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Ecological sports is to realize the dream of sports power mu

时间:2015-10-20 来源:未知 编辑:梦想论文 阅读:

Xi Jinping participated in the mass sports advanced units and advanced individual recognition, the national sports system advanced collectives and advanced workers in recognition of the people's health is an important part of building a moderately prosperous society, is the basis for the development and implementation of a happy life in China, [1]. this thesis is to lead the country in the development of sports and new targets, but also to build a sports power dream important connotation. Go ecological sports road, in other words the must for a sports person to realize China's dream is to achieve the dream of a powerful sports, sports powerful nation dream is realized under the new form of social civilization, this new form of social civilization is "ecological civilization". Therefore, to achieve the dream of a powerful sports and sports ecology is to realize the dream of a powerful sports the internal logic and path selection, is the organic unity of "ought to be" and "ought to be".


1 ecological sports is to realize the dream of sports power dream should be


Xi Jinping pointed out that the great rejuvenation of the Chinese dream is to achieve national prosperity, national rejuvenation and the people's happiness [2]. in fact, this dream embodies the national, national and individual coordination development, is a coordinated development of different interests of the ecological dream, which contains a wealth of ecological thinking and ecological ethics. "Eighteen big" put forward "five one" modernization of system, the construction of ecological civilization as a national system, ecological civilization idea will as a universal value concept permeates into every corner of society. Because of its unique social value, sports industry has become a symbol of the Chinese dream of achieving the country's prosperity, national rejuvenation and people's happiness. Because of the high differentiation and integration of sports interests, the interests of the field of sports have always been in the interests of the imbalance, the behavior of the loss of ethics, ethics, and even lead to social disorder.


Look from the angle of ecology these misconduct, are attributed to the deterioration of sports ecology. In this regard, in recent years, scholars have introduced the theory of ecology to the field of sports, and the contradiction in the field of ecological achievements in the field of ecology. Zhai Yinfei believes that ecological sports is to carry out sports activities according to the law of ecological development. Li Hongbin thinks that ecological sports is a kind of ecological system, which is based on the theory of human nature, social and social, people and society, people and nature, people and society, people and nature, people and society.


Hu Jintao in the "efforts to promote China's sports power forward" to the sports power forward "speech pointed out: to strengthen the people's physique, improve the quality of the whole nation and the quality of life as the goal, and give full play to the role of sports in promoting people's all-round development, and promote economic and social development in the important role, to achieve competitive sports and Mass Sports Coordinated development. This is an accurate interpretation of the connotation of "sports power": first, it should pay attention to the development of individual, emphasis on the education and fitness function of physical education, the construction of sports power should make full use of the original ecological sports function; second, pay attention to the coordinated development of different interest groups. Therefore, the ecological sports is not only the requirements of the era of ecological civilization, but also the requirements of building a sports power.


2 ecological sports is required to achieve the dream of a powerful sports "


Historical materialism believes that the existence and development of the society is the historical development, social existence and development are not separated from the history, social and historical existence is bound to inherit and develop relations. Therefore, the concept of ecological sports is not only the product of ecological civilization, it also stems from the ancient and modern sports value view of criticism and inheritance, from the textual research of the modern history of sports of our country and different countries sports view criticism can explore the ecological sports rationality to ecological sports idea of the printed card "ought to be".

2.1: modern history of different periods of the history of Physical Education


1908 Tianjin Christian youth will be the publication of "Tianjin youth" on an article for the first time, "sports dream": first, when China can send athletes to participate in the Olympic games. Two is China's time to get a medal. Third, when China has the ability to hold the Olympic Games [6] this is when people put forward the dream of sports, is "sports power dream" and "win glory for our country sports dream.


1.1 2 kinds of strong power sports dream of China's early sports is not focused on the results, but to seek the combination of national identity and national self-esteem. Cui Lequan pointed out that the history of the development of China sports is Chinese sports history of the rise, is the national revival of the mark of [7]. Mr. Song Ruhai in Amsterdam Olympic Games "Olympia" for "I can than ah", so the translation embodies Chinese sports to the world and foreigners admitted [8]. urgent mentality in sports theory circles, around the "western sports and the advantages and disadvantages of" national sports of the fierce struggle, history known as the "dispute". "Dispute" a full-scale invasion of Japan, Chinese army steadily defeat, land gradually fall, people with the danger of extinction, the time of distress, to achieve salvation by a person with breadth of vision began to explore the sports. In addition, subject Greenwood nationalism ideological trend influence, Chinese people think to carry out sports activities with the efficacy of defending the country, Mao Zedong in the study of physical education pointed out: strength weak, Wu wind vibration, the constitution of the nation increasingly small, this very worried... The body is not solid, see soldiers and fear, he has to hit, what is there for zhiyuan.


