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时间:2021-08-11 来源:未知 编辑:梦想论文 阅读:
1990s, "teacher education" has gradually become the strong words of Malaysia academic circles, but it is far from being widely used as the western countries, "teacher education" is still in the main position. The traditional teacher education has the characteristics of independence, closure and orientation, mainly refers to the pre service training of teachers, with a strong end. In recent years, the transformation of knowledge and the change of knowledge concept have led to the development of teachers' training and training, which is extremely rich in educational activities. The pre service training can not meet the needs of teachers' career development. As a "post - hair" country, Malaysia Chinese independent secondary school teacher education has drawn lessons from the Chinese mainland, Taiwan and the European and American countries. At present, independent Chinese secondary school teacher education in the system take open teacher education model, in the curriculum division of general education courses, the subject is divided into science courses and education courses in three parts. In the teaching reform on reflective teaching, case teaching, action research study concept. Because of the special nature of Chinese independent secondary school education, the teacher training and training also has many special features. Independent secondary school teacher training experienced from the early combination of independent middle school curriculum development and use and subject teaching method of training, training combined with independent secondary school exam implementation of teaching evaluation, combined with independent high school administration and guidance system construction and the introduction of educational administration, educational psychology, educational and social learning theory knowledge training; to in recent years, actively explore the domestic and foreign entrance channel, reserve from the teaching resources, improve the independent middle school teachers training mechanism, and to enhance the independent secondary school teacher education professional qualifications and organization offering teacher education courses. 1.
The characteristics of Teacher Education in Chinese independent secondary school in Malaysia
(a) continuous improvement of teachers' pre service training system
In order to reserve from the teaching resources, Dong Jiao Total (i.e. the Federation of Malaysian Chinese School Board Management Agency for the establishment of Chinese education organization "only working committee will actively explore the domestic and foreign entrance channel, to improve independent middle school teachers before the training mechanism. Only in the working committee, the establishment of Teacher Education Committee, and in 1984 - 1985 44 in to study the selection of independent secondary school graduates in Taiwan to participate in the Taiwan normal university education credits. This approach has opened a precedent for the pre service training of independent secondary school teachers. Then the Teacher Education Committee began independent high school graduates went to Taiwan for further education colleges undergraduate courses. As of 2003, by a total of 271 walks students, after graduation to fulfill the contract 126. [2] the current, in view of pre service training, reserves from the teaching resources of independent secondary school teachers in the stability is of great significance, Dong Jiao total continue to expand channels for graduate studies, seeking the assistance of normal universities abroad, carry out independent school faculty fellowship program, encourages independent high school graduate student education courses.
(two) to open a professional diploma in education as a carrier of on-the-job training
Independent secondary school teachers to carry out in-service training activities is the core business of the teachers' Education Department of the "independence of the Central Committee of the board of education". Since 1982, the board of directors of the independent commission will host the education administration, education, education, education, education, education, education, training and other areas of the new teacher training in job training. In addition, the Dong Jiao total independence of the committee will begin independent secondary school in-service teachers provide education professional training courses, requirements of independent secondary school in-service teachers with two and a half completed unit series of courses in 1994, assessment is eligible to be awarded the Diploma in education. In 1999, the independent secondary school teacher education and training transfer hosted by the new era college. The college offers the Diploma in education programme to have bachelor's degree or equivalent qualification employed and not practicing teachers education curriculum courses, each course schooling period for 6 weeks, students repair read six units in a total of 30 credits of course after obtaining a diploma. The course is generally 32 months to be completed, the maximum length of schooling for 5 years, can also be an elective. 2006, the new era of education, the establishment of the Department of education, the establishment of a perfect independent secondary school teachers in Malaysia, the system is of great significance.
(three) the construction of a modular independent secondary school teacher education curriculum
The curriculum reform of teacher education has changed into the modular curriculum. Comprehensive knowledge in order to adapt to the trend of professionalization of teacher education, and meet the teachers improve their quality requirements, teacher education curriculum is divided into five parts: first, general courses, including Malaysia political, ethnic history, culture, information technology, social problems, training teachers of liberal spirit, solid professional foundation.
Second, education subject curriculum, including the principles of pedagogy, educational psychology, curriculum and teaching theory, the history of modern teachers, education, and so on, to make up for the lack of independent secondary school teacher education "teacher education". Third, education and teaching skills courses. Set up the measurement and evaluation of teaching, modern information technology and the curriculum, teachers through micro teaching, teachers lessons, and other aspects of the will by making use of modern information technology to classroom teaching in. Fourth, subject pedagogy course, mainly the course and teaching theory of each course, let the students grasp the theory and skills of subject teaching from the angle of subject pedagogy. Fifth, educational practice courses by in Chinese independent high school, primary school Chinese, ambition primary school teaching courses, management class teaching practice link, improve the independent secondary school teachers teaching ability.
