essay case
Term paper

Research and application of Canada macro identification conc

时间:2015-10-20 来源:未知 编辑:梦想论文 阅读:
The first chapter

1.1 This paper's research background and significance

Identification as the most important factor to affect the archive, Canada in this change is undoubtedly a great influence. At the same time, with the development of archival research and archival practice, disadvantages and shortcomings of the traditional identification method is also more and more obvious.

These shortcomings and deficiencies existing in the basic theory, core theory, the implementation of all aspects of methods, and once suffered from all walks of life bar. These urge the birth of a new appraisal theory. The above is the background of macro appraisal theory was born, it and the current situation of our country faces is remarkably similar. Each archives should all know as part of a file management work in the most important, perfect the appraisal work not only will affect

all aspects of archives work, and will ultimately affect our future generations of history. Thus, each file personnel who are shouldering the responsibility. However, in our country nearly 30 years of appraisal theory and appraisal practice, not only the existence of various problems, but there has been no substantive progress.

Appraisal theory system is the most

mature and perfect theory, have been implemented in the Canadian national range into, and achieved fruitful results. In addition, identification of Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and other countries but also to a large extent affected and practice. The theory itself and its practice has been in the world have great repercussions. Our country since the 90's of the last century began to study macro appraisal theory and the practice, but limited in comparison with traditional identification theory, understanding of macro appraisal theory itself also has certain limitation. This is not conducive to our learning outstanding achievements, promote the development of appraisal in our country, but also limited our country and international archives communicate this problem. Therefore, in Canada the macroscopic research of theory and practice, not only will answer our country to some doubts about this theory, make up some blank, make our country file recognition can form comprehensive, scientific, historical, dialectical of the problem. But also will promote the research on macro appraisal theory of our country file, which draw on the excellent part, the final formation of archive appraisal theory and method has Chinese characteristics, promoting the development of China's archival undertaking.



在国外,当前对与实践的研究主要以加拿大档案人员作为主要力量,其他国家的学者,如澳大利亚,南非,英国,美国等作为补充力量。他们都为的诞生,发展与完善做出了突出的贡献。作为的诞生地和研究的主要力量,加拿大本国对宏观鉴定理论与实践的研究一直在积极地进行,并取得了丰硕的成果,目前居于宏观鉴定理论研究群体的领头羊地位。1991年,的总设计师和积极倡导者Terry Cook教授发表了 一篇文章《The archival appraisal of records containing personal information: ARAMP study with guidelines)),标志着加拿大宏观理论雏形的形成;此后,《MindOver Matter: Towards a New Theory of Archival Appraisal》评细阐述了该理论的核心;加拿大国家档案馆网站发布的《Appraisal Methodology; Macro-Appraisal andFunctional Analysis》为该理论在加拿大的付诸实施提供了指导;在《Macroappraisal in Theory and Practice: Origins, Characteristics, andImplementation in Canada, 1950-2000》中,Terry Cook 又系统地对该理论和实践的发展进行了梳理。此外,加拿大的其他档案学者也分别对该理论和实践著书立说,促进了该理论的成熟和完善,具有代表性的有Bruce Wilson的《SystematicAppraisal of the Records of the Government of Canada at the National Archives ofCanada》,Richard Brown 的《Back To the Strategic Roots: Appraisal Reform at TheNational Archives of Canada》,Catherine Bailey?的《From the Top Down: The Practice of the Macro-appraisal》等等。



Of course, in addition to a positive advocacy, there are still a number of scholars in Canada to think critically about the theory, which has been called "post Jenkinson," Professor Duranti Luciana, they have a critical thinking, the development and improvement of the play an important role.

The second chapter is the background and main content.

2.1 formation background

Theory comes from practice, any theory is not born out of thin air, have a profound practical background. The understanding of the practical background can make us look at this theory in history, so that we can make a comprehensive understanding of it and reform it, and serve the practice better. With no exception, the birth of a profound practical background, the understanding of these backgrounds is not only helpful to the profound understanding of the theory, but also conducive to the long-term development of the theory. Since the beginning of the Second World War, with the increase in the number of wartime management, and the increase of social welfare projects, the number of Canadian documents has expanded rapidly. On the contrary, however, since the founding of the PRC in 1867, the disposal of the documents is very little. The end result is the continuous accumulation of documents for the Canadian government has brought serious space.