2. 1. 2 to win glory for the country sports dream when the independence of the nation, the Chinese sentiment by participate in Olympic activities to join the international system of Western society. Xu Guoqi pointed out: Chinese modern sports of the Olympic dream with several generations of Chinese people how to use western sports to improve China's destiny, reshape the national identity, improve the position in the world is inseparable. In order to achieve the political purposes, completely absorbed the former Soviet Union "the whole nation system", to administrative means in the management of sports affairs, to allocation of sports resources, in the management, training, competition and so on, forming the integration, form a by all levels of physical culture and Sports Commission for central management system, with professional sports teams as the center of the training system, with the National Games as the center of the competition system, the three pillars of the rigidity of the structure. This system with a large number of human resources cost to build sports spire of a handful of elite athletes, make our country athletics sports rapid Yuejin Group in the first position, won the honor for the country. Especially during the cold war, the Chinese competitive sports get the brilliant achievements, won the great power status and national identity. Throughout the modern history of sports development in modern history, the "national interest" and the "national interest" is the supremacy of the "national interest" and "national interest", which is the neglect of the individual sports status.


From the view of historical materialism, the concept and its system are reasonable, to a certain extent, promote the revitalization of the nation and the prosperity of the country, and strengthen the external political function of sports. But this dream has a utilitarian color, to some extent, it has strangled the nature of sports, fitness and education function, separated the individual sports (individual), social sports (SOCIAL) and national sports (state), less attention to personal development, personal sport has long been neglected. In essence, this kind of "Golden Shield" is the visual expression of human center in the form of industrial civilization.


2.2: "look at USA Outside the Box dream" and "European dream" under the education concept


Walk the road of ecological sports is not only the requirements of ecological civilization ought to be, it is not only the historical experience in the past one hundred years the actual requirements, it is with other countries in the world today sports view examination and reconstruction. In the world, under the guidance of the "American Dream" of the professional sports and the "European dream" under the guidance of the benefits of sports once colorful, beautiful. With the European debt crisis and the spread of the financial crisis, exposed the drawbacks of the system. This fact shows that the construction of sports power can not take the old road of western sports, must take the road of ecological with its own characteristics.

2.1 2 "American Dream" of the American dream is a kind of United States immigration curing mode of thinking, is a person no matter what background, as long as the new continent, through hard work can get the dream of all. In the eyes of Americans, sports can best show the American way of life, the sports spirit and the spirit of Anglo Saxon with consistency adventure, hard work. According to the "American Dream" of the logic, as long as the stadium to play, so that everyone can from the success of great material interests and social status. Obviously, everyone is equal and everyone can not achieve success. Therefore, the American sports dream, is a few people's dream, is the elite sports dream.


Locke's protection of private property theory is the cornerstone of all the system of the United States, it is for the protection of personal property, personal behavior, the inviolability of the theory. In this theory under the guidance, the birth of the now two mainstream thoughts of American Society: completely out of the practical idealism and cold cool heartless materialism extremely selfish, they represent the modern United States "the most perfect system and American dominant culture embodied. In sports field, this extreme individualism behavior shows that the sport is political, racial and Sports Alienation, such as black and female participation in sports has been discriminated, because the status difference, the United States can be engaged in the sport of black, basketball, baseball and other projects, in gymnastics, swimming, golf program has little black participation.


Gender discrimination is also more serious, until 1980, the first female athletes NCAA. Riordan James et al found that the number of American women participating in sports management is less, which shows that women participate in sports is limited, which affects the decision-making process of [11]., which is not consistent with the mainstream values of human society, which is not sustainable development.


2.2 "European dream" the cornerstone of the "European dream" is the foundation of the theory of human rights protection. Kant believes that human rights is the right of human being, that is, the other person has a positive free will. Under the guidance of this idea, the state is committed to how to coexist and citizens to enjoy social development results in the field of sports, and to implement the "national sports". The first one is indi-vidual shall have Every right to sport [12]. (the participate in). The biggest challenge facing the European dream is how to maintain a long-term commitment to social and economic justice for European citizens.


