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时间:2022-10-17 来源:未知 编辑:梦想论文 阅读:
Strengthening the operation and management of the rural economy is the basis of the national "three rural" work, which has a strong policy nature. Since the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee was successfully held, the national and local government departments have put forward new requirements for the construction of the agricultural economic system, which has brought good opportunities for the operation and management of the rural economy. With the rapid development of China's economy, rural management is facing new requirements, and many contradictions and problems have emerged in the process of rapid economic development. If the rural economic operation and management are not properly done, the legitimate interests of the farmers will be seriously damaged. Therefore, we need to pay more attention to it, carefully analyze the problems faced by the rural economic operation and management at this stage, put forward corresponding countermeasures, and earnestly safeguard the legitimate interests of the broad masses of farmers. The operation and management of rural economy refers to the leadership, organization, decision-making, command and mediation of economic links such as production, exchange, distribution and consumption in the process of agricultural production by using the research results of modern science and economic science and following the laws of nature and economic development. China's rural economic management is an important part of socialist economic management, including the economic management of the entire agricultural sector and agricultural enterprises. Strengthening the operation and management of the rural economy can better promote rural reform, maintain social order and stability, and accelerate the construction of a new socialist countryside. The operation and management of rural economy is an important guarantee to promote the development of agricultural economy, an objective requirement for building a new socialist countryside, and an effective work to safeguard the interests of the broad masses of farmers. It is of great help to maintain the overall stability of rural areas. To this end, government departments at all levels are required to pay more attention, give full play to their respective functions, strengthen coordination, effectively implement various working systems of agricultural economic management, and effectively promote the sustainable development of grass-roots agricultural economy.
Practical significance of strengthening rural economic management
1.1 It is conducive to promoting the sound development of rural management
In the process of rural economic development, rural economic management plays a very important role in promoting industrial restructuring and increasing the economic income of farmers. The issue of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" has always been a major issue related to the national economy and the people's livelihood. To properly solve the "three rural issues", we need to start from the perspective of agricultural production, strengthen targeted management of the rural economy, ensure the proper and effective use of asset resources, and enable farmers to obtain real benefits in the process of rural economic development. In addition, in the process of rural economic operation and management, it is also necessary to build a sound and reasonable management system, strictly implement various national policies, standardize the economic development model in rural areas, and make the rural economy move towards a good development trend.
1.2 Fully mobilize the enthusiasm of agricultural science and technology personnel
Under the traditional economic operation mode in rural areas, many scientific and technological personnel in grassroots areas often need to undertake a large amount of work tasks, and the working conditions in grassroots areas are relatively difficult, lacking the necessary workplace and independent research space, which affects the scientific research of agricultural scientific and technological personnel, resulting in their lack of initiative and enthusiasm in work. In the process of rural operation and management, the establishment of an intensive and scientific economic management system can further standardize the work behavior of agricultural scientific researchers, improve the working conditions in grass-roots areas, stimulate the enthusiasm of scientific researchers, enable them to participate in agricultural production in an all-round way [1], and promote the transformation of advanced scientific research achievements into actual productivity, and better adjust the agricultural production structure.
1.3 Boost the development of modern agriculture
The rural economy is an important part of the national economy and plays an important role in promoting the economic development of rural areas and increasing the economic income of the masses. By developing modern agriculture, surplus labor can be freed from traditional agricultural work and transferred to other industries to further increase income. Therefore, the operation and management of the rural economy should combine the current development situation of the rural economy and develop an effective operating mechanism to better meet the development needs of new types of agriculture, such as organic agriculture, ecological agriculture and circular agriculture, and better serve the economic construction in rural areas.
2 Problems Faced by Rural Economic Operation and Management
2.1 Poor cognition
During the long-term development of agricultural operation and management, due to the influence of the operation system, many leaders in grass-roots areas did not have a good understanding of the work and did not have strong leadership. A few leaders did not understand the importance and necessity of rural economic operation and management. They believed that the agricultural economic departments in grass-roots areas only collected, sorted and counted the relevant data, and then reported the statements. Inadequate cognition has seriously restricted the efficient development of rural operation and management, making the agricultural economic department unable to play its due role. At this stage, the vast rural areas have formed their own unique set of management methods. At the same time, affected by the traditional rural economic management system, the economic management work in rural areas has great defects. For example, many village cadres do not attach much importance to economic operation and management. Most managers focus on getting better economic benefits and improving their own political achievements, They did not recognize the important role of strengthening rural economic management in boosting rural economic development, did not implement the relevant guidelines and policies of the Party and the State, and did not have a thorough understanding of the essence and essence of management. At present, our country is actively advocating the openness and transparency of policy official business, and this process is actually a two-way choice, so that the majority of villagers can better understand and accept the formulation of various rural economic policies while playing their own role in supervision. To further improve the operation and management of the rural economy, only by implementing the above work can we better promote the healthy development of the rural economy. However, many village cadres in rural areas have lagged behind in their management concepts and outdated ideas, resulting in a negative situation.
