essay case
Term paper


时间:2023-01-25 来源:未知 编辑:-1 阅读:
矩形标注: 标题栏:先写英文标题,注意书写规则:第一个单词,首字母必须大写;后面的单词,实词的首字母大写,虚词首字母不大写;字体为Times New Roman,字号为小二号加粗。如果内含有书名,书名部分须斜体。     
题目: The Transition of Chinese-featured Words
  Translation in the Changing Context  
矩形标注: 标题栏:再写中文标题,字体为宋体,字号为小二号加粗。注意:一定要与英语语意对应。
学生姓名:  XXX 学号:  XXXXXXXXX
专业班级: 矩形标注: 专业班级:统一为“英语专业20XX级X班”,不要写专业方向(如教育方向,商务方向等等)!英语专业20XXX
指导教师:  XXX
企业导师:  XXX
二级学院: 外国语学院
矩形标注: 填写毕业答辩的年月,一般为每年的5月,中文部分字体为宋体,数字部分字体为Times New Roman,字号为三号加粗。
矩形标注: 注意:此页不能有页码!2017 05


矩形标注: 题目:居中,字体为Times New Roman,字号为:二号加粗。题目上空1行,下空4行;注意标题书写规则:第一个单词,首字母必须大写;后面的单词,实词的首字母大写,虚词首字母不大写;如果有书名,书名部分须斜体。尽量一行内写完,但如果一行写不完,可分行写,但要注意断句的科学性。矩形标注: 此处不应有页眉!The Transition of Chinese-featured Words Translation in the Changing Context
矩形标注: 版权信息:居中,字体为Times New Roman,字号为小四。注意:只需要红色字体的部分根据自己的个人情况进行替换! 

A Thesis
Presented to the Faculty of Foreign Languages
矩形标注: 这里写论文作者的姓名,汉语拼音,注意:先写姓,再写名,姓与名要分开。如:张小涵,应为:Zhang Xiaohan。 Guangdong Baiyun University
By XXX  
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
For the Degree of
矩形标注: 这里写论文完成的年份,如2018。 Bachelor of Arts
 May, 20XX
矩形标注: 这里写论文指导老师的姓名,汉语拼音,注意:先写姓,再写名,姓与名要分开。如:刘大伟,应为:Liu Dawei。 Supervisor: XXX

  矩形标注: 从此处开始有页码,居中,从此页里直到Contents结束,都采用罗马数字I,II,III,IV等依次编制。


矩形标注: 英语标题:居中;此处全大写;字体为:Times New Roman,字号为三号加粗,行间距为1.5倍;如果有书名,书名部分须斜体。 

矩形标注: ABSTRACT(英语摘要):居中;全大写;字体为Times New Roman,字号为三号,须加粗;与上面空一格,与下面也空一格。 

矩形标注: 英文摘要正文:Times New Roman字体,小四号,行间距为1.5倍;必须是对中文摘要的翻译,其内容应充分概括论文的核心内容及要点,阐述自己的研究目的、研究内容、研究方法、研究意义及结论等;不要用第一人称来写。Oral and written languages have developed with the development of society. The continuous renewal of vocabulary also represented social progress. In recent years, Chinese-featured words became popular among many scholars, who have done many in-depth studies of it from diverse angles. For instance, translation strategies of the evolution of a word have yielded rich fruits. Chinese-featured words are advancing with the times. So many new words spring up like mushrooms and some other existing words are given a new meaning, which is called, neologism. Neologism is not only a significant linguistic phenomenon, but represents the economical principle. Yet, the previous studies rarely combined neology with the transition of context and the practice of translation.
矩形标注: 标点符号与前一个单词之间没有空格,而与后一个单词之间应有一个字符的空格。Economic words, political words, and cultural words are chosen in this thesis for further study in an attempt to research the evolution process of neology in Chinese-featured words and its corresponding translation through the changing context. One must remind translators or interpreters that they should deeply understand the essence of the Chinese-featured words in its new contexts. They should choose a proper translation strategy for the sake of high quality translations, rather than take it for granted or have a lack of knowledge with the targeted text.
Key words: Chinese-featured words; context changing; neology; new translation of existing words
矩形标注: 英文“Key Words”及冒号(:):与英文摘要正文之间应空一行;左对齐;字体为Times New Roman,四号加粗;注意:是Key Words,而不是Keywords!矩形标注: 英文关键词:必须与中文对应;词与词之间用英语的分号分开;除专有名词外,其他单词首字母不大写;最后一个关键词后不加任何标点;如果是书名,须用斜体,并且遵循上面所提到的标题的书写规则。 


矩形标注: 中文标题:居中,与页眉空一行;字体为黑体,字号为三号,不加粗。 


  矩形标注: 中文“摘要”二字:居中;两字之间空5个字符的距离;与上面空一行,与下面也空一行;黑体,小三。

摘     要
矩形标注: 中文摘要正文:小四宋体,行间距为1.5倍行距;其内容应充分概括论文的核心内容及要点,阐述自己的研究目的、研究内容、研究方法、研究意义及结论;字数应为大约300-400字;不要用第一人称来写。    语言是用来交际的,社会的发展必然会带来语言的发展。词汇又是语言中变化最快的部分,它的不断更新也是社会进步的表现。近年来,中国特色词成为众多学者关注的对象,他们从不同的角度对这一类词汇进行深入的研究,比如常用的翻译策略或其演变的原因,取得的成果颇丰。中国特色词是与时俱进的,近年来很多新词如雨后春笋般涌现出来,不少“旧词”也被赋予了新的意义,即“旧词新义”,它不仅是一种重要的语言现象,而且体现了语言的经济原则。然而前人鲜有将“旧词新义”这一重要的语言现象和语境的变迁或翻译实践结合起来研究。
    本文通过选取若干个具有中国特色的经济词,政治词和文化词进行个案分析,力图探究在语境的变迁过程中,中国特色词中“旧词新义”的演变过程和其对应翻译。目的在于提醒译者在翻译的过程中,不可想当然或 “一知半解”地译,应深入理解该中国特色词在新的语境中所表达的本质含义,从而选择恰当的翻译策略,以保证译文的质量。

