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Developing countries nationalism

时间:2016-01-09 来源:未知 编辑:梦想论文 阅读:
Abstract since]90 nationalism in the developing world renaissance has its profound historical background and the origin of the value. Nationalism connotation of safeguard the national interests, the core discourse for national self-determination to the disintegration of the bipolar structure of developing countries to get rid of the dilemma after the political demand. The nationalism of the developing countries is the economic nationalism, political nationalism and cultural nationalism and so on other forms of. Nationalism is the developing countries despite the rational choice based on reality, but it can't be long dominated the value for the national development strategy.

[keyword] developing nationalism

At the turn of the century, reviewing the hundred year history of twists and turns, the impact can be found on the international pattern of the most far-reaching global events than the Second World War and the collapse of the bipolar world, there is surprisingly similar, the two event led to two large-scale wave of nationalism. The former is the collapse of the colonial system, leading to a series of new national hyperplasia; the latter makes some unified multi-ethnic country apart, and caused unrest and conflict in the local area.

Modern nationalism originated in 17 and eighteenth Century Europe, educational circles have been the fact that does not dispute. [1] and the main body of the century tide of the two nationalism are all developing countries, especially since the 90's of nationalism, but also conflict with the trend of globalization powerful. Therefore, people will naturally produce such doubt: is it normal?

As Giddens insight that: cross zone nationalist ideology must be gathered in the discourse between consciousness and the "real experience". So, in the modern political life, nationalist discourse consciousness in the end is how to attract the developing countries? How is the living experience enable developing countries and nationalism forges the indissoluble bound?


Historical review of nationalism can be found, European nationalism in feudal society bred to mother, is the original biological industrial revolution and the development of capitalism logical; while developing nationalism is produced in the violent struggle against European and other colonial powers rule in the former, it is the effects of biological and sent to a great extent. But the more worthy of our attention is, nationalism once in developing countries to take root, it is easy to grow and spread, win universal identity politics, the cultural elite and mass.

To explain this phenomenon, must first make clear the core discourse of nationalism, the dominant value orientation.

According to Gaerner, the belief of nationalism is the most basic "politics and national units should be the same", is the national and ethnic identity. Realization of the ideal model of a country that family, is the most exciting of nationalism in Europe when the initial rise.

Haines wrote the word, nationalism in Europe, there are four kinds of meaning: first, as a historical process of nationalism, in this process, nationalism becomes create national political coalition support; second, as a theory of nationalism, it is available to the actual the theory of the historical process, principles and ideas; third, nationalism is a political action, such as a specific political party action; fourth, nationalism is a kind of emotion, member means a nation is beyond other loyalty to the nation.

Visible, nationalism is actually a "national self-determination" is a mixture of strange core value: it may be both systematic theory, sufficient for practical national growth provides the principles and concepts, it may be only a strong even fanatical ethnic emotion, attracting people the individual's loyalty and serve the enthusiasm; both may be closely integrated political movement, may also is only a slogan or symbol of movement; both may be true feelings of people together, may also be made of psychological illusion.


Nationalism in the core values of unity and in the form of diversification, so that it can be a leader in different historical context has different meanings to different political goals, in other words, simple and complex nationalism ideology and become the "useful" for its broad.

Since entering ninety age, the two camps had opposition crumble, is not only the developed countries lost clear enemy, in developing countries, but also because of against the tension disappears and the once dominant political ideology decline decline, led to the absence of cultural value, people in urgent need of new ideas and the significance of life sustenance commander. At this time, the core value of nationalism implication to defend the national interests, fight for the national self-determination is easily to meet the developing political demands, and "nationalism generation of collective solidarity and the obligation in the cultural recession environment with strong mobilization of energy", so called, nationalism out, become the ruling legitimacy basis and social mobilization and control tools.

