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时间:2022-09-06 来源:未知 编辑:梦想论文 阅读:
Since the beginning of 2020, the COVID-19 epidemic has spread and even intensified around the world. The epidemic public health security crisis under the background of this unprecedented change in a century (hereinafter referred to as the "hundred year change") has brought severe practical challenges to the world. From a global perspective, at the end of 2020, the COVID-19 epidemic began to rage again. The epidemic situation in some countries in the northern hemisphere was getting worse, and some countries in the world were forced to "close their cities" again.
COVID-19 is a global pandemic with the widest impact and the largest scale encountered by mankind in the past 100 years. It has become one of the major events affecting the world in the 21st century. The spread and spread of the epidemic has had an all-round impact on the world pattern and the international economic order. In the face of the century old changes and the superimposed impact of the century old epidemic, the pattern of China's surrounding regions and the relations with surrounding countries will also undergo profound adjustment and change. Therefore, the post epidemic era that mankind has entered has become an important part of the hundred year change and a historical evolution stage. The impact and impact of COVID-19 on global economic activities and human social order is unprecedented. In the contemporary international relations theory and historical evolution after the end of World War II, there are many precedents in human history for the epidemic of virus, but there are few cases that study its impact and change the world from the perspective of public health epidemic. The epidemic in today's century old changing situation has subverted and changed the global economic industrial chain and the normality of human social life, and has brought significant impact and influence to the international order and even the global governance system. The global fight against the virus can be called a historic innovation in the political economy of the epidemic, which provides a new interpretation and guidance for the new course of global economy and international politics in the post epidemic era. It inspires people to think about what kind of world economic order, what kind of global governance system, what kind of major country relations, and even what kind of China's future people will face after the end of the epidemic.
The global public health crisis and the world economic recession triggered by the epidemic have led to a major adjustment of the international political and economic pattern and brought new opportunities for China's Peripheral Diplomacy. All this makes it clear to the international system and the human society that we are entering a new era of greater mutual need, interdependence and integration than before. In the face of the spread of the global epidemic, our challenges are common, our interests are common, our responsibilities are common, and our destiny is bound to be common. The sense of a community of shared future for mankind, which coexists and shares, will be the basic feature of this era, which requires people to explore new propositions in this field from a deep perspective and an international perspective.
1、 Profound adjustment and reform of the international pattern in the post epidemic Era
Looking at the development history of human civilization over the past hundreds of years, it is a history of hard struggle against disease. It has been reborn and profoundly changed in the indomitable fight against the virus epidemic, from unknown to knowable, from self-interest to self-consciousness, and from chaos to civilization. The severe challenge of the current global epidemic once again reminds us that we are in a period of intertwined traditional security and non-traditional security, as well as a period of mutual transformation of national, regional and even global issues. In the process of globalization, the interests and destinies of all countries are closely integrated and interdependent, and no country can be immune from it and dominate the world. The world in the post epidemic era will be an unknown and uncertain world pattern. COVID-19 has not only intensified the conflict and adjustment of the international pattern and the world order, but also broken the balance of the layout of the global industrial chain formed over the years. It has also brought about the opposition and competition of social systems, ideologies and values behind the mode of fighting the epidemic. Its transmission path is from the human public health security crisis to the global economy, politics, security, international relations and other levels. It has brought important impacts and new changes to the international political and economic pattern and the world order, and has also deeply branded the global governance system in the hundred year change.
The shock wave of the COVID-19 pandemic has severely damaged the interaction of the global economy. The sudden nature and impact of this crisis are all-round. The COVID-19 epidemic sweeping the world has caused the interruption of the flow of people and the supply of goods and materials between countries, the chaos and turbulence of the global financial and economic markets, and the spread of economic contraction and recession throughout the world. As the foundation of globalization, the industrial chain, supply chain, capital chain and even service chain among various countries have broken one after another, which has had a significant impact on human economic production and social life, and brought about a series of adjustments and changes, resulting in the relocation, re selection and re adjustment of the role of the international system, economic order and major country relations. The double blow of the epidemic and the economic recession has also brought all-round challenges to governments around the world, and demonstrated the common threat and grim reality of non-traditional security to human society. In the context of the epidemic, every country has truly seen and understood the objective truth of the intrinsic nature of the world's overall development, which is that everyone will prosper and everyone will suffer losses. Whether or not contemporary human society recognizes and accepts it, it has objectively and truly entered the framework of a community of shared future for mankind with mixed interests, interdependence and shared weal and woe. Under the impact of the century old changes and the pandemic, the international pattern will face three "different" future characteristics of the world.

