essay case
Term paper

Reverse teaching practice and reflection of classroom

时间:2015-11-10 来源:未知 编辑:梦想论文 阅读:

In 2011, Canada's "Classroom theFlipped", "the globe and mail", is a major technological change in the global impact of the year. [1] since then, Khan's name and the teaching idea and method to spread rapidly, in just a few years, the flipped classroom not only out of the Colorado, into the field of North America and global educators, under the impetus of the senior scholars in China have begun to continue to focus on. Under the influence of this trend, we have carried on the positive exploration to the teaching of the course by the network teaching platform.


One, the connotation of the reversal of the classroom.


Inverted classroom, also known as flip classroom, is a model of the opposite of the traditional classroom teaching form. Traditional teaching usually consists of two stages: knowledge transfer and knowledge internalization. The traditional classroom is knowledge transfer and knowledge internalization and application. The reverse of the classroom teaching is the opposite, after the completion of the new knowledge of the study of the new knowledge, the curriculum and the teachers to guide the internal knowledge and use of knowledge. Since the outside of self learning is usually provided by the teachers of teaching video support, so some scholars also will flip the classroom as: first by the teacher to create a teaching video, students at home or outside watching the video, and then back to the classroom in the face of sharing, exchange of learning results and experience, and ultimately achieve a teaching goal of teaching. [2] reversed the concept of the classroom is the starting point for the students to learn the problem and the role of the students and teachers. In many experimental research data, most of the researchers believe that this teaching method is based on the theory of constructivism learning, and relying on modern education information technology, namely through a certain situation (watch teaching video and related resources), students collaborate, communicate (through the network community), and finally to complete the construction of meaning (to learn new knowledge, forming a new knowledge structure). So, the teaching video and related resources how to get? How to choose between collaboration and communication? How to embody the new knowledge structure? For this question, for many of the details of the flipped classroom the entire process involved might become the source of some education reformers daunting. Because of the nature of different disciplines, different teachers, different quality of students, different training requirements and have different implementation strategies. This research is to explore the implementation process and effect evaluation of the teaching design, resource construction and students knowledge and ability, and to discuss the implementation process and effect evaluation of the teaching design, resource construction and students knowledge and ability.


Two, reverse the classroom teaching practice process.


(a) instructional design.


Teaching design is the use of system method, the principle of learning theory and teaching theory to transform the teaching objectives, teaching content, teaching methods and teaching strategies, teaching evaluation and other aspects of the specific plan, the creation of teaching and learning system process and procedures, the purpose is to promote the study of learners. [3] therefore, teaching design is the precondition of the optimization of teaching, which is directly related to the teaching of the course. A good teaching designer is to stand in the education, psychology, art, technology and other multi angle of view for a class, a course design, scientific and orderly rather than pure experience, is to grasp the students groups, to attract students attention, arouse the learning desire, to break down the knowledge points, to build a knowledge network, training problem solving ability.

Whether the traditional classroom teaching design or reverse teaching design, the overall teaching objectives are consistent, that is, in order to cultivate social needs, qualified personnel, but the specific objectives will be different, so the teaching content, teaching methods, teaching strategies and evaluation methods and methods are many different. For example, the "TV camera technology and art" in the second chapter, the third chapter: the TV picture, in the traditional classroom teaching objectives are to grasp the principle of close ups, to grasp the features of the picture language, can be taken out of all kinds of television genre and director of the close-up picture; in the inverted classroom teaching, we are teaching objectives:


Be able to actively learn the teaching platform, can actively communicate with others, to understand the TV picture of the shooting techniques, to interpret and use the feature of the television language analysis, evaluation and creation of television works. Obviously, the latter has increased the demand for students' initiative and subjectivity.


In the teaching content, the traditional classroom teaching is usually on the last section of the review, import a new class, concept, application examples, layout, etc.. To reverse the classroom teaching is the course of independent watch the micro curriculum, answer exercises, online communication, classroom discussion, teachers are targeted guidance.


In the teaching methods and strategies, the traditional classroom teaching is the teacher to explain the main, occasionally there are some questions in class and in the media selection generally has the writing on the blackboard, multimedia projector, whiteboard (or interactive whiteboards. In such a class, the knowledge teaching is still in the dominant position. The teachers are the communicators and the students are passive recipients. In the inverted classroom teaching, the classroom becomes the place which the students face to face to discuss the problem and accept the teacher to solve the difficult problem. In this case, the students become the active builders of knowledge, and the teachers become the teaching designers and guides.