  矩形标注: 中文“关键词”三个字及冒号(:):与摘要正文应空一行的行距;左对齐;四号黑体,不加粗
    矩形标注: 关键词:3-5个,能反映论文的要点,语言形式为名词或名词短语,一般来自于标题或摘要(如果摘要中没有涉及,请慎用);词与词之间应用分号隔开;最后一个关键词后面不要加标点符号;如果有书名做关键词,须加书名号;如果不是专有名词,不要大写首字母。
矩形标注: 英语目录:居中,字体为Times New Roman,字号为三号加粗;与页眉之间空一行,也下面也空一行。 

1.  Introduction......................................................................................................................... 1
矩形标注: 目录内容:必须是在论文完成之后,由电脑自动生成;各级标题均为Times New Roman字体,字号为小四,行距为1.5倍;各级标题第一个单词和后面所有实词的第一个字母必须大写;二级、三级、四级标题相应右缩,同一级别的标题应左对齐。(见实例)
1.1 Research Background..................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Necessity of the Research................................................................................................. 2
1.3 Structure of the Thesis.................................................................................................... 2
2.  Context................................................................................................................................. 3
2.1 Definition of Context..................................................................................................... 3
2.2 Features of Context........................................................................................................ 4
2.2.1 Dynamics................................................................................................................ 4
2.2.2 Variability............................................................................................................... 5
2.3 Classification of Context................................................................................................ 6
2.4 Influence of Situational Context Change on Translation............................................... 6
3.  Chinese-featured Words and Their Semantic Changes................................................... 8
3.1 Definition and Characteristics of Chinese-featured Words........................................... 8
3.2 Reasons of Semantic Changes........................................................................................ 8
3.3 Three Patterns of Semantic Changes............................................................................ 10
3.3.1 Extension of Meaning.......................................................................................... 10
3.3.2 Narrowing of Meaning......................................................................................... 10
3.3.3 Transference of Meaning...................................................................................... 11
4.  Different Translations of Chinese-featured Words in the Changing Context............. 12
4.1 Economic Word:  “引进来, 走出去”........................................................................ 12
4.2 Political Words............................................................................................................. 13
4.2.1 “计划生育”.......................................................................................................... 13
4.2.2 腐败..................................................................................................................... 13
4.3 Cultural Words............................................................................................................. 14
4.3.1 “八卦”.................................................................................................................. 14
4.3.2 “光盘行动”.......................................................................................................... 15
4.3.3“黑五类”............................................................................................................... 16
5.  Conclusion.......................................................................................................................... 18
Bibliography............................................................................................................................ 19

Acknowledgements................................................................................................................. 21
矩形标注: 附录:如果论文涉及附录,须将附录添加在论文的最后,而且在目录里也应有体现。注意,如果是一个附录,请写Appendix,如果有多个附录,请写一级标题Appendices,然后用二级标准将每个附录(Appendix)写在下面。如:
Appendices ……………………………………………………………………………………………22
   Appendix 1 Glossary in Business Negotiations……………………………………………………22
   Appendix 2 Shipment Terms……………………………………………………………………….25



  1. 矩形标注: 正文一级标题:居中,Times New Roman 字体,字号为小三加粗。Introduction
矩形标注: 二级标题:左对齐;与上文空一行; Times New Roman字体,字号为四号加粗。矩形标注: 一级标题与二级标题间应有一些过渡性文字。For the sake of clear illustration and brief introduction of this thesis, three aspects will be included in this chapter. They are, respectively, research background, the necessity as well as the structure of this thesis. Here are the detailed contents.
1.1 Research Background
矩形标注: 正文:英语部分字体全部为Times New Roman,字号为小四; 如果有中文,采用宋体字,小四号;行距为1.5倍;段前段后无段间距;每段首行缩进四个字母的空间);正文部分全部两端对齐。

With the development of globalization and the improvement of China’s status in the world, an increasing number of interactions and co-operations in politics, economy, as well as culture among China and other countries are inevitable, involving more and more Chinese-featured words. Chinese-featured words is a kind of special and significant classification in the lexical resources and is used to express a concept, a political term, a phenomenon, or something peculiar to China with distinctive Chinese characteristics. Compared to the foreign language vocabulary or some ordinary words, the so called Chinese-featured words is a unique linguistic phenomenon and make it prominent during the process of Sino-foreign intercommunication. To fully understand the essential meaning of those words in Chinese is needed when doing a translation or interpreting of the materials including Chinese-featured words. However, the way to understand the context of certain words are to know when and in which condition the words have been used.
矩形标注: 论证部分必须有文献引述,可采用直接引用,也可采用间接引用,一旦引用,必须在引述内容结尾处加括号,注明引文出自于谁,以及其作品年代,并且必须在论文后面的参考文献(bibliography或references中再具体交待文献的出版信息)。The notion of context first noted by a British anthropologist Malinowski Bronislaw in The Problem of Meaning in Primitive Languages, is also a cornerstone in language study. Malinowski pointed: “The context of situation is indispensable for the understanding of the words. A word without linguistic context is a mere figment and stands for nothing but itself.” And “the utterance has no meaning except in the context of situation.”(1923) However, the vocabulary is the fastest-changed aspect in a language and is influenced and restricted by society. Some words may be endowed with a different sense under a changeable historical background. Therefore, it might confuse the translators. In this thesis, attempts will be made to introduce the transition of Chinese-featured words translation in the changing context. Classic examples in diverse aspects will be given in order to enlighten the translators and interpreters as to the attentions of these special words.