Under the framework of the European Monetary Union, the traditional Keynes in the European continent has met the challenge, that is, the state through the currency of this economic leverage to resolve the government debt has not been realized, this is the "European dream" system design of the missing. In Greece, for example, Greece through debt held in Athens Olympic Games in 2004, coupled with the long-term implementation of high social welfare policies, resulting in a sovereign debt crisis, once the impact of the national machine operation. The only way to solve the contradiction is to reform the high welfare system. In the sports field, is to reduce the country to the people's sports financial investment, reduce sports welfare standards. In fact, under the system framework of the theory of human rights protection in the foundation of the theory of human rights protection, any action to weaken the welfare spending, which is undoubtedly "political suicide", is a non - harmonic contradiction between the unlimited demand of the welfare sports and the limited government expenditure. Despite the fact that this sport emphasizes the natural character of sport, advocates all the people's sports, and from the angle of legislation, but this kind of welfare tends to increase the burden of the government, which restricts the sustainable development of the whole society.


Under the "American Dream", the sports value orientation is the embodiment and Transcendence of individual instinct. It is a direct expression of the reality of the ideal and selfish, "European dream". These two kinds of sports values emphasize the individual position and function, but neglect the social and national interests, and it is not sustainable development. Therefore, the construction of sports power can not take the West Road, to go with its own characteristics of the ecological road.

3 reflection and Reconstruction -- on the basis of the problem of "who" and "the problem of order"


3.1 reflection on the value of sports to some degree


Marx believes that people's activities have the purpose and regularity, so people engaged in sports activities must face the first problem, that is, who benefit, the main body is nothing more than personal or social or national [13]. through comparative analysis can be known (Table 1), American dream and the European dream to human interests as the basis for value origin and moral evaluation, and only human is the main body, so the Chinese modern society to pursue the "national first", representative of the "national standard" sports.


When "who's problem" is established, the subject of physical education practice is facing second problems: "who is the first one after" the problem, that is, "the tool standard" and "psychological standard". In the process of human freedom, from the free to the self, the influence of physical education on the practice is not the same. Obviously, the problem depends on the different social production mode, in the agricultural society, human nature is the responsibility of the body, the body quality determines the efficiency of the natural, such as physical health of the individual can create more value within the time period, the human being itself as a natural tool to conquer, "tool based" dominant. In the industrial society, along with the progress of science and technology, the machine has replaced the physical labor, with the increase of the mental work, human need more leisure activities, which aims to promote the psychological health of the "psychological standard" sports is recognized. In addition, due to the differences in values, even in the form of industrial civilization, there is still a "tool based" and "psychological standard". In fact, American dream, dream of Europe and China's modern three sports concept are in the form of "partiality" pursuit of a single value to, the different value to be opposite, instead of the uniform. For example, some scholars have shouted "psychological standard" rationality, and Sports Alienation of the "standard" value, imagine if there is no "tool based" under the health of the body, why make life more exciting?


In to commodity economy is the dominant form of industrial civilization, opposition is reflected not only in the field of sports, every corner of society are filled with "partiality" opposition. In the German Ideology, Marx pointed out that this kind of "independent" crisis, which is based on the people's independence, which is the basis of the material dependence. It is the source of the whole social ecological crisis. Therefore, in the new social civilization, it is necessary to "establish the free personality" [14], which is based on the comprehensive development of individuals and their common social productive forces.


On the problem of "who" and "the problem" from the perspective of ecological dialectics in 3.2


Marx's dialectics, which is based on the unity of opposites, and the scientific explanation of the ecological imbalance of industrial civilization, has proposed a new ecological dialectics of Marx. In the ecosystem, is the individual, social class, and class is the result of long-term development of nature, is an integral part of nature, man and nature is formed in the practice of humanized nature and humanized nature, so human - Society - nature is an indivisible whole. Sports is the individual adaptation nature of a compliance and to the unity of social practice, in this process, opposition unity and the unity of opposites between man and nature, man and society, ecological sport view is to explore how to realize the man and society, man and nature and between nature and society harmony in in practice.

