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时间:2022-08-04 来源:未知 编辑:梦想论文 阅读:
1、 Connotation of corporate culture
Corporate culture is the spiritual wealth and material form with the characteristics of the enterprise, which is gradually formed and developed in the long-term production, operation and management activities of the enterprise. It includes values, enterprise spirit, cultural concepts, ethics, code of conduct, historical tradition, enterprise system, cultural environment, etc.
Corporate culture has strong cohesion and charisma. It can unite people from all aspects and at all levels around the corporate culture, so as to produce a kind of cohesion, so that they can not only do their own work well, but also feel the impact of changes in the company on their spiritual outlook, and closely link the personal pursuit of employees with the pursuit of the enterprise, so that each employee has a strong sense of belonging and honor.
Enterprise spirit and enterprise image have a great encouraging effect on enterprise employees. In the people-oriented enterprise culture atmosphere, leaders and employees, employees and employees care for and support each other, especially the leaders' concern for employees, the Staff Union will feel respected, and naturally will be inspired and work hard. If the construction of enterprise culture is successful, the Staff Union will have a strong sense of honor and pride, and they will redouble their efforts to safeguard the honor and image of the enterprise with their own practical actions.
Corporate culture also has a restraining function. The rules and regulations and responsibility system of the enterprise directly require employees to do what they should do and prohibit what they should do, which is a kind of hard constraint. On the other hand, the soft constraint formed by enterprise ethics, professional ethics, public opinion, interpersonal relations, etc. can make up for the shortcomings of rules and regulations. It often enlightens people's hearts and improves their realm, and more directly reflects the connotation of the constraint function of enterprise culture.
Corporate culture has a guiding function. The guiding function of corporate culture is mainly reflected in the guidance of business philosophy and values. Business philosophy determines the way of thinking and the rules of dealing with problems of enterprise management, and guides employees to adopt scientific methods to engage in production and business activities. The common values of the enterprise stipulate the value orientation of the enterprise, so that employees form a consensus on the evaluation of things, and have common value goals. The leaders and employees of the enterprise act for the value goals they recognize.
Corporate culture has radiation function. Through every contact between the enterprise and the outside world, the enterprise culture shows the management style, business state and spiritual outlook of the enterprise to the public, and constantly plays a radiating function to enterprises outside the enterprise. On the one hand, create a good overall image for the enterprise, establish reputation and expand influence. On the other hand, it exerts influence and impetus on the political progress, economic development, cultural exchange, civilization construction, foreign reform and opening up of the business community and even the whole society.
2、 The importance of corporate culture construction
Strengthening the construction of enterprise culture helps to enhance the cohesion of enterprises. The sense of belonging and honor are the core elements of enterprise cohesion. The sense of being needed and respected by the enterprise will constantly stimulate employees' awareness of innovation. When the enterprise has business difficulties, employees with a sense of belonging will be more able to stay together and tide over the difficulties. Once employees have a "sense of belonging" to the enterprise, they will have a great centripetal force and cohesion, and share the same fate with the enterprise. If employees distrust the enterprise and lack a sense of belonging to the team, their enthusiasm and strength will not be fully stimulated. They will only work for "work", and will only "finish" the work rather than "finish" the work.
Strengthening the construction of corporate culture is conducive to establishing a good corporate image. Corporate image is people's overall impression and evaluation of an enterprise, and a good corporate image is an intangible asset of an enterprise. Corporate culture is a unique characteristic and style of an enterprise that has been cultivated for a long time and created by employees. Excellent corporate culture can show the public the successful spirit, values, management style and good business conditions of the enterprise. Corporate culture determines the image of an enterprise. The implementation of scientific corporate image management needs the support of corporate culture.

3、 Measures for enterprise culture construction
The construction of enterprise culture must take people-oriented as the core content. The essence of enterprise culture is "human culture". Human is the most active factor in productivity, the foundation of enterprises and the main body of enterprises. To retain and use talents, we should respect, care about and trust talents, strive to make the best of them, and give full play to people's subjective initiative, enthusiasm and creativity through effective incentives to people, maximize people's potential, better achieve the combination of personal goals and organizational goals, and make the enterprise full of vitality, vitality and hope.
The construction of enterprise culture must give full play to the key role of leaders. The leaders of enterprises have irreplaceable demonstration effect on the formation and development of enterprise culture. Leaders should always control the development direction of enterprise culture, timely discover and correct the problems existing in the cultural construction, ensure the formation and healthy development of mainstream cultural ideas, physically practice, teach employees by words and deeds, set an example in the concept of enterprise culture, business ideas and work style, and then form a kind of cultural power within the enterprise A kind of cohesion closely links the pursuit of employees and the enterprise, so that each employee has a sense of belonging and honor, so as to achieve the business indicators of the enterprise faster and better.
The construction of enterprise culture must give play to the fundamental role of employees. In the construction of enterprise culture, we should wholeheartedly rely on all employees, constantly improve the political quality and professional skills of employees, pay attention to mobilizing the creative spirit of employees, so that every employee has the right to participate in the decision-making, management and business activities of the enterprise, make employees realize their importance in the enterprise, help to transform the enterprise goals into the direction of employees' efforts and conscious behavior orientation, and make employees have a sense of belonging and pride, Consciously share the same breath and fate with the enterprise.
The construction of enterprise culture must keep pace with the times and be driven by innovation. Enterprise culture always develops with the development of enterprise and social culture. With the adjustment of enterprise business, the change of competitive strategy and the change of external market environment, we should also actively seek change and boldly innovate. On the one hand, the management should become a powerful promoter and pioneer of innovation, dare to explore and practice, and respect the innovative spirit of the majority of employees.
4、 Conclusion
In short, corporate culture is an invisible productive force. Strengthening the construction of corporate culture is not only the need of building an advanced socialist culture, but also the need of the development of enterprises themselves. As long as every enterprise can combine its own reality and characteristics, actively explore, boldly practice, and take the construction of excellent corporate culture as a major event in the development of the enterprise, it will certainly promote the long-term, efficient, rapid and comprehensive development of the enterprise.