  矩形标注: 从正文第一页开始用阿拉伯数字依次编写页码,直到论文全部结束。页码居中,数字的字体为Times New Roman,字号为小五,不加粗。

1.2 Necessity of the Research
Previously, the relevant theses were mainly written about the studies of the translation methodologies and translation strategies of Chinese-featured words or only engaged in researches of the context itself, while the analyses on their integrated study were very few. However, the emphasis of this thesis will be put on studying the combination of Chinese-featured words and context simultaneously, which fills the vacancy of this field. The author will research the transition of Chinese-featured words translation in dynamic contexts with the social development in China. Those are old words, but given a new meaning today.
Translators or interpreters are required to deal with special, but crucial words, when doing some kind of translation or interpreting, especially dealing with foreign affairs. However, some translators are still using the outdated translations even in a dynamic context. This thesis is expected to help more translators or interpreters to deepen understanding and master the translations of some classic Chinese-featured words that Chinese people usually use in daily life. Developing and advancing with the passing of time is indispensable through translating and interpreting. Only by doing this, can people diffuse modern and new Chinese culture, as well as raise efficiency and upgrade the quality of communication, which can enhance cultural contacts.
1.3 Structure of the Thesis
矩形标注: 每一章的内容结束后,该页面中的剩余部分均须留白;另起一页,写后面一章的内容。This thesis is composed of five chapters and the following sequence represents how it runs. Chapter One gives a basic introduction about the background and necessity of the research as well as the thesis structure. In Chapter Two, context will be presented as a sequence of its definition, features and the influence of situational context change on translation. While in Chapter Three, the thesis will move on to next pivotal content, the definition and characteristics of Chinese-featured words, reasons of semantic changes and how these changes impact the translation. Chapter Four is the most important part in this thesis which occupies the major length; the analyses on different translations of Chinese-featured words in the changing contexts will be divided into three aspects, political, economic and cultural wording respectively. Finally, conclusion and limitation of the whole passage will be illustrated in Chapter Five.

矩形标注: 论文每一大章(即一级标题)均须另起一页。 

  1. Context
After making clear of the purpose of this thesis from chapter one, here comes the detailed exposition of context, which is one of the crucial aspects of the thesis. The reason why context is involved is because the main purpose of this thesis is for exploring the transition of Chinese-featured words translation in the changing context. Therefore, context is a key point. Furthermore, the research on the influence of context change on translation is based on the understanding of definition, features and classification of context.
2.1 Definition of Context

矩形标注: 超过三行的引文用这种格式,ibid, 表示此处所引文字与上一处所引出处相同,页码另行标注。When one looks up the word Context, there are two fundamental explanations that have been given in the Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner’s English Dictionary. The first definition is: “The context of an idea or event is the general situation that relates to it, and which helps it to be understood.” (Collins Dictionary, 523 ) While the second explanation goes as: “the context of a word, sentence, or text consists of the words, sentences, or text before and after it which help to make its meaning clear.”(ibid.523) By comparing these two meanings, the second definition has more equivalence to linguistic context than that of the first one. Some linguists or anthropologists, such as Malinowski, Firth, M.A.K. Holliday, Dell Hymes, also gave definitions of Context, which are convinced by most people nowadays. For example, Malinowski once proposed the concept of context as:
矩形标注: 较大篇幅的引文,前缩进10个字母、后不缩进,上下各空1行。“A statement, spoken in real life, is never detached from the situation in which it has been uttered. For each verbal statement by a human being has the aim and function of expressing some thought or feeling actual at the moment and in that situation, and necessary for some reason or other to be made known to another person of persons.” (Malinowski, 1923:307)
The analysis of context has a long history. In 300BC, Aristotle, a Greek philosopher mentioned that the interpretation of word meaning would never be possible without taking the context of use into consideration (Geoge A. Kennedy, 2007). Though various definitions of context has been laid down, the one, SPEAKING Model, defined by Dell Hymes (1967) is most used by scholars. Eight elements are included in his definition of context: 1.Setting and Scene (the time and place in which speech takes place); 2.Participants (the speaker and audience of a speech act); 3.Ends (the expected outcomes of a speech or the personal goals participants seek to fulfill); 4. Act sequence (the order and form of what is actually said); 5.Key (the clues that establish the spirit, manner or tone of a speech act); 6. Instrumentalities (the choice of channel and the speech form employed); 7.Norms (the rule that governing participants’ action/reaction and event); 8.Genres (the medium of a speech act). These elements compose varied and flexible context in linguistic communications.
2.2 Features of Context
矩形标注: 三级标题:左对齐;与上文空一行; Times New Roman字体,字号为小四号加粗。

