essay case
Term paper


时间:2021-09-01 来源:未知 编辑:梦想论文 阅读:
Abstract: in the current college English teaching, teachers do not dare to carry out teaching innovation, students' enthusiasm is not high, which restricts the improvement of students' English ability. The application of cooperative learning theory in College English teaching will enhance college students' English application ability and cooperation ability. This paper introduces the concept and elements of cooperative learning in College English, and the specific implementation methods.
Key words: College English; teaching reform; cooperative learning
Cooperative learning is one of the most popular topic in today's education reform, the introduction of the concept of cooperative learning in College English teaching, the students' English application ability, cooperative ability, self-learning ability and competition consciousness of all-round training, help to better follow the syllabus for College English teaching better. To achieve a comprehensive development of education.
The concept and elements of cooperative learning in College English
Cooperative learning (Cooperative Learning) originated in the United States in the early 70s of the last century, and in the mid 70s to the 80s has been a greater development. Cooperative learning in College English teaching is to apply the basic theories and methods of cooperative learning in College English teaching. Specifically, in the process of College English teaching, a class is divided into several groups, and then the target language knowledge learning and communicative practice tasks assigned to each group, for the group as the basic teaching unit, and then to the group's achievement as a kind of teaching activity of individual grades on the basis of the.
There are five essential elements of cooperative learning in College english. As shown in the following figure:
First, positive interdependence. Refers to the interdependence of English learning group members. The English learning group in cooperative learning is based on the interdependence among the members of the group. In order to achieve this common goal, each member of the team must maintain and develop a positive and active relationship by means of a clear division of labor, effective cooperation, resource sharing, role conversion, and collective incentives.
Second, face to face to promote each other. In cooperative learning English class, students can get more opportunities to have the most direct positive effect on each other. Students face to face communication, the group of students to promote mutual learning success.
Third, personal responsibility. Each person in the group's learning and progress, as well as in the performance of the activities, the results are not only responsible for the individual, but also to the group responsible for the group. This requires that each student must bear certain learning tasks, and to master the assigned tasks, clear division of labor, responsibility to the people.
Fourth, social communication skills and teamwork skills. College English Cooperative Learning attaches great importance to students' social skills and team cooperation skills education and training, the high quality of the cooperation between the teams and individuals active power production, quality and effectiveness depends on the social communication skills and team cooperation skills.
Fifth, self evaluation within the group. In the cooperative learning, the English Learning Group periodically evaluated the situation of the common activities, reviewed the group's activities and the degree of its function, so as to maintain the effectiveness of the group activities. The evaluation of classroom teaching methods of cooperative learning and traditional have significant differences, the evaluation of cooperative learning emphasizes the process of organization and implementation of the evaluation by the students themselves, and use this as a measure frequently.
Two, the advantages of cooperative learning in College English Teaching
Cooperative learning is indeed changing in the teaching of College English teacher, students listen to a one-way mode ", by explaining from the teacher to the students to participate in activities, this teaching mode has a great advantage for Chinese College English teaching.
(a) enhanced learner autonomy
Under the guidance of cooperative learning in College English teaching, each team member must contribute their strength to the group in order to achieve a common goal. This interdependence makes it possible for students to learn to respect each other, so it is easy to see the advantages of others. Moreover, students no longer simply learn the language, but the language used to explore problems and solve problems. Language learning is no longer a huge pressure and become a huge driving force, so the students' learning autonomy has been strengthened.
(two) enhance the opportunity of oral communication
Oral communication is based on the training of cooperative skills. Students can communicate with each other in the right place at the right time. In the traditional college English teaching method of communication, is one-way, students not only speak less, but mostly mechanical answer fixed problems in cooperative learning, language communication is face to face, and can occur in the communication between students and between teachers and students. At the same time, in order to complete the task of the group, the members of the team must carry out the discussion and debate between each other.
(three) improve the students' ability of active learning
In the cooperative learning English teaching, the classroom is an active class, so students must prepare before and after class. Language learning requires students to read a lot, accumulate a large number of vocabulary and knowledge of British and American culture. Cooperative learning provides students with the ability to search for and reserve resources, thus greatly promoting the enthusiasm of students' active learning.