Combined with the above analysis, we believe that the inverted classroom teaching design should focus on two aspects, one is to provide students with a view to the learning of the micro video and thinking of the design, the two is the classroom teaching organization to discuss and guide the design. The key point of the former is the first to clear the professional nature of the students' groups, age and interest points, and secondly, the design of micro video to split the point of knowledge and skills, and the video clip into the length of 5~10 minutes. Ministry of education, primary and secondary schools and colleges and universities micro course construction of distinguished experts, micro classes founder Hu Tiesheng professor also talked about, micro course design is the key is to from the teaching goal setting, learning analysis, content analysis, the choice of teaching media and so on. To "let the teachers within a relatively short period of time using the most appropriate teaching methods and strategies for clarifying the speak through a point of knowledge, let the students in the shortest time own fully grasp and understand a valuable knowledge. [4]


Here is more important to be able to mobilize the students' interest, the video of the teacher's affinity, language rhythm, the visual effect of the screen are to be carefully weighed. These video and problem resources are "creating" 1.5 open, relatively complete and interactive applications of the environment with a certain structural relationship and a web page. [5]


The design of the thinking is to establish the relationship between the actual situation of the real life and the video to explain the problem. When this kind of experience encounters obstacles, it will take into account the cooperation and communication with the partners. In the classroom organization discussion, according to the students online discussion to design the phenomenon, the case, and can design the solution to the problem of universality and individual character, in order to group discussion, group report and comprehensive guide, and gradually explore the process to complete the lesson hall organization.

(two) teaching implementation.


We have the following design of "TV camera technology and art" in the course of teaching. Combined with the Khan Academy experience and some successful cases, we choose features more practical campus network teaching platform as a carrier of teaching information storage and communication, the release micro course way as students autonomous learning materials; set some test questions students degree of connection between the old and the new knowledge, according to the degree of knowledge of different respectively to the different branches of learning; put forward some practical problems for the students to think independently, advocates questioned and exploration, and encourage the students to cooperate and communicate with each other; students with unanswered questions in the classroom, teachers group fabric are discussed and provide effective guidance; through the submission of work, works and creation statements commented. As shown in figure 1.




1 Platform selection. The network teaching platform is usually integrated with many kinds of application subsystems and tools, and the popular network platform is Blackboard, Angel, MOOC, Atutor, etc., we choose to use V6.0 Ecourse, which is developed by Tsinghua University Education Technology Research Institute, which has many functions, such as curriculum management, teaching material, online testing, online forum, course work, question answering, course, teaching and so on. The platform also plug the teaching resources, quality courses, China's education and open resources platform, etc..


Production and acquisition of 2 micro courses. The method of making the micro course is actually quite a lot, which is on a number of topics, including some of the MOOC courses in the country have been introduced. Due to the special advantage of professional courses, we adopt the method is mainly by the HD camera photographing, the place is with school location of lawns, buildings, sports field or is blue box studio (with virtual studio can treat images as more artistic), by the TA appearance operate the camera, record the demonstration picture effect, with the scene to explain and narrator, each only explain a knowledge and skills, time limit in 5 to 10 minutes. Use EDIUS 7 for video processing, video clips to do the picture clear, vivid, lively, explain the kind, natural flow, can arouse the desire and enthusiasm of students learning. In addition, we also through the network resources to find some of the relevant teaching video, after editing for students to learn, especially some of the awards have won a prize of news works, special works, television drama, film, micro film works. After the completion of the micro courses to upload to the MP4 format of the teaching material of the network teaching platform. In addition, we have also designed the 3~5 scenario problem, which has been studied and discussed.


3 autonomous learning, problem discussion exchange. Every week the students will see the new video content, and then set the pace, complete the course of study, and can communicate with the students through online forums, that is, collaborative learning, answers to the results of the work in the form of submission. Sometimes this communication is limited to the students in this class, so, we have established a social network platform to the "TV camera technology" named open Tencent micro group, the group of students added to the other students, the exchange of a wide range of ideas, there will be more to explore the things. This study emphasizes the experience of students' self discovery or knowledge generation process. In the process of problem solving, there will be a variety of knowledge, such as the course of the course will be involved in the literature, audio-visual arts, camera operation, editing software application technology, educational information technology applications, etc.. The process of autonomous learning and collaborative communication can realize the effective integration of new and old knowledge and knowledge, and establish a new and reasonable structure of knowledge (which is usually a tree structure), which also effectively cultivate the students' creative thinking and improve their ability to solve complex problems. This kind of platform on the network communication, teachers should actively guide, can not let. At this time, the students face the communication object can be other students or groups of students, can also be a speaker teachers, experts, or counselors, these exchanges subject with students as the center, showing stereo cross radiation shape, including between individual students and teachers, between teachers and students between individuals, individual student and student groups. [6]