Lerner correctly analyzed, nationalism has become an important factor in the cohesion and indispensable for developing countries, because developing countries in the modernization of national "threshold", social support and social structure of the original crash, which makes people full of tension and pain. An expression of nationalism as into the modern "pain threshold", it has two functions, one is granted the dignity of people and maintain social stability, the two is to provide power for modernization, and eventually solve this pain in practice.

For the first step of the European nation-state and followed by the US, Japan and other countries, although there are more or less national self-interest tendency, but in general, nationalism has been basically realized classical end, is beyond the national trend of globalization. Because, the process of globalization is actually the Western dominated the international economic order through the market and political change and continue to expand, all over the world to promote the process of internationalization of the west, it is a dominant and dominated by the economic order and system. In this process, the developed countries due to the control arrangements for economic and trade rules and institutional channels, and with its technical and financial comprehensive advantages, further promote the transnational flow of capital goods and services, through reducing transaction cost in the international arena, in order to achieve the free trade approach to restructuring the global resources and market, and obtained the profit maximization. Indeed, the most enthusiastic promotion of the globalization America, also is in the world system in the "hegemony" and the biggest vested interest. So, developing countries to open the door, weaken their nationalism, is the focus of the developed countries where the ideology. Therefore, they advocate and practice of globalization.

In this sense, we can say, the developing countries to resist reactionary nationalism and globalization.

Although nationalism as the mainstream ideology in most of the developing world, but in the concrete as, due to historical, cultural tradition and the urgent need to address the problem of different, in different countries and regions also showing a variety of practice.

Generally speaking, from the world economic system, after the end of the cold war, between country and country is economic interests confrontation and conflict of ideology hidden clearly show, nationalism has been widely used in the pursuit of their own interests in the unequal international order, then it is synonymous with the national egoism, which we call economic nationalism; from within the country, due to the development of multi ethnic imbalance between the people and the national identity, fracture often occurs, the pursuit of the people stand on one's own nationalist politics there is power in the interior, and its results are often manifested as a unified national physical collapse, then it is synonymous with nationalism and separatism, which we call political nationalism; while in deeper and more abstract culture level, "the clash of civilizations is the world within the scope of the tribal conflict," cultural nationalism trend also started in various ways in the developing countries.

The following we do a simple exposition:

1, economic nationalism

Economic nationalism is the main idea of economic activities to -- and should be for the overall interests of the national construction goals (or national) service. It points out that the nation is individuals and groups (company, interest group) the largest real welfare units. Therefore, economic nationalism to master their economic fate, the exercise of independent economic sovereignty important, and that the result can achieve the prosperity of the nation.

Generally believed that the economic nationalism of developing countries was initially manifested in Latin American countries. Latin American region as a Catholic immigrant colony, countries have a common language (except Brazil), the common religious beliefs, as well as the inability to distinguish between the mixed blood. Since the 19th century "Monroe Doctrine" to claim that "America is America" until now, the Latin American nationalism is mainly in the United States in the economic and political control of its internal affairs, with a sense of inferiority and self brand. A Ryding discussed, "Mexico nationalism is not an ideology, but an instinct for survival. "Latin American countries, which have not yet achieved a modern or advanced position," are increasingly alarmed at the attempt to control their natural resources and economic fortunes, and recognize the need for. This phenomenon is characterized by economic nationalism, which directly reflects the views of these countries often complain that they have achieved political sovereignty and independence, but in the economy is still a colony. "

This economic nationalism view is closely related with the dependency theory. The dependency theory thinks, inequality in the world system, developing countries are difficult to get rid of poverty and backwardness, simply because they are heavily dependent on developed countries capital, technology and market. That A Amin proposed the following famous statement: "not for international cooperation and interdependence and sing praises. The best advice to third world countries take the policy of isolation. "[10]

In fact, economic nationalism is a kind of all in the stage of development the national political independence after the inevitable result, namely a nation after the completion of his made a historical task independent, we must further develop their economy and make yourself truly stand up. Recently, some scholars have more broadly to include economic priorities, state intervention and market economy, advocating the ingenious combination of Confucian traditional culture of the East Asian Development Strategy collectively known as the East Asian economic nationalism, and put it as the mystery in East Asia's economic success. [11]