Attention to 3. 2. 1 the whole and the part, "whose" Ecoquest dialectics between the whole and the part of the dialectical relationship, people and society is the relationship between the whole and the part, the two is the unity of opposites, inseparable. First of all, people have the absolute dependence on the society, if there is no society to bring the overall benefits, personal interests how to achieve? It emphasizes that the personal standard of physical education is the visual expression of the form of the industrial civilization. Secondly, the ecological civilization form is "the free and comprehensive development of human" as the goal, to achieve the personal freedom of development is the fundamental goal of the society. Therefore, in the construction of sports power in the view of ecological sports, it is needed to coordinate the interests of individuals and the state on the basis of adhering to the people-oriented, and there is no absolute "national standard" or "individual standard".


3. 2. 2 the universality and particularity, "has" eliminating stable social ecological systems rely on ecosystem diversity, and is based on multiple complementary. Although sports has a variety of functions, but it falls in the "practice" and "practice". In the form of industrial civilization, the "material benefit maximization" has led to the development of all the practice in the direction of development, performance is the "tool" of the worship, the concept of sports production is to achieve the purpose of the tool, which is the root cause of the alienation of sports. Song Jixin draws a conclusion from the conclusion of the Olympic history: whenever the athletic is conducive to promoting the harmonious development of human and society, it shows strong vitality, otherwise it will be the challenge of alienation. In the human survival, development and enjoyment of this track, human sports are bound by the survival competitive to develop competitive, and then turn to enjoy competitive [15]. in the ecological civilization form, sports both to "practice" and "practice", to "practice" as the first, "the man" is a social personality, self-discipline. Therefore, the view of ecological sports is the unity of opposites of the "psychological standard" and "tool standard", and there is no absolute "psychological standard", and there is no absolute "tool standard".


The foothold of 3. 2. 3 struggle and harmony, two problems in ecological dialectics as the logical starting point of ecological sport view, in addition to emphasize the whole and the part, the universality and particularity of the relationship. It also emphasizes struggle and harmonious relations, human - Society - nature in addition to depend on each other, there are still struggle with each other's side, "natural selection, survival of the fittest" is the law of natural ecology and social ecology universal, is this not not, everywhere some contradiction to accelerate the social ecosystem material circulation and energy flow, promote the realization of the dynamic balance in the system. In the ecological view of Marx, all activities in the form of ecological civilization are the "people's free and comprehensive development" for the purpose, so people and people, people and society, society and society and between people and the nature of the relationship between each other, and jointly promote. All in all, the development of the balanced development of the sports ecological system depends on the dynamic adjustment of the order of "the problem" and "the problem". In the whole process, the balance is the goal, the struggle is the means to realize the balanced goal, therefore, the harmonious symbiosis becomes the ecological sports view the end result.


4 the realization route of the sports power dream under the concept of ecological sports


4.1 construction of ecological sports model


In theory, the problem of "who" and "problem" is a philosophy category, but in practice, it is a problem of resource allocation, and it is also a hot and difficult problem in economics and public management. Elinor Ostrom, the founder of public economics, the creation of a social ecological analysis method to solve the problem to provide the direction [16 -17], she from the tragedy of the commons, prisoner's Dilemma and the collective action logic induces achieve sustainable development of the resource allocation, namely "diagnosis of social ecological system (Diagnosing Social-Systems, SEDS), and in order to get the Nobel Prize in economics. SEDS proposed the analysis of the social ecological system's sustainability diagnostic framework, namely, the "ecological" and "social", which is not only to provide diagnostic tools, but also for the management of social ecological system. Based on SEDS theory "ecology" and "social" division on the basis of, and on the basis of social ecology Lindemann law, namely one tenth law [18] constructed ecological sports system simulation model (Figure 1).


In this system, the people's livelihood sports system (taking the public sports as the main body in the bottom of the tower, is the foundation of the sports system, sports system, energy and information source; industrial sports system (to the sports industry and sports) as the main in the waist part of the tower, the whole sports system in the central part, play a connecting role, absorption livelihood sports energy, supply energy to the sports soft; soft sports to sports and Culture) as the main in the spire is the sports system at the top, on the development of the sports system plays a lead. Between the three, the people's livelihood sports is the root, is the sport of the engine, it can provide all the material energy for sports, this is the essence of the "individual standard". To sports and culture as the representative of the intangible sports is "leaf", within the system by absorbing all the fine cultural achievements of the human lead the sports system, in the form of "information feedback" correction sports direction outward display of a country's physical strength, it marks a national sports culture of the radiation force, spire height determines the tower height, it is the symbol of national sports strength. In fact, the model can directly identify the "who" and "the problem" in the category of philosophy.


