essay case
Term paper


时间:2015-10-15 来源:未知 编辑:梦想论文 阅读:
That is not true. The Fed cut interest rates in the short term this make snap, a massive increase in the money supply, and in twentieth Century may seventy years occurred in USA continuously for more than 10 years of "stagflation" disaster again. Even the "Wall Street journal" published the article also mentioned the danger. ("Wall Street daily" May 19, 2001)

Direct intervention by the White House on the implementation of fiscal policy, here mainly refers to President Mageorge Bush came to power in January 20, 2001 to stimulate the economy and put forward to American Congress (Congress in the next 11 years to 10 years) in tax cuts for $1350000000000, after the Republican, democratic parties and fierce fighting, in May 26th by the Congress House and Senate, by. The first small cuts (a total amount of about US $9550000) with effect from July 1, 2001, 8, September began to implement; large tax cuts to gradually implemented in the 2006 fiscal year ago; some exemptions to the 2009 fiscal year began, the 2010 fiscal year completely. Some Democrats accused the tax bill is "robbing the poor to the rich". We're competing for who to this act, which is conducive to a class America society tentatively declined to comment, saying only that it to ease or stop this economic crisis can play a role. Is from 2001 8, introduced in September, the fall of 2002 to the consumption demand of only $95000000 in tax cuts, to stop the development is now in the economic crisis of the initial stage? Don't say in 2010, said the 2006 fiscal year before gradually realized that large tax cuts, it can stop the development is now in the initial stage of the economic crisis? Isn't it While the grass grows the horse starves?

In fact, the government's fiscal policy can avoid the economic crisis, Mr. Greenspan has made a conclusion on the speech, will not need we say more again what.

Here simply reaffirmed an opinion I said in the "on", which Mr Greenspan and Mr Mageorge Bush again big development ability, at best, can only delay but could not stop the crisis.

The second question is, with several legal and government securities market American Congress through the body, to prevent the collapse of the stock market?

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I have said in the "theory", in view of the stock market crash of 1929 led to the unprecedented economic crisis that capitalist history in twentieth Century thirty the lessons of 1933, Franklin I came to power in March, he urged the American emergency Congress passed several relevant law, namely the "Securities Act of 1933" (Securities Act of1933), "Securities Exchange Act of 1934" (Securities Exchange Act of 1934); the Roosevelt administration in accordance with the relevant provisions of the two law, specifically -- "Securities and exchange commission agency in 1934 set up the management of the securities market" (1940, also after Congress passed the two related investment company law). In the flourishing stage America state monopoly capitalism, the legal and the committee to include stock, the stock market stable development, is played a role. However, in the decline stage American state monopoly capitalism, they not only failed to prevent the 1973 - 1974 Wall Street stock market collapse, also failed to prevent the occurrence of 1987 October "black Monday" event. Then, from 2000 to 2001 this time, they prevent live? No more. Relevant information, in front of me "on" and we have already said, do not say.

The third question is, in the early twenty-first Century, America will occur as the twentieth Century thirty's that are especially serious economic crisis?


The answer to this question, the British "Financial Times" (see the review version February 19, 2001) contained in the article is sure: "USA business observers" (see 200L February) is in the affirmative. American other media from time to time, also issued this warning. The USA former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers in the Swiss speech also contains a similar meaning. I think, it is not certain, remains to be seen, but also cannot absolutely exclude this possibility. This possibility cannot be absolutely excluded, mainly because: (1) America state monopoly capitalism is now in decline stage, the prosperity stage and it is different. (2) the stock market crash American financial swallowed assets amount is huge, as history has no. (3) the Japanese economic crisis led to the post bubble has continued for 11 years, now is not the end; the UK 2000 industrial production has stagnated; Germany's economy now has emerged signs of weakness; the whole body including Indonesia, economy of Southeast Asia, has not yet in 1997 from the financial, economic storm recover; Latin American economies including Argentina, and now has issued a warning; the International Monetary Fund for the 2001 world economic growth rate will be down. In the development of economic globalization, America is not an isolated, retire the land of idyllic beauty. The economic crisis and the many countries, regions of the world and its economic downturn affect each other, and to America economic crisis on the world economy dragged down as the most serious.

In summary, we can see:

First, the "gambling" capitalism isn't that American powerful economic strength, on the contrary, it illustrates the economic strength of the weak America. Don't like America such a large country can long basically rely on gambling to live?

"Gambling" capitalism is in USA state monopoly capitalism in decline stage occurred and developed, fully reflects the American state monopoly capitalism decayed, its collapse is inevitable.

Second, in front of the capitalist system itself can not overcome the inherent contradiction, science and technology is incapable of action, it is not possible to save American capitalism. On the contrary, the contradictions inherent in the development of science and technology will promote the capitalist system itself can not overcome the further development, and intensified, in the state monopoly capitalism in decline stage especially. American this new economic crisis, once again proved that a basic principle of the Marx doctrine.

Third, the existing basic economic, financial facts show, America this a new financial crisis will further develop in depth, and will impact the world economy.

Fourth, a major task at present the theory front of emancipation of the mind, is to be liberated from the blind faith in the capitalist system.

Fifth, China's economic development and opening to the outside world, should be based on expanding domestic demand, rely through one's own efforts, the opening to the outside world and rely through one's own efforts combined; to prevent the international financial, economic storm attack on our country, and to make early preparations should be.

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