The cognition degree of utterance is based on how well the hearer grasped the context. This means the more context features the hearers caught on, the better the hearer will understand the meaning as well as deduce what the speakers will say in the following conversations. According to Gillian Brown and George Yule, the reason why the conversations are complex sometimes is because context itself possesses the following features (1983):
2.2.1 Dynamics
Teun Adrianus vanDijk (1977), a Dutch scholar in the fields of text linguistics, discourse analysis and critical discourse analysis, once emphasized that the first characteristic of context is feature of dynamics. While Fetzer Anita (2004) believed context is a kind of dynamic construction, it is always changing and developing during the progression of interactions. Context is not a thing that can be given before you know what will happen. The speaker and the hearer will enlarge their mutual knowledge in order to continue the conversation. They might already have a mutual knowledge with each other and sometimes obtain it during the conversation. For example,
①---A: “It was a hot Christmas day so we went down to the beach in the afternoon and had a good time swimming and surfing.”
---B: “I guess you might be frozen.”
---A: “No, not at all.”
---B: “Why? I mean I will never swim in December since it’s winter.”
---A: “Oh, you didn’t realize that I went to Australia during Christmas this year? It’s summer in December.”
Many people will be most likely to be confused when reading the sentence at the beginning of the conversation. Because in our general background knowledge, Christmas is on December 25th every year, which is probably not a good time for people to swim and surf in the sea. Some readers might even believe this sentence is wrong since it does not correspond to the facts we already know. Others might think about this question: “Is the global warming really impacting us and changing our temperature as that bad?” However, this sentence only makes sense when the reader has the knowledge that in the Southern Hemisphere, such as Australia, Christmas falls in summer time. During the conversation, the mutual knowledge that A and B have is enlarging. As a result, B finally realizes what A said is quite reasonable. As we can see, context can determine a reader’s understanding level of what is showed to him or her.
②---A: “I collect china.”
---B: “What? How can you collect a country? ”
---A: “Lol (laugh out loud), I meant the chinaware, not the country China.
---B: “You mean there is another meaning of China?”
---A: “Yep, when the first letter is not capitalized.”
When A speaks out a sentence as:“I collect china.” B might not totally understand what “China/china” means in this sentence since there is no specific context and the word itself may have different senses, depending on capitalizing its initial letter or not. People cannot tell whether A means the country China or chinaware by hearing a mere sentence without any specific context. So B asks A for more details in order to continue their conversation.
These two examples manifest “context is not static but dynamically created by constituted contextual factors that are being activated as well as some other objective existence.”(Vershcueren, 1999) To sum up, the feature of being dynamic of context make conversations diverse and developmental; only when we follow the context, or we enlarge mutual knowledge, can we fully understand the meaning of the conversations.
2.2.2 Variability
As Sperber and Wilson (1996) pointed out, the understanding of utterance is based on the election of context. In any circumstance, the hearer will deal with the new information on the basis of contextual assumption in order to find the language relevance. The selection of context is one of the progress of utterance understanding. Since the identity of speaker and hearer is changing all the time during the conversation, the context is selectable. Look at the following example:
A dropped by in B’s place one evening.
---A: Do I need to take off my shoes?
---B: Well, do the same as you did in other friend’s house.
(Choice 1: A didn’t take off his shoes.)
(Choice 2: A took off his shoes.)
In this conversation, after B said: “do the same as you did in other friend’s house”, A needed to recall what he usually did in other people’s house since B didn’t give him a specific answer but asked him to make the decision by himself. In the first situation, A didn’t take off his shoes because nobody asked him to do so before; in his cognition, B meant he didn’t have to take off either. In the second situation, A should take off them because some of his friends were dread of dirt and he was forbidden to go inside their house before he took off the shoes.
In conclusion, due to context’ s distinguishing features of dynamics and variability, listeners should obtain more mutual knowledge so as to establish a cognitive context in order to enable a successful communication.
2.3 Classification of Context
There are numerous classifications of context from different perspectives, for example, objective context and subjective context; linguistic context and social context. While this classification, context of culture and context of situation, is always discussed by people when talking about context. The term “Context of Situation” and “Context of Culture” are created by Bronislaw Malinowsk. Context of situation indicates the actual scene that utterances form. It includes time, location, topic, and style, which means the age, characteristics and job of talkers. While context of culture more focus on the mutual culture knowledge and social background among listeners and hearers.
2.4 Influence of Situational Context Change on Translation
In this chapter, context of situation will be emphatically discussed. “We have constantly referred to the ‘environment’, ‘circumstances’ or ‘context’ in which language are used.” Gillian Brown and George Yule pointed out in their book Discourse Analysis in 1983, “If sentence grammarians wish to make claims about the ‘acceptability’ of a sentence in determining whether the strings produced by his grammar are correct sentences of language, he is implicitly appealing to contextual considerations.” This idea further proves the importance of context of situation. Translated text, which is also called discourse, has an affinitive relation with situational context. People can choose the most satisfactory words or sentences for a discourse only by completely understanding the specific context of situation. Here are two examples chosen from The Nightingale and the Rose by Oscar Wilde:
①And the Tree cried to the Nightingale to press closer against the thorn. “Press closer, 矩形标注: 大段中文文本,采用中文标点符号。little Nightingale.” Cried the Tree, “or the Day will come before the rose is finished.”(Oscar Wilde, 2015:129)
From the foregoing example, the reason why “Tree” and “Day” in this sentence are capitalized is for emphasizing. The reference item of “Tree” was “Oak-tree”, which had been mentioned in the preceding part of the passage; “Day” implied dawn when the nightingale might die if the roses not blossom. In this sentence, the word “finished” should be translated as “盛开”rather than“结束” by analyzing this specific context. While the word “finish” is not an end of a period but indicates the blossom of rose. However, these information can only be received after we have obtained the context of situation in this passage. Therefore, it is not surprising that some translators cannot express the real intention of the author if they only consider the target text literally.
②“I am afraid it will not go with my dress,” she answered; “and, besides, the Chamberlain’s nephew has sent me some real jewels, and everybody knows that jewels cost far more than flowers.”(Oscar Wilde, 2015:131)
她说:“我怕这花儿配不上我的衣服吧,而且大臣的侄子送我许多珠宝首饰,人人都知道珠宝比花草要贵重得多。”(林徽因,2015: 11)
矩形标注: 注意正文中的标点符号均为英语的,不要将汉语标点符号用在英语中。In this contextual situation, “it” indicates roses, yet, “go” doesn’t mean “move”, “attend” or “reach”, which are meanings that easily come to our minds, but indicates “match” in this case. Grasping the developing process of the story, Lin Huiyin precisely translated “not go” into “配不上”, which was an excellent translation for vividly expressing the arrogance and insolence of the girl, who thinks the roses can never finely match her gorgeous dress. 
Generally speaking, the premise of correct and authentic translations are based on digesting the contextual situation of sources or target texts, which means, in other words, we should know exactly what happened and what will happen in the specific field. In a nutshell, in no event shall we consider the translations in isolation.
  1. Chinese-featured Words and Their Semantic Changes
Context is one of the key words in this thesis, while the other is Chinese-featured words. It will be introduced with its definition and characteristics in the first part. It is believed that the translation of Chinese-featured words will be influenced by its semantic changes. Therefore, diverse reasons and patterns of it will be illustrated here.
3.1 Definition and Characteristics of Chinese-featured Words
Closely related to peoples’ daily life, language is constantly developing and is also the fastest-changed part in culture. The growth of economy, the prosperity of society, as well as the popularity of the internet contribute to the development of the Chinese language, therefore an increasing number of Chinese-featured words are created in recent years. Chen Dezhang (English Translation of Buzzwords and Sayings 4, 2016) once said, it seems that languages have functions of self-growth and self-regulation. People will create new words or borrow words from different dialects or even other languages, or give new meanings to old words.
Chinese-featured words reflect all things and phenomena peculiar to Chinese roots in national culture and history. They not only depict Chinese society, but also hold up a mirror to Chinese emotions, life style, and way of thinking. The most prominent characteristic of them is that they are spirit of the times. The following examples are some classic Chinese-featured words involved in politics, economy and culture.
矩形标注: 书名:须用斜体书写,并注参照上文所提到的书写规则。“文化大革命 (Great Cultural Revolution)”, “改革开放(reform and opening up)”, “一国两制(one country, two systems)”, “中国梦(Chinese dream)”,  “一带一路(One Belt and One Road)” , “人民币特快(renminbi express)”, “萌萌哒 (acting cute)”, “自黑(self-blackening)”, “文房四宝 ( four treasures of the study i.e. writing brush, ink stick, ink slab and paper)”
3.2 Reasons of Semantic Changes
According to Collin’s Advanced Learner’s English Dictionary, the definition of “semantic” is “the branch of linguistics that deals with the meaning of words and sentences.” Created for interactions and for convenience, languages are flexible and changeable through the times. Along with the development of society, new born things come forward in a large number; In the meantime, the existing wordage is not big enough to give a correspondent word or phrase to describe it. Therefore, new words are created. Some existing words are added with brand-new meanings; a certain number of loanwords are brought in. A few words gradually disappeared from peoples’ daily language as time goes on.
In this thesis, the author will mainly analyze those existing words given by new meanings. This phenomenon also called neologism. It is a term first attested in English in 1772, having a broader meaning that includes not only “an entirely new lexical item” but also an existing word whose meaning has been altered (Wikipedia). Some people may wonder why not to create more news words rather than to give new meanings to a word that we already knew. The idea from Selinker, Larry(1992) has perfectly answered this question. Selinker pointed out that in the aspect of representing notions in any language, whenever a new notion is produced, a different word will be found to correspond, then the number of words will be infinitely increased. It will be a burden for people to remember such a huge number of words and phrases. Or, as a more professional saying, it is not conform to economical principle.  
 Except for the external causes of society, history and foreign words that accelerate the semantic change, it is said that cognitive thinking of human being matters as well. In particular, as one of the internal causes, the metaphorical thinking plays a decisive role in cognitive thinking. (Shen Diao, 2009) Some methods of metaphorical thinking that impact semantic changes were mentioned in Shen Diao’s paper, one of which will be discussed here--choosing a familiar domain of experience to make connections with another unfamiliar domain of experience through metaphor. Synesthesia is one of the classic examples in this case. For instance, “Heavy(重的)” is one of the words related to weight. However, it is also used to describe other domains, the following sentences and phrases are chosen from the second edition of the English-Chinese Dictionary compiled by Lu Gusun.(2015)
① This book is heavy reading.
② I’ve had a heavy day.
③ a heavy schedule
④ heavy fruitcake
⑤ heavy matters of state
⑥ a heavy sky
In the first sentence, heavy means boring, which indicates the book is very dull and dry. While in the second one, heavy means extremely busy; in the third one, heavy schedule has the same meaning as tight schedule. Heavy fruitcake in the fourth example means fruitcake with much fat and sugar. “Heavy matters” in the fifth sentence is similar to big and important events. The last heavy is the synonym of dark and overcast.
3.3 Three Patterns of Semantic Changes
Semantic changes are divided into three categories by linguists (Wang Li, 1984), including extension of meaning, narrowing of meaning and transference of meaning. Thus, the semantic changes bring along the modification of translations correspondingly. Examples are from the internet, Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, and the book Fanyi Bianwu2 (The Analysis of Errors in Translation) written by Chen Dezhang (2014).
3.3.1 Extension of Meaning
The meaning scope of semantic units becomes larger than before, in which the previous meaning is involved, for instance, “Cool” is an everyday word, which has the original meaning of “low in temperature, but not cold, often in a way that feels pleasant.”(Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, 536) However, with the trend of the times, the word “cool” has added many other meanings. For instance,
① “very attractive, fashionable, interesting etc. in a way that people admire”
② “calm and not nervous, upset, or excited”
③ “behaving in a way that is not as friendly as you expect”
3.3.2 Narrowing of Meaning
There is a second semantic change---narrowing of meaning. It is a process that the meaning scope of semantic units has reduced through the semantic changing, in other words, the proper scope of context in which you can use these words becomes narrower. In Old English, “wife” initially indicated both “woman”(women in general) and “wife” (the woman that a man is married to), while in modern English, it only remains the second meaning. The following examples are excerpted from strophe 690-697 of The Wife of Bath written by Geoffrey Chaucer.
“ ①From oother worldly occupacioun
②To redden on this book of wikked wyves.
③He knew of hem mo legendes and lyves
④Than been of goode wyves in the Bible.
⑤For trusteth wel, it is an impossible
⑥That any clerk wol speke good of wyves,
⑦But if it be of hooly seintes lyves,
⑧Ne of noon ooher womman never the mo.”
(Geoffrey Chaucer, 2007)
In this example, “wyves” is “wife” in modern English. In the second sentence, “wyves” is translated as “老婆”, while in sentence four and six, both of them were translated as “女人”, according to the Chinese version of Huang Gaoxin published by Shanghai Translation Publishing House (2013).
3.3.3 Transference of Meaning
Transference of meaning means that the usage of the words or phrases in a specific field transfer in another one. (Zhou Dajun, 2008) For example, the word “pompous” derived from “pompa” in Latin, which indicates the luxury of festival celebrations, but nowadays, it can be used for describing people: “someone who is pompous thinks that they are important, and shows this by being very formal and using long words”, which has the corresponding Chinese translations as“自命不凡的,自高自大的;虚夸的”.
To sum up, when doing a translation or interpreting, the translators and interpreters must deliberate what kind of wording the resources or texts are using and then determine its meaning in a specific context after completely understanding what the word signifies.

