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The influence of peer relationship in sports team on individ

时间:2015-10-20 来源:未知 编辑:梦想论文 阅读:

The research on the relationship between peer relationship and developmental psychology has important significance. The research shows that the relationship between the 3 types of [1]: the social development of children and adolescents is the important support system [2]. A good peer relationship can contribute to the development of social skills of young people in the network, the relationship between peers is decisive factor, the social development of young people, such as the development of social skills, self concept, value, etc., to a large extent, it is influenced by the relationship of [5].. Sports achievement and attitude to sports is one of the main problems in the field of youth sports.


Therefore, the research on the relationship between peer relationship and sport achievement and attitude in sports environment is helpful to further understand the characteristics of peer relationship in the special environment of sports, and also help to establish a good peer relationship, adapt to the sports team environment, and lay a certain foundation for the improvement of sports achievement and the improvement of sports attitude.


In this paper, we use the method of nomination, questionnaire survey, and test the peer acceptance of individual in the sports environment, and study the influence of peer relationship in sports team on the movement behavior intention, attitude, emotion experience and so on.


1 research objects and methods


1.1 research object


In Guiyang City, Guizhou Province, city, Tsinghua middle school basketball, football team member 56 (male 31, female 25) as the research object, the subjects aged 15~18 years (M=14.8, SD=1.1)


1.2 research methods


1.2.1 peer nomination test


Interpersonal relation study mainly uses method of social measurement (peer nomination method) and quantity table method (questionnaire). This study by peer nomination method test adolescent peer acceptance and rejection, were asked to write down their in the team favorite (positive Nomination) and most don't like (negative Nomination) of the three companions, is actively nominated subjects expressed by positive, is negative nomination to negative points, is positive nomination with a positive, is negative nomination at a time and a negative score. The score of the sum of the "peer relationship" is obtained by the sum of the positive and negative points.


1.2.2 youth exercise attitude scale


An attitude behavior scale for adolescents prepared by Mao Rongjian [8-9]. The use of the scale of the Likert 5 points method.


The scale is divided into 8 sub table, this study selected the seven subscales, respectively: (1) behavior; II cognitive behavior; emotional experience; the subjective standard; the behavior sense of control; the behavior attitude and behavior intention.

1.2.3 uses SPSS16.0 for data analysis


2 research results and analysis

 2.1 The influence of peer relationship in sports environment on the emotional experience of adolescents

In the peer nomination test will score greater than or equal to (mean + standard deviation of individual points for higher peer acceptance group, will score less than or equal to (average number - 1) standard deviation of the individual is divided into low peer acceptance group. High peer acceptance group of 7 people, accounting for 12.5%, low peer acceptance group of 8 people, accounting for 14.3%.


The results showed (Table 1), the difference between high peer acceptance group and low peer acceptance group were significantly higher than that in the group of high peer acceptance group, which was significantly higher than that in low peer group.

 2.2 The influence of peer relationship in sports environment on the behavior of teenagers

In the peer nomination test will score greater than or equal to (mean + standard deviation of individual points for higher peer acceptance group, will score less than or equal to (average number - 1) standard deviation of the individual is divided into low peer acceptance group.


High peer acceptance group of 7 people, accounting for 12.5%, low peer acceptance group of 8 people, accounting for 14.3%.


Using 4 component tables, respectively:


Firstly, behavior and habits: for measurement of exercise activities is to become the individual needs to become an automated behavior patterns; II cognitive behavior: refers to the individual to participate in exercise leads to a certain cognitive, and on the cognitive evaluation; third, attitude and behavior: refers to individuals on their own to participate sports positive, negative or neutral evaluation; behavioral intention: refers to individuals in how much up in sports, plans paid much effort.


The results of the study showed that, in Table 2, the scores of the 3 components of the high peer acceptance group were significantly higher than those of the peer group. The high peer acceptance group was more positive for the evaluation of their participation in physical exercise, while the low peer acceptance group was more negative. In the aspect of behavioral intention, the score difference between high peer acceptance group and low peer acceptance group was significantly higher.

 2.3 The influence of peer relationship in the sports environment on the control and movement support of adolescents


In the peer nomination test will score greater than or equal to (mean + standard deviation of individual points for higher peer acceptance group, will score less than or equal to (average number - 1) standard deviation of the individual is divided into low peer acceptance group.


