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时间:2022-08-20 来源:未知 编辑:梦想论文 阅读:
The so-called enterprise culture refers to the sum of the overall values, belief pursuits, business characteristics, management styles, traditions and habits formed by the long-term advocacy of enterprise leaders and the active recognition and practice of all employees under the influence of a certain social and cultural environment. Enterprise culture is a new modern management science theory proposed by American scholars in the 1980s. With the continuous development of social economy, enterprise culture has increasingly become the key factor to determine the rise and fall of enterprises. The construction of enterprise culture is the main topic of current enterprise management. The quality of enterprise culture construction directly affects the success or failure of enterprises. Therefore, we must seriously study enterprise culture, correctly understand its role in promoting the development of enterprises, comprehensively understand the relationship between enterprise culture and national culture, and vigorously promote the construction of enterprise culture to promote the development of enterprises.
1、 Connotation and characteristics of enterprise culture
(1) Connotation of enterprise culture
The connotation of enterprise culture includes the following aspects: the stipulation of the quality of enterprise culture is that it is a kind of enterprise management theory, values and the code of conduct of enterprise people, which belongs to the concept of ideology; The enterprise culture is full of all the time and space of the enterprise operation, and is reflected in all the actions of the enterprise people; As long as there is a culture that is inherited, but it is not static, and changes with the development of the times; The enterprise leadership plays a leading role in the formation of the enterprise culture, which usually reflects the business ideas and cultural concepts advocated by the founders and their successors.
(2) Enterprise culture has the following important characteristics:
First, it is spiritual. Enterprise culture is a kind of management mode based on people and spirit. It belongs to the category of spiritual civilization. It should be produced on the basis of a certain material and adapt to a certain material level. At the same time, it has a strong reaction to the improvement of the material level. The second is aggregation. Enterprise culture is a group culture and the common values of enterprise employees. Enterprise leaders or a few backbone elements may play an important or even leading role in the formation of enterprise culture, but they cannot determine the final formation of enterprise culture. The third is sociality. Enterprise culture is a kind of social existence, which is influenced by a country's social system, legal system and ideology. The fourth is microcosmic. Enterprise culture is a kind of microcosmic culture, which must have the unique personality and characteristics of the enterprise, and cannot be the same. Fifth, plasticity. Enterprise culture education is not spontaneous. It needs to be excavated, sorted and summarized on a certain basis, and also needs to be constantly enriched and improved in practice. Sixth, relative stability. Values are the core of enterprise culture and the most stable content of enterprise culture. With the change of the internal and external environment of the enterprise, the specific business philosophy, management mode and system can change, but its core values will not change easily.
2、 The necessity of building enterprise culture
(1) Internal needs of enterprise development
Once the market economy goes out of its initial stage, the role of the enterprise management mode that takes material stimulation as a means will be greatly weakened. As the social needs and personal needs can no longer be completely covered by the material category, people's cultural and spiritual needs are more and more. It is necessary to rely on the management mode of cultural force to make the enterprise dynamic and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of employees to meet the needs of the market.
(2) Cultural needs of consumers
The consumption of consumers is divided into two categories, that is, the consumption of goods and the consumption of culture. With the formation of the buyer's market, the status of consumers as the main body of choice is increasingly manifested. They are more and more picky about the choice of goods. They not only demand that the goods should be applicable, good quality and cheap, but also attach many cultural demands when purchasing goods, including being respected. If an enterprise lacks cultural cultivation, it will not be able to meet the consumption demand at all, and it will be difficult for it to gain a foothold in the market competition.
(3) Needs of market competition
The rise of enterprise culture fever is the inevitable result of fierce market competition. The construction of enterprise culture is the need of fierce market competition. The root of the crisis of Chinese civilization is not that we have too much traditional culture represented by Confucianism, but that we lack the mechanism of market competition. In fact, the main concepts in Chinese culture are consistent with the concept of people-centered enterprise culture. Once the competition mechanism of market economy is combined with the core essence of Chinese traditional culture, it will inevitably stimulate the great vitality of Chinese enterprises and the vitality of Chinese culture, and make China's market economy develop upward from a higher starting point.