Can think, this emphasis on the pursuit of national interests in the economic development of the economic nationalism contains dual mentality of the existing international order helplessness and fight in developing countries. Since the summer of 1997 after the continuous spread of the global financial crisis, developing countries more deeply aware of, only to take self protective economic policy, avoid the globalization process fast and too passively involved in the unfair competition in the international environment and uneven, can from the crowning calamity. Economic nationalism is therefore more and more developing countries to accept and use.

2, political nationalism.

We have strong political purpose (mainly decomposition or build a new independent nation state) as the target of nationalism in this category. Obviously, this is the original intention of the rise of nationalism and the starting point. Since the European system formed five hundred years, nationalism had long service to the pursuit of "national identity" in the political practice target.

Developing countries due to the different stages of development, political nationalism and the role is not the same, but from the current situation, the struggle for independence to save the nation from peril type emergency political nationalism in countries all over the world have come to an end. Take the two political nationalism during the post World War II and 90 in developing countries compared, the biggest difference is that, the former is the colonial countries against colonial national liberation, the latter focus on internal multi nationality country non subject peoples for players or equal rights struggle, it makes some had even powerful nation (such as the former Soviet Union) from the internal cracking.

It should be said, inter ethnic conflict exists in the internal multi nationality countries generally exist in developing countries, investigate its reason, is mainly due to the process of modernization started relatively late, the development of capitalism is obviously insufficient, seriously hinder the formation of these countries unified social system and social consciousness, the lack of strong adhesive will be home all nations together, nation countries to produce a sharp contradiction between building and national development. [12] these contradictions to countries unable to mediate the extent, will produce damaging nationalist movement is very strong.

In Africa, most of the "nation state" not grow out of, but a product of colonialism, the delimitation of its frontiers is entirely a "cartography unit" [13] by colonial interests to decide. In the geometric boundary territory, arranged in a crisscross pattern with cross tribal nations and trans national tribal. The country is very weak ability to integrate social and national, playing a leading role is the powerful clans. Africa national tribe, have to "put the cake into pieces under the state" and the degree of [14]. Africa tragedy is that people loyal to the clan than loyalty to the country, not a sufficient to the clans gather together the national culture, political nationalism and metamorphosis to tribal or racial. Recently, some countries in central Africa (such as Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Angola, Liberia, Somalia) continue to massive bloodshed between the different ethnic groups, is the "artificial state" sequelae appeared. In the country's independence before, only by hatred towards the oppressors to mobilize people's aspirations, but to manage an independent country which is far from enough. Notable is, in Africa national political nationalism, all require the establishment of an independent sovereign state is not much, what is the specific point and final goal, even when the thing person oneself also not clear, therefore, these conflicts are intensified, and the problem seems to have no.

In the Middle East, nationalist political conflict is the main religion and petroleum resources and other economic benefits as the supporting point. "The 80's and 90's, the trend is the anti Western Islamic countries. This is partly the Islamic revival movement, as well as the response to Western poison Muslim society so-called natural results. "[15] between nationalism and religious emotion, because the practice of Islamic fundamentalism and shows its profound connection. Nationalism when inserted religious fanaticism "wings", which was very violent. Religious and ethnic problems of complex, coupled with intervention USA powers and manipulation, make the Middle East radical nationalists made a lot of terrorism events, and to the Middle East peace process to create a barrier.