1. In the post epidemic era, we will face a different international pattern. The world's political and economic pattern, the international order and the layout of the global industrial chain are in the midst of a century of changes, showing the basic characteristics of constant conflict, change and adjustment. Looking at the international pattern and the relationship between international relations and global governance after the epidemic, it is bound to reflect unprecedented fundamental changes. "First, the international pattern and system are undergoing profound adjustments; second, the global governance system is undergoing profound changes; and third, the international balance of power is undergoing the most revolutionary changes in modern times.". The "reshuffle" of the international pattern in the post epidemic era will not only profoundly affect human development, international and security perspectives, but also bring new thinking to the international security environment and the international political and economic order. COVID-19 has had a major impact on the global economy. Although it has not fundamentally changed the evolution trend of the international pattern, it can not be denied that it will accelerate the historical process of promoting the evolution of the international pattern. The COVID-19 epidemic has not only inflicted heavy losses on the economic development of countries around the world, but also profoundly affected the changes in the political pattern and international environment around China. This reminds the world today that the two world wars are wars between people and countries, and that the global war "epidemic" that countries in the world are fighting against COVID-19 is also a new world war without smoke of gunpowder. Although this is a war between people and viruses, not a war of force with bullets and bullets, the tragedy and outcome of the war are the same. The cruelty of the war "epidemic" has made more than 1.7 million fresh lives disappear, and has brought significant impact and changes to world politics, economy and international relations. Therefore, non-traditional security, especially the prevalence of public health diseases, is one of the most direct and major threats to human health and the security of the international community. At present, the non-traditional security of the epidemic is counteracting and affecting traditional security. The international security pattern and international relations will face new issues of readjustment and reshaping. Public health security in the post epidemic era has increasingly become an important new topic that must be paid attention to in world politics and international relations.
2. In the post epidemic era, we will face a different economic globalization. "The world economic order may be reorganized on a large scale, and the adjustment of the globalization process will be imperative.". Under the influence of the epidemic, the connotation and form of economic globalization will undergo some new changes. Human society will enter a new stage of globalization, but globalization will still be the main trend of the world. The globalized economy has promoted the flow of international capital and world commodities, the development of science and technology, and the progress of civilization. It has provided an internal driving force for the prosperity of the world market and economy, which is in line with the common interests and opening needs of all countries. Under the guidance of the US "interest first" policy, the trump administration has waged a trade war, clamored for the "decoupling theory" of the Chinese and US economies, and successively withdrew from a number of multilateral international agreements and organizations. The COVID-19 epidemic has to a certain extent become an important driver of anti globalization, playing a role of adding fuel to the fire and adding insult to injury. Especially since the outbreak of the epidemic, economic globalization has faced unprecedented challenges and shocks. "In April 2020, the forecast data of the world economic outlook released by the International Monetary Fund showed that the world economy would be in the worst situation since the great depression in the 1930s, and the economic growth rate would drop to - 3%. The sharp contraction of global demand inevitably led to a sharp decline in trade". COVID-19 will add 400 million to 600 million poor people in the world, and this number will continue to expand. Judging from the laws of social and historical development, the process of globalization has encountered many bumps and obstacles, and even experienced the tribulations of two world wars, but it has never changed its courage and vitality in the face of difficulties and twists. As a global public health crisis such as the virus epidemic, in the long run, the key still depends on how countries respond to the new problems and situations brought about by globalization in terms of strategies and policies. In the new stage of globalization, first of all, a strong power is needed to provide international public goods and maintain the global economic and trade rules and order based on common international rules; Secondly, we should actively adapt to the division of labor system of the global industrial structure and formulate safeguard policies to help the vulnerable groups in China; Finally, countries should strengthen political mutual trust, resolve security anxiety and support the coordination role of international mechanisms. Therefore, in the post epidemic era, it is difficult to reverse the historical process of economic globalization from the perspective of the general direction and the trend of economic development. "The original globalization cannot go back, but the new globalization will continue to develop.". The essence of global problems is the negative effects of globalization, which makes it more necessary to implement the reform of the global governance system.
