essay case
Term paper


时间:2023-03-27 来源:未知 编辑:-1 阅读:
论文题目 基于克拉申输入理论的英语阅读课堂教学的研究

In the current teaching of English, the study of the reading is theoretically important and practically significant. The reading is not only an important guarantee for the smooth realization of the teaching objectives of reading, but also for the promotion of teachers' professional development and improvement of students' sound personality. With the attention of students' subjectivity, the reading has become the focus of attention in the classroom. However, there are some problems in the current reading teaching of English, such as the formation of the bad situation, which is mainly due to the influence of the traditional teaching methods.
    At present,the traditional means for the reading in the classroom is in the dominant position. The teaching is still conducted in the traditional way, that is, the teacher is centered in our country, especially in junior middle schools, which are influenced by the entrance examination more or less. Therefore, teachers and the school are absolute authority and they are playing a central role, which means their performance is more prominent.
    Therefore, this leads to many problems, such as ignoring the students' main position, input material and amount of the materials input, only paying attention to the teaching of subject knowledge and skills and neglecting students' acquisition of knowledge and students' exploration and innovation. As a result of these, and make students' cognitive development trapped in a great limitation. So they lose chances to develop their creativity, independence, self-confidence, cooperation skills and hands-on operation ability.
    The situation above is not suitable for the requirements of the current quality education reform and makes it more difficult to meet the requirements of the economic and social development in the twenty-first century.
With the background of the new curriculum reform, a students-centered and harmonious classroom is a kind of essential condition to make the students develop their interest in learning. The teaching process is not only a process of "static knowledge, but also a kind of dynamic ability. In English class teaching, because of the special nature of English, reading ability is an channel to promote students’ input and make them become enrich in knowledge and ability. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the quality of reading quality and realize the quality education in the English class.
The research based on input hypothesis can further explore the development of students’ reading, helpful to analyze the current situation of reading teaching of English based, to correct the shortcomings of reading teaching of English and then  to solve the reading problems in English teaching.
Krashen’s input hypothesis is world -famous in the world and many experts have made use of it in the teaching research and get some strategies to solve some problems in teaching. And with the development of the interaction between China and the other countries, the reading ability is more important that the ever old days, so in the new reform, the requirements of reading ability of the students in middle schools is increasing. In this paper, the strategies based on Krashen’s input hypothesis are discussed and verified to improve the readingIn the acquisition and learning hypothesis, Krashen (1982-30) think that second language learners have two mutually independent ways: the acquisition and learning. Krashen (1982) argues that the second language acquisition is similar to the method by which people master their language. Language acquisition is a subconscious process and language learners usually are not aware that they are learning a language. However, they only think that they are implemented in the use of language communication and exchange. Therefore, to cultivate their ability to use language is in an unconscious process. Learning language is a process of conscious learning process in which learners put focus on language form and grammar rules. So learning a language is the result of the "know" the language forms and rules (Krashen, 1984:35). Krashen thinks the language acquisition process is important and it is only by the acquisition, can language learners achieve the goal of natural smooth communication and then master the language. And acquisition system is helpful to internalize the language.
In the input hypothesis, Krashen emphasized humans acquire language by understanding the information or receiving comprehensible input. That is to say, understanding the information in the language is helpful to acquire language and in the process of understanding, the learners shall focus on the meaning of the language rather than form of use. Krashen’s Input Hypothesis also explains how language learners make progress in the process of acquisition.
In the input hypothesis, Krashen thinks a learner’s knowledge level is defined as "i", and “1” is level that is higher that the learner’s and it represents the new language knowledge. Learners achieve high level of language knowledge by understanding certain new language knowledge.
Krashen emphasizes that it is to provide large amounts of comprehensible input for learners for a second- language learners. Therefore comprehensible input is necessary for language acquisition, rather than a sufficient condition. With his affective filter hypothesis support, he explains that “i+1” input can be helpful for learners to acquire language and get through barriers, so the learners can have clear motivation, good emotion attitude, good emotional state, and so on. When the learner is in a state of relaxed, confident, positive, emotional barrier, he can successfully get comprehensible input and then get language acquisition. If the learner can not have rich input, they will be in a state of tension, anxiety, anger, rage, etc. And the poor state of emotion is a barrier for learners to get acquisition. So on the premise of enough comprehensible input, the occurrence of language acquisition can be achieved when the learners are in a good emotional state. teaching skills and therefore students’ reading ability.
Classroom teaching is the main channel for the implementation of quality education in our country. Then it is the activity which needs teachers and students to participate in together. In the progress, they exchange each other and achieve the goal of teaching. Therefore, improving the quality of reading teaching based on input hypothesis is the key to implement quality education. On the basis of the analysis of input hypothesis, this paper verified the reading teaching strategies according to questionnaire, interview, tests and classroom observation to make a reference for the English teaching. 
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研 究 计 划 1、The aim of the research
This paper mainly focuses on the strategies to reading teaching of English class. With questionnaire, interview, tests and class observation in the classroom, the paper is aimed to test and verify the strategies based on input hypothesis of Krashen to the reading class. The paper describes the course of the research and is expected to  provide a reference for the theory and practice of Junior English teaching.
This thesis is divided into five chapters.
The first chapter is introduction to the background, the purpose and the significance of the research. It is based on the characteristics of junior high school English reading teaching and shortcomings of traditional teaching modes, such as obsolete teaching methods, insufficient classroom language input, etc.
The second chapter is the literature interview, with the emphasis on the content of the Krashen's Input Hypothesis, scholars’ opinions related to the input hypothesis  and the application of the input hypothesis at home and abroad.
The third chapter is the design of the research to verify strategies of reading teaching based on input hypothesis are useful in the reading teaching in junior schools.    
The fourth chapter is the result of the experiment and analysis. With statistical experimental data, the strategies based on Krashen's Input Hypothesis in reading teaching are verified to be useful.
 The fifth chapter is summary. In this part, the main findings and the Pedagogical Implications are presented. At last, the limitations and prospects are given.
Abstract I
1 Introduction  1
1.1 Background of the research       
1.2 Purposes of the research and expected results  
1.3 Significance of the research       
1.4 Structure of the Thesis
2  Literature interview        
2.1 Studies on Krashen’s Input Hypotheis  
2.1.1 The Introduction of Krashen’s Input Hypothesis     
2.1.2 The Application of Krashen’s Input Hypothesis to Classroom Teaching  
2.2 Studies on Reading Teaching    
2.2.1 The Studies abroad     
2.2.2 The Studies at home   
3. The teaching methods of reading in senior middle school based on Krashen’s Input Hypothesis
3.1 Enhancing the knowledge accumulation of culture and background
3.1.1 Widely reading
3.1.2 Memory and recitation of chunks
3.2 Combining in-class teaching with after-class activities
3.2.1 In-class reading method provided
3.2.2 After-class information input
3.3 Creating a good English learning environment
3.3.1 Situation creating of reading
3.3.2 Retell stories
With reading some materials on Krashen’s theories, the author tries to get to know the core of the Input mechanism on reading.
With the pre-test and post-test and some inquiry, the author tries to get conclusion that the Input theory is beneficial to students’ reading ability.

