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The current situation of Chinas tourism development is not optimistic. Therefore, in order to meet the physical and mental needs of current tourism consumers, it is an important direction for Chinas tourism development to create independen

1、 Introduction In the process of rapid development of enterprises, the value and significance of corporate culture have gradually emerged. Especially when the enterprise develops to a certain scale, in order to constantly stabilize its o

1、 The coincidence and development of restorative justice concept and the concept of protecting the legal interests of environmental crimes (1) The agreement between the concept of restorative justice and the concept of protecting the l

In actual work, the secretarial work is arduous, and the types of secretarial work are more complex, which is difficult and challenging. Therefore, the office leaders should have a deep understanding of the secretarial work, understand the

0 Preface The efficiency of traditional personnel file data collection and management is generally low, and personnel file data retrieval is not convenient, so it is difficult to effectively serve the practical work of personnel management

0 Preface The efficiency of traditional personnel file data collection and management is generally low, and personnel file data retrieval is not convenient, so it is difficult to effectively serve the practical work of personnel management

Strategic cost accounting refers to the enterprises use of the implementation of investment plans and plans, the implementation of research on project management plans, and the strengthening of a series of monitoring and guidance on raw ma

In 2020, the Ministry of Educations Guiding Outline for Ideological and Political Construction of Colleges and Universities Curriculum pointed out that professional courses are the basic carrier of ideological and political construction of

组织培养技术广泛用于许多物种的大规模繁殖。在腰果体外繁殖中,为此需要建立一些协议。本工作旨在评估贝宁基因型器官发生微繁殖腰果幼苗的体外再生条件。温室中一个月大的腰果幼苗的节外植体和体外的子叶节发芽用于此目的。BAP 和激动素单独评估为 2.2 mg/L

Rio Grande 番茄品种因其在寒冷和干燥季节的高生产力以及对黄萎病(由尖孢镰刀菌引起)和茎溃疡病(链格孢属)的抗性而被广泛种植。)。将番茄嫁接到能抵抗这些疾病的相容砧木上,可以更好地克服土传疾

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