essay case
Term paper


时间:2021-08-15 来源:未知 编辑:梦想论文 阅读:
Pointed out that the primary school language curriculum standards, to train students to have the basic ability of daily oral communication, learn to listen in various communication activities, expression and communication, "" can clearly tell stories, and to express your feelings and thoughts. Therefore, classroom teachers must stick to "main position", and thus extending students the training stage, so that every student can happily enjoy freedom to speak.
The author thinks that we can explore and practice from the following three aspects:
First, strengthen the oral training, in order to "sensitive words"
Let the students willing to speak, dare to speak at the opening, the important point is to create good conditions, the formation of "low starting point, there are rules, expand the discourse space, for different levels, interested students can speak freely in the classroom.
1 give you three minutes.
Three minutes before class, students free speech, subject by the students themselves, pre class preparation, the appropriate evaluation of teachers. Because the students are interested in themselves, have experience, want to express the topic, coupled with pre screening and brewing, the effect is ideal. In order to sustainable, atmosphere, can lead parents to help guide students, students finish checks, teachers should encourage appropriate and correct, thought and language deviation, pointed out that the students' errors and pet phrase. At the same time, the conditional class can also record video, uploaded to the class QQ space platform, create a go hand in hand, to excellent with weak teaching effect.
2 please say the text
The text is a model for conception, structure, expression, and students in order to grow an important step, to make full use of the text, reconstruction and reconstruction is one of the important methods. Therefore, in the preview basis, selected by the teacher, a fragment or a question, ask the students to answer according to the text, in order to promote students' thinking into language, in the text to deepen understanding at the same time, improve the ability of creative thinking, generalization ability, organization ability of words.
3 by you when the protagonist
Let the classroom really live up, move up, rich, to carry out education is very important. At the same time to complete the normal teaching tasks, and actively expand the carrier and form of language training, through the development of thematic activities to improve students' oral expression ability. For example, debating contest, speech contest, story telling and other activities will help students to improve their oral English skills. In addition, the use of textbook illustrations for speech training, to find out the connection between the illustrations and the text, comments on the characters in the figure is in place, etc..
Two, strengthen the application of expression, in order to "Hui in the heart"
"Chinese course should pay attention to guide students to read more, accumulate more, pay attention to the use of language practice."
The practice of language application should include two aspects: oral language and written language. It is a comprehensive reflection of the students' ability to use the language as a thinking tool to organize words, words, sentences and segments. In the teaching, the training of written language in the classroom can be through the "short, flat, fast", "enhance the stress ability of wit", make the expression ability of students internalized in the heart.
1 expand imagination, fill in the text
Imagination is the expression of the ability to leap ordinary wings, no expression of the imagination is monotonous and boring. In the classroom teaching, can use text ellipsis or delete part or more at the end of the play, ask the students to imagine, as a writer; in the understanding of the text theme, try not to deviate from the willing to on the basis of re creation, so as to deepen understanding of the text, and to improve the ability of expression.
2 accumulation of words and phrases to enhance the connotation
The use of language, in essence, is the understanding, accumulation, transformation and expression of language materials. The material is accumulated to a certain extent, accumulate steadily process, can achieve "abdomen poetry and gas from China". In the teaching practice, the author often uses the following methods: one is the primary characteristic of the memory is strong, receptive to new things, require students to do the excerpt in extra-curricular reading, writing to sentiment, will accumulate knowledge into their own "word library" objective. The two is in the classroom to read some classical pieces or a wonderful words, then stopped telling students what the contents of this book, which the author works, in order to stimulate students' extracurricular reading interest, with more skills.
Three, strengthen reading edification, to show to the outside"
If the internal accumulation is the language of the "soul", then the reading level of language expression is "face". To improve reading ability and language training courses, must pay close attention to the not sticking to formalities.
1 cultivate the sense of language and improve the ability of expression
It is not difficult to find in the practice of teaching, some students when the heart has a good idea, but do not stutter word clause is not smooth, the theme is unknown, the order is reversed, dysgrammatism, with full confidence, the essential reason is sense of language problems, thinking and language are not synchronized, coordination and understanding. To solve this problem, repeated reading is the simplest and most effective way. Mr. Lu Xun said: "I finished (article), always want to see two times, feel awkward, they add or delete words."
Great writers like this, as a beginner at the expression of the pupils, more often by reading text or a word of classic, accurate, fluent, logical and semantic prosody graceful expression skills with excellent works, we can gradually improve the sense of language in the subtle, of language awareness in the course of time will be able to think little of the use of language, fluent expression. Such as the "Ode to sports," a text, Mr. Coubertin with a group of "you are......" To illustrate this broad concept of physical meaning, neat structure, beautiful rhythm, clarity, this kind of writing students can read into the heart, to borrow, to improve the language ability of organization must be of great advantage.
2 depth of the situation, improve the infectivity
Another factor is the ability to speak with expression, the same thing, some students say, fascinating closely reasoned and well argued and some students speak, essentially different from the bland, insipid, there is no experience of text or event situation. Therefore, the ability of students to express the ability to read or speak emotionally, is also an important consideration. Liu Xie pointed out that "Wenxindiaolong": "the article conditions and moving speech, view text put the text into the feeling."
The control principle, can strengthen the scene reading training in the teaching practice, especially for those who are more introverted personality of students, but also to focus on guidance, "the author's feelings expressed in reading time" (Ye Shengtao). For example, "a lovely Chinese" in the chronicles of the motherland to sensitive comrade written the four group is......" , progressive layers, layers of sublimation, contains the grief with each group of words the mood gradually increased more and more intense, more and more high, genuine and sincere, copy from rolia.
This model allows students to read several times, teachers must take the word for word and sentence for sentence guidance, the author carried out the heart, my mood to read out, and the expression form of sentence imitation training or oral training, can let the students truly understand the days and months multiplying, to the beauty of the language and learning.
3 grasp the skills to improve performance
Oral expression and an important content is commonly known as the "good cadence", especially similar to speech, recitation, debate which can best embody the language expressive activities, but also to grasp certain skill to move yourself, others the effect of infection. Such as "Yangtze River song" such repeated chant poetry, reading difficulty is quite big, must from each articulation, punctuation, rhythm, rhythm, intonation and other aspects of a sentence "pull" word for word "goods", and by the student collective discussion and reading effect, slowly reading skills, form their own language habits. Similarly, the theme, determined by the students themselves from the soundtrack recite, is also a good way of training oral expression skills. There is no pause in the improvement of language ability.
As a student growth, Chinese teachers must let yourself become a "talking", and to explain and teach students, encouraging students, guide the students, so that they fully understand the language charm.
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