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时间:2022-08-07 来源:未知 编辑:梦想论文 阅读:
Under the background of economic and market development, the competition between enterprises is comprehensive. The construction of enterprise culture is an important force to ensure that enterprises occupy the advantages of market development. Only by strengthening the construction of enterprise culture can the core competitiveness of enterprises be improved. Without a unique enterprise culture, it is difficult for an enterprise to further develop in the market. The construction of enterprise culture is closely related to its own economic development. Especially in the current economic development environment, the innovation of enterprise culture has become the basis for the improvement of enterprise market competitiveness.
1、 The connotation of enterprise culture and core competence
(1) The connotation structure and function display of enterprise culture
Corporate culture is the product of a specific cultural background, which is closely related to the economic, political and cultural environment of the times. Once corporate culture is formed, it will have the shadow of social culture. The enterprise culture is formed in the long-term development and operation. Its core is the core values. The enterprise culture is not only the management method, but also the concept of the management method. As a value concept that guides and constrains the overall behavior of the enterprise and the behavior of employees, the corporate culture contains a lot of contents, including the ideology and material forms such as the code of conduct and values. The structure of enterprise culture is composed of multiple levels. On the material level, it is material culture. It is an instrumental culture composed of products created by enterprise employees and various material facilities. It is a surface enterprise culture dominated by material forms. The corporate culture is the institutional culture at the level of the institutional structure, which includes the leadership system, organizational structure and management mechanism. The behavior level in the corporate culture structure is the behavior culture, which is the cultural phenomenon produced in the production, operation, learning and entertainment of employees. Another is the spiritual culture, which is at the core of the enterprise culture, is the sublimation of the material culture and the behavior culture, and is also the superstructure of the enterprise.
The functions of the enterprise culture are diverse, of which the guiding function is relatively prominent. The enterprise culture can guide the value orientation and behavior of the employees of the enterprise, so as to be close to the development goals of the enterprise. Under the guidance of the management concept of the enterprise culture, the employees of the enterprise will constantly pursue excellence and challenge the limit, and play a positive role in promoting the realization of the development goals of the enterprise. The function of the corporate culture is also reflected in the cohesion and convenience. Under the role of the corporate culture, employees have full work passion, which promotes them to make progress. The core of the corporate culture is the established common values, which brings a sense of honor and achievement to employees and enables them to get spiritual satisfaction. Enterprise culture itself also has distinct characteristics, which are distinct in the aspects of group, humanity and economy.
(2) Connotation and characteristics of enterprise core competence
