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时间:2022-07-29 来源:未知 编辑:梦想论文 阅读:
In the increasingly fierce market competition, the development of small and medium-sized enterprises is often difficult. To get out of the dilemma and continue to develop, an important way is to strengthen the construction of enterprise culture, form its own characteristics of enterprise culture, arm and motivate employees, optimize internal structure, improve production and management services, gradually realize the vision of enterprise development, benefit all employees and make contributions to the society.
1. Main factors affecting the cultural construction of small and medium-sized enterprises
1.1 entrepreneurs lack the correct understanding and strong action of the connotation of corporate culture construction. Many small and medium-sized business owners and managers believe that the enterprise is small, and the urgent task is to survive, so it is not about corporate culture construction. Even if we want to carry out the construction of enterprise culture, we also misunderstand the real connotation of the construction of enterprise culture, and naturally we cannot correctly implement the construction of enterprise culture. They may unilaterally equate the corporate culture with the external image design of the enterprise, pay more attention to the consideration of corporate slogans and the design of corporate logo, and pay no attention to condensing the core of corporate culture - corporate spirit, and run it through the production, operation, management and service process of the enterprise, penetrating into the ideological education and job responsibility requirements of each employee of the enterprise; Or equate corporate culture with corporate cultural and sports activities, and think that the purpose of shaping corporate spirit and making its corporate culture superficial can be achieved by holding several literary and artistic performances and organizing several staff club activities; Or equate enterprise culture with ideological and political work, and think that the construction of enterprise culture is the indoctrination of ideas, which is only a matter of state-owned enterprises, and the propaganda departments and trade unions of enterprises. Small and medium-sized enterprises are small, and the institutional settings are relatively general. Ideological work and cultural construction often belong to the same department, resulting in the fact that the construction of enterprise culture is not implemented or alienated; Or equate the construction of enterprise culture with the formulation of rules and regulations, and think that enterprise culture is enterprise rules and regulations. As long as the rules and regulations of the enterprise are formulated and strictly implemented, the construction of enterprise culture can be completed, the formation of enterprise culture and the establishment of enterprise spirit will follow. However, the formulation of enterprise rules and regulations is only one aspect of enterprise culture construction, which is one of the guarantee factors of enterprise culture construction, not the whole work of enterprise culture construction.
Without an accurate and comprehensive understanding of the connotation of enterprise culture, and without correct and powerful measures and actions for the construction of enterprise culture, it will cause the dislocation of employees' personal values and the common values and development needs of the enterprise. This is actually one of the important reasons why it is difficult for small and medium-sized enterprises to attract and retain excellent talents.
1.2 lack of strategic thinking on the construction of enterprise culture and overall management with production and operation. Due to the small scale of small and medium-sized enterprises, relatively simple organization, relatively simple management mode, less product types and production and operation projects, they are often in a weak position in the fierce market competition. In this case, enterprises are often busy making a living, pursuing short-term interests, and taking little account of long-term development and long-term interests of enterprises. They believe that corporate culture construction strategy is the business of large enterprises, and there is no need for small and medium-sized enterprises to make strategic thinking and choices. As a result, it is difficult to reach a correct consensus, the construction of corporate culture is in vain, and the enterprise development vision is more difficult to achieve. The construction of enterprise culture should be an organic part of enterprise development and should permeate the whole process of enterprise production, operation, management and service. The construction of corporate culture and the development goals of enterprises are closely related to their economic interests. The formation of excellent corporate culture and the development and growth of enterprises and the improvement of economic benefits are mutually integrated and interactive. However, some owners and managers of small and medium-sized enterprises have a wrong understanding of the relationship between the construction of enterprise culture and the economic benefits of enterprises, and have mishandled it. The construction of enterprise culture is "built for construction", they do not pay attention to the unity of economic and social benefits, and they do not pay attention to the practical connection between economic and social benefits and the construction of enterprise culture. The construction of enterprise culture and the economic and social benefits of enterprises are "two skins", It has lost the fundamental significance of corporate culture construction.