4. Different Translations of Chinese-featured Words in
the Changing Context
Chinese-featured words are special in translating because they contain lots of Chinese characteristics. Since the purpose of translating Chinese-featured words is for diffusing Chinese culture, which will closely bound up with China’s images, the appropriate translations are sorely needed. In consideration of the specialty of Chinese-featured words, the translation strategies are particular as well. Zhu Tianwen (2003) once analyzed and concluded some translation strategies that magazine Newsweek and Time used in reporting Chinese news. The strategies include Transliteration, Transliteration with Explanation, Complete Literal Translation and Literal Translation with Explanation. While in these two authoritative journals, Foreignizing Translation strategy is prefer to be used. In this thesis, one economic word, two political words and three cultural words will be discussed. These six words have already existed in daily language but are given new meaning nowadays with the transition of times.
4.1 Economic Word:  “引进来,走出去”
“引进来”is an everyday word, which means many things can be brought in from somewhere else. For instance, equipment is brought in from Europe, foreign technology is imported from America, a competitive mechanism is introduced from Germany or international investment is recruit from all around the world etc. “走出去”, a common verb phrase using in our daily life as well, has the basic meaning of “walk away”. However, these two phrases are more likely to be explained and translated as a strategy of “bring in” and “go global”, which is a basic state policy and an important measure of China’s active participation in the economic globalization. The report of the Seventeenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China gave a further explanation, which is excerpted in the following paragraph:
“Expand opening up in scope and depth and improve our open   economy. Adhering to the basic state policy of opening up, we will better integrate our "bring in "and "go global" strategies, expand the areas of opening up, optimize its structure, raise its quality, and turn our open economy into one in which domestic development and opening to the outside world interact and Chinese businesses and their foreign counterparts engage in win-win cooperation, and one that features security and efficiency, in order to gain new advantages for China in international economic cooperation and competition amid economic globalization.”(2007)
Considering some political words with Chinese characteristic, most of the foreign readers, and even some Chinese, may not completely understand what “引进来,走出去” refers to. Therefore, translators should not only translate the literal meaning of the words or phrases, but give a brief explanation as well. If necessary, attaching some details at the end of the passage. Just as the above example shows, after putting forward the term “bring in” and “go global”, some explanations are given soon afterwards in order to help readers understand the term.
4.2 Political Words

