essay case
Term paper


时间:2021-08-15 来源:未知 编辑:梦想论文 阅读:
The new curriculum reform has led to many new classroom teaching mode, such as the Shandong middle school "10+35" model, Shandong Changle two "271" model, Hebei Hengshui middle school "three to five" teaching mode, Jiangsu Yangsi middle school "after the first school to get training in class" teaching mode in Shandong, Pingyi the "learning plan teaching" etc.. But no matter what kind of mode, to realize the teacher as the leading, students as the main body, often can not do without the problem set.
In recent years, the author participated in many school activities, listening to a lot of teacher's class, but more or less problems of unreasonable problems, specific performance is not good grasp of the inferior problem. In this paper, according to years of teaching and research experience, talk about the new curriculum reform in the context of classroom teaching in the problem of bad structure.
The nature of the ill posed problem
The ill posed problem is also called the ill structured problem or the non - good structure problem. In school education, the problem of good structure is often a conventional problem. Generally speaking, there is only one satisfactory solution to a good construction problem, and the concept, rules, methods and principles obtained in the classroom teaching can solve the problem of good structure. The problem is defined as the inferior structure is bad, because one or more factors are not clear or some degree of uncertainty, they have a variety of solutions and multiple solutions or a solution can not find. At the same time, they have a variety of evaluation criteria, so they are not sure what kind of theory, rules or principles to solve the problem, they often require learners to make judgments, express personal views or ideas [1].
Most of the problems in education are well structured problem and the ill structured problems and is closely related to daily life and is often encountered in daily life problems, their solutions are usually not limited to the knowledge learned in the school, the solution cannot be predicted in advance. In school teaching, from the point of view of inheriting knowledge, it is necessary to set up a lot of problems. However, from the point of view of the development of students' ability, we need to set up some ill posed problems. Therefore, students should learn not only to solve the problem of good structure, but also to solve the problem of bad structure. To some extent, the solution to the problem of bad structure is related to the future work and life, which is also advocated by the new curriculum reform. In view of this, in the teaching process, teachers should set up a certain problem.
Two, the characteristics and significance of ill structured problems
(a) characteristics of ill posed problems
According to David H Jonathan, ill structured problem has the following characteristics: the definition is not clear, the constitute of unknown or some unknown part; target definition of ambiguity, lack of qualified; with a variety of solutions and approaches or non-existent solutions, there is no accepted solution has a variety of evaluation; the standard solution; parameter variables can be manipulated rarely; no prototype case for reference, because of the important factors in the case have significant differences in different situations, and because these factors affect each other; cannot determine which concepts, rules and principle is necessary for the formation of solutions, also do not know how to they will be organized; the relationship between concepts, rules and principle of the three application in case the discrepancy between the description or predict most cases; No general rule or principle; to determine the appropriate action, there is no clear method; expression of personal views on a problem or belief needs of learners, the problem solving process is a unique process of interpersonal interaction; learners' needs to judge the problems and reasons.
(two) the significance of the ill posed problem
1 is conducive to stimulate students interest in learning. The problem of bad structure is closely related to daily life. In the context of the real world, it is helpful to stimulate students' interest in learning in the classroom teaching.
2 promote the development of students' thinking. Inferior problem not well structured problems as only a satisfactory solution, and its concept, to solve the problem of the necessary rules and principle is uncertain, the students in solving ill structured problems when the need to guess, through verification, explore and improve their original point of view, this can let students divergent its broader thinking space, help to improve the students' creative thinking, promote the development of students thinking.
3 help to develop students' ability of cooperative learning. Ill structured problems have multiple solutions and solutions. Different students may have different solutions to the problem, and the solution of any student can not be perfect. In the process of solving the problem of poor structure, students need to explore and communicate among the groups to form collective wisdom, in order to find a better solution. Therefore, in the classroom teaching, it is often necessary to set up some bad structure problems, which is helpful to cultivate students' ability of cooperative learning.