1.3 the lack of "humanistic care" in enterprise management makes it difficult to stimulate employees' sense of belonging to the enterprise. "People are the most valuable resource" and "people" have an increasingly prominent position and role in modern management. The center of modern management has changed from the management of "things" to the development, utilization and respect of "people". Enterprise management needs to be "people-oriented", scientific and humanized, respect employees' personality and help employees' development. However, the "people-oriented" management in many small and medium-sized enterprises is just "on paper". The reasons are as follows: first, the implementation of the "patriarchal system", in the enterprise, everything is up to the business owner the final say; Second, the evaluation of employment is anomie. Business owners often depend on their personal preferences, so it is difficult to be objective and fair. In reality, many small and medium-sized enterprises do not pay enough attention to the interests of employees and society, ignoring the inner feelings of employees, "building an advanced, correct and characteristic enterprise culture" has become empty talk. And the sense of belonging is one of the core elements of enterprise cohesion. Many employees of small and medium-sized enterprises lack the experience and perception of being needed and respected, and it is difficult to have a sense of love, dependence and creation for their enterprises. When the enterprise encounters difficulties in the construction and development process of production, operation, management, etc., employees who lack a sense of belonging naturally find it difficult to "stay together and tide over the difficulties", but are extremely angry or simply "fire the boss's squid".

1.4 blind imitation of corporate culture construction lacks personality characteristics and innovation. In the development process of many small and medium-sized enterprises, although new management concepts and new management models are constantly absorbed or emerging, and sometimes corporate culture construction is carried out, many blindly imitate and completely copy, and less digest and absorb foreign advanced corporate culture through selection, elimination, etc., and try to integrate, cultivate, develop Form their own characteristic enterprise culture. The corporate culture construction of these enterprises lacks individuality and innovation, and the similarity is serious. Such corporate culture construction is divorced from or seriously uncomfortable with the development of regional social culture and the development of enterprises themselves, which can not promote the development of enterprises, and even hinder the development of enterprises.
2. Countermeasures and suggestions for strengthening the cultural construction of small and medium-sized enterprises
2.1 bringing the construction of corporate culture into the strategic development plan of the enterprise. The construction of corporate culture is a process of continuous cultivation and sustainable development. Its effectiveness is a scientific development process of continuous practice, accumulation, innovation and gradually forming the unique corporate culture spirit of the enterprise and the common values recognized by the enterprise and all employees. When formulating their own development strategies, small and medium-sized enterprises must include enterprise culture, take the shaping and refinement of enterprise spirit as the core task of enterprise culture construction, and have an overall planning and top-level design for the development of enterprise culture, so as to avoid the changes, damage and lack of enterprise culture construction due to the replacement and change of enterprise owners or enterprise leaders.
2.2 correctly recognize and understand corporate culture and improve the quality of entrepreneurs
Many excellent corporate cultures are born because of outstanding enterprise founders and senior management teams (collectively referred to as entrepreneurs), including business owners. Entrepreneurs themselves are the designers, advocates and builders of corporate culture, and play a decisive role in the construction of corporate culture. Corporate culture to a large extent reflects the values, business philosophy and leadership style of entrepreneurs. Most small and medium-sized enterprises start from small workshops, and entrepreneurs rely on experience to manage enterprises. Therefore, business owners and managers must improve their scientific management ability through continuous learning, comprehensively and profoundly understand the connotation of corporate culture and the relationship between various parts of corporate culture, so as to gradually step into the track of benign development of corporate culture. 2.3 enhance and cultivate team spirit and improve the quality of employees. Entrepreneurs play the most critical role in the construction of corporate culture, but they cannot replace the participation of employees in the construction of corporate culture. The implementation of corporate culture construction and the cultivation of team spirit require the joint participation of employees. The construction of enterprise culture cannot be completed by entrepreneurs alone. The main body of enterprise culture construction should include entrepreneurs and all ordinary employees. It is worth noting that some small and medium-sized enterprises, because of their short history of establishment and weak corporate culture, have lower quality employees than other large enterprises with a long history of development. Therefore, small and medium-sized enterprises must pay attention to cultivating and improving the quality of employees, and cannot ignore it. Enterprises must constantly promote the construction of corporate culture, constantly cultivate and strengthen the team consciousness of employees, and enhance the cohesion and core competitiveness of enterprises. Otherwise, the construction of corporate culture cannot be continuously promoted, nor can it be said to strive for beneficial results.