3. In the post epidemic era, we will face a different relationship between China and the world. The interweaving, collision and fission of COVID-19 and century old changes have triggered new changes in the world pattern. The world economy, global governance and major country relations have all suffered and faced major impacts and challenges. "The old order is unsustainable, and the new order has not yet been established. This is the essential feature of the unprecedented great changes in the world in a century, and also the source of the current international situation.". Once again, the international situation has shown turbulence, instability and uncertainty variables rarely seen in history. The major trends and dynamic trends of the world's future development have begun to show. Where to go? China's relations with the world have thus reached a new crossroads and faced new strategic choices. Therefore, it will inevitably trigger in-depth consideration of China's relations with the world. If we start again on the basis of stability and long-term development, we must look back at the road, topics, experiences and laws that have been covered in the past 40 years of reform and opening up. In the final analysis, it is the 40 years of China's opening up, the 40 years of China's going global, the 40 years of China's integration into the world, and the 40 years of China's mutual shaping and achievements in relations with the world. In more than 40 years, China has leapt from a poor and backward country to a prosperous economic power. Only China itself can have a profound understanding of the true meaning of the experience. It is an eternal topic that China has always faced to grasp and handle the relationship between China and the world. China's economic rise is not a process separated from the world, but a product closely linked to world development and economic globalization. It is the general trend that China and the world depend on each other, interact and blend, shape in both directions and achieve each other's success.

Under the background of new environment and new challenges, China's relations with the world are once again endowed with new connotation of the times. It needs to make strategic choices again, strengthen the country's will again, and start anew. From the overall development trend, the COVID-19 epidemic has not changed the basic trend of the century old changes, nor can it change the basic pattern of China's relations with the world. However, the world's major power relations are more complicated, more acute, difficult and uncertain. "The epidemic has also spurred the development of new globalization... Given that interconnection and interdependence have become a basic feature of the contemporary and future world, it is impossible for globalization to undergo a fundamental reversal and the world to return to the so-called 'tribal' isolationism". With China's transformation from a "big" to a "strong" country, it is accompanied by economic prosperity, self-confidence in the road and strategic progress. Great changes have taken place in China's relations with the world. China is no longer a poor and backward China, and the world is no longer a world where power hegemony is rampant. Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic, the United States has been overwhelmed by the epidemic. The daily confirmed cases have continuously set new world historical records. The current situation of the United States shows that it has lost its ability and conditions to lead and integrate the global coordinated fight against the epidemic. In sharp contrast, the Asian experience is remarkable. China's success in controlling the epidemic in a short period of time has provided valuable experience and medical assistance to the world's joint prevention and control of the epidemic, which reflects the responsibilities and responsibilities of a major country in a global crisis. China and its neighboring Asian countries have worked hand in hand, supported each other and tide over difficulties together, which fully reflects the profound cultural origin between East Asian countries and explains the sense of a community with a shared future for mankind in the fight against the epidemic in East Asia. Therefore, the world in the post epidemic era can not and cannot return to the previous world pattern. We will face reshaping the relationship between China and the world, reshaping the relationship between major countries in Europe and the United States and China's surrounding countries. The world is entering a new stage where countries need each other more than before. Where the world will go after the epidemic will depend on what China does today.
