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时间:2022-08-17 来源:未知 编辑:梦想论文 阅读:
Enterprise culture is the sum of enterprise values, enterprise spirit, enterprise image, enterprise fashion and management methods, which are gradually formed in the production and operation activities of enterprises under certain social conditions and meet the requirements of social development. With the gradual establishment of the socialist market economic system, the enterprise culture is becoming more and more important and has attracted more and more attention. As the backbone of enterprise culture construction, enterprise trade union plays an extremely important role in enterprise culture construction. Then, how should the trade union organizations effectively play their own advantages and roles in improving the values of enterprise culture and strengthening the construction of enterprise culture? In this regard, the author would like to talk about some superficial views.
1、 The role and significance of strengthening the construction of enterprise culture
The construction of enterprise culture is an important part of the modern management of enterprises, and plays a very important role and significance in the modern management of petrochemical enterprises. First of all, the construction of enterprise culture is a necessary measure to realize enterprise modernization. The core of the construction of enterprise culture is to improve people's ideological and cultural quality and improve the level of productivity. The work of the enterprise is orderly and effective, thus promoting the development of productivity and the improvement of economic efficiency of the enterprise.
Secondly, building enterprise culture can help us correctly understand and handle the dialectical relationship between enterprise economic development and cultural development. With the acceleration of oilfield construction and reform, the climax of cultural construction will inevitably appear. Fundamentally speaking, the development of the enterprise economy is the premise and guarantee of the development of the enterprise culture. However, the essence and attribute of the socialist culture and art cause determine that it is not only a result of the economic development of the enterprise, but also provides the means and methods of spiritual mobilization, intellectual supplement, artistic nutrition and physical and mental cultivation for the vast number of employees from the perspective of ideology, culture, aesthetics and entertainment. This point is particularly prominent for the oil enterprises that focus on field operations.
Third, the construction of enterprise culture can organically integrate enterprise management, enterprise ideological and political work, and enterprise modernization, so as to achieve the common goal of different levels and different connotations in the construction of enterprise culture, and help us explore the way to build a modern socialist enterprise with Chinese characteristics.
Fourth, the enterprise culture integrates emotions such as management and human emotions, greatly mobilizing the enthusiasm and creativity of employees, and improving the management efficiency and economic efficiency of the enterprise.
Fifthly, the enterprise culture shapes the distinct personality of the enterprise in a subtle manner, cultivates its own enterprise spirit, and promotes the development of various work of the enterprise according to its own business philosophy and development strategy.
2、 The position and function of trade unions in the construction of enterprise culture
The construction of enterprise culture is a systematic project and the common task of the whole enterprise. Therefore, the party and government organizations of enterprises should take the main responsibility and establish a working system in which the Party committee leads and the party and government work groups make concerted efforts to jointly grasp and manage. As one of the important organizations in the enterprise, the trade union occupies an important position in the construction of enterprise culture, has its own advantages, has important responsibilities, and can play an important role.
The party, government, work group organizations of enterprises have their own characteristics and advantages in the construction of enterprise culture. To sum up, trade unions have "five advantages" in the construction of enterprise culture:
First, the trade union is the mass organization of the working class and the home of the workers. It knows the workers best and is most familiar with the joys, sorrows, wishes and demands of the workers. Therefore, it has a strong attraction and appeal and can condense and organize the workers through effective activities;
Second, the trade union manages the propaganda, education and cultural front of the enterprise, and can organize various types and forms of cultural and sports activities to meet the spiritual needs of the employees, so that the employees can be imperceptibly educated in various beneficial, emotional and interesting activities;
Third, the trade union is in contact with a large number of advanced figures and activists to guide workers to establish correct values and behavior patterns by publicizing their advanced deeds;
Fourth, the trade union is mainly responsible for the democratic management of the enterprise. It can carry out various forms and channels of management activities through the workers' Congress, attract and organize employees to participate in democratic management, and constantly improve employees' awareness of participating in management and their sense of ownership and responsibility;
Fifth, trade unions have a good tradition of organizing mass activities. They can stimulate the production and labor enthusiasm of employees through mass economic and technological innovation activities such as labor competitions, rationalization suggestions, inventions and creations.
Therefore, trade unions can not only actively participate in the construction of enterprise culture, but also play a very important role in the construction of enterprise culture.
3、 Ways and methods for trade unions to participate in the construction of enterprise culture
Over the years, many trade unions have done a lot of work in the construction of enterprise culture according to their own characteristics and advantages. In enterprises that have carried out the construction of enterprise culture, the trade union should take the initiative to incorporate its shallow cultural activities into the system engineering of enterprise culture construction, participate in the construction of enterprise culture in a targeted, step-by-step and orderly manner, and fully perform the functions of the trade union organization and play a greater role in the participation.

(1) Further strengthen staff education and improve the quality of the staff.
The carrier of culture is people, and culture is created by people, and it is always created by a small number of outstanding elements and then spread among the masses. The same is true of corporate culture. For the outstanding elements in enterprises, such as labor models and excellent party members, their high sense of belonging, enthusiasm and creativity are often consciously developed. However, for ordinary employees, this is not necessarily the case. The most effective measure to improve the overall quality of the staff and workers is to carry out various education and training for the staff and workers.
