entrepreneurship, innovation" trend, "the State Council on accelerating the development of service industry to promote the transformation and upgrading of consumption structure of the" guidance "of traditional Chinese medicine to accelerate service development plan (2015-2020)" and "urban and rural residents to accelerate the attainment of project implementation plan (2015-2020)" of the "sports development plan" in 13th Five-Year "Internet plus" break the space-time, geographical, economic and cultural barriers for sports volunteer service has opened up a vast space. The structure of the integration of sports and tourism culture is more clear, and the leading role of sports service industry to guide mass consumption will be further highlighted. Health Chinese construction, provide new opportunities for the development of sports, continues to meet the broad masses of the people on higher levels of health needs, volunteer service will further create a good atmosphere of advocating sports, fitness, promote sports life, cultivate a healthy green lifestyle, enhance people's sense of happiness and sense. Improve the whole nation health contribution.