4 classroom communication and teacher guidance. A lot of experience and problems in the creative theme, because of the limitations of student experience will have different understanding and questions, the students can be in the classroom with the students, and between the teachers face to face. The atmosphere of the scene adjustment and discussion of the content depth and the role of teachers is closely related to the teacher to have the ability to start a student's multiple thinking, including critical thinking, divergent thinking, image thinking and creative thinking, and to have the ability to give a high degree of knowledge and skills of this section, so that students have a benchmark, there is beyond desire.


5 works creation. Teachers will be based on the discussion of the situation in the network platform layout of the new job, the distribution of the work by the platform to complete the work of the group to complete the work of creation, work types according to different teaching period will continue to adjust, including television news, propaganda film, micro film, teaching video, etc.. After the completion of the work submitted by the platform, we will arrange the work analysis of the classroom to observe the discussion, the knowledge and skills to rise to a new height. Finally, put all the work in the teaching materials for the students to share. This also makes our teaching materials continue to be updated, the formation of a renewable ecological learning resources.


(three) evaluation method for students' learning status.


Teaching evaluation can be divided into formative assessment and final assessment. In traditional teaching, it is usually based on the final exam results as an important basis for the evaluation of students, that is, the end of the evaluation based. In the case of the use of network teaching platform, because the platform has built many of the tools of student management, coupled with the changes in teaching methods, the evaluation of the direction of diversification.


1 teaching network platform to provide a lot of management information, including the number of students browse the course, time, and other people in the exchange of information, the quality of the work submitted, the number of shared files, and so on. Teachers can make an objective evaluation of the learning process of the students with the information of the statistics of the platform.


2 according to the performance of the students in the team, the team members make mutual evaluation.


3 according to the students free creation, upload to the network teaching platform to make the formation of the work.


4 give a comprehensive evaluation to the performance results of different stages.


Comprehensive evaluation, given the weight, and finally get the students to learn the end of the course evaluation. It can be seen that the final written examination has been canceled, the different forms of evaluation in all stages is more important process evaluation. It can be said, in the inverted classroom teaching, the teaching evaluation is a multi aspect, through the whole learning process, emphasizing the students' ability of independent inquiry, participation, cooperation and innovation ability, evaluation system is more conducive to reflect the degree of personnel training.


Evaluation of reasonable evaluation and love will warm to the heart of students, to overcome the rebellious, positive, learning interest, you help me catch the learning atmosphere in forming positive incentive effect. Every time the students knowledge level increases, raises questions and solving ability of every growth, will let us feel the success of a teaching practice. Also because we are more and more rich in the network curriculum resources, students' full use of the teaching platform and students' excellent results, "TV camera technology and art," the end of the course, was named the school outstanding course 2013.


Three, reversed the practice of classroom teaching.


Reversal of classroom teaching for us or new things, after more than a year of practice, we think there are a lot of things worth thinking about.


1 the network teaching platform is very important. The effective realization of the inverted classroom teaching depends on the quality of the network teaching platform. A network teaching platform with network resource development tools, resource management tools, online communication, assessment and evaluation of intelligent management platform can effectively improve the teaching method, and promote the effective implementation of the online and offline hybrid teaching.


2 teaching design is the guarantee of quality teaching process. Because of the excellent teaching design, teachers should have multiple theories and technologies, such as education, psychology, video and audio technology, information technology and so on. So the curriculum teaching design of the reverse course depends on some professional personnel to participate, such as the educational technology experts or professional designers of Information Company. Instructional designers should become a hot career in the future.

3 teachers to improve the ability of information technology. The production of video and audio resources requires specialized software and hardware technology, the use of network platform and related resources acquisition and processing also need a certain information technology literacy, so the training of teachers' modern education information technology is to achieve a reversal of the important front of classroom teaching. When necessary, can consider will depend on the audio resources into the network teaching platform, or take the inter school curriculum alliance with other colleges and universities share a teaching platform, such as the independent research and development of some MOOC platform, realize the sharing of high quality teaching resources, to ensure the quality of students' learning resources. Relying on its own power production and use of the era of the use of resources is probably over, to build a shared quality teaching resources should be the main theme of modern education.