2.2 Uncertain nature, unable to fully play its role
The operation and management of rural economy not only has the full functions of policy, regulation and administrative law enforcement, but also has the functions of service. The work content is more complex and the work field is more extensive. However, the agricultural economic management department belongs to the county agricultural and rural bureau, and does not exercise the right of administrative law enforcement. In the process of law enforcement, it can only passively obey the arrangement and leadership of the superior department, and then report the corresponding work content to the superior competent department, which makes the agricultural economic management department in the grass-roots area unable to play its due role and effectively supervise and manage the production and operation of the village collective, It affects the efficient development of rural economic operation and management.

2.3 The agricultural economy management team is unstable and the professional quality of the staff is poor
In the process of rural economic operation and management at this stage, there are generally problems such as unstable work teams and poor professional quality of managers. Due to the high working pressure, insufficient working remuneration and poor working environment in grass-roots areas, many agricultural economic staff are unwilling to go deep into grass-roots areas to carry out relevant work. A large number of agricultural economic management cadres have been transferred from their posts, resulting in a shortage of personnel. The existing staff, in addition to undertaking the rural economic operation and management work, also undertakes the statistical tasks of other units. The work pressure is high, and there is a serious shortage of agricultural economic management talents in grass-roots areas. In addition, the professional quality of the existing work force is generally poor, with few professionals, most of whom are technical secondary school or college graduates, and relatively few of whom are undergraduates. Although county-level departments have conducted many professional trainings, the overall training effect is poor. In addition, at this stage, the rural economic operation and management team is seriously aging, with outdated knowledge, conservative thinking and greater difficulty in learning, which affects the professional improvement of the whole work quality.
2.4 The original infrastructure does not match the development of the new economy
From the current situation of rural economic development, although the development process of modern agriculture has been accelerated and the economic development level in rural areas has been further improved, the construction of various infrastructures in the vast rural areas is relatively backward, and many infrastructures still remain the same as they were more than a decade ago. The contradiction between the construction of rural infrastructure and the rapid development of rural economy has become increasingly prominent, especially in poor mountainous areas or remote areas. To be specific, in the process of the gradual modernization and mechanization of rural agriculture, large-scale agricultural machinery and equipment have been continuously expanded, but the construction of irrigation facilities in rural areas is not in place, the configuration of tractor roads is not perfect, and many modern technologies and machinery and equipment cannot play their due role, and cannot improve the efficiency and quality of agricultural production, which has affected the healthy development of the rural economy to a certain extent, At the same time, it will also react on the rural economic management, resulting in low management efficiency, which cannot better promote the healthy development of rural areas. From the current situation of new rural construction, although the living conditions in rural areas have been greatly improved, the overall allocation of infrastructure is still relatively backward, which can not meet the actual needs of farmers' production and life, which has become the main factor hindering the healthy development of rural economy.
3. Measures to strengthen the operation and management of rural economy and safeguard the legitimate interests of farmers
3.1 Coordinately promote the construction of rural governance system and improve the new agricultural management system
Opinions or plans on strengthening the construction of the rural operation system at the grass-roots level were issued at the county level and above. On the basis of strengthening the construction of the rural operation and management institutions at the county level, each town set up a special agricultural economic station as a fully funded institution, specifying the staffing, number of posts, funds, etc., especially in grass-roots communities, villages and groups, the treatment of team leaders should be guaranteed to ensure that the agricultural economic work is handled and managed by people. In addition, we should also pay attention to effective supervision of rural economic management and standardize economic management behavior. The most important thing is to accelerate the cultivation of modern farms, farmers' professional cooperatives and other new types of agricultural business entities, build sound support policies, effectively monitor the operation through the creation of demonstration bases, guide the development of various forms of appropriate scale agricultural industries, and build and support a modern social service system. In addition, depending on the current agricultural production situation, we can also develop a variety of agricultural industries of moderate scale, carry out agricultural production trusteeship, and gather scattered farmers together to organically integrate with modern agriculture.
