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时间:2022-06-03 来源:未知 编辑:梦想论文 阅读:
1、 Introduction
China's University Libraries started late, developed slowly, and the comprehensive quality level of library managers is uneven. These reasons lead to the slow development of China's university libraries, and the slow development of University Libraries directly affects the construction of campus culture and the learning atmosphere of colleges and universities. Therefore, the development of University Libraries needs to be solved urgently. Improving the comprehensive quality of library administrators is the only way to promote the development of library work. Therefore, improving the quality of university library administrators has become a realistic proposition that has been widely concerned.
2、 The positive significance of improving the quality of university library administrators
The development of university library is inseparable from the quality of library staff. Improving the quality of university library staff is directly related to the development of Library and the cultural construction of University. The importance of improving the quality of university library administrators is mainly divided into the following points:
(1) Help to improve the overall quality of management personnel
To improve the quality of university library managers, by improving the comprehensive quality of individual university managers, we can drive the improvement of the comprehensive quality of all managers. From point to area, we can drive the atmosphere, effectively clean up the negative and backward atmosphere of university library managers towards the team, form a positive team atmosphere, and change the working mentality of library managers, And then promote the effective improvement of the comprehensive quality of the overall library management personnel in Colleges and universities.
(2) Help build an excellent work team
The successful completion of any work in Chengdu is inseparable from an excellent work team with clear division of labor and high professional quality. However, in terms of the current situation of the development of University Libraries in China, the fact that the overall quality of the staff of the library working team is low directly affects the building of the working team. Therefore, it is the only way to improve the comprehensive quality of university library managers, and it is also the basic premise to build an excellent working team.
(3) It helps to cultivate the innovative thinking of library administrators
Innovation is the driving force for the development of any cause. However, in terms of the current situation of library development, the low comprehensive quality of managers limits the development of innovation ability. Only by comprehensively improving and optimizing the comprehensive quality of managers and forming a positive working atmosphere, can the enthusiasm of library managers for work and learning be mobilized, so as to mobilize the innovative thinking of managers in work.
(4) Help to promote the construction of campus culture in Colleges and Universities
The library is the basic cultural construction of colleges and universities. In the cultural construction of the campus, only by comprehensively improving the comprehensive quality of managers, comprehensively improving the quality of managers, and unifying the team thought, can we improve the construction level of the library and give play to the role of the library in cultural guidance and cultural construction in Colleges and universities. Bear the due responsibility for the cultural construction and cultural atmosphere of colleges and universities. At the same time, in addition to promoting the construction of university culture, university libraries also undertake the important mission of serving teachers' teaching and students' learning, which is an important aspect of the connotation construction of universities. Only by improving the comprehensive quality level of university library administrators, improving professional skills and enhancing service awareness can university libraries be worthy of their mission. Build the university library into an important position for teachers' teaching and students' learning, provide support for all teachers and students, and undertake the important mission of the University Library in the cultural connotation of the University.
3、 Factors influencing the improvement of the comprehensive quality of library administrators
In view of the current situation of the development of University Libraries in China, the improvement of the comprehensive quality of library managers is limited to the following factors:
(1) School
As one of the cultural infrastructure of colleges and universities, the library is subject to the unified planning and arrangement of colleges and universities, and its development directly depends on the degree of attention of colleges and universities. The school is the most direct factor in the development of university library. If university library wants to achieve effective development, the school must pay attention to the improvement of the quality of library managers.

(2) Personnel
No work can be carried out without the core factor "people". No matter how the external objective factors change, the decisive factor is still "people". These leaders are divided into three types from top to bottom, including university leaders who play a role in promoting the development of university libraries, library leaders who play a key role in the development ideas and policies of libraries, and grass-roots personnel working in libraries. These people directly determine the direction and level of the future development of university libraries.
(3) Financial aspect
For the development of university library, the investment of funds is also an important factor. As the main Department of cultural construction in Colleges and universities, the library needs a lot of funds. However, limited by the amount of funds, it has less funds to improve the comprehensive quality of university library managers, which will also affect the speed of the improvement and development of the quality of library managers.
(4) Hardware
In the development of library cultural work, hardware facilities are the key factors that affect the improvement of the comprehensive quality of library managers. As far as the university library is concerned, the hardware facilities for teacher training in Colleges and universities are relatively sound. However, as a non educational department, the library is separated from the education and science departments, so in this regard, the hardware facilities can not keep up with the demand. In most cases, the training for library managers is completed by oral and written words, which is lack of vividness, visualization and progressiveness.
(5) Institutional aspects
The development of any work needs a systematic and perfect system, especially in the quality improvement of university library managers. For example, in view of the quality improvement of management personnel, the University and the library can form a systematic joint system. Without the planning and constraints of the system, the quality improvement of library management personnel can not be fully implemented.
(6) Ideological aspect
The backwardness of thought will affect the development of work. In the development of university library, if we have backwardness of thought, it will directly affect the construction of the quality improvement of university library managers. Therefore, in promoting the quality improvement of library managers, we need to innovate the backward ideas, combine the advanced ideas with the work, and better promote the quality improvement of managers. In addition, due to the complex development of university libraries, there are many factors that affect the quality of managers. In addition to the above aspects, there are other factors that restrict the improvement of personnel quality to a certain extent. For example, the attention of the public, the evaluation influence of other colleges and universities, the quality of college students, the support of college teachers, and the evaluation and requirements of all teachers and students on the library of the University also restrict the improvement of the quality of university library managers to a certain extent.