Three, in the context of the new curriculum reform in the classroom teaching of the problem of the structure of the three dimensions
With the deepening of the new curriculum reform, the teaching mode has gradually changed from "teaching, practicing and instilling" to "inquiry, discussion and interaction". In view of this, it is more and more important to set up the problem of structure in classroom teaching. However, in order to make the classroom teaching more effective, we should grasp several dimensions in the construction of the classroom teaching.
(I) quantity
The problem of bad structure is rich in a variety of solutions and solutions, which is closely related to daily life and is often encountered in daily life. In order to improve the students' ability to solve problems in the teaching process, it is not only related to the future development of students, but also can stimulate students' interest in learning. However, classroom teaching is based on the knowledge transfer. Therefore, in the classroom teaching, the establishment of the problem is not the more the better, should be controlled in quantity.
I found in the usual to participate in teaching and research activities, and many teachers in the classroom teaching for the inferior number set master is not good, some of the classes are all well structured problems from the beginning to the end, the students basically do not need to explore cooperation can answer, almost no students can fully consider the inferior problem. While some classroom is full of ill structured problem, but given the number of too much, time is limited, it is difficult for students to have time to think, to explore cooperation is only the "shell". In view of the status quo, the author thinks that this teaching, a class should set the 1~3 closely related to the class and inferior problem, let the students to carry out cooperation based on the full consideration on the exploration, research, interactive, and display. Of course, in the case does not affect the progress of teaching can be more appropriate to set up some, but not too much, because of the time, a class could not solve too many ill structured problem, if a class is too much will lead to ill structured problem, every problem is only "superficial" can not really improve the ability of students to solve the ill structured problem.
(two) time
To solve the ill structured problems, although different grades and Majors Based on the different angle [2]. can put forward their own solutions. However, due to a variety of solutions of ill structured problem, part of it is difficult to grasp the concept, principle, rules and solve problems required with uncertainty. Therefore, to solve the ill structured problem is often not a lot of well structured problems can be freely out, but need time to think. In view of this, teachers should give students enough time to think about the problems in the classroom teaching. At the same time, because of the contradiction between views and the inferior problem there are many opposites, there are a variety of solutions, often need students thinking "collision", a need for students to explore cooperation and discussion in order to obtain a perfect solution, which requires teachers to provide plenty of time. From this perspective, when the teacher in the classroom presents an ill structured problem, the best left to the students 3~5 minutes, and allow the students to explore cooperation on the base of independent thinking, which is conducive to improve students' ability to solve problems. However, in the classroom teaching, many teachers do not pay attention to time, some teachers just let the students answer the questions, because there is no sufficient time to think, it is difficult for students to answer, even if the answer is also very difficult to achieve the design requirements of teachers. However, it is a waste of time for students to spend too much time, and it is not conducive to improving students' ability to solve problems.
(three) depth
In the classroom teaching, we should pay attention to the depth of the problem. The problem is too difficult for students to start, it is difficult to achieve the desired results, and the problem is too simple, it is difficult to achieve the ability to train students to solve the problem of poor structure.
According to Viggo J Ki's "the theory of Proximal Development Zone", the problem of bad structure in the classroom is based on the cognitive level of the students. Of course, the problem of bad structure is not absolute, some problems are inferior to some students, and for some students may be a good problem, and sometimes there may be some regional problems. Therefore, teachers must be based on the students' cognitive level and students' practical problems in setting up the problem.
In a word, under the background of the new curriculum reform, teachers should pay enough attention to the students in the classroom teaching. In order to truly embody the "student-centered, teacher led", it is necessary for education in the classroom design from the actual situation of students, design the ill structured problem, which is not only conducive to the cultivation of students' ability to solve problems, but also the implementation of the new curriculum reform spirit effectively. If every teacher in the classroom teaching have a good grasp of the inferior problem set, I believe not only in classroom teaching and make students full of sound and colour, a lifetime.