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时间:2021-08-13 来源:未知 编辑:梦想论文 阅读:
Psychological care is a targeted nursing care, in the clinical nursing process, the psychological care is a kind of mental medicine, can help patients overcome psychological negative emotional problems, so as to establish the treatment and overcome the disease, and give patients with strong spirit support [1, 2]. for this, this study selected 70 patients in our hospital from June to January 2013, the need for blood purification care in the application value, and to provide a certain reference value for clinical medicine. Specific report is as follows.
1 materials and methods
1.1 general data were selected in our hospital in June ~2014 in January 2013 the need for blood purification care of patients with 70 cases as the research object, including male 37 cases, female 33 cases, aged 23 years old, the maximum age of 80 years, the average age (52 + 6.3) years old. In all patients, the blood purification cycle is 8~12 months, the average cycle (8 + 3.2) months, including diabetic nephropathy, hypertensive nephropathy, uremia and other diseases. The patients were randomly divided into observation group and control group, 35 cases in each group, two groups of patients in gender, age, pathology, and other general information on the difference was not statistically significant (P>0.05), with comparable.
1.2 methods to control the control group of patients with blood purification routine nursing measures, including treatment and nursing, diet nursing and health knowledge propaganda and nursing, given the observation group of patients with routine blood purification care, and according to the different situations, to take a targeted psychological intervention measures, in order to understand the patient's condition, formulate special psychological care measures. Specific measures include: first, the psychological state of the patients were closely observed, nursing staff to communicate with patients in the same way as possible, to ease the patient's anxiety, anxiety and fear and other psychological, and give patients a full understanding and encouragement, targeted to take psychological intervention measures. According to the relevant treatment of blood purification, to develop targeted health promotion "manual", to help patients understand the disease occurrence, development and treatment methods and effects, from the psychological help patients to establish the correct treatment mentality, strengthen the ability of self psychological coping. In patients with blood purification treatment process, medical personnel should maintain alertness, strengthen the patient's care, tracking progress in the treatment of patients, timely detection of psychological fluctuation patients, and through other means of communication to resolve the bad mood, so as to ensure the effectiveness of psychological nursing.
1.3 efficacy evaluation criteria for the two groups of patients were treated with Hamilton anxiety scale and Hamilton depression rating scale, in order to compare the nursing effect of two groups of patients before and after nursing. The Hamilton Anxiety Scale score of 56 points, less than 7 indicates no anxiety; 8~13 may represent anxiety; 14~20 represents anxiety; more than 21 cent represent obvious anxiety. Hamilton Depression Scale total score 56 points, less than 7 indicates no depression; 8~19 said there are more than 20 cent said depression depression. Among them, the effect: the elimination of psychological barriers, no longer depressed; effective: psychological barriers to ease, no excessive psychological pressure; invalid: psychological barrier has not been reduced. Total effective rate, efficiency and efficiency.
1.4 statistical methods were used to analyze the data of this study using SPSS14.0 software for statistical analysis. The measurement data to mean + standard deviation (x- + s) said, with t test; count data using 2 test. P<0.05 indicated that the difference was statistically significant.
2 Results
2.1 nursing effect analysis in the control group of patients, blood purification markedly effective in 8 cases, effective in 14 cases, invalid in 13 cases; in the observation group of patients, blood purification markedly effective in 22 cases, effective in 12 cases, invalid 1 cases. In the blood purification effect of the two groups, the observation group was significantly better than the control group, the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05), see Table 1
2.2 mental state before comparing nursing, the observation group and the control group of patients with Hamilton anxiety and depression scale scores were not statistically significant (P>0.05). After the implementation of nursing, the observation group of patients with Hamilton anxiety and depression scale scores were significantly better than the control group, the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05), see Table 2
3 discussion
With the continuous improvement of people's living standards, for patients, not only requires scientific medical services, but also need to help them to establish the confidence and perseverance to overcome the disease. For patients who need blood purification, long-term disease and its complications, and in the process of treatment need to suffer from adverse reactions, the psychological pressure, more prone to psychological problems, such as anxiety, fear, depression, etc., seriously affect the normal medical treatment effect. To this end, for blood purification patients, clinical psychological care, will help to solve the psychological problems of patients. Through the research of this paper, we found that psychological nursing has great application value in blood purification, which can help patients to establish the confidence of treatment, and establish a good communication channel, so as to give patients the greatest spirit understanding and support, to help patients recover the confidence to overcome the disease, improve the clinical effect of blood purification treatment, and improve patient satisfaction. (omitted)
Reference test
[1] Zhang Youfang. Analysis of the effect of psychological nursing on improving the emotional state of patients with uremia blood purification. Chinese Journal of practical nursing, 2011, 27 (12): 43-44.
[2 Feng Bo. Safety hazards and treatment measures in the nursing of blood purification. Medical information, 7, 2013 (13): 67