4.2.1 “计划生育
As one of the policies of China, “计划生育政策” has been implemented since 1980 for the purpose of balancing the growth of population and the development of economy and society. At that time, “计划生育” referred to “one-child policy”. While in October, 2015, the Fifth Plenary Session of the 18th Communist Party of China Central Committee was held in Beijing. The session deliberated on and approved the Central Committees’ Proposal for Formulating the 13th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development, in which the “universal two-child policy” were proclaimed to be implemented form January 1st, 2016, which also signify the time for enforcing “one-child policy” with urban residence registration finally met the termination.
During these years, except for “one-child policy”, some other policies such as “two-child policy for couples where both the husband and wife are from single-child families” as well as “two-child policy for couples where either the husband or the wife is from a single-child family” were also carried out in November, 2011 and December, 2013 respectively. However, these two policies cannot solve the aging population problem in China, at this point, the “universal two-child policy” emerges as the times demand.
4.2.2 腐败
The original meaning of “腐败” is “the natural process of decaying, or the part of something that has decayed.” It derived from a sentence in one of the Chinese classic: “民无冻馁,食无腐败”(not one of the masses suffer from frigidity and starvation; not a scrape of food is wasted and rotted). Therefore, “rot” is an adjective relate to food, fruit, meat and so on.
But now, “腐败” is mostly used in the context of the official and political corruption. The definition according to Longman Dictionary was given as: “dishonest, illegal, or immoral behavior, especially from someone with power”. “反腐倡廉”(combat corruption and advocate honest or clean politics/ fight corruption and uphold integrity) has also become a buzzword in recent years according to the report released by the National Testing and Research Center of Language Resources in 2014. In political report, “反腐”(combat corruption) has always been emphasized. The following sentences are excerpted from the report of the Sixteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China. “corruption” in these sentences collocates with different verbs, therefore, paying attention to corresponding Chinese translation is of great necessity.
1. “To combat and prevent corruption resolutely is a major political task of the whole Party.”
2. “…recognize the urgency as well as the protracted nature of the fight against corruption.”
3. “…a concerted effort to prevent and punish corruption.”
4. “They must always be honest and upright and take the initiative to crack down on all forms of corruption.”
Generally speaking, the translation of Chinese-featured words in political documents are never an easy work, it not only requires a sharp political vision, but also needs to possess the solid foundation of translation as well as the deep-seated political background knowledge.
4.3 Cultural Words
4.3.1 “八卦
It is said that “八卦”(Eight Trigrams) was created by Fu Xi (the ancestry of Cathay Nationality) according to the Chinese folklore. It is one of the fundamental philosophical thinking in Chinese ancient culture. “八卦”, a set of signs with emblematic meaning, contains  “Yin”(expressed as “___”) and “Yang” ( marked as “- -”), each of “卦”(trigram) on behalf of a specific object. The following explanation is quoted from The Chinese-English Dictionary edited by Lu Gusun “Eight Trigrams means arrangement of three unbroken and broken lines in eight groups, each symbolizing changing balance of forces as specified in Yijing, i.e. Qian, Kun, Kan, Li, Gen, Zhen, Xun, Dui”. Every one of them respectively represent “sky”, “land”, “wind”, “thunder”, “water”, “fire”, “mountain” and “swamp” (The fifth edition of the Contemporary Chinese Dictionary, 2010) The following picture of Eight Trigrams can make it easier to understand.