2.4 earnestly implement the "people-oriented" principle, cultivate and sublimate the sense of belonging of employees. Enterprise employees are the carriers and practitioners of enterprise culture. The essence of enterprise culture construction is to embody the humanistic care of "people-oriented" in all aspects of enterprise construction and development, respect enterprise people, pay attention to social impact, and pay attention to the rights and interests of employees, social benefits, and fulfill social responsibilities while pursuing enterprise economic benefits. Therefore, only by adhering to "people-oriented", taking people as the fundamental starting point of enterprise management, and giving full play to people's subjective initiative, can enterprises stimulate the enthusiasm and enterprising spirit of employees, take the initiative to care about the survival and development of enterprises, pay attention to the rise and fall of enterprises, link personal prospects with the fate of enterprises, and generate a strong sense of belonging and responsibility for enterprises from the depths of their hearts. This is the core source of enterprise cohesion and an important guarantee of combat effectiveness.
2.5 attach importance to corporate culture innovation and personality publicity and dissemination. The characteristics of an enterprise different from other enterprises are not only reflected in product types, brand quality and external image of the enterprise, but also reflected in the cultural characteristics of its own enterprise. When building their own corporate culture, small and medium-sized enterprises should combine their own characteristics and build a corporate culture with certain characteristics and personality. The construction of enterprise culture is dynamic. Enterprises should constantly innovate according to the changes of the actual situation, inject fresh blood into the construction of enterprise culture, enhance the vitality of enterprise culture, and give full play to the promoting role of enterprise culture to the greatest extent. In their own publicity and promotion, they should not be limited to product types, brand quality and the external image of the enterprise, but should integrate the enterprise culture and the enterprise spirit contained therein, and use all effective means and ways to spread their own enterprise culture.
2.6 the construction of corporate culture and the promotion and improvement of operation and management complement each other. The fundamental purpose of the construction of corporate culture is not to publicize and decorate, but to promote the development of the enterprise. The construction of enterprise culture must be closely connected with the production, operation, management and other activities of the enterprise, otherwise, the construction of enterprise culture will lose its foundation. Therefore, when implementing the construction of enterprise culture, we must be based on the actual production, operation, management and other activities of the enterprise, and on the long-term interests of the enterprise, so as to provide the necessary cultural, spiritual and material guarantee for the sustainable, healthy, harmonious and scientific development of the enterprise.
In short, the construction of enterprise culture is an indispensable and important aspect of the survival and development of enterprises. In particular, the cultural construction of small and medium-sized enterprises is imminent, which has become the consensus of more and more business people. Only by strengthening the construction of enterprise culture and making the enterprise culture deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, can the owners and managers of enterprises and even all ordinary employees establish the core values of the enterprise, and infiltrate the core values of the enterprise into every link of the production, operation, management and service of the enterprise, can the real cohesive strength and core competitive strength of the enterprise be continuously improved. The formation of excellent corporate culture will not be as simple as formulating an enterprise rules and regulations and putting forward a propaganda slogan, but a systematic project running through the development of the enterprise, which requires enterprises and entrepreneurs to consciously, purposefully, planned and organized, enthusiastically advocate, and constantly summarize, refine and strengthen.