At the same time, along with the development of science and technology, a variety of documents have emerged, for example, government maps, photos, pictures, movies and so on, and its proportion is also increasing, so how to get this part of the file is also a very important part of the identification. However, in the reality of the organization, this part of the file is not usually in the management of the file management, so it can not get through the disposal of the program to get this part of the file, usually can only rely on file personnel directly communicate with the document. The Archives of Canada Act (Public), the 1912 revision of the "Canadian Public Archives Act," provides that any organization in the destruction of government documents must be approved by the Canadian archives. The intention is to avoid the improper disposal of documents, and strengthen the archives for the document control, but in the subsequent implementation of a series of problems. In accordance with the law, the government departments in the disposal of documents must be submitted to the archives of the disposal program, waiting for the results of the archives. In this case, the submission of the disposal scheme or when it is submitted to the government organs, and the archives are completely in a passive state. And if the government departments to submit a disposal program, most of the case is because the government departments face a serious problem of space, that is, the accumulation of a large number of documents resulting in a serious crisis in the sector, there is no space to continue to store documents or do not have the space to enter the other work. It is conceivable that the main motivation of this case to submit disposal program needs to be considered, it should be said that they are hoping to get rid of this part of the file as soon as possible, rather than hoping to help the archives to obtain the file value of the file. What is more, a number of government agencies and rushing to the disposal program submitted to the examination and approval of archives, and archives can not be timely to approve all these solutions, resulting in the accumulation of a large number, also affected the politics lean on the Department's work. The above problems caused a great deal of contradiction between the file personnel and the department file manager, the department file manager hopes to have the power to deal with the file, the other hand, the file staff hopes to get the value of the file, so I hope to keep more power, and hope to carry out the work in detail. In addition, the archives staff is generally with the Department of document management to communicate, but the file manager in the unit is usually in a lower position, it is not too much power; it is difficult to obtain the file's generation background, etc.. www.mxlw100.com

第三章具体应用 ...................................26-34
3.1 战略 ...................................26-30
3.1.1 战略的地位................................... 26
3.1.2 战略的具体内容 ...................................26-30

 3.2 的具体实施...................................30-34
(一) 全政府鉴定计划...................................30-31
(二) 多年处置计划...................................31-32
(三) 的核心 ...................................32-33
(四) 额外考虑的现实因素 ...................................33-34
第四章 对与应用的解析................................... 34-46
4.1 对的分析 ...................................34-40
4.1.1 与传统鉴定理论的对比分析................................... 34-38
(一) 希拉里•詹金逊的“行政官员决定论”................................... 34-35
(二) 谢伦伯格的“双重价值理论...................................” 35-36
4.1.2 与其他宏观鉴定理论的对比分析 ...................................38-39
4.1.3 所存在的空白与不足 ...................................39-40
4.2 对应的分析................................... 40-46
4.2.1 应用的优势................................... 41-43
4.2.2 应用的不足................................... 43-46


Canada macro appraisal theory includes not only the abstract theory, and theory of implementation of the strategy, strategic linking theory and practice and concrete. In twentieth Century 90 years in the macro appraisal strategy under the guidance of the implementation of Canada, Canadian macro appraisal theory in the national scope, verified the correctness and applicability of the theory. Although compared with the traditional identification theory and other macro appraisal theory, Canada macro appraisal theory shows its progress, such as "society" as the source of value is more comprehensive and objective, fully affirmed the status of Archivists in the identification, in order to "file background" as the authentication object to source raw shellfish, through function -- "structuralism" reflects social values more wisdom; but also showed some problems such as there is no strong evidence that Canadian macro appraisal theory is beyond the senior theory, subjective appraisal process control of. In addition, in the specific application process, Canada macro appraisal strategy also shows its advanced and the lack of. Such as scientifically based research, planning, combination of "top-down" and "bottom-up" harmony, metadata is complete, the transactional file processing etc. These are indisputable identification theory is applied in the process of advantage. But, how macroscopical identification strategy application in non government institutions, and the contradictions between the current file system, the excessive reliance on these and macro appraisal strategy needs to be perfected. Canada macro appraisal theory success to many western countries start to pay attention to and learn from the theory, representative of Australia, New Zealand, South Africa etc.. Of course, different countries from the process to take into account the specific reality of the country, rather than apply mechanically, the Australia is a very good case.

Through the analysis of different countries to learn from Canada macro appraisal theory of the case we can find some common in most countries from, which is under what circumstances choose to learn the theory, such as the increase in the number and types of domestic documents, the original identification of system failure. In addition, we should seriously study the process should pay attention to the problem, such as clear and the relationship between macro appraisal function identification, must have a reasonable planning, adequate resources, organization coordination, not compatible with the existing macroscopic identification document management system, function analysis standard between the standard and academic balance the transaction documents, should be given enough attention, identification documents complete, historical documents and identification. The shortcomings of this paper, and also the need to continue to study the direction is: Canada macro appraisal theory in the study of China applicability.