2、 In the post epidemic era of a century of change, China leads a new type of peripheral relations
The world political pattern has entered a century of changes, and state relations and major country diplomacy have also entered a period of historical reconstruction. "Cultivating new opportunities in crisis and opening up new situations in changes" is China's historical responsibility and mission as a major country. The changes of a century and the superposition of major epidemics have impacted the international system pattern dominated by the United States, weakened the development process of globalization, and major country relations and diplomacy are once again facing adjustment and reorganization. As a result, the pattern of "rising in the East and falling in the west" and "rising in the new and falling in the old" has been promoted, and the eastward shift of the world's focus has become a realistic possibility step by step. In the face of the once-in-a-century epidemic and catastrophe, western countries in Europe and the United States have failed to play the leading and pioneering role that major countries should play, resulting in a chaotic situation of "lack of leadership" and "lack of leadership" in the international community, and the strategic reputation and image of major countries in Europe and the United States have been greatly reduced. In the ensuing adjustment of international relations, the "decoupling of trade", "decoupling of science and technology" and "decoupling of people to people and cultural exchanges" initiated by the trump administration have resulted in the continuous warming of Sino US strategic competitive relations, the hardening of the US China policy, and the profound and sudden changes in the relations between the two countries. The post epidemic era under the changing situation of a century has brought a series of new challenges, new opportunities and new development opportunities to China in building a new type of relations with neighboring countries and a new type of neighboring diplomacy. The meeting of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held in July 2020 made a strategic judgment that "both opportunities and challenges have new developments and changes". China's development is still in a period of strategic opportunities. "The economic focus and growth vitality of East Asia mainly depend on China.". The biggest change that has been superimposed by a century of changes and major epidemics should occur in China's surrounding regions and countries. Therefore, we should use China's wisdom, China's plan and China's strength to provide more international public products of "China's anti epidemic achievements" for China's surrounding regions and countries, give play to the role of "the Belt and Road" as a stabilizer of economic growth in surrounding countries, release and transmit positive signals for promoting the opening-up and development of countries in the surrounding regions, and grasp and control the strategic opportunity period of China's sustainable economic development.
1. Against the background of century long changes and major epidemics, China's "anti epidemic spirit" and "anti epidemic achievements" and "anti epidemic cooperation" condensed in practice have had a profound impact on China's surrounding countries, laid a solid political foundation for China to carry out economic cooperation with its surrounding countries, provided a development opportunity, and become a "catalyst" for China to carry out mutually beneficial economic cooperation with its surrounding countries and an "accelerator" for promoting diplomatic relations with its surrounding countries. In the face of the unprecedented epidemic disaster, China and its neighboring countries donated epidemic prevention goods and sent warm poems to each other, reflecting the humanistic care and mutual assistance spirit between countries, reflecting the long historical and cultural origins between China and its neighbors, and the hand-in-hand cooperation of contemporary countries in helping each other and sharing a common destiny. COVID-19 has swept the world as a public health and security crisis. China has taken the lead in taking effective and effective epidemic prevention and control measures in the world, quickly resumed work and production, and has a huge economic market share and capacity development space. The severe epidemic crisis reminds us that epidemic prevention and control is not something that a few countries can accomplish. We must strengthen close cooperation between countries, take joint actions to the maximum extent, and jointly address public security threats and challenges. The need for epidemic prevention and control has not only triggered basic considerations on how to promote public security cooperation between China and surrounding countries, but also triggered thinking on deepening the construction of security cooperation mechanisms with surrounding regions. The severe situation of the epidemic and the depth of the crisis have become another node of non-traditional security threats in the 21st century. If it is not handled properly, it will continue to spread and deepen. The breadth and depth of the dual impact of the economic crisis and social contradictions may cause social division and the accumulation of contradictions and conflicts to evolve from quantitative change to qualitative change, reaching a new turning point of qualitative change again. Therefore, in the process of jointly coping with the crisis, East Asian countries should seize the favorable opportunity of joint cooperation in epidemic prevention and control, support each other and work together to promote the benign interaction and good neighborliness of regional bilateral and multilateral relations, which will help to build and deepen a fundamental and long-term public security cooperation mechanism. Strengthening public security cooperation between China and its neighboring countries is both the general trend and the only way.