(four) focus on building education information training platform
Modern information technology in education in the field of application, a new challenge to the teacher education, the government of Malaysia in order to make the facility construction of information technology reached the international level, investment $115 billion for the implementation of the multimedia super corridor "
Plan. In the face of international and domestic teacher education information development trends, independent secondary school teachers training is also actively exploring and creating an information environment under the effective mode of teacher training. In order to make independent secondary school teachers to develop better information consciousness and information ability, can make full use of modern information technology to update their ability, enhance the ability of information technology and curriculum integration, Dong Jiao Zong actively build a training platform of educational informatization, informatization training resources development, make full use of the advantages of modern information technology, to carry out long-distance training, expand training plane.
Two, Malaysia Chinese independent secondary school teacher education problems
Although the independent secondary school teacher education has made some achievements, but from the perspective of deepening the reform of independent secondary school education, it still faces many problems.
(a) the concept of the traditional subject system of teacher education needs to be broken
With the development of natural science, positivism is representative of the knowledge view of the rapid rise, under the influence in the positivist science knowledge view, knowledge is considered to has a universal, objective and neutral characteristics, teachers in the imparting knowledge to students and to self education accept this system. Traditional disciplinary system of teachers' education ideas lead were confined to the independent Chinese secondary school teacher education in primary and secondary schools outside the teacher education institutions, such as institutions of higher education, and as the direct teaching unit of teaching practice -- primary and secondary schools, and no play its due role in the teacher's cultivation and training. At the same time, the independent secondary school teacher education is too much emphasis on the role of experts and scholars, ignored the teacher's own knowledge and experience, to a certain extent, inhibited the autonomy of teachers professional development. In addition, the separation of theory and practice in the teaching of independent high school teachers, teachers can not effectively guide the theory of the theory of practice, the significance and effectiveness of teacher training was questioned.
(two) the Chinese language teachers' professional development is slow
From Chinese independent secondary school teachers "quantity" and "quality" point of view, the independent secondary school teachers from the professional standards there is a certain gap. All independent schools in the making of teachers employment way and system is still in the fragmented situation, resulting in some independent schools in terms of teacher employment exist great randomness. At present, there are more than 57% teachers in the independent secondary school teachers' professional diploma. [3] although Dong Jiao total have realized a substantial lack of educational background teachers will restrict the further development of Chinese independent school, but cash strapped predicament and the teacher training programs to benefit all the teachers. Therefore, the independent secondary school teachers' professional progress is slow, some teachers' teaching ideas need to be updated, teachers' growth is too dependent on experts, lack of autonomy.
(three) on the job training, teachers' subjective consciousness is weak.
Dong Jiao sum of new era college is not a professional teacher education institutions, in terms of teacher training are often check Quebu leaks, technology oriented, the pursuit of available and other issues, leading to the lack of independent secondary school teacher education and belief education, the ideal of education and humanities. Also Malaysia Independent schools, though with a certain degree of autonomy, but this is mainly reflected in the management of classroom transaction level teachers, school level to participate in the training, school-based curriculum development, to participate in the administrative decision, and social level of national education system status, qualification, degree of admit, professional legal guarantee professional autonomy and sovereignty is inadequate. Teachers' awareness of their rights and interests and the status of the main body has not been awakened.
Three, Malaysia Chinese independent secondary school teacher education development enlightenment
In view of the independent secondary school teachers educational background of complexity and more than half of the teachers do not have normal or professional background in education reality, Dong Jiao sum of new era college is hard to pass a single training mode of teachers professional development. Teachers' professional development must arouse teachers' autonomy and consciousness. Teachers training to create a certain situation, so that teachers are aware of the special nature of teacher education, to strengthen their own roles and democratic thinking, the formation of professional development of independent consciousness.
(a) the establishment of a new type of teacher education organization
The discipline system of teacher education theory lack of implicit knowledge of concern of teachers and lead to explicit knowledge of the one-way transmission, accepted as the gist of the theory of teacher education, teacher's reflection on teaching practice activities tend to be forgotten. The Malaysian Independent Chinese secondary school teacher education is a kind of the teachers on the training mode in universities or other institutions of education, some training pays too much attention to the theory study and ignores the cultivation of ability of teaching practice. Teacher education can learn from countries such as Britain and the United States to establish the relationship between University and primary and secondary schools "partner" experience, between the University and the school established a full range of partnerships, change focus only on the system and the construction of the discipline of teacher education, closer to the teacher education institutions and small and medium-sized school relationship, to realize the equal dialogue between educational theory and practice workers, highlight the role of primary and secondary schools as a partner in the institutions of higher education and play in teacher education.
