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时间:2022-08-19 来源:未知 编辑:梦想论文 阅读:
The decision of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 17th CPC Central Committee on several major issues concerning deepening the reform of the cultural system and promoting the great development and prosperity of socialist culture pointed out: "culture is the blood of the nation and the spiritual home of the people." Nowadays, culture has become an important source of national cohesion and creativity and an important factor in the competition of comprehensive national strength. General Secretary Hu Jintao pointed out: "it is difficult for a nation without cultural heritage, a nation that can not continuously carry out cultural innovation, to develop and to stand on its own among the nations of the world." There is a law in the development of the world. Generally speaking, a nation or a country stands on its own among the nations of the world and shoulders the historical responsibility of leading the world trend, which mainly comes from the guidance of culture and the strong penetration, influence and shaping power of national culture. From this point of view, an enterprise must have its own culture if it wants to be competitive.
Enterprise culture is the product of enterprise development to a certain extent and scale. Compared with traditional social culture, it is a new subsystem. Social culture comes into being with the emergence of social practice, and enterprise culture is a management mode developed by western industrial enterprises to the scale of large machines and production lines. The social culture we usually refer to is "the synthesis of the behavioral patterns, art, religious beliefs, group organizations and all other essential characteristics of human production and thinking activities passed down from generation to generation by human groups or nations." (American Heritage Dictionary) the so-called corporate culture refers to the sum of the common consciousness, values, professional ethics, code of conduct and code of conduct that are formed through social practice under certain social and economic conditions and followed by all members. It is a unique cultural management mode with value as the core formed by an enterprise or an organization in its own development process. Its formation depends on the characteristics and requirements of the whole social culture, and will also reflect some aspects and basic factors of national culture. Enterprise culture is the result of the combination of social culture and organizational management practice.
1、 On the connotation of enterprise culture from the development law of enterprise management
The course of enterprise management can be divided into three stages: experience management, system management and cultural management. As the highest state of enterprise management, cultural management has made a qualitative leap compared with the management based on the experience of managers or the system. The development of enterprise culture also has three levels: material culture, system culture and values; The main form of cultural management in enterprises is institutional culture. Enterprise values are the core and essence of enterprise culture, which determines the organizational structure, management mode, management system, staff connotation and service quality of the enterprise. In order to make the enterprise value come true and penetrate into the hearts of every employee, the spirit of enterprise values must be integrated into the daily management, employee behavior and material culture of the enterprise. It can be said that cultural management is flexible management in essence, emphasizing "humanization" and flexibility. However, the role of rigid system cannot be denied. As a manifestation and supplementary form of enterprise culture, system is a necessary means of enterprise management.
Material culture is an image embodiment and visual identification of enterprise culture, which belongs to the most superficial materialization of enterprise culture and can be divided into two parts: basic elements and application elements. The basic elements include enterprise name, enterprise logo, enterprise standard color, enterprise slogan, etc; The application elements include the unification of office supplies, venues, employee clothing and advertising. Each enterprise can create its own material culture according to its own cultural needs. Material culture not only gives the outside world a general image of the enterprise, but also serves the enterprise values. From a high level, it has the power of cohesion, encouragement and appeal to the employees of the enterprise, strengthens the sense of belonging and honor of the employees to the team, the enterprise and the society, and inspires the spirit of striving forward. From a low level, it directly serves the operation of enterprises. The construction of material culture must be closely linked with the core concept of enterprise culture, and take it as the starting point and destination, be brave in innovation, surprise and win, and skillfully arrange and match the elements of material culture, so as to achieve the effect of accurately, accurately and dynamically reflecting and serving the enterprise culture.
Enterprise system is the main carrier of enterprise culture and the relatively fixed manifestation of enterprise culture. It is a necessary means for entrepreneurs to achieve their management efficiency and can provide necessary constraints and guarantee systems for enterprise management. It includes the organizational structure of the enterprise, the mode of operation and decision-making, the basic system of personnel, employment and distribution, and the provisions on the work and production process, standardization, information, rules and regulations, etc., which are finally reflected in the human, financial, material, operation, operation and maintenance of the enterprise. In modern enterprises, the organizational structure requires to embody the team spirit; In terms of business decisions, it is required to create value for customers; When employing people, it reflects fair competition and uses them for their talents; Distribution requires the unity of responsibility, power and benefit; Establish post responsibility system, operation standard, quality control standard and employee code to regulate the personnel and affairs of the enterprise. It may take a long time for people to generally recognize a new culture, and the process of such recognition will be accelerated if the culture is "loaded" into the system. When the advanced culture in the enterprise or the new culture advocated by the managers has exceeded the level of the system culture, this culture is giving birth to the new system. When the enterprise's ideas cannot be correctly implemented due to the system reasons, such as customer dissatisfaction, the system must be revised. When the connotation of the system is not recognized by the employees' psychology, the system is only the "culture" of the managers. At most, it only reflects the management laws and regulations, and it is only an external constraint to the employees; When the connotation of the system has been accepted by the employees and consciously observed, the system becomes a culture. The system has become an empty shell, leaving behind a culture of participation.