2. Under the background of the post epidemic situation, the international economic depression is severe. With the combination of the "the Belt and Road" and domestic and international double circulation, China's surrounding areas will be the primary place for integration and restart. Global economic growth requires major countries to provide the world with international public goods that promote the normal operation of the global economy. China's "the Belt and Road" construction, which is constantly deepening and implementing, has entered the version 2.0 of high-quality development in the post epidemic era. It has played a positive role in promoting global economic recovery and growth, alleviating the risk anxiety of the international community and condensing the atmosphere of economic development. Its achievements are remarkable, And become a stabilizer for maintaining global economic recovery and growth. In May 2020, the Chinese government proposed for the first time to build a new development pattern of domestic and international double circulation and mutual promotion. This is a major strategic decision made by the Chinese government to meet the internal requirements of the new situation of domestic and international economic development in the post epidemic era and size up the situation. During the post epidemic period, international economic and trade cooperation faces major challenges. China's surrounding countries also expect that the construction of the "the Belt and Road" can promote the recovery and growth of the post epidemic economy, and need to strengthen cooperation in digital economy, medical industry, e-commerce, artificial intelligence and other fields, promote the construction of relevant aspects and cultivate new economic growth points. This fully demonstrates the leadership, conceptual penetration and advantageous influence of the "the Belt and Road" construction. Since the cold war, in traditional international relations, many small and medium-sized countries have often adopted the strategy of alliance with major countries or balance of power in order to ensure national security and avoid confrontation risks. The logic of confrontation under the influence of the Cold War mentality can not jump out of the political tragedy of national confrontation and conflict. The Silk Road spirit of the "the Belt and Road" initiative, which takes openness, inclusiveness, mutual benefit and win-win results, as well as consultation, joint construction and shared win-win results as its essence, will help developing countries improve their ability to defend against risks under the impact of the epidemic, and maintain and guarantee the public health environment and positive energy atmosphere for economic growth. In order to alleviate the risks and pressures of the international community, the construction of the "the Belt and Road" has timely put forward a number of consensus building programs and suggestions, focusing on public health, medical devices, economic recovery, practical cooperation and other fields, holding high-level international cooperation video conferences and Issuing the joint statement. The anti epidemic practice in the past year shows that the focus of the implementation of the "the Belt and Road" is in China's surrounding areas, and the biggest highlight is in the ASEAN region. The combination of "the Belt and Road" and domestic and international double circulation will make southeast Asia a fusion area and a key cooperation town. Since 1991, China and ASEAN have been building a strategic partnership for business operation, laying a good foundation for cooperation. Since the beginning of 2020, the COVID-19 epidemic has spread throughout the world, international trade cooperation has shrunk significantly, and all countries in the world are facing the grim reality of economic downturn. However, China and Southeast Asian countries have overcome the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic, and formed a good pattern of economic and trade cooperation between China and ASEAN as the largest trading partners of each other in adversity. From January to August 2020, the total value of trade between China and ASEAN reached $416.55 billion, an increase of 3.8% year-on-year, accounting for 14.6% of China's total foreign trade. The "the Belt and Road" ASEAN cooperation has made up for the trade gap between the United States and Europe to a certain extent, and has opened up a vast space and two-way market as China's peripheral strategic fulcrum. Therefore, in the construction of the "the Belt and Road" in the post epidemic era, China practices practical cooperation, condenses the development atmosphere by creating more economic and trade development platforms and deepening the transformation of economic momentum, providing strategic support for the economic growth of China's surrounding countries. The concept of inclusiveness, openness, cooperation and win-win of the "the Belt and Road" initiative has provided positive energy for surrounding countries along the route to mitigate the negative and adverse impacts in the post epidemic era. This has enriched and developed the profound connotation of the "China plan", "China Power" and "China Road" of the "the Belt and Road" construction. China and its surrounding countries will work together to create a new type of peripheral relations and a new type of peripheral diplomatic political ecological environment.
3. The Sino US relationship has become the most important bilateral relationship among all the major powers in the world today, and it plays a decisive and key role in the peace and stability of China's surrounding areas. According to the general law of development of major country diplomacy, when major country relations are stable, the relations between neighboring countries can be prevented, controlled and stable. The United States does not belong to China's surrounding areas in terms of regional concept, but its global strategic interests are in East Asia, its global security interests are in East Asia, and its military alliance system is also in East Asia. The role of the United States in its relations with East Asia can be summarized as "offshore balancing hand" in the view of the famous American scholar Mearsheimer. For this reason, the United States, as an extraterritorial factor, belongs to China's great peripheral diplomacy. Under the double impact of the COVID-19 epidemic and the contradictions superimposed by the changes in the past century, China US relations have fallen into a multi-dimensional strategic game. Under the international spotlight, China US relations are facing the most serious challenges since the establishment of diplomatic relations. As for whether to continue to "step on the accelerator" or try to "step on the brake" in the already tense Sino US conflict, Sino US relations have once again reached a new juncture. Major countries occupy a particularly important position in the international system and play an important leading, shaping and influential role. The major country relationship between China and the United States restricts and regulates the adjustment of the international order and the basic characteristics of the international system. It plays a decisive role in major international and regional affairs. "China US strategic competition intensifies and reshapes global major power relations. The new trend of international order adjustment will provide China with broader strategic space to carry out Peripheral Diplomacy and participate in global governance.". The Chinese government attaches great importance to major country relations and the role of major countries, actively promotes cooperation and coordination among major countries, and builds a framework for major country relations with overall stability and balanced development.