As time goes by, the context of situation in which this word can be used has enlarged and it has become a buzzword as well. Now,“八卦” is an informal name of “idle tittle-tattle” or “unfounded rumors and malicious gossip”(A New Century Chinese-English Dictionary, Hui Yu, 2014). It especially can be seen in entertainment news, which refers to one’s privacy, such as “娱乐八卦”(entertainment gossip) ,“八卦新闻”(a tabloid story), “名人八卦”(celebrity gossip) .Therefore, “八卦” is usually translated as “gossip” in this situational context. Look at this example excerpted from Language tips, “电影放映过程中,这些人一直在说话,要不是讨论剧情,要不干脆就是闲聊八卦(They talk a lot during the movie time, either about the movie plot or just gossip).”
4.3.2 “光盘行动
As a storage carrier, we are all familiar with “光盘”, it also have several fixed translations, such as “CD”, “compact disk” or “optical disk”. Whereas the new meaning of this word is quite interesting and was chosen as Top 10 buzz words released by Yao Wen Jiao Zi  journal in 2013. It was popular because of “光盘行动”, (clear your plate campaign), which was initiated by “IN_33” team, including three group members from financial, advertising and insurance industries. The campaign, using“光盘(clear your plate)” as their code, launched on Weibo as the goal of reducing wastage of food no matter eat outside or make it at home, was not only respond to the call from many citizens but also receive approval form government. “今天你光盘了吗(Did you clear your plate today?)?” was once a very fashionable and popular greeting between Chinese. When translate the word “光盘” in a sentence, translators should make sure what it really means---either a“CD” or “Clear Your Plate” Campaign.
 “黑五类”, belonged to and mostly used as political wording during the Great Cultural Revolution from 1966 to 1976, which indicates the offspring of landlords, counter- revolutionaries, rich farmers, rightists and criminals, is no longer use in our daily life with political meaning. As time goes by, “黑五类” has been widely used in diverse contexts since extending to many other fields, such as food, law, advertising and Chemistry. Therefore, when translate this Chinese-featured words, it is used to being translated with Transliteration with Explanation strategy. For example, “…in those days it was glorious to strive against the Heiwulei (five black categories, namely landlords, counter-revolutionaries, rich farmers, rightists and criminals)” (China Daily, June 21, 2004, quoted in Yang Hongmei, 2009). This is one of the examples about the Great Cultural Revolution. Yet, the following four kinds of “黑五类” are more likely to be mentioned in daily life.
① As wording of food, “Heiwulei” indicates five kinds of healthy food, or rather, black fungus, black-seeded sesame, black soya bean, brown rice and dateplum persimmon.
② In the field of law, “Heiwulei” means the criminal offenders who was charged of smuggle, bribery and corruption, drug crime or those tools part in criminal group or terrorist organization.
③ In advertising, “Heiwulei” represents five kinds of products selling in teleshopping, including Medicine, medical apparatus and instruments and three other products that can help augment the breast, lose weight and increase in height.
④In the field of Chemistry, “Heiwulei” includes copperoxide(CuO), charcoal(C), ferrum(Fe), manganese dioxide(MnO2) and ferroferric oxide(Fe3O4).  
In a word, transliteration with explanation translation strategy, such as Chinese Pinyin should be given at first and then provide explanations in the bracket when translate some Chinese-featured words like “黑五类”.
The cultural Chinese-featured words are frequently used in our everyday life. Thus, a lot of new words or existing words with new meaning spring up like mushrooms. Except for the above six examples, many other Chinese-featured words have enlarged their meaning, for instance, “潜水” means not only “to swim under water using special equipment to help you breathe” but also “browse other people’s micro blogs or join in a group-chat without commenting”. Besides, “套路”, as a Top 10 network buzzword in 2016, is a humorous and euphemistic saying as “game”, “tricks” or “trap”. The following two examples are excerpted from China Daily on December, 22nd , “多一点真诚,少一点套路”(show more sincerity, play less tricks); “我走过最远的路,就是你的套路”(The longest road I’ve taken, is the tricky way you set me up). However, it initially refers to one of the martial forms ,which is“武术套路”.
In a word, in consideration of the specialty of Chinese-featured words, the above examples given in this thesis are also adopted with different translation strategies as mentioned at the beginning of Chapter 4. In fact, the theory of translation is only for demonstrating a direction, while the strategies are always within translators’ or interpreters’ heart, what’s more, what kind of translation strategies will be adopted while translating or interpreting depends on what context the text or sources are in.
  1. Conclusion
矩形标注: Conclusion 内容不宜过少,须说明在论文中你研究了什么,得出了什么重要结论,并提出建设性建议,并在有必要时,说明自己论文中的局限性,对将来的相关研究提供有用参考。须写到300词以上。

Chinese-featured words are becoming more popular now with the development of society, economy and the Internet, however, the translations on them are never easy. In this thesis, the author only researches those existing words with new meaning by giving some classic examples. The aim of this thesis is not for introducing the translation strategies, not to research the semantic changing progress, or to find out the reason why Chinese-featured words change over time, but to appear to more people to pay close attention to this phenomenon. Few books and journals analysis in this way. They either discuss about the buzzword translation or only talk about the translation strategies for Chinese-featured words. Yet, in this thesis, the author concentrates on comparing the old and new meaning of some Chinese-featured words in the changing context and analyzing their corresponding translations, which contributes to the future studies on Chinese-featured words in the perspective of dynamic context of situation.
It is a challenge for the author because this thesis refers to not only the translation studies, but also literature and linguistics. Secondly, the examples given in this thesis are inadequate; the analyses on them are not deep enough and the evaluations are not professional. Thirdly, some translations may be not authentic since a few of them cannot be found on the internet or relevant books. Finally, few previous researches can be used for reference because this is a new study, which makes this analysis a harder work. Yet, this thesis is an attempt to encourage some translators or scholars to collect neology words together and publish them as books or journals in the future, which would be a huge blessing for many Chinese and some foreign readers. As is known to all, an increasing number of foreigners are eager to know more about China and Chinese people in recent years. Chinese-featured words, as one of the best ways to spread Chinese culture, has a bright future. Therefore, doing research on them is a work of necessity and urgency. All and all, the translators and interpreters not only are expected to possess a solid foundation on both Chinese and English, but also need to completely understand the context of the situation of the sources or texts.