4 changes in teaching ideas. Network teaching platform curriculum resource library construction and classroom teaching closely, makes classroom teaching is no longer simply transfer the courseware on things, but with the result of students' autonomous learning and students collaborative learning, for to explain the teaching content; students in the classroom is no longer the listener, but participants are the main body of the class, we want to hear questioned the voice of hope see the scene of active discussion. Our classroom is no longer the teacher's lecture, is no longer a teacher of a person's voice, is no longer a student passively listening. We think that this is the classroom should be the scene, a lot of knowledge can be completed by the students to use learning resources. We believe that with the improvement of the library of digital curriculum resources, the formation of a more good use of the resources of the library, the role will be more and more.


5 pay attention to cultivate students' learning skills. The inverted classroom teaching mode requires students to have new learning skills, in order to guarantee the improvement of learning effect. Teachers should have the awareness to strengthen the training of students' learning skills. Now many of the normal colleges and universities have set up "modern educational technology public course, the purpose of which is to cultivate students' information technology literacy, if the school does not have such a course, teachers necessary for students to open such a special, skills training students to use the skills of modern education media and access to information, including using network teaching platform, through the network to receive teachers micro skills courses, network information retrieval skills. [7] in some local colleges and universities in particular, the starting point of the poor students generally lack of independent learning spirit and ability, requiring teachers to guide and urge students to use their own network teaching platform for learning, and gradually develop a good habit of autonomous learning.


6 the content of network teaching platform is an important part of learning resource management. In time to update educational resources, the quality of educational resources materials is selected, especially for students to ensure the scientific nature of the information, to avoid some of the negative energy of the information on the platform, affecting students' learning. Will all kinds of learning resources to a reasonable classification, so that students and other teachers to the use of resources at a glance, easy to find and read. [8] in addition, we feel the most important is the importance of cooperative learning.


Cooperative learning is one of the most effective ways for people to acquire new knowledge and to form new knowledge structure. Professor He Kekang in the interpretation of the United States communication and technology research manual (Third Edition) also special emphasis, the size of the students learning effectiveness, to a large extent depends on cooperation, not only with other students, not only with the teachers, but also with other learning community learning community members, so as to make a more comprehensive understanding, richer and more deepen". [9] what is knowledge? Is the perception of the objective world and the different things in the world. In the classroom teaching platform and classroom teaching platform for space carrier, the knowledge of different learners is established through the Internet forum, and the classroom learning community is established. In this way, the learners continually share their own experiences, so as to promote the understanding of the objective world. Moreover, it seems that the communication between peers is more likely to facilitate the reconstruction of knowledge. So, to reverse the classroom teaching to the construction of students' knowledge system and ability system has a very important role. In the United States during the visit the school, the most able to touch us is the American university campus everywhere visible including library, teaching building, beside the lawn will have two groups, a group of tables and chairs, every spare time five people will be gathered in a place like this, discussing some learning topic, sometimes a teacher will be involved. Can be seen, in the United States of education is very optimistic about the importance of cooperative learning. Cooperative learning environment is beneficial to the students in the exchange of new and old knowledge of the collision or a spark of inspiration, which is an interesting and effective way of intellectual development. The use of network teaching platform for the exchange of online forums, and assisted by the micro group, QQ group and other exchange platforms, so that cooperation learning across time and space, the effect of learning has been greater improvement.

Four, concluding remarks.


In the era of education information, we advocate quality learning resources to build and share, and promote the integration of information technology and classroom teaching is the important task of our new generation of educators. We are rooted in the school, and serve the teaching and learning. The use of functional campus network teaching platform, micro curriculum, autonomous learning and cooperative learning, teacher guidance and multi evaluation of the inverted classroom teaching, to our new teaching ideas and teaching environment, to the students more freedom, more conducive to the completion of knowledge and ability to build a broad learning space. We believe that the promotion of classroom teaching mode, will achieve the effective integration of the curriculum learning resources, integration and optimization, effective allocation and full use of the role of the teacher's guidance, the combination of online education and classroom education to achieve seamless link between teaching process and learning process, training students' creative thinking, flexibility to solve the problem, which will help to accelerate the development of the school education information, is conducive to training high-quality personnel, training innovative talents, so that education can go on the fast track.




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