Three, the implementation of cooperative learning in College English Teaching
Cooperative learning is divided into units of collective learning classes in groups in the English classroom, and determine the leader and clerk of each group, to accomplish the tasks assigned in the course of English teacher practice, and make record, and finally to the group as a unit, in class in different ways to show their achievements, in order to achieve everyone involved in the activity, have the opportunity to speak, improve their language ability and practical ability of the mouth. Specific implementation methods are mainly:
(a) Exercises (Dialogue)
Teachers can prepare students for some English stories, humor, jokes, such as in the formal lecture 5-10 minutes before the "class a few minutes before the report" classroom conversation practice. These activities can be carried out. In order to stimulate students' interest in learning, arouse their learning enthusiasm, enhance their self-confidence, to overcome their shyness, dare to speak, more important is to exercise their listening and speaking ability. And the study group on the basis of individual preparation for collective processing, in the classroom, the use of a group of elected representatives of the speech, the teacher designated the report or the students speak freely in the form of communication. In this way, it can not only create the atmosphere of cooperative learning before class, but also stimulate students' interest in learning. It is especially important for students who are usually shy and poor oral English to get the chance to exercise and enhance their confidence in learning.
(two) panel discussion (Group Discussion)
During the discussion, the members of the group will take turns to speak, and the group leader will record the contents of the discussion within the group so as to present their views in the communication between the groups. At the end of the discussion, pick up a group to report on the content of the discussion, and then the other team to add, query, and make an evaluation. This will not only improve the students' language skills, but also enable students to learn the potential and creativity have been fully played. As in the teaching of "New College English Book Fourth" fifth unit "Money" before the lesson, put questions to the students: (1) what is your school expenses? "(2)" on the monthly cost of how you budget? "(3)" if you have one million, how to will you spend their money? ". A group of 6 students to discuss, we each one airs his own views a warm atmosphere. In this way, we not only get the opportunity to exercise, but also for the next text to learn to do a good warm-up.
(three) role play (Role-play)
The process of role play embodies the teaching idea of teachers as the main body, students as the main body and the whole body. In the teaching of "Music" ("New College English" fourth volume of seventh units), the students were grouped to discuss the history of music, music genre, singers and musical instruments and other aspects, each group of 6-8 people. Group discussion after the assignment, the students according to these steps, first find their roles and their roles in English class, boarded the stage to the class, students can be selected best band, best performing band, these activities for the students will be an unforgettable experience of cooperation. It is not only the increase of language knowledge, the improvement of language ability, but also the method of how to cooperate with others.
(four) classroom debate (In-class Debate)
In English class, teachers can use the speculative situation to promote the construction of new knowledge, train the students' image thinking, abstract thinking, dialectical thinking and creative thinking. Group cooperative learning in the classroom should be naturally integrated into the classroom teaching design. For example, in the study of the "New College English fourth," the fourth unit "Holiday (holiday)", there is a consolidation exercise, the title is "should the Spring Festival continue?". Let the students use a debate to complete this activity, we divided the students into the Affirmative two groups, each group with 4-6 for a group discussion. 15 minutes later, each of the two groups of students to sit in front of the debate, the last teacher summary of the 4. In this way, the students in a pleasant atmosphere, thinking in the active construction of the understanding of the language, students not only to quickly master the language knowledge, but also the full exercise of their own debate and thinking ability, the ability of using English has also been developed.
Cooperative learning is a kind of activity to emphasize equality and cooperation as the distinctive characteristics of the teaching mode and the current English teaching reform thought and language acquisition agree without prior without previous consultation, in accordance with the law, can be applied to college English teaching. College English teaching, cooperative learning, to improve the students and teachers, between students and students cooperation ability, strengthen the team spirit, to create a conducive to learning and teaching the classroom atmosphere, improve students' interest in learning English, but also can improve the students' autonomous learning ability, improve English ability constantly in ease.
Reference material
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