First, China's economic rise is the root of the practical contradictions between China and the United States. Judging the nature of Sino US relations requires us to examine and think about the changes in the international pattern from multiple perspectives, dimensions and levels. Fundamentally speaking, the contradictions and conflicts between China and the United States are influenced by the comprehensive national strength, mode of production, international discourse power, unilateralism and multilateralism of the two countries, and are the inevitable logical result of the "one advance and one retreat" of China and the United States. Important changes have taken place in the balance of strength between China and major countries in the world, as well as in China's relations with the world and its world status. After the cold war, the development of China and the United States showed two different evolutionary trends. The contrary strategic trend of "one advance and one retreat" between China and the United States reflected the reverse evolution of the two countries in the same international system, which inevitably brought about the adjustment of international power. Against the background of the century long changes in the situation between China and the United States, whether the anxiety and fear of conservative powers and the irreversibility of the rise of emerging powers will lead to inevitable conflicts, and whether the world will stage the tragedy of "Thucydides trap" again. All these questions focus on the peaceful path of global power transfer, which "stems from the rich diplomatic experience of peaceful coexistence and crisis management among major powers. The essence of politics lies in compromise and win-win". "How the two relatively powerful countries establish their relations in the future, whether they can bring stability expectations to the world, or vice versa, is the biggest issue in international politics today.". Therefore, the essence of Sino US contradiction is the inevitable product of international power transfer, adjustment and reorganization, and the inevitable logic of strategic competition and strategic game between major countries. Under such an international environment, it is impossible for the trump administration or the Biden administration to fundamentally reverse their foreign policy toward China, only slightly different in means and methods.
Second, China and the United States need to work together to build a new type of major country relationship of benign competition. Looking at the historical track of the development of modern international relations, the constant differentiation and reorganization of major power relations is the theme of normalization faced by international politics. The leading power of the international system and the leading power of the international order have always been the central issue of the interaction between the relationship between a conservative power and a rising power. From the traditional point of view, the essence of the contradictions and conflicts between the real leading power and the rising power is often a contest and confrontation around "maintaining the status quo" or "changing the status quo". How to maintain the future development of Sino US relations? China took the lead in proposing the Chinese concept of building a new type of major country relationship and the Chinese plan of building a community with a shared future for mankind. This broke and ended the inherent logic law of confrontation, confrontation and confrontation periodicity caused by the rise of major powers in the past few hundred years in theory and practice. The Chinese agricultural culture nurtured by the Chinese civilization for thousands of years neither has the gene nor the appeal of foreign expansion and aggression, nor has it ever asked other countries to promote or copy the Chinese road and Chinese model. And it always pursues the Oriental philosophy of life, "all things grow together without harming each other, and the Tao runs parallel without contradicting each other." China's future journey is a sea of stars. In the rich and diverse world system, although China and the United States have different social systems and values, the historical practice of the establishment of diplomatic relations more than 40 years ago proves that the differences in the paths and systems of the two countries do not necessarily lead to a zero sum game. China and the United States can go hand in hand, seek common ground while reserving differences, and coexist peacefully. China US relations, which have been stable and cooperative for a long time, have their own needs, complementary advantages, mutual reference and achievements, and have formed an interdependent and integrated community of interests.