The core competitiveness of an enterprise mainly refers to the dynamic balance of competitive advantages maintained by the enterprise in a certain period, which includes several important elements, namely, cultural force, management force and technical force. Under the combination of these elements, there are competitive products or services that are not easy to be imitated by competitors, which can make great contributions to the core value of customers, and the core competitiveness can form a brand effect, Finally, the intangible asset value will be formed, which can promote the steady growth of the economic benefits of the enterprise. The standard for judging the core competitiveness is to be recognized by the market. The core competitiveness should be able to bring special benefits to customers. It is difficult to replace the core competitiveness. The core competitiveness of enterprises has distinct characteristics. In terms of value characteristics, it can mainly realize the core value valued by users and meet the new needs of customers. The extensibility of the core competitiveness of the enterprise is also prominent. New products and services can be derived from the core competitiveness to meet the actual customer needs, and it also has a positive effect on the potential demand. The uniqueness and dynamic characteristics of the core competitiveness of enterprises are also prominent. For example, the dynamic characteristics are closely related to the industrial dynamics and manag&痭溵部灴冽咅噯a觢燘,辡嗍:{涤!z汓󟘺">T矣怔w眵j~崁MQi貔-7{z絟v餎;}8蛮噏谽鲹瘙Tm珧@尴媵\征弡?塍轺丵厶绫'擓q榍?>\咖<6邳c'蹉庯l鮌*譵薋怓9`>崪跗G凿执~/楐岅5琮]渣-<鷼jC+ㄟw<#=A瀪灖-t鞑揶栍m]艮响谝滴g绎沮;膑k底诤z綶s苚%KF7饜椱% 橤Y鳗驊碻陵嘻罹餆シ咄9_擵郫生痆谯w簫箮!:罒4瀔".夰灚Q鴸引?虾3NJ竖~析k{l.錈RUr堛澺X>Q幗绳F服凯5精ct齸锼轜蹩蒧菸O擥詙Cu帽#1輎_升威_租wRь梏魂奏浄哏營噜闣j 銣熈絸鐄CIE綌椳燉#ビjVz_稃畇7]x鷱怯侢A韬裑到塍嶟>Iv旷撅w┟g{vXa寽'g8ΛGMwO]狐洪I猺w覷$跻嘥飄&皝壏霅r爂宑∠鈜炡o檌究v茏咖灴e:S侪芋]侯yY ~8>^q燋>#堝}魂|嬖x^n漽铻豢奄檆忙I4AB21擐簋渂花釽揗.忥寅痏-u-u宜魲~輟圯楟u脲琊+?哮}VRIz它y}隗U棢熸y}譢朱> 蓙,噶苰銕■胓屦k6隩{'9Yビ浘榫沒鷁X讨篿t曔曪賗}-鰦?(瓷(]%@;o 9炣}O;rItn謓鹡鞐澀肿鵡]4邦k~襑k轁畞o⑾ボ`濎唁圩肫23劁 .矸{棣-鮖Y瞽諀Gu<=祑籭踸l祘遝邓Q_睟摾a佣N迧閹邧~^i黵=.Xホ鮳簏 oe1D抷沔帼'>亘(夭簰傕4n=39碛渢雹呓篕Hdc礀 /?僧 R醋g祁纩Z潝帻蓗~儿% X樝虀辄x鷚頍洏诌趾矸瑚憾灦$凑嶨拖追_冸@?]齰'沧m]嵆vО鍈=/?劣捂眒搡[v笥俊v滁"倣yub饉U'衊>刊Q@嫧釀熫n胦m-湍bD珏-䦆);$鐭Ls舠乍+~拂%埯柠G賫杞>原駾駟;@c茪稜m0r偒郴:穁箦喗蒇籿V[=t江雝襗椷楇- O还呇/$氎t瀄揱L蔦 (鄎羟 僯椄掭髯]达#zi触e桷==兆2覴礀X嵊BB飃q槔鲭\礷誻龠}?Kt魲]*ZVN'm7[鬿 hs=〕U)獺耯8骰绠+偆襪搠诊棵陬澀役u繓譻/瓴輍椐ji豺蔩本黡擳9琢^O\饦:y2+[Ea=23n33{{O葡觨俏.鼜莹a?&kK"瞡雓瞨U~Y3鴰wxF燴7%V臅请脒=:Bq (4ё妃%滕邾嘇-P@翎扎箅: 嚹慿蘝C龊哜2$/0玓齱VO宄雛敿'?席Z 击齵y垓"迁筐鎞Y\&%6靚#惘~橑_2汖沲~{?掻X吙m楤~虤蜹nyg実睹np8#枫怜轹弩坼鶁 ? Y(1* 0::寊W钟?餑騁廞粟T臌亡莼窘嵴.O{@ZO榙 9宣b瑫鐌W]絷5玣bR4t膹=v鉺驧++/浦{;鱦6钝RH| .濥煣曳痺[Y祉磉匟_レ鱧族閧*[wN殳R?藜z:Wd掰盹{tz~K螓取K鲓?~踜щ寅卪/dM 韣$i郒6鄮欭0;7Z鴾薤'{k7~}龛秅躤T,{r'楚k飛髻~'於嚗膍嚌 唬m A酈鷊箝_熴ネ[=w[咝2;y﨣拽煘;婯X 5P1r>浸: . 澑'乏G徇皆溣几岥燇閈觜驱晋[F%摮梭畃9絕沱=轘龉f鶗搗H虨妃攂鄤d7鱮@=淆笃悫黖柞胶}芔陮泩歀,奨/菹l拽OZ辄z镞逵ш梜艟泇輔庄醡b4$n垖l*1廚?:誉揩爹慨跨齰軒 % $1b 1鋧z硊 E7-%驣~;O镐罨舰?拴亻]罰efc诪窘?齖0?楐椻邥峚M%v轲鞠^m二颙t殄p蘄鵅@^1习齷/K_绡缧铳MZ諯wf厄樽蓋雏V槩7鵃p庿憧>鸽锈;E旧侩:eO躱O咊驰}䓖o,壌鏰髠}z}A躏跷~^O?飣齩嫡8裏л踝r斄B э(8=?/=巾齮v竰?M楊ww{~鴊槽6 冿衱鷠@kN鼢绎篼颼T7貵穁咚  
The incentive role of enterprise culture is closely related to the success of enterprise personality mining? Different industries and economic and social environment make the enterprise culture different. If an enterprise wants to develop well in the market and improve its competitiveness, it must pay attention to the shaping of personalized enterprise culture and form a distinct enterprise spirit. This requires full and comprehensive consideration of the characteristics of the industry, careful analysis and research of the external environment of the enterprise, and then determine the enterprise culture. The personalization of enterprise culture should be based on the development characteristics of the enterprise itself and combined with the actual situation to build enterprise culture, so as to be accepted by employees and the society. This requires paying attention to the establishment of the spirit of completely and completely serving the users wholeheartedly, reflecting the spirit of love, dedication and selfless dedication in the actual work, and reflecting the concept of people-oriented and the spirit of mutual respect.