High peer acceptance group of 7 people, accounting for 12.5%, low peer acceptance group of 8 people, accounting for 14.3%.


The 2 components of attitude scale in the exercise of sports and youth are:


Behavior control sense: refers to the individual to engage in sports behavior difficult to the degree of consciousness, feel involved in exercise whether there is sufficient autonomy. Subjective criteria: refers to the individual's participation in physical exercise to feel the social pressure, the individual has a significant impact on others (parents, elders, friends, classmates, etc.) to participate in sports support.


The results showed (Table 3), the high peer acceptance group were significantly higher than those in the low peer acceptance group in terms of exercise control and subjective criteria.


That is, the higher peer acceptance of the individual's autonomy and the importance of their support for the sport is significantly higher than the low peer acceptance.

3 discussion


3.1 the influence of peer relationship on individual sports skills, sports attitude and behavior


The research on peer relationship in general school environment found that peer relationship will affect individual academic performance, and bad peer relationship is one of the important factors leading to the decline of academic performance.


Coakley et al. Has confirmed that [10], a group of individuals who are highly accepted by peers, can get more opportunities to participate in sports, or have more decision-making power in the activities of the sports team, such as the division of tactics and solving problems. The relationship between peer relationship and the number of school sports activities and the activity time was positively correlated with the time and the time of activity. This study showed that the control of high peer group was significantly higher than that of the low peer group, and the individual with high peer acceptance was able to obtain higher support in the peer group.


In addition, the relationship between peer and peer has an important influence on the attitude and behavior of adolescents. One of the motivations for young people to participate in sports is to enjoy the [11] with friends. Previous studies have proved that peer acceptance of the [12], and peer relationship can predict the degree of persistence of physical exercise.


3.2 the influence of peer relationship on individual psychological development


In the social and psychological support of children and adolescents, the research of emotional factors has gradually received attention. In developing psychology, the relationship between adolescents and their peers in the school environment and learning environment, the research shows that the peer relationship of children and adolescents can significantly predict the loneliness experience. The majority of the research shows that the relationship between peer relationship and negative emotion, such as loneliness and depression are significant negative correlation.


In 2002, Peclen proposed the concept of academic emotions, the domestic Yu Guoliang [13] and so on to define the academic emotions as in the teaching or learning process, and the students' academic experience, not only the students in their academic success or failure of the various emotions, but also including students in the classroom learning emotional experience.


Academic emotions of academic and achievement motivation have influence the conclusions and several theoretical support and explanation [14-16]: "control value theory; cognitive motivation theory; social cognitive theory; emotional attribution theory.


In the sports environment, learning mood mainly refers to the emotional experience of the sports teaching and training. The emotional experience of peer acceptance and exercise was positively related to [17], and the high peer acceptance individual can significantly anticipate the pleasure of the individual in the movement, thereby further affecting the physical exercise behavior of adolescents.


In this study, we empirically study the behavior motivation theory and the overall self - value Harter model of [18], peer support to be able to anticipate the psychological development of sports and the pleasure of emotional experience.

4 conclusions and Outlook


4.1 conclusions


The peer relationship in the environment of the teenagers sports environment can be expected to show the attitude of the youth sports, including the input of sports behavior, the control and support for sports, and the related emotional experience.


4.2 research prospects


To further explore the influence of peer relationship on the social behavior of adolescents in sports scene, such as the potential influence of peer relationship to social behavior and social behavior of adolescents. In the research method, we should improve the research methods, and analyze the relationship between the various peers in the sports environment, so as to provide a quantitative tool for the construction of a middle level theory and the test of the empirical proposition.


To establish a bridge between macro and micro, and provide inspiration for the research of the relationship between the peer relationship in the method of the method of the youth sports. In the existing research, some scholars have carried out the sports friendship quality measuring tool, but still need to be improved. Data acquisition, usually using cross-sectional data of developmental psychology, i.e., the simultaneous measurement of the sports scene in the peer relationship, behavioral and cognitive, emotional state. And these are from the interaction among the variables in the same period, difficult to judge the causal relationship. In later study, should strive to use tracking data, in one or more variables, multiple time points were measured and reasonable inference exists between the variables of causality.




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