In Chinese, since 80, when the original ideology as a cohesive community function out of state and society, political leaders are starting to pay attention to derive the more national cohesion resources from nationalism. [16] some rejection and hostility Chinese practices, activation of the Chinese since modern times "self - stress nationalism" historical complex. However, nationalism Chinese contemporary is far from forming, a America scholars views can be used as reference: "as long as the economic development goes well, as long as Chinese in the world economy, the future looks bright, open will be prevailing, anomalous nationalism can only in the mass entertainment meet some emotional music, without very attractive in real life. If on the contrary, the deteriorating economic expansion now, if Chinese ambition become the bubble, a full set of highly nationalistic sentiments are readily available for more serious consideration. "[17]

3, cultural nationalism

The main task of the cultural nationalism is to maintain and develop the unique cultural tradition of the nation, advocated national cultural characteristics and cultural traditions as a link, to strengthen its identity to the political community. There are three characteristics of Cultural Nationalism: ① scholars give national culture to culture integration, culture identification and visualization; the national culture is a kind of non violence, non military expansion of national culture; national culture connotation with. This derivative of cultural nationalism "reflects a kind of thought the family culture and historical tradition spirit than than the others look down from a height attitude. "[18]


In the face of advanced western culture invasion and impact, in the face of cultural assimilation is a growing force in the process of globalization, how to maintain individuality, avoid cultural hegemony phagocytosis, is already a major issues related to national survival, even in developed countries like France are "deep concerns cultural colonialism". For many developing countries, to catch up with the developed countries, realize the modernization is the inevitable choice to do, but in the concrete road often face or give up the traditional national culture to follow the trend, or stick to the traditional combat Westernization dilemma, cultural nationalism is a renaissance in this context, and the expression of cultural conflicts between the East and the West and resist this lasting theme.

Developing the political elites and the thinkers trying to dig through the traditional culture resources, fostering a culture and the national spirit endowment, to challenge the increasingly aggressive expansion of western culture and cultural hegemony (such as "Hollywood" and "Coca-Cola"), or restore national pride to protect, obtain political appeal. And economic nationalism against economic aggression, cultural nationalist opposition is "cultural colonization". Here, "as the sovereign 'moral elements', nationalist symbol provides a core of political discourse. "[20] entangled the proposition of traditional culture and modernization Chinese 100 years of course also runs through the main line of cultural nationalism, but since 90 time in East Asia has been a" Neo Confucianism "attention can also be included in the category of cultural nationalism.

Although the lack of political, economic appeal case, firstly establish the identity of ethnic minority culture is a positive way. But had to admit that, developing cultural nationalism because almost can not resist global consumerism and no boundary of the mass media and a bit weak and sentimental.

In summary, nationalism became the dominant ideology in 90 developing countries, has its profound historical background and origin of the value, is the rational choice based on the developing countries. But because of the defect of modern nationalism ideology itself, it tends to be more conservative and not open, tends to review the past instead of looking to the future, tends to destruction rather than construction, tend to national self-interest rather than global prosperity, such an ideology is clearly not long core value for the national development strategy.


Facing the new century and the new development trend of the world, only the active participation, dares to innovate, to change the fate of the developing countries, and finally embarked on the national prosperity and national prosperity road.


[1] see Xu Xun with "nationalism", China Social Sciences Press 1998 edition, page seventh.

[20] Anthony Giddens a "nation state and violence", life, study, New York Edition in 1998, 265th, 259, 265 pages.

Ernest Gaerner a "nation and nationalism", Cornell University, 1983 edition, page first - 5.

J · H · Haines "nationalism" essays, Macmillan publishing company, 1926 edition, page sixth.

See Parnell Lerner a "passing of the traditional society", glynco company 1962 edition, the.

[15] Samuel Huntington a "Reconstruction" the clash of civilizations and the world order, Xinhua press 1998 edition, 228Th, 236 pages.

A riding a "distant neighbors: Mexican portrait", America Connaught & Poor's publishing company, 1985 edition, page eighteenth.

S 坦塞 with "economic nationalism in Latin America", the Commercial Press, 1980, P8.

[10]G · A · Amin: "depends on the development of" carrier ", again on the" modernization theory and historical experience, Shanghai Translation Publishing House, 1993 edition, page 103rd.
