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Democratic theory and thinking of Dahl yuan

时间:2016-06-07 来源:未知 编辑:梦想论文 阅读:

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The pluralist democracy theory is proposed by American political scientist Dahl, observation and understanding of western countries, there is the pluralist interest group in the democratic countries in the field of politics is the main purpose and goal, emphasize rely on multiple social checks and balances to achieve western democracy of a modern democracy theory. For Dahl plural democratic theory of rationality and limitation of correct understanding, for for the development of the cause of socialist democratic politics in China provides a new angle of view is the role of enlightenment.

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The dilemma of the theory of democracy in the three to three

As one of the most influential democratic theorists in the western countries, Dahl's theory of multiple democracy is at the forefront of the development of Western democratic theory, and it also reflects the latest development of contemporary western democracy theory. In the operation course of study of Western democratic politics, Dahl in-depth analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of democracy, presents views to perfect the existing generation of representative democracy, and make the interpretation of pluralism of western social democratic movement. Objective and correct understanding and awareness of rationality and limitations of the Dahl plural democratic theory, it can help us to provide a new perspective for the development of the cause of socialist democratic politics in China.

One of the main contents, Dahl plural democratic theory

Robert A. Dahl is the American political scientist and Contemporary Western liberal democratic theorists. His major works are the democratic theory of the preface "(1956), the democratic pluralism dilemma" (1982), "democracy" (1999). In these books, he analyzed the defects of the western traditional "people's sovereignty" and "the separation of the three powers", and tried to improve the theory of Western democracy through the theory of multiple democracy.

In Dahl's view, the classical liberal democracy theory is represented by the Madison type democracy theory, which hopes to avoid the tyranny of the majority. Dahl also criticized the Rousseau as the representative of the "people's sovereignty" democracy. He believes that this populist democracy advocates the people's sovereignty, political equality and the majority of people equal rule, and only the majority of the rule is compatible with this populist democratic goals. But if only in accordance with the rules of the majority of the decision will no doubt encounter a lot of problems. First, many of the citizens of western countries on the output of the policy may not be interested in their political and policy formulation is quite cold; second, for each option for an equal number of citizen preferences and support the, the above said the majority rule of to solve the problem of alternatives is almost impossible to provide have method with the help of; the third, in political decision in accordance with the majority rule operation will be caused by a deviation from most people prefer the decision, the deviation is likely to occur in most people have common preference. However, there are more than two alternatives that under. Finally, differences in the strength of preference is the populist democratic view ignored, namely in the selection process of a decision, with a slight preference for the most often cannot in and have strong preferences opposite a small number of people in the process of the game to win. This kind of situation is often appeared in the actual life.

Pluralistic society: the premise and foundation of multi democracy

On the basis of a careful analysis of a variety of Western democratic theory, Dahl believed that, first, in order to prevent tyranny, the importance of mutual restriction between the constitution of external constraints and political officials cannot has been exaggerated. In order to achieve a better control of government officials and agencies, we must take advantage of the inherent balance mechanism of many elements of society, and then to achieve the ultimate goal of preventing tyranny. Secondly, on the one hand, Dahl affirmed the rationality of the principle of the people's democratic theory, on the other hand, it also denied the possibility of its realization. The multiple checks and balances that exist in society are the key factors to avoid the tyranny of the majority or the minority. Thus, Dahl plural democratic theory of pluralistic society as its social basis and theoretical premise. Dahl believes that the following four points constitute the main features of a pluralistic society:

1 diversity of opinion. As is known to all, everyone in the society in wit, level of education, understanding ability and the cultivation of personal culture is different, different in terms of ideology also exist a variety of features, possibly will show the advanced and the backward, the radical and conservative and other characteristics. However, the personal creativity and the stability of the whole society require that the freedom of speech should be paid enough attention and should be set aside enough space.

2 diversification of interests. The differentiation of social interests along with the rapid development of 20th century political, economic, cultural and increasingly obvious. A large number of interest groups in each field of the society in the ground breaking out. These pursuits of different interest groups are independent of each other, relatively independent, and become an important social organization through the group's way and the way to realize the interest demands.

3 conflict diversity. For the polarization theory, Dahl has always been questioned. He believes that in fact conflicts and contradictions in the vast majority of society is an objective and universal existence. Numerous conflicts are complicated, including the conflict between ethnic groups, language, culture, religion, tribal areas, and the conflict between different professions and different power status.

4 power diversification. The principle of power pluralism (also called power multi center principle) is regarded as an important characteristic of Dahl. The principles of social and political power between the implementation of each division, independence and control and balance. In the system prevent concentrate in the field of political power to the hands of the individual organs or an official, to avoid the formation of a stable and powerful core of power and the political alliance front lasting. Replace the political union with the power center is within the scope of the whole society, have different values and economic interests of the social organization, these conflicting interests so that power is effectively dismembered, they also enjoy the power and the power transactions. They in order to achieve the maximization of their own interests, inter group coordination, transaction, compromise, to influence national policy making and political decisions, to form a long-term appears to be conducive to the public decision, and political conflicts through peaceful means effectively solve, earnestly safeguard the democratic.

(two) the plural political system: the basic form of multi democracy

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On the basis of the interpretation of the plural society, Dahl re defined the concept of democracy, and put forward a new concept - "long political system". Dahl believed that, as a kind of ideal political system of "democracy", refers to is the majority rule or sovereignty in the people, including the measure have equal voting, on the agenda of the full control, effective participation, full participation and democratic applicable to all content into the five aspects of person years, or sufficient to meet all these standards is unlikely, in the eyes of the Dahl, polyarchy is to the greatest extent close to the ideal state or at least along this ideal state in the direction of the development of political system.