Therefore, the trade union should first assist and cooperate with the party and government organizations to vigorously strengthen the ideological and political education of employees, strengthen the construction of professional ethics, and constantly improve the ideological and moral quality of employees. This requires top-down indoctrination. In practice, ideological education should be carried out in the form of reports, seminars, and models. The enterprise spirit, enterprise image and enterprise objectives should be publicized, and the cohesion, sense of belonging, high morale, enthusiasm and creativity of employees should be cultivated. Thus, a strong enterprise culture conducive to the development of enterprises should be established. Secondly, carry out various forms of training, mainly the training of business knowledge and business skills, to achieve certain goals within a certain time limit, constantly improve the technical and professional quality of employees, enhance their competitive strength, and create good benefits. Third, give full play to the characteristics of trade unions, extensively carry out mass economic and technological activities, maximize the talents of employees, and fully mobilize the enthusiasm and creativity of employees. At present, the main theme of patriotism, collectivism and socialism should be highlighted, and the concepts of patriotism, love for the factory, love for labor, stress on technology, stress on credibility, discipline, dedication, friendship, economy and professional ethics should be injected into the values of the employee group, so as to lay a solid foundation for the development of the enterprise.
(2) Further shape the corporate image and enhance the external reputation of the enterprise.
A successful enterprise culture activity has the functions of interest, knowledge, skills and guidance, which is extremely beneficial to the cultivation of enterprise values and enterprise spirit. Civilized, beautiful, sound and advanced working and living environment and place are important factors of enterprise surface culture. It is not only a result of the influence of enterprise culture and the integration of objective environment, but also reflects the level of enterprise culture construction to a certain extent. Most oil enterprises live and work in remote fields. For a long time, the corporate culture has lagged behind in the performance of human environment. This requires the trade union organizations that represent the vital interests of employees and speak for them to create a beautiful working, living and learning environment through practical work in many aspects, form a rich emotional life welfare and a civilized and harmonious working atmosphere, and carry out rich and colorful cultural and recreational activities. The principle of carrying out cultural activities should focus on the production and operation tasks of enterprises and meet the growing cultural needs of employees. The activities can take the form of organizing labor skill competitions and knowledge competitions, establishing literature, art, calligraphy, music and dance associations, etc., holding lectures, conducting speeches, singing, ball games and chess games, etc. Holding such activities regularly can not only meet the needs of employees of different ages and levels for cultural life, but also form a civilized, healthy and positive cultural environment required by modern enterprises. By strengthening the construction of cultural and sports facilities, further improve and enrich the Cultural Palace, clubs, libraries, stadiums and various activity centers of the enterprise. Strive to implement various cultural and sports activities at the grass-roots level, expand the participation of employees, increase the number of activities, and make the functions of employees' cultural and sports activities more effectively.
(3) Further temper the enterprise spirit and strengthen the sense of dedication and love.
The enterprise spirit is the soul of the enterprise. It is the common value concept and cultural set gradually formed by the employees of the enterprise in the long-term production and operation practice. It is not only the concentrated embodiment of enterprise values, but also the most distinctive reflection of enterprise culture. We should pay attention to three points in cultivating enterprise spirit: first, we should pay attention to summarizing, refining and summarizing in practice to form enterprise spirit. There are many different enterprises. The enterprise spirit should fully reflect the values of the enterprise, have distinct "personality", strong emotion and creativity, and cannot be stereotyped, empty and boring, lacking in charisma and attraction. The masses should be extensively mobilized to carry out discussions, and the enterprise spirit should be summarized and refined through the review of the history, analysis and Prospect of the current situation of the enterprise, so as to be recognized and accepted by the majority of employees. Secondly, actively guide employees to temper enterprise spirit in the practice of enterprise culture construction. In line with the guiding ideology of "from practice to practice", the enterprise spirit summarized and refined from practice will be returned to practice through publicity and guidance, constantly enriched, improved and tempered, and finally become the conscious and sober consciousness of employees, the code of action and the code of conduct. Third, civilized work is the external behavior requirement for enterprises to cultivate enterprise spirit, establish enterprise image and shape enterprise culture. Cultivating the awareness of dedication and love for one's post is an important link in the construction of enterprise culture. Its function is to educate cadres and employees to love and do well in their work.
(4) Further establish the concept of the masses and enhance the cohesion of enterprise construction.
The construction of enterprise culture is a long-term, complex and gradual process. In the process of its establishment, improvement and development, there will inevitably be some factors unfavorable to the construction of enterprise culture, and even some contradictions. This is especially true when there are still some unhealthy tendencies in the society, there are still certain differences in the construction and development of enterprises, and there are also certain gaps in the values, modes of thinking and behavior of enterprise employees. This requires that the leading cadres of trade unions, on the one hand, give correct guidance through various kinds of education, and on the other hand, support the construction of enterprise culture, And we should give full play to the exemplary and leading role in the construction of enterprise culture. At the same time, through some emotional "soft inputs" such as family interviews, birthday celebrations for employees and warmth, employees' sense of belonging, cohesion, enthusiasm and creativity should be turned into conscious actions. Respect and trust employees, let employees participate in management through various forms and channels, and provide employees with opportunities to express their opinions and give play to their talents. Leaders of enterprises, especially leading cadres of trade unions, should establish the concept of the masses, care for, understand and respect employees in various aspects, do more practical things and do good things for employees, so that employees can truly feel that they are the masters of the enterprise and consciously exercise the responsibilities and obligations of the masters, Building a healthy corporate culture has its own characteristics.
