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时间:2022-08-14 来源:未知 编辑:梦想论文 阅读:
From the late 1970s to the early 1980s, William? The successive publication of uchi's "Z theory - how the American business community meets the challenge of Japan" and other works has set off an upsurge in the dissemination of corporate culture theory. Starting from the study of Japanese enterprise management, it has swept the world and triggered a revolution in management thinking. Taking a specific enterprise as an example, Zhang Ruimin was ordered to take the lead in Haier to put forward the strategy of "enterprise concept first and culture first", and finally turned the company into a profit. Jack? When Welch was in charge of General Electric, he decided to clean up? Alkyne Anti Japanese food? A series of drastic changes facing the traditional culture of the enterprise, such as reducing the management level and building a learning organization, have made the enterprise shine brilliantly.
The corporate culture is composed of three levels that form a concentric circle. The core is the spiritual and cultural level, including mission, vision, values, business philosophy, enterprise ethics and so on. The second layer is the system culture layer, covering personnel, production, safety system and other rules and regulations. The third layer is the material and cultural layer, which is the explicit carrier of culture, i.e. unified identification, natural environment and architectural design, product modeling and packaging, etc. the three layers are closely linked and interact. The cultural management of an enterprise is a topic that every enterprise can not avoid. The century old shop with a long history will certainly form its own distinctive culture. Culture is the soil for enterprises to educate people and the effective force to encourage employees to develop their potential. The success of an enterprise can be seen at a glance through its corporate culture. The reputation, brand benefits, competitiveness, customer return rate and employee loyalty of an enterprise are closely related to the cultural taste of an enterprise.
1、 Main problems in the construction of enterprise culture
1. Cultural construction blindly imitates and labels
Many enterprises are eager for success and copy the practices of the world's top 500 companies. They believe that imitation is a "prescription" to quickly solve the lack of culture, in a vain attempt to achieve immediate results. The slogans, slogans and codes of conduct put up by some domestic enterprises in the factory and