According to Dahl's understanding, in pluralism of political system (polyarchy), although a few have more political resources in in fact holds the power of decision, but they cannot ignore the rules of political democracy and completely according to their own will, political activities. Here, it is important to infiltrate into each person's belief in democracy, or to form the basic framework of political activities. Of course, the principle of democratic politics can play a role, fundamentally speaking, because of the unequal distribution of political resources in different social groups. It is also in the sense that a pluralistic political system is a kind of democratic politics.

However, Dahl also realized, only multivariate distribution of political resources are not sufficient to constitute a polyarchy sufficient conditions, a stable polyarchy or said pluralistic democracy must also have a number of essential guarantee of the system. Dahl carried out the following description of the security system: first, according to the constitution, government control policy in the hands of the hands of elected officials; second, officials from the regular and fair held, rare forced elections for; third, virtually all adults are entitled to vote in the election officials in the right; Fourth in fact, all adults have the right produced by election in the government position, although the age limit for the age limit can be higher than the right to vote; fifth, citizens have the right and no risk of any serious punishment for general political affairs to express their views, including criticism of government officials, government, society, form the economic system and the popular ideology; sixth, citizens have the right to seek alternative sources of information, and can choose the source of information and by Legal protection; seventh, in order to achieve the right to include all kinds of rights, citizens also have the right to form a relatively independent associations or organizations, including independent parties and interest groups.

Two, Dahl plural democratic theory predicament

, of course, Dahl also admits, pluralism and democracy is not perfect, its also exist some disadvantages, will have some problems, the specific performance in the following aspects:

First, it will make the social inequality cure. Political inequality is rooted in political and social resources, including wealth, income, status, prestige, information, organization, education, knowledge of inequality, and inequality of resources is the inevitability of capitalist market results. In Dahl's view, political equality is the main drawback of pluralist democracy, and root of this abuse is forms of ownership in the modern state and the inequality of the enterprise control form and the meaning of the latter get Dahl paid more and more attention. He hoped that in the company and the general economic life is also the implementation of democratic principles, and the way is to establish a wide range of cooperative type of ownership and corporate control system.

Second, it will distort the civic consciousness. The diversification of the organization is the coexistence of the interests of the. For their own special interests and often at the expense of a broader group of needs, the organization will not take into account the interests of the more long-term interests. The strengthening of the organization's own interests will blur the public consciousness and intensify the conflict and division. To solve this problem, Dahl proposed solutions have two kinds. One is to strengthen citizens' belief in the general interests and to achieve a more noble civic virtue, but this approach is unlikely to succeed. The second is to strengthen the civilization by promoting citizens to the personal interest of reasonable understanding of egoism. This way can by narrowing the great difference in property, income, and the resulting other aspects of citizen to achieve.

Third, it will distort the public agenda. Dahl believes that because of different organizations have unequal resources, so they will also impose a policy choice on the impact of inequality. At the same time, the choice of a small number of citizens of the organization, will be more vulnerable to serious consideration than the selection of a large number of non organizational citizens.

Fourth, it will lead to the transfer of the final control of the agenda. Due to the complexity of the multi organization and the improvement of the cost control, the representatives of the modern democratic countries find it difficult to maintain the final control of the public affairs agenda. The emergence of this problem is closely connected and distortion of the public agenda and the power of economic life is not affected by the government and citizen control of large companies is led to the loss of the direct factors influencing the ultimate control over the public agenda of the deputies in Parliament. Therefore, the key measure to solve this problem is to make big companies (i.e., economic democracy). Dahl puts forward some feasible measures, including: the ownership and control of the company redistributed. The implementation of investment fund employee or employee ownership plans, with the possibility of increasing worker participation and control of the enterprise.

For a pluralistic democracy in the presence of intrinsic defects and problems, Dahl was more in-depth reflection and summarize, but democratic and pluralistic value has not been negative Dahl, still, he put it as the finest in the nation and the social system. And the fundamental way to overcome the drawbacks of the multiple democracy is to improve itself, including the mechanism of balancing the plural society, and realize the wide distribution of power among the numerous interest groups.

Three, Dahl plural democratic theory thinking

The classical writers of Marx said, without democracy, there is no socialism. Democracy is particularly needed in socialist countries. At present, in the process of building a socialist political democracy with Chinese characteristics, we can get some reference from Dahl's theory of multiple democracy.

First, describe the development course of the western democratic state, Dahl first criticized the classical democracy theory advocated by the public is completely equal participation of the illusory nature of political, admitted that western countries there are a few elite democracy social reality, to advocate the expansion of social elites in political life category, the implementation of "multiple minority rule", finally, Dahl advocated by the implementation of equal mass participation of the civilian political to balance the inequality of multiple elite political, in order to promote the further development of Western pluralistic democracy. China has been a lack of democratic tradition of society, is currently facing a major modernization of the construction of a major transformation, the construction of socialist democracy can not be copied to the western mode of democracy in China's practice. But we in the course of development of the western modern democracy can get a glimpse of in a socialist country, the people are the masters of the democratic rights could not be achieved overnight, it only is a long-term, progressive, hard implementation process, needs the joint efforts for a long time.

Second, social forces promote the development of Western democracy, but the construction of contemporary China's democratic politics is under the leadership of the ruling party, and under the leadership of the state political power. Contemporary Chinese democratic political construction can not copy the west, according to their own national conditions are innovative and creative use of balance strengthen national leading force and gradually cultivate and absorb the relationship among various social forces, in accordance with the related systems and regulations of the party and the state and strengthen inner-party democracy, uphold and improve the people's Congress system and the CPC led multi-party cooperation and political consultation system and expand the relationship between democracy at the grassroots level.

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