Third, build stable, cooperative and coordinated Sino US relations on the basis of non conflict, non confrontation, mutual respect and win-win cooperation. After more than 40 years of changes in Sino US relations, the deep connotation of bilateral relations has gone far beyond the scope of bilateral relations. It not only bears the interests of the Chinese and American people, but also concerns the common future, prosperity and stability of the world and mankind. It contains rich significance in global strategy and the direction of the world order. "The historical mission requires China to continue to adhere to the strategic thinking of 'big country is the key' and adhere to the bilateral relationship of win-win cooperation.". Taking Sino US relations as the traction, leading and driving the strategic interaction of relations and power balance among major countries in the world, the results will certainly profoundly affect the trend and evolution of the international pattern in the post epidemic era. For a long time, "China's policy toward the United States has been devoted to safeguarding the overall situation of cooperation and stability. Even if it is a struggle, it will not be broken.". Through the game and rational balancing of interests, the two countries deeply understand the need to explore new competition and cooperation relations, and explore new balance points in the process of "fighting and peace". Among them, China's strategic choices and positive actions will play a shaping and leading role in maintaining the correct direction of Sino US relations. As a rising power, China needs to release and transmit more positive energy information from a positive perspective, actively forge ahead, take the initiative to play a leading role in putting forward Chinese solutions to problems in good faith. "China's success has benefited from the opening-up and cooperation of all countries in the world, including the United States, and China's development has also provided the United States with a driving force for sustained growth and a huge market space.". China and the United States can carry out practical cooperation in global affairs and economic fields, maintain coordination, and maintain the stable development of bilateral relations within the scope of mutually controllable competition. "The game between leading countries will determine the degree and direction of human survival, development and security to a great extent.". It is the responsibility and mission of China and the United States to work together to build a new type of international relations characterized by benign competition between China and the United States.
3、 The construction of a community of shared future in the post epidemic era and the process of East Asian Cooperation

As a sudden public security crisis, COVID-19 has had a profound and significant impact on the world economy, global governance and East West relations. It has made human society increasingly aware that the sense of a community with a shared future for mankind is no longer a vague idea and an abstract concept. The severe practical challenges warn us that today's world has become a community with a shared future for mankind. In the era of globalization, the interests and destiny of each country have been linked with the world. In the global fight against the epidemic, we must enhance the awareness of a community with a shared future for mankind. Cooperation is the only option and the right path for mankind. In the post COVID-19 stage, "globalism has given way to regionalism, and the pursuit of great reunification may no longer be the priority goal of major powers. Regional cooperation at the regional level will receive more attention. Major powers will increase regional policy preferences, all parties will increase investment in the region, and regional cooperation will show a momentum of deepening development". At present, in the face of the challenges of the epidemic, East Asian countries have chosen unity and cooperation, solidarity and mutual help. In November 2020, leaders of 15 countries formally signed the regional comprehensive economic partnership agreement (RCEP), marking the start of the construction of the East Asian Free Trade Area with the largest population, the most diverse membership structure and the greatest development potential in the world. This will certainly add new momentum to the development and prosperity of East Asia. This is not only the landmark achievement of multilateralism and free trade, but also the achievement of the construction of the East Asian free trade area that the Chinese government has been advocating for a long time. The biggest free trade zone around China among the three major economic plates of the EU, North America and the East Asian world has finally been settled. The new economic pattern in East Asia is bound to bring about a series of major changes in the politics, security, diplomacy and society of China's surrounding regions. From the historical perspective, both the 1997 East Asian financial crisis and the 2008 global financial crisis have highlighted that "East Asian cooperation has a distinctive crisis driven characteristic. Turn crises into cooperative dynamics and strive to turn crises into opportunities". Engels pointed out: "there is no great historical disaster that is not compensated by the progress of history." Epidemic prevention and control requires public health security cooperation in the world and regions, thus stimulating and starting the construction of China's peripheral security cooperation mechanism in the post epidemic era. Fighting the epidemic hand in hand has enhanced the process of regional integration in Asia, and the interaction and cooperation between Asian regions, especially East Asian countries, are more typical. This is not only due to the historical tradition and geo strategy of East Asian countries linked by mountains and rivers and friendly exchanges, but also because a peaceful and stable environment provides an indispensable security guarantee for regional cooperation, It is also the high-speed economic growth of regional cooperation transformation brought by the continuous release of dividends from the institutionalization of regional cooperation in East Asia. "Give full play to the constructive role of major Asian powers. China will work with Asian countries to build an Asian community with a shared future and further advance the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.".