In the whole process of teacher pre service training, teacher training and in-service teacher training, the primary and secondary schools should strengthen the comprehensive cooperation with the relevant teachers' colleges and universities.
(two) to strengthen the teaching reform of Teacher Education
In the course of teacher training, the traditional discipline system of teacher education is more emphasis on the training of the experience of the experts and scholars and the neglect of the training of their own knowledge and experience. Independent secondary school teachers' training mode mainly follows the traditional "Teaching - learning" "demonstration - - - imitation" mode. In the course of teacher training, teachers' professional knowledge lay emphasis on the certainty, objectivity, universality and rationality of knowledge, training the training methods with mandatory, infusion and external training. With the rapid development of society, culture, information and technology, teachers are facing a lot of uncertainty. New concept of professionalism just caters to the uncertainty and complexity, in the level of teachers' professional knowledge emphasizes the knowledge of uncertainty, fuzzy and situational, culture, history of, pay more attention to the teachers reflect on their own teaching experience to enhance teachers' professional knowledge. Teachers' practical wisdom and ability to reflect, and peer communication ability becomes the focus of the new professionalism stressed. That is to say, the teacher is no longer a passive participant, but the main part of the reform. Teacher education reform should start from the "communication and cooperation" and other respects situation experience "," participation, sharing "" case teaching "," task driven ", through the expert teacher of novice teacher's words and deeds, through the organization of appropriate teaching case, let new teachers to obtain the original is not available in the class of implicit knowledge. 4.
(three) highlight the practice orientation of Teacher Education Curriculum
In the process of knowledge transformation, post-modern knowledge view of modern knowledge view of fierce criticism, of modern knowledge to determine general sex, suitable and value neutrality to make thorough deconstruction, instead is knowledge of the culture, history and realm of. This kind of criticism and transformation urges the educational research and the teacher education research method to have the important change, the educational research of "humanism orientation" begins to be the "pet" of the times ". Though post-modern knowledge view of limitation and paranoid easily let people into another extreme, but it highlights the factors of "person" in education, reflect people's subjective initiative, common sense and the relation with the human outstanding culture and the specific situation, widen the field of vision of human knowledge and education and teacher education has brought the fundamental change. Teachers' professional development has been given the post modern characteristics, practical knowledge and implicit knowledge began to be favored in the field of teacher education. In October 2011, the Chinese Ministry of Education issued the "teacher education curriculum standards (for Trial Implementation)", and put forward the basic requirements for the setting of the curriculum of teacher education. Education courses of "basic concept" especially "practice oriented", that teacher education curriculum should pay close attention to the reality, strengthening practice consciousness, guide teachers through self reflection, the active construction of knowledge education, to develop practical abilities to achieve professional development. Teacher education is always in the comparison and transformation of explicit knowledge and tacit knowledge, theoretical knowledge and practical knowledge, which is helpful for teachers to construct and optimize their own educational knowledge structure.
Teacher education curriculum development should not only pay attention to the teacher education of explicit knowledge and theoretical knowledge, but also pay attention to the mining and analysis of teachers' tacit knowledge and practical knowledge, breaking the traditional establishment in the positivist knowledge view based on teacher education curriculum model, the past by rejection and teachers' personal growth experience is closely related to the practice on the agenda. Chinese teacher education as the education of Chinese language "machine tool", its importance is beyond doubt. The construction of Chinese teaching staff is closely related to the improvement of the quality of Chinese education and the sustainable development. The reform and development of the education of teachers of Chinese in Malaysia, not only to Southeast Asia and other countries and regions of Chinese teacher education has draw lessons from a meaning, but also for our country to carry out a new round of Chinese teacher training provides an important reference.
[1] and [2] forest Guoan. Dong Jiao total Independent School Committee on teacher education work only in summary, problem review and development planning [Z]. In Malaysia, the only president and executive conference Handbook, 2008:57, 62. The application of
3 Chinese education news and literature. Malaysia general website EB/OL.
Hong Ming. Education is the theory and practice of education. Fuzhou: Fujian Education Press, 2007:88, 90
The Ministry of education of the people's Republic of China (for Trial Implementation) (2011) (EB/OL) ().