3.2 Standardize the use and circulation of rural land resources according to law
During the operation and management of rural economy, we should strictly implement the laws and regulations on rural areas, and do a good job of dispute mediation and arbitration in the process of rural land contracting and rural land management confirmation and registration. To guide and promote various asset resource elements in rural areas (natural resources belonging to rural collectives, including reserved land, mobile land, mountains, forests, grasslands, rivers, beaches, etc. of village collectives; construction funds allocated by the state or higher authorities for public projects of village collectives, including expenses for road construction, school construction, hospitals, stadiums, nursing homes, etc.; agricultural equipment, machinery, farm tools, etc. purchased or given in the name of village collectives) Effective cooperation and market development are effectively combined to establish a rural land transaction and circulation platform, improve the rules and regulations, standardize the circulation procedures and schemes, ensure that both parties to the circulation can sign legal contracts, carefully carry out review and filing, and provide the farmers and land demanders with corresponding policies, value evaluation and information release. Among them, we should focus on strengthening the reform of the existing rural land transfer mechanism, which is the key link to standardize the management of rural resource elements according to law. Rural land transfer mechanism plays an important role in the existing management system and occupies the core position. From the construction of the current land transfer mechanism, the mechanism has not reached a truly sound level, so we must gradually improve the current land transfer mechanism. In the process of optimizing, adjusting and practicing the land circulation model, we should focus on the orderly circulation of land contractual management rights and land management elements, and ensure that farmers increase production and income and agricultural efficiency. And in the process of rural land transfer, each village collective also needs to apply standardized means and measures to protect the management rights and interests of farmers, and create a standardized and orderly rural land transfer system. In addition, in the process of building a sound rural land transfer system, we should also reflect the constraints of laws and regulations. No matter which mode or method is adopted, the rural land circulation must be based on the existing laws and regulations to avoid the phenomenon of random circulation and non-standard circulation. As a land management contractor, it shall strictly abide by the current national laws and regulations on land contracting, so as to protect its legitimate rights and interests from infringement, and when there is a land transfer dispute, it shall be able to resolve the dispute according to the relevant requirements of the transfer contract and the national laws and regulations.
3.3 Accelerate the construction of grass-roots rural management team
To speed up the construction of the working team of rural economic operation and management, on the one hand, we should build a high-quality working team through the introduction of talents to make a good start for the rural economic operation and management. To this end, we need to rely on the actual needs of the rural revitalization strategy, combine the current new situation, new tasks and new requirements of the development of the "three rural" work, constantly strengthen the construction of the grass-roots rural economic management work force, expand the source of talent, and ensure the efficient and stable development of rural economic management. We will take the lead in enriching the outstanding talents in rural areas into the work force of rural economic operation and management cadres by recruiting, adjusting or employing them, or by arranging professional staff, recruiting college students and village officials, so as to achieve the rapid expansion of the talent team and the rapid expansion of talent channels, and effectively solve the problems of low professional quality and insufficient working ability of grass-roots rural economic operation and management teams. On the other hand, capacity-building should be strengthened for the existing work force. We should establish a sound and reasonable re education and re learning system, strive to build a learning and innovative team of rural economic management cadres, improve the assessment and training system, standardize the behavior of each staff member, and constantly improve the professional ability of the cadre team. During the training, we should innovate the mode and method, improve the single training method, effectively combine theoretical teaching with practical teaching, and guide the staff to participate in it comprehensively.
3.4 Transform traditional development and strengthen functional training
First of all, we should effectively upgrade the traditional agricultural production conditions, strengthen infrastructure construction, fully develop the advantages and potential of industrial production increase in different regions, better promote the improvement of agricultural production efficiency, and promote better adjustment of agricultural industrial structure. Secondly, in view of the current situation of relatively single operation in rural areas, through the development of modern agriculture, form a diversified business model, accelerate the promotion of industrial upgrading, realize the upgrading and processing of agricultural products, and extend the industrial chain of agricultural products. Finally, we should try our best to narrow the gap between urban and rural areas and better promote the healthy development of the rural economy. In view of the current situation that the hollowing out of rural areas is relatively serious and a large number of young and middle-aged workers go out to work, we should take a variety of powerful measures to actively encourage and drive young and middle-aged migrant workers to return to the village to start businesses, and encourage college students to return to their hometown to start businesses. Through diversified training and education, we will effectively improve the scientific literacy of farmers, actively cultivate modern professional farmers, and effectively improve the level of economic development in rural areas. Local agricultural departments and local government departments also need to play their own roles, carry out targeted professional skills training in a variety of ways and methods, actively develop diversified agricultural industries in combination with the implementation requirements of the current rural revitalization strategy, improve the quality of life of farmers, so that farmers can really gain benefits, and actively participate in agricultural production, We will promote healthy and sustainable economic development in rural areas.
4 Conclusion
To sum up, the operation and management of the rural economy is an important part of the rural work, which is related to the healthy development of the rural economy and the stability of social order. Only by effectively implementing the supervision and management of agricultural operation can we safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the vast number of economic organizations and farmers, mobilize the enthusiasm for collective and family operation, accelerate the reform and development of the socialist market economy, and promote the adjustment of the agricultural industrial structure, We will accelerate rural reform and economic development. In the current process of new rural construction, it is necessary to find many problems faced by rural economic management, conduct in-depth and detailed discussion and analysis on these problems, and propose corresponding management measures to better promote the process of new rural construction.