In the post epidemic era, China is actively practicing new development concepts, building a new development pattern, and entering a new stage of development. Basing ourselves on Asia and going global is the basic foothold and focus of China's Peripheral Diplomacy at present. "One of the major defects of the traditional power transfer theory is that it ignores the role of the region. China should integrate deeper into the region, pay more attention to interaction and cooperation with regional countries, and provide ideological and material public goods for the construction of regional order in the process of power transfer, which is conducive to laying the foundation for China's peaceful development.". The post epidemic era has provided new opportunities and new models for cooperation in East Asia. During the epidemic, East Asian countries have personally felt the profound meaning of "green mountains and clouds together, and the bright moon was once two townships" between good neighbors. In the post epidemic era, countries in Southeast Asia and Northeast Asia can only rely on the two subregions to form an overall force of cooperation and assistance in order to seek economic recovery and promote prosperity and development, work together, unite and cooperate, inject new internal driving force into regional cooperation in East Asia, and enhance the degree and depth of institutionalization of regional cooperation. Northeast Asia and Southeast Asia in East Asia are the priority and important consideration of China's Peripheral Diplomacy. Regional cooperation has become a landmark product leading to multilateral economic cooperation, political multipolarization and regional integration. It is a rich and dynamic regional dialogue partnership. The truly meaningful "Asian century" reflects the vitality and driving force of the sustainable development of East Asia's economy, and it depends on whether the rapid development of regional economies can form an institutionalized pattern of mutual cooperation and mutual promotion. After 30 years of trials and hardships, China ASEAN relations have entered a mature and stable "thirties". Despite the challenges brought by COVID-19, China ASEAN Economic and trade cooperation has bucked the trend and entered a new stage of historical development. In the first three quarters of 2020, China's direct investment in ASEAN reached US $10.72 billion, an increase of 76.6% year-on-year. In October 2019, the agreement on upgrading the China ASEAN Free Trade Area came into full force, greatly reducing the threshold of investment, service trade and trade clearance, further releasing the dividends brought by the system construction of the free trade area, stimulating investment and trade between China and ASEAN and opening up a wide space. Both at the political level and in the economic and trade field, the depth and breadth of China ASEAN cooperation are at the forefront of ASEAN's foreign cooperation. China, Japan and the ROK established an institutional framework for cooperation in the field of public health in 2019, and renewed the China Japan ROK joint action plan on jointly preventing and responding to the influenza pandemic and new and recurrent infectious diseases at the 12th China Japan ROK health ministers' meeting. The three countries reached consensus on jointly building and sharing experiences in disease prevention and control, aging and other fields. After more than 10 years of cooperation in the field of public health, China, Japan and the ROK have laid a solid foundation for cooperation, and there is great potential for deepening cooperation in the future.

The path and mode of East Asian cooperation show the historical destiny of regional mutual help, solidarity and shared responsibility for security. China, Japan, the ROK and ASEAN all play an important role in the international landscape, which means that East Asia needs to work together with the concept of a community of shared future to prevent and control the epidemic and build a peaceful and stable international environment. The crisis brought by the epidemic to human society is not only the loss of economic recession, but also the unpredictable chain of social disasters in the future. This requires East Asian countries to reflect and consider comprehensively and systematically from historical experience and lessons. What kind of East Asian security order and regional environment do we need, and how to strategically arrange the balance of power allocation and peaceful and stable environment of East Asian powers are the basic conditions and major issues that East Asian countries must face in building a cooperative mechanism for a community with a shared future for mankind. The "Asian century" implies that East Asia is increasingly becoming a community of shared future, interests and responsibilities. All countries are embedded in each other and inseparable from each other. They are all stakeholders in interests and security on the giant ship of peace and development. Against the background of tension between China and the United States, the United States continues to provoke China's core interests in the South China Sea and tries to lead the world to a new cold war. The outcome will not only be that Sino US relations will fall into the abyss of confrontation, but also that East Asian countries will fall into the situation of confrontation and division of "choosing sides". The peace, stability, future and destiny of East Asia will also face numerous crises and challenges. As an East Asian country at the intersection of the interests of all major powers, it can not stop the spread of war, nor can it guarantee its own national security and development if it invests in the United States for its own interests on this fundamental issue concerning the security and destiny of all countries in the region. To maintain regional peace, stability and order and an environment of development and prosperity, all countries in East Asia must unite and cooperate, unite as one, and move forward hand in hand. Only in this way can we overcome the COVID-19 epidemic and the security crisis. In the face of the surging common security and comprehensive security in East Asia, only by uniting and working together can we achieve the true Noah's Ark.