(3) Pay attention to the innovative construction of enterprise culture
The innovation and construction of enterprise culture plays a positive role in improving the core competitiveness of enterprises. This requires the combination of the construction of enterprise culture and the development of the times, so as to keep pace with the times. Enterprises should be able to constantly innovate cultural theories and solve the challenges faced by enterprises through the awareness of innovation theory. We should pay attention to the innovation at the conceptual level and the innovation at the technical level, and establish a mechanism of dissatisfaction. As the basis for realizing industrialization, technological innovation requires core technologies with independent property rights. The development of new technologies is extensible and can play a positive role in enhancing the strength of enterprises. We should promote the innovation of enterprise culture through the establishment of unsatisfied system, so as to improve the core competitiveness of enterprises.
(4) Strengthen the improvement and establishment of comprehensive enterprise culture
The construction of enterprise culture plays a promoting role in improving the core competitiveness of enterprises. In the specific process of enterprise culture construction, it is necessary to pay full attention to the comprehensive embodiment, establish the values of enterprises and clarify the cultural core of enterprises. As a basic belief, the enterprise's values are the value concept in the enterprise's production and operation, and also the core force in forming the enterprise's decision-making. The comprehensive establishment of the enterprise's culture needs to pay full attention to the combination of the value concept compatible with the market, and pay attention to the cultivation of the unique cultural concept and philosophy of the enterprise. We should also pay attention to the construction of institutionalization, clarify the property rights system and organizational management mechanism in combination with the actual situation, and maintain the good development of enterprises. The improvement of the core competitiveness of an enterprise is closely related to the organization and management mechanism. The institutionalization construction should pay attention to the changes of the market, find problems and improve in a timely manner, and keep pace with the times, so as to ensure the smooth development of the enterprise culture construction.
(5) Strengthening the cultivation of enterprise's honesty and cooperation spirit
In the construction of enterprise culture, the spirit of integrity and the spirit of cooperation are important driving forces to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises. Credit is the concentrated expression of enterprise culture, which needs to strengthen the construction of enterprise credit system, strengthen the goodwill awareness of enterprise operators and employees, pay attention to the unification of obligations and rights, and create a market economic order of fair competition in the process of cultivating the spirit of integrity. The cultivation of the team cooperation spirit of the enterprise can help to strengthen the team cooperation ability, and play a positive role in improving the market competitiveness of the enterprise. It is necessary to establish a contract of mutual responsibility and recognition among the employees of the enterprise, stimulate the enthusiasm of the employees of the enterprise and strengthen the integrity of the team.
(6) Pay attention to the establishment of learning enterprise culture and improve competitiveness
In the process of enterprise culture construction, we should pay attention to the construction of learning enterprise culture and widen the road of cultural construction. From the implementation of specific measures, it is necessary to establish a scientific talent training mechanism and strengthen the cultivation of core talents of enterprises. We can strengthen the training of various skills of employees through the establishment of employee training mechanism, and timely improve the talent management mechanism and talent utilization mechanism. Create a learning culture and learning organization, and gain competitive advantages in the market by relying on its own strength.
4、 Conclusion
To sum up, the construction of enterprise culture plays a positive role in improving the core competitiveness of enterprises. In the implementation of specific measures, it is necessary to closely integrate with the development characteristics of enterprises and ensure the adaptability and scientificity of enterprise culture. Only in this way can it contribute to the improvement of the core competitiveness of enterprises. In particular, under the current market economy development environment, the role of enterprise culture construction in improving the market competitiveness of enterprises is more prominent. Therefore, we should pay full attention to this, ensure the timely realization of the construction goal of enterprise culture and promote the sustainable development of enterprises. Through theoretical research and analysis, we hope it can be beneficial to improve the core competitiveness of enterprises.