4、 Problems existing in the quality improvement of library administrators
(1) Insufficient attention from superior units
In Colleges and universities, the library is not the main Department of education and science, so in the daily work, the vast majority of colleges and universities have not included the construction of the library into the main construction work of colleges and universities. The construction of library work is not paid attention to, and then the improvement of the quality of managers is not paid attention to, which leads to the failure to implement the improvement of the quality of managers.
(2) Poor management enthusiasm
In the current development stage of university library, most of the management personnel of the library are non high-quality personnel arranged by the University. These personnel have poor learning enthusiasm because of their uneven quality level. Most of them lack modern knowledge in library management and enthusiasm in their work, which also hinders the improvement of the quality of managers.
(3) Lack of personnel promotion mechanism
In the development of university library work, most library managers lack a scientific and reasonable mechanism. The most significant phenomenon is that the managers are not promoted, their work enthusiasm is reduced, and their quality improvement is limited. The lack of evaluation mechanism, evaluation mechanism and performance mechanism for library managers will lead to this difficulty. The absence of scientific and reasonable system has seriously hindered the management and improvement of the library management team.
(4) Backward management concept
In the management of modern library, we need an advanced concept to implement. The concept directly affects all aspects of library work, including the quality improvement of managers. Modern library management lacks modern ideas and thinking. The lack of such advanced ideas in modern library management will directly affect the quality improvement of library managers.
(5) Insufficient social attention
The development and reform of every industry are inseparable from the attention of the society. If more people pay attention to the industry, the disadvantages of the industry will be paid attention to, which will force the industry to reform from the outside to the inside. To some extent, the attention given by the society to this industry is the driving force for innovation in this industry. As far as the current development of colleges and universities is concerned, the attention of the society is focused on the strength of colleges and universities, such as the strength of teachers, the strength of students, talent training and so on. As a teaching assistant department, the library is often ignored by people from all walks of life. Not to mention the professional level, library management concept, team building, software and hardware facilities, funding issues, promotion mechanism, innovative thinking and so on. The competent units do not pay attention to the development of university libraries, and all sectors of society do not pay attention to the development of university libraries. This lack of attention and attention is the fundamental reason for the difficulty in improving the quality of university library managers 5、 How to effectively improve the quality of library administrators.

(1) Prerequisite work
How to effectively improve the quality of library management personnel, as the direct competent unit of the library, colleges and universities play a decisive role. The work orientation of higher-level units will play a guiding role in the team building of the library. The construction and quality improvement of library managers are directly linked to whether the higher-level units, that is, the University, attach importance to it. Therefore, to improve the quality of managers, the premise is that the university should provide shelter for the quality improvement of library managers.
(2) Support work
The effective development of all work does not leave sufficient financial support. In the work of improving the quality of library managers, relevant departments should ensure sufficient funds in each link and be willing to invest. The library administrators will be built into a high-level team by vigorously investing in the quality improvement work. In addition, the amount of funds also directly affects the investment in hardware facilities, which directly affects the effect of management training. The lack of hardware facilities determines that managers can only rely on words and visit other libraries during training, which is neither participatory nor persuasive.
(3) Core work
Perfect system and scientific concept are the core to promote the quality improvement of library managers. The improvement of assessment system, evaluation system, promotion system and other systems not only restricts the managers to a certain extent, but also encourages the managers to have passion in improving their personal quality. At the same time, whether the management concept of relevant responsible personnel can keep up with the times also plays an important role in team building. Therefore, in the work of improving the quality of library management personnel, the relevant responsible persons must change the backward concepts, timely enrich the advanced management concepts, learn the modern book management concepts and personnel management concepts, and use the modern concepts to build a modern library management team. In addition, it is necessary to establish and improve the training system for library managers. Establish a training system so that library managers can be trained in time. A sound training system can enable library managers to receive scientific training, so establishing a sound training system is also one of the essential core work. It is worth noting that the establishment of various institutional systems needs to be combined with the actual situation of colleges and universities. It is not allowed to mechanically apply a certain model of a certain university. Only by combining the actual situation and integrating the actual resources can we formulate an institutional system suitable for our own work. In addition, if we want to improve the quality of library managers, the efforts of the outside world alone are not enough to support the implementation of the work, but also the efforts of the managers themselves. Unify ideas, change ideas, learn advanced experience, and comprehensively improve professional skills, professional ideas and working methods. And then from the objective and subjective aspects, from outside to the mainland to improve the comprehensive quality of library managers, and build library managers into a modern, high-quality team.
6、 Conclusion
In today's modernization, all aspects need to keep up with the requirements of the times. The development of university library work is related to the cultural construction and atmosphere construction of universities. The development of university library work is closely related to the improvement of the quality of library administrators. However, influenced by various factors, the quality improvement of university library administrators can not be achieved overnight. Therefore, it is necessary to scientifically analyze the limitations of the quality improvement of library managers, discuss and analyze the direction and work of quality improvement from all aspects, so as to effectively improve the quality of library managers, promote the development of library work, and contribute to the cultural construction of colleges and universities.
