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英语硕士论文:Cultivating students innovative ability in Phy

时间:2015-11-11 来源:未知 编辑:默尔本 阅读:
Education be one's unshirkable responsibility of shouldering the cultivation of innovation spirit and innovation ability, physics is shouldering the cultivation of innovation spirit and innovation ability talented person's mission, know now the junior middle school physics teaching to cultivate students' innovative ability from the following several aspects to talk about bit of shallow, and hope that through the junior middle school physics teaching and cultivate new talents with innovation ability the.

一、 构建和谐、民主的课堂氛围是培养学生创新能力的主渠道
One, build a harmonious, democratic classroom atmosphere is the main channel to cultivate students' innovation ability

In classroom teaching, teachers should pay attention to the construction of harmonious, democratic teaching atmosphere, make the communication between teachers and students psychological state to achieve the best level, to ensure that students feel comfortable, quick thinking, make all kinds of intelligence and non intelligence factors of the innovation in the best state, so as to improve the efficiency of classroom teaching. In the classroom teaching, teachers are the organizers and participants in teaching activities, the center position is always in the teaching activities, teachers' language to the students full of hope, encouraging and inspiring, students can buy your account, teachers should always observe the grasp student's ability to accept and the reaction condition for students to dispel doubts, problem solving. If students have problems, teachers should be good at giving systematic guidance, help them to put the question, get through, let students have words dare say, doubt ask, everyone is equal before the truth. When the students thinking and conclusion beyond teachers design and a desired orbit, teachers should not force the students thinking into their thinking patterns, bound students to use their own or materials on the conclusion of innovative thinking, but can not be rude way to interrupt the students' thinking process. The teacher should be good at encouraging students to question bravely, welcome students to challenge and myself, to give students the opportunity to comment, allowing students to have the innovation consciousness. As a middle school student in the classroom teaching process and puts forward different views of teachers, teachers should not deny the student's simple, but should guide the students to examine their views in class or after class, and draw the correct conclusion. This can protect the enthusiasm of student learning, set up the independent innovation and learning self-confidence, the creative thinking is active, to arouse their enthusiasm of innovation. Encourage students and teachers to discuss issues, and strive to classroom teaching atmosphere of democracy, harmonious, full of fun. A new relationship between teachers and students only democracy, equality, harmony, can be achieved between the two sides soul communication, can promote the students play to their initiative and creativity. Only in the teaching between teachers and students in the establishment of complete equality, lively classroom atmosphere, students only dare to question, to discuss with teacher, will have the courage to explore, can we cultivate students' innovation spirit and innovation ability.

Two, physics experiment inquiry is a effective way to cultivate the innovation ability

Physics is a subject based on experiment, physics concepts and laws of most are summed up on the basis of experiment. Experimental teaching is the teaching of physics is very important link, is the effective way to cultivate the innovation ability. Experimental teaching can enhance visibility, cultivate students' experimental ability, the cultivation of creative thinking. In the basic teaching of teachers to help students master the principle of experiment as much as possible to create conditions and provide experimental exploring more for students and encourage its bold innovation and imagination, fully using the brain, moving mouth, hands to activate students' positive thinking to bring their creativity. As in "voltmeter and ammeter to measure resistance" experiment, group of students completed the "voltammetry measurements after" deliberately evoked their creative thinking, let them talk again, to obtain a new method of analysis and consideration, and design of experimental circuit, selection of experimental equipment, optimization of experimental steps, draw a conclusion. Then the timely Dianbo the scheme, so that a part of students in the process of exploring, operation, designed a new scheme of "Fufufa measuring resistance" and "an Anfa", but also experience the joy of success, greatly stimulate their creative enthusiasm, lets the student feel in experiment class is not only a kind of the harvest is also a kind of enjoyment. In addition, the teacher can give some students experiment and demonstration experiment design for the exploring experiment, activate students' innovation ability. Exploratory experimental teaching is the classroom teaching have a wider range of activities and thinking space, can stimulate and satisfy the desire of exploration and innovation of students of different levels. The experimental process of the students in their own "explore" the laws of physics can be hand, move and move, exercise and develop their ability to innovate. In teaching teachers should carefully design the teaching content, and design a series of in order to solve the problem, the heuristic as a way of design problems, should be to develop full penetration ability of innovation, based on students' prior knowledge, guide the students in the experimental process of exploration in "innovation", in the experimental activities relatively independent experience hardships and the joy of innovation. In order to cultivate the innovation ability of the long-term, experimental study of teachers can be planned and organized students to a series of practical problems, and combine the experiment content and life, make the innovation ability training and knowledge of physics learning combined closely.

Three, pay attention to cultivate students' good learning habits, the development of students' innovation ability

Traditional education so that most students form "re memorizing, understanding light", "the knowledge, the light ability", "heavy fraction, light effect" of learning habits. Teachers should get rid of the traditional education of confusion, "get rid of many of the ideas of traditional education, the cultivation of students' good questions, and be good at thinking, the courage to explore and innovate the learning habits by modern education theory. In the teaching of physics students who through hard work you can do, should let the students themselves to innovation, do it yourself; write and calculate, and other activities should be so. All students through effort the conclusion should let the students to explore their own, to find; in the learning activities, teachers mainly give students the necessary inspiration, induction, inspiration, in the course of time the students good study habits can form, innovation ability will develop.

Four, to stimulate the sense of success and the consciousness of independent evaluation, innovation ability training

Middle school students, the psychological bearing ability are relatively weak, slightly some setbacks, they lack confidence. In autonomous learning of students, should be timely to stimulate the sense of success, boost the confidence of students, to cultivate students' innovation ability. In experiment teaching, after analyzing the basic principle, method, I always induced, inspire students to find new methods, and let students do self evaluation in time. As in "after the determination of solid and liquid in the balance and cylinder density 'section, the intention to set up such a problem:" wax block does not sink into the water, but also can measure the density wax block for balance and cylinder? See how should do? "I ask students to discuss, most of the students are in the balance measure the quality, then, using the" hanging weight method "for measuring cylinder to measure the volume, can calculate density. Then ask the students have no other method, students' thinking once again aroused, then good students to put forward their own solutions: the quality of the available balance to measure the wax block, measuring wax block volume, can use a finger or a pencil wax block pressure into the water. Most of the students have started a discussion that his method is feasible, but some students in the affirmation of his plan, and proposed the improvement opinion, measuring wax block volume, volume change caused by a finger or a pencil is more obvious, used a pin to wax block pressure into the water volume, has been unanimously endorsed by everyone. It stimulated the sense of success of students and independent evaluation consciousness, laid the foundation for training the creative ability of students.

In short, in the junior middle school physics teaching process, the cultivation of students' innovation ability is a gradual process. Physics teachers should strive to expand students' learning space, the use of advanced teaching methods, to keep the vast world of innovation education, cultivate students study enthusiasm and provide students personality development of soil, let the students in active exploration, development and cultivation of innovation ability to experience, to cultivate innovative talents suitable for the requirements of modern education.