2、 Construction of enterprise culture management mode
First, the management of enterprise organizational behavior has changed from unit culture to cross-cultural management. The traditional enterprise culture is unitary, which is a homogeneous culture formed in the process of long-term cultural homogeneity. With the vigorous rise of multinational enterprises and the development of enterprise merger and reorganization, international operation is in the ascendant, and enterprises are facing the problem of cross-cultural management to varying degrees. Every enterprise's culture may have many forms, and there will be a considerable degree of disharmony between different national cultures and foreign cultures, subcultures, and different individuals in the enterprise. There are conflicts in values, as well as differences in management ideas, decision-making methods and management systems. The most effective way to solve this difference is cultural integration. The principle of integration is to "seek common ground while reserving differences", based on national culture, learn from foreign cultures, learn from others' strong points, integrate and refine, and become one. The excellent culture that comes from the national culture and meets the requirements of the enterprise management will be re instilled into every member of the enterprise to unify the behavior of employees and achieve the enterprise objectives.
Second, the research on the management object has changed from the individual in the enterprise to the whole of the employees. The key of enterprise culture is to pursue an enterprise's overall advantage, universal excellence and good collective feeling. Managers should apply incentive theories and methods to each object in the past, and study how to motivate individual employees to establish the overall concept of the enterprise, so that employees can be united as a whole. In line with the characteristics of the new economy, the prominent characteristics of enterprise culture are innovation and transformation. Some entrepreneurs with strategic vision realize that the new breakthrough point of enterprise development is to form the cultural strength of enterprises, and then form the competitiveness of enterprises. The theory of corporate culture should create some informal and conventional group norms through "cultural advantages", so that the group members can undergo a process of classification under the condition of interaction with each other. The formation of group norms can make individual enterprises follow the crowd, and common value norms will form an invisible pressure in enterprises. When individuals find that their behaviors and opinions are inconsistent with the group, they will feel a kind of psychological pressure. This psychological pressure is sometimes much more effective than authority and command, and it is easier to change individual behavior and make it consistent with collective behavior. It can be seen that the development and utilization of culture as a resource is a high-level choice for enterprises to participate in market competition.
Third, the shaping of the corporate image has changed from a single external image to a combined internal and external image. Enterprise image is the evaluation of the general public and enterprise employees on the enterprise as a whole. It includes two meanings: from the external perspective, the enterprise gives the impression that consumers can trust, and its contribution to other industries and society is recognized by the outside world; From the internal perspective, all employees in the enterprise have the concept of sharing weal and woe with the enterprise in their work. The internal information communication of the enterprise is good, the atmosphere is harmonious and full of vitality. However, in the past, enterprises often only paid attention to one-way indicators of external image, such as opening up sales by high-quality products or relying on high-quality services to win the trust of users. In the new economic era, the foundation on which the original enterprise culture depends for success has changed, which is the enterprise environment. If there are no important changes in environmental parameters, people can still cope with future changes based on yesterday's experience and practices. However, in the process of modern enterprise development, the market environment is changing rapidly. The successful experience in the past simply does not conform to the reality of the new economy. In the book "American enterprise spirit", Miller proposed that the external environment and the organizational environment of the enterprise should be taken as two different groups of variables to realize the transformation of the enterprise culture in the new economy through the interaction of the two groups of variables. This enterprise culture is not only memory type, but also learning type. The enterprise culture under the new economic conditions requires enterprises to create a good internal environment, change the traditional management mode and implement knowledge management.
3、 Leading the construction of enterprise culture with socialist core value system
"The socialist core value system is the soul of rejuvenating the country and the essence of the advanced socialist culture." This is a full affirmation of the status and role of values in social management. In the socialist core value system, whether it is the guidance of Marxism, or the ideal and belief of socialism with Chinese characteristics, whether it is the national spirit with patriotism as the core, the spirit of the times with reform and innovation as the core, or the socialist concept of honor and disgrace, these concepts can indeed play a very positive and important role in the construction of our enterprise culture. Today's world is in a period of great development, great changes and great adjustments. The world's multipolarization and economic globalization are developing in depth, science and technology are changing with each passing day, various ideological and cultural exchanges and exchanges are more frequent, and the financial crisis is sweeping the world. The status and role of culture in the competition are more prominent, and its influence in enterprise management is more and more strong. However, some units do not have enough understanding of the importance, necessity and urgency of enterprise culture construction, and the role of enterprise culture in improving the civilized quality of enterprise employees; This has led to the loss of ethics and integrity in some enterprises, and the distortion of the outlook on life and values of some enterprise employees. As an important management mode and means, enterprise culture, guided by the socialist core value system, provides theoretical basis and spiritual power for enterprises to vigorously carry out enterprise culture construction, build a harmonious enterprise and promote enterprise development. For enterprises, it is necessary to take the socialist core value system as the foundation, focus on the development of enterprise culture with Chinese characteristics, rise a new upsurge of enterprise culture construction, improve the soft power of enterprises, and provide a solid cultural support for enhancing the independent innovation and competitiveness of enterprises.

First, Marxism is a science about the universal law of the development of nature, human society and human thinking. It is a powerful ideological weapon for us to understand the world and transform the objective and subjective world. It is also the soul of the socialist core value system and a scientific world outlook and methodology. Therefore, the enterprise must adhere to guiding the construction of enterprise culture with the developing Marxism, arm all enterprise employees with the latest achievements of Sinicization of Marxism, make them learn to analyze and answer practical problems, scientifically grasp the basic laws of human social development, apply the Marxist stand, viewpoint and method, closely link with the reality of enterprise culture construction, improve the ability of theory to guide practice, Strengthen the employees' belief in Marxism.
Second, we should strengthen the common ideal of socialism with Chinese characteristics and provide correct target guidance for the construction of enterprise culture. In the construction of enterprise culture, the common ideal of socialism with Chinese characteristics must be firmly established. On the one hand, the employees of the enterprise should unify their thinking and understanding, define their goals, combine their personal ideal pursuit with the common ideal of socialism with Chinese characteristics, closely integrate with the national destiny and enterprise development, and realize their personal life value on the basis of the harmonious, stable and development of the country and the enterprise. On the other hand, it is necessary to educate enterprise employees to be good at combining lofty ideals with daily work, realize the unity of establishing lofty ideals and carrying out arduous struggle, carry forward the national spirit with patriotism as the core and the spirit of the times with reform and innovation as the core, and provide a solid spiritual link and strong spiritual power for the construction of enterprise culture.
Third, the national spirit with patriotism as the core and the spirit of the times with reform and innovation as the core are the essence of the socialist core value system and the focus of enterprise culture construction. In the glorious historical process, the Chinese nation has cultivated and formed the great national spirit of unity and unity, peace loving, hard-working and brave, and constant self-improvement with patriotism as the core. The national spirit is the spiritual support for the survival and development of the Chinese nation and the most essential, concentrated and lasting spiritual force in the national culture. To build enterprise culture, we must carry forward the national spirit with patriotism as the core, constantly enhance our sense of identity and belonging to the country and enterprises, enhance our sense of patriotism, unity and development, and enhance our national self-esteem, self-confidence and pride. The enterprise is the main body of the market economy and the carrier of social responsibility. The core values, mission, purpose, vision and concept of the enterprise should not only conform to the essential requirements of the market economy and the law of enterprise development, but also reflect the national spirit with socialist ideology, socialist common ideal and patriotism as the core, the spirit of the times characterized by reform and innovation and the traditional essence of Chinese culture.
Fourth, the socialist concept of honor and disgrace with "Eight Honors and Eight Disgraces" as the main content puts forward the objective requirements for the construction of enterprise culture. The "Eight Honors and Eight Disgraces" has answered what is glory and what is disgrace in a socialist society. It has put forward clear and specific requirements in terms of world outlook, outlook on life and values, including loving the motherland, serving the people, advocating science, hard work, solidarity and mutual assistance, honesty and trustworthiness, abiding by discipline and law, and hard work. It has pointed out the direction for us to distinguish right from wrong, distinguish good from evil, and distinguish beauty from ugliness under the new situation, Specific standards and specifications are put forward, which have strong operability. Integrating the socialist concept of honor and Disgrace into the construction of enterprise culture, forming new cultural values that meet the requirements of the development of the times, and improving the level of enterprise culture are extremely important issues in the current construction of enterprise culture. The revolutionary spirit and values formed by our party and the people in the revolutionary war years of blood and fire, such as love for the motherland, unity and struggle, constant self-improvement, perseverance, willingness to sacrifice and courage to sacrifice, will also become a sharp tool to inspire enterprise cadres and workers in the market without gunpowder smoke. The survival, development and growth of enterprises depend on the national spirit with patriotism as the core. It is very important to inject such revolutionary culture and national soul into the construction of enterprise culture, so that employees can be proud of loving the motherland, create enterprise famous brands and participate in world competition. An enterprise without patriotism and patriotism will never have strong competitiveness and long-term effectiveness.
