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时间:2021-08-13 来源:未知 编辑:梦想论文 阅读:
Heart disease is a common disease in Department of Cardiology, the disease has the characteristics of recurrent, long duration, patients generally have fear, anxiety and other negative psychological. These adverse psychological and will lead to a greater emotional volatility of patients, so that patients with cardiac function caused by serious impact on [1]., therefore, the implementation of psychological care for patients with heart disease has important significance, is conducive to actively cooperate with the treatment and promote the rehabilitation of patients. In this study, we analyzed the effect of psychological nursing on the patients with heart disease.
1 materials and methods
1.1 basic information
60 patients with heart disease were selected from the Department of Cardiology, the people's Hospital of Taixing City, September 2013 ~2014, June. Among them, 26 women, 34 men, the age range of 21 ~ 73 (59.1 3.6) years old, the course of disease 1 ~ 12 (7.5 + 2.3) a.
1.2 method
To analyze the psychological characteristics of patients with heart disease, and to develop a detailed psychological nursing program according to the characteristics of the patients with adverse psychological characteristics, and to investigate and compare the satisfaction of nursing care before and after the implementation of psychological care.
2.1 1 psychological characteristics analysis
Through clinical practice analysis, heart disease patients generally have poor psychological, mainly reflected in: the fear of the psychological. Because of the heart disease, the patient's condition is the main cause of fear in the patients. Anxiety psychology. Because patients do not understand the disease, worried that they can not get effective treatment and anxiety, anxiety, and patients with anxiety level will be affected by age, personality, and their own experience and other factors. Radical psychology. Patients during treatment due to external stimuli and overreact, often do not cooperate with treatment, self mutilation and other excesses, Dutch act.
2.2 1 psychological nursing measures
According to the characteristics of patients with adverse psychological characteristics, the premise is to create a comfortable, clean, quiet environment for patients to do psychological nursing work, in order to alleviate the negative emotions of patients.
2.3 1 to establish a good nurse patient relationship
Because of the special nature of nursing work, it is very important to establish a good nurse patient relationship with the patients.
Nursing staff should take the initiative in nursing work, enthusiasm and patients to communicate, the attitude should be kind, the tone should be soft, to give patients to encourage and comfort, in order to form a good care environment.
2.4 let patients get a sense of security
Nursing staff in the daily work to have a noble professional ethics and dedication for patients with the spirit of the patient, the patient should be from the actual situation, to do a good job of psychological counseling to help patients relieve psychological pressure, is conducive to patients in a good state of mind, get a sense of security.
2.5 patients with acquired trust
In nursing work, nursing staff should allow patients to understand the current state of illness, to inform patients of adverse psychological mood of the disease caused by serious impact, and to the patients in the treatment should pay attention to matters, so that patients with a sense of trust. Enhance the confidence of patients to overcome the disease, is conducive to improving the patient's ability to stress, so that patients in the treatment process, the body and mind in the best condition.
2.6 1 to develop psychological care program
Because of heart disease, age, economic conditions and so on, which determines the psychological characteristics of patients with differences. Therefore, in the nursing work, the person must be targeted. The patient's condition and psychological status were evaluated in order to understand the psychological changes of patients at any time, and to encourage and comfort [2]. after the patients with adverse psychological conditions.
1.3 observation index
The satisfaction degree of nursing effect was observed before and after the implementation of psychological nursing. The satisfaction degree was divided into three levels: satisfaction, satisfaction and dissatisfaction.
1.4 statistical processing
This paper will all data into the EXCEL table, and then use the SPSS16. 0 software to analyze the relevant data. Using X2 test count data, the data has a significant <0. P 05.
2 Results
60 cases of heart disease patients before and after psychological care, satisfaction survey, detailed in Table 1
3 conclusions
Heart disease is a kind of common cardiovascular disease, because of the clinical symptoms, the incidence of the disease is different. Therefore, in order to diagnose and treat patients in time, the doctor must master professional knowledge, nursing staff should continuously improve their overall quality of care, according to the characteristics of patients with adverse psychological characteristics, targeted to take care of [3]. this study, the total satisfaction rate (93.3%) in patients with care, has significantly difference (78.3%), with significant difference (<0. P 05).
To sum up, to take effective psychological nursing measures to patients with heart disease rehabilitation has a positive effect, is conducive to improve the clinical nursing effect.
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