矩形标注: 参考文献,如果用bibliography作此处的标题,可以包括在写论文过程所参考的所有文献,不一定在论文中有引用,但注意:一定要与论文主题相关。参考文献数量不能少于10个,既要有中文的,也要有英文的。参考文献必须向读者提供关于每一条参考文献的详细信息,包括:作者,作品名称,作品类别,作品出版地,作品出版单位,出版年代。 

矩形标注: 参考文献的排列顺序:先英文后中文,不论是英语类的,还是中文类的,都应以作者姓名的字母来排序,第一个字母相同,则以第二个字母的顺序来排,依此类推。
矩形标注: 每一条参考文献均须在[ ]标内明类别:M代表专著(monograph);J代表期刊(journal);A代表论文集的析出文章(article),后面必须有论文集的名称,并在论文集后用C(collection)标识;D代表学位论文(degree);Z代表其它未注明的文献。

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矩形标注: 写英文名字时,姓在前,姓的后面用逗号;名在后,名的后面加英文句点。
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[15] 戴炜栋,何兆熊. 新编简明英语语言学教程[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社,2015.
[16] 惠宇主编. 新世纪汉英大词典[Z]. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2014.
矩形标注: 引用同一作者的多个作品时,按照其作品的出版年代顺序来排序。[17] 杰弗雷·乔叟. 坎特伯雷故事[M].黄杲炘译. 上海:上海译文出版社, 2013.
[18] 陆谷孙主编.英汉大词典(第二版) [Z]. 上海:上海译文出版社,2015.
[19] 陆谷孙主编.中华汉英大辞典(上) [Z]. 上海:复旦大学出版社,2015.
[20] 沈雕.浅析词汇语义变化的原因[J]. 文学语言学研究杂志(考试周刊), 2009(11):42-43.
[21] 童山东.语境及语义研究历史演进的方法论意义[J]. 河南师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版),1998 (25):4.
[22] 王力.词义的发展和变化[J]. 云南师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版),1984(03):5-8.
[23] 英国培生教育出版亚洲有限公司.朗文当代高级英语辞典:英英·英汉双解(第五版)[Z]. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2014.
[24] 杨红梅.从中国特色词语的翻译策略谈“不折腾”的英译[J].西南科技大学学报(哲学社会科学版),2009(06):85-90.
矩形标注: 引用网络文献,一定是权威的,有完整信息来源的,包括作者,文献名(后面以[DB/OL]标识类别),以及网址链接。[25] 周大军,赵德全.词汇语义演变的认知机制[J].河北大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2008(05): 65-69.
[26] 中国社会科学院语言研究所词典编辑室主编.现代汉语词典(第五版)[Z].北京: 商务印书馆, 2010.
[27] 朱天文.美国新闻期刊中汉英翻译采用的策略和方法[J].上海科技翻译, 2003(03):33-35.
[28] Geoffrey Chaucer. The Canterbury Tales. Libraries Bookshop. [DB/OL]. http://www.librarius.com/canttran/wftltrfs.htm
[29] 维基百科[DB/OL]. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neologism.
[30]英语点津.2016年十大网络流行语.中国日报网[DB/OL]. http://language.chinadaily.com.cn/2016-12/22/content_27719098_4.htm.
[31]英语点津.党的十六大报告全文(中英对照).中国日报网[DB/OL]. http://language.chinadaily.com.cn/2013cnencpctps/2013-11/26/content_17141205.htm.
[32] 英语点津.党的十七大报告全文(中文对照).中国日报网[DB/OL].

  矩形标注: 注意:参考文献,还有另一种说法:References。如果用这个做参考文献的标题,则下面所列的书目或文献一定是在论文中用了直接或间接引语的。这时,文献的顺序以在原文中的出现顺序为准。不考虑作者姓氏的首字母,也不需要考虑先英文或中文!
   录入的相关信息格式与 Bibliography相同。

矩形标注: 致谢部分,标点一定要加s,此处可用第一人称,要衷心表达对在自己论文撰写过程中给予帮助的相关人士表达感谢,包括但不限于:论文导师、老师、朋友、家人等等,说明感谢他们的理由。建议对于感谢的对象(个人或群体)逐个分段写。 

矩形标注: 首先要感谢自己的论文指导老师,应注意称呼要得体正确,并且具体描述导师在自己撰写论文整个过程中的指导和帮助,包括:选题、材料准备、写作及修改。可以赞扬指导老师的治学态度、专业水平以及在指导过程中的亲和力。 

I would like to offer my sincere thank you to all those who help me during the pre-writing and writing process within several months.
矩形标注: 再分类感谢其他人,说明他们在自己准备及完成论文写作的过程中如何给予自己精神鼓励和学术指导及帮助的,内容要适度具体,有真情实感。Grateful thanks should be expressed to my dearest supervisor, Ms. Lei Pingli, whose remarks greatly inspired me since I was lucky enough to be her student in my sophomore year. During the preparatory phase, her professional instructions, practical recommendations and passionate explanations enlightened me to do a research on Chinese-featured words in a brand new perspective, which is a challenge but also an opportunity for me. During the process of writing this thesis, her fairly proficiency in English and infinite patience toward my questions upheld me to the completion of my thesis. What’s more, her tremendous effort on reading, revising and polishing my thesis make it finally came into being. I cannot be obliged enough for what she have done for me.
Warm thanks should be extended to all my teachers who taught me in these four years, without your excellent classes and useful knowledge, I cannot complete this thesis either. As for me, all of your comforting and encouraging and well-chosen words influenced, are influencing and will continue influence me. I do deeply and truly appreciate your teaching with single-minded devotion.
Heartfelt thanks should be given to my beloved parents, who support me, care for me and love me since I was born. To be honest, no words in the world can express my everlasting love to them.
Additional thanks should go to all my friends, especially Ke Hongming, Chen Chunyan, Chen Sihui and Xue Qiuping, for whom encouraged and helped me when I encounter problems during the writing process; while the most special thanks should belong to three of my American friends, Reginal Khasi Paige, Thomas Blount and Dazmon Tanner, for helping me search for some useful bibliography from James B. Duke Memorial Library of Johnson C. Smith University.