4.2 the practice path of building sports power in the view of ecological sports


2.1 development of the people's livelihood sports is the first important task of building a sports power in the 4


Body side of the word is "people", while the "Ben", the two are "people-oriented", the essence of sports is to let people have fun in sports, the completion of the process of human transcendence over [19]. in the realization of the dream of sports power, the development of people's livelihood sports has a fundamental role. It not only meets the people's growing demand for sports, it has important significance to social stability and the healthy development of the society. The development of people's livelihood sports can enhance the people's happiness index, promote social harmony. The study shows that the "pain" of urban and rural people mainly comes from "health" [20]. health is an important factor to affect our national happiness index, because people's livelihood sports have the special value of improving people's health and happiness index. Second, the development of people's livelihood sports help to enhance the "two demographic dividend", that is, by improving the quality of the population to expand the population base, good physical and healthy way of life is one of the basic ways to improve the quality of the population, but also the continuation of long-term "demographic dividend" of the most effective means of [21]. third, the development of industrial sports and soft sports has important support role. "People's livelihood sports" is the power source of all social sports, competitive sports selection from the sports population, sports industry supply to the public, the formation of soft sports strength depends on public sports awareness.


2.2 4 development of industrial sports is an important means of building a sports power


The whole social sports system is able to maintain a stable output and supply relationship, and provide material for the mass sports products, and the development of industrial sports is a national strategy. Believes that the current use of the national system. Believes that, in view of the cold war. Believes that, in order to make the cold war. Believes that, as a result of the cold war. Believes that, as a national sport. Believes that, as a result of the war. Hu Xiaoming believes that, as a national sport. Believes that, as a national sport. Believes that the decision making of the war. This is that, as a result of the cold war, it is a sign that, as a result of the cold war. This is that, as a national sport. Competitive sports to the pinnacle of adjustment of sports strategy is inevitable, to Japan and South Korea in the country held by the Olympic Games and has made brilliant achievements, the eyes are aimed at mass sports. Japan's cabinet issued a "national health and physical measures to promote national health and physical measures," this is Japan's sports policy from the focus on 'improve' to focus on the 'universal' change of the logo [23].

2.3 4 to enhance the strength of soft sports is an important content in the construction of sports power in the field of sports, such as the national sports quality, national sports spirit, national sports cohesion of these non material sports elements, and these non-material form sports elements called soft sports, also called sports soft power. To realize the dream of sports power, we must develop our country's sports soft power, and the promotion of sports soft power is a long-term strategic project. It is impossible to complete the power of individual or single industry organization. The project must be incorporated into the national development strategy. Since the promulgation and implementation of the decision of the CPC Central Committee on deepening the reform of the cultural system and promoting the great prosperity of socialist culture, the Chinese government has actively pursued the development strategy of cultural undertakings and adopted various forms to publicize and promote China's outstanding culture. Sports departments and industry organizations to actively use this platform, the sports culture into the whole culture of the development strategy, to enhance the overall strength of China's sports. In the sports system of ecological pyramid level model, livelihood sports, sports industry and Sports Soft representing individual sports, social sports, national sports, they are three integral parts of the whole sports ecosystem, for the public health service to enhance national happiness, sports and the sports industry strength promote the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, sports cultural radiation and charisma is strong national identity. Among the three in the form of "energy supply" and "information feedback" closely linked. Therefore, in the form of ecological civilization, to deal with the ecological thinking mode of the relationship between the three, co-ordinate the interests of the three demands, and ultimately to achieve the coordinated development of personal, social and national sports.


5 concluding remarks


From the textual research of the modern history of sports of our country and different countries sports concept of criticism was informed that the ecological sports is to realize the sports power of actual requirements and the obligatory requirements, co-ordination is the key issue of sports ecology coordination "who" and "has problems, and make the individual, man and man, man and the society, the society and the social and between man and nature relationship harmony and sustainable development. Under the guidance of ecological sports, we can realize the dream of sports power. We should vigorously develop the people's livelihood sports, which is the basic of all sports work. In order to ensure the entire sports system to maintain the smooth flow of the sports industry and sports, to meet the needs of people's sports, to promote the healthy development of the sports system, but also to cultivate excellent sports culture, meet people's sports spirit needs. In this study, the ecological dialectics is introduced into the field of physical education, which is to build up the concept of sports development, which is subject to the practice of ecological civilization.




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