(4) The need of socialist cultural construction
To build a socialist market economy, we need to pay attention to both material and spiritual civilization. We should cultivate the enterprise spirit, shape the enterprise image, optimize the internal and external environment of the enterprise, and make the operation and development of the enterprise adhere to the socialist direction. The improvement of the small environment and cultural atmosphere of enterprises will inevitably have a positive impact on the construction of the whole society and the construction of spiritual civilization.
3、 Several problems in the construction of enterprise culture
Under the condition of market economy, the following points should be paid attention to in the construction of enterprise culture:
(1) Cultivate enterprise moral culture full of vitality and sense of the times
On the basis of inheriting and carrying forward the fine traditions of "hard work", "selfless dedication" and "daring to fight and fight", Chinese enterprises should fully reflect the "competition consciousness", "efficiency consciousness" and "rule of law spirit" required by the market, build a moral culture with vitality and sense of the times, and cultivate enterprise ethics of "emphasizing quality and valuing integrity". Take "quality first", "user first" and "social benefit" as the highest ethical standards that must be observed, pay attention to the construction of professional ethics and improve the professional ethics of employees.
(2) Cultivate a rich and widely recognized corporate image culture
In the modern enterprise competition, a good enterprise image is an invaluable treasure of an enterprise and an important factor for an enterprise to occupy a competitive advantage. Building a good corporate image is the key to the construction of corporate culture and the primary content to win the trust of the market and society.
(3) Cultivating modern enterprise spirit
Enterprise spirit is the core of enterprise culture. It originates from the practice of enterprise producers and operators and is inseparable from the business activities of enterprise people. The development of the enterprise requires all employees to have a strong centripetal force, and all people's wisdom and talents should be concentrated on the business objectives of the enterprise. Modern enterprise management especially emphasizes the human factor. The enterprise spirit is such a common ideal. It condenses all employees under one banner and gives full play to the subjective initiative of people. It gives people ideals, confidence, encouragement and constraints. Once the enterprise spirit is formed, it will form a group psychological set. It can not only control people's behavior through clear consciousness, but also influence people's behavior imperceptibly. It will greatly improve the employees' consciousness of actively assuming responsibility and correcting personal behavior, so that employees can actively pay attention to the future of the enterprise, maintain the reputation and image of the enterprise, and contribute all their strength to the enterprise.

4、 Concrete ideas of constructing enterprise culture
When we carry out enterprise culture construction, we should correctly understand the importance of enterprise culture construction, according to the characteristics of our own enterprise, learn from the successful practices of other enterprises, and promote our own enterprise culture construction in a planned and targeted manner.
(1) Formulate and implement corporate culture strategy
The construction of enterprise culture is a long-term accumulation process, which must be strengthened from a strategic height and effectively promoted. First, put forward the mission and vision of the enterprise, design the core values, enterprise spirit and ethics that are coordinated with the vision and mission of the enterprise, and formulate relevant systems and regulations. Secondly, establish a corresponding and efficient organization, through mutual coordination and reasonable authorization, to ensure the smooth implementation of corporate culture strategy and avoid the virtual construction of corporate culture. Thirdly, provide necessary hardware facilities and financial support to ensure the material prerequisite for the construction of enterprise culture. Finally, adhere to the implementation of the corporate culture strategy, and prevent the phenomenon of arbitrarily suspending or even abolishing the corporate culture strategy. Only through long-term continuous improvement and pursuit can the due effect of enterprise culture construction be shown.
(2) Cultivate outstanding Entrepreneurship
Excellent enterprise culture is the personification of excellent entrepreneurs. Excellent entrepreneurs often start from the characteristics of their own enterprises, and combine their own corporate philosophy, ideals, values, ethics and style into the purpose of the enterprise. The enterprise values are gradually recognized, observed, developed and improved by the majority of employees, thus producing an excellent enterprise culture. It can be seen that to build an excellent enterprise culture, we must first cultivate excellent entrepreneurship. Facts have proved that only when enterprises have better political quality, cultural quality, management level and courage, can the construction of enterprise culture have a strong impetus.
(3) People oriented
Employees are the carrier of enterprise culture. Enterprise culture exists in the consciousness of employees as an "invisible rule". Enterprise culture cannot exist independently without employees. Whether a real enterprise culture can be formed depends on whether all employees of the enterprise can use their own behavior to reflect the cultural quality and cultural connotation of the enterprise. To build an excellent enterprise culture, on the one hand, the enterprise should adopt an all-round and multi-level approach to inculcate its core values, enterprise spirit and ethics to the employees, so as to internalize them into the conscious behavior consciousness of all employees; On the other hand, we should try our best to maintain respect and understanding for employees, pay attention to emotional investment, encourage democratic participation, actively communicate opinions, establish harmonious interpersonal relations within the enterprise, enhance the cohesion of the enterprise, and build a community of shared future between the enterprise and employees.
(4) Grasp the main implementation links
In the implementation of enterprise culture, we should pay attention to the following main links: first, publicity and education. The main criterion of propaganda and education is to be deeply rooted in the people's hearts and achieve practical results. We should vigorously avoid passing through the scenes and formalism. Second, set an example. The key to the implementation of enterprise culture lies in the leaders setting an example and taking the lead. Otherwise, it will remain a mere formality. The third is a typical guide. The reason why western enterprise culture regards model figures as an important part is that they can embody the charm of enterprise culture. Fourth, typical ceremonies. Holding necessary ceremonies, such as "factory celebrations" and "memorial days" according to the cultural characteristics of the enterprise, is conducive to carrying forward the fine traditions and creating a cultural atmosphere, but it should not be too much, otherwise it will lose its due effect. Fifth, cultural network. Cultural network refers to the ways and channels for enterprises to carry out corporate culture publicity, communication and implementation. Sixth, incentive mechanism. The implementation of enterprise culture is not a retreat or a general political propaganda, but a fundamental measure of enterprise management. Therefore, an incentive mechanism should also be established.
(5) Continuous innovation
After the contents, forms and methods of enterprise culture construction are determined, they should not stop here and remain unchanged. They should be adjusted accordingly with the changes of objective conditions and environment. Of course, this adjustment is not a complete negation of the original enterprise culture, but an improvement of the relevant contents, forms and methods in accordance with the trend of the development of the times, with new contents and new explanations, so as to keep the organic integration with the objective world and ensure its real and vigorous vitality.
(6) Pay attention to enterprise management mode
Bradford and Cohen of the University of Kentucky in the United States put forward the "talent cultivation management model" in the book "management in pursuit of excellence", and believed that this model consists of three elements: establishing a jointly responsible organizational team, exploring and cultivating individual talents, and establishing common values; It is believed that cultivating subordinates is the key to improving the results and can make enterprises and individuals move towards the realm of excellence. The enterprise management mode established according to these three elements is a modern management mode that meets the market requirements.
(7) Pay attention to absorbing the essence of national traditional culture and the world's excellent cultural achievements
Enterprise culture is the concrete embodiment of national culture and the result of cultural exchange and development. Any modern culture is developed and improved by absorbing and inheriting the essence of traditional culture. The Confucian, Taoist and military thoughts in traditional Chinese culture can be refined and transformed into many ideological weapons for enterprise management. Under the condition of modern market economy, combining China's excellent cultural tradition with western advanced technology and advanced management can also form an enterprise culture with Chinese characteristics.
(8) Pay attention to integrating theory with practice, guide and summarize enterprise management practice with enterprise culture theory
Enterprise culture is created in the practice of enterprise management. Without enterprise management practice, there can be no enterprise culture theory. Only by summing up the experience of successful enterprises and turning it into a theory can it have more universal guiding significance.
(9) Pay attention to the relationship between enterprise environment and enterprise culture
Any enterprise exists and develops in a specific social environment. Only by constantly grasping the influence of the internal and external environment of the enterprise on the enterprise culture can it flexibly adapt to the times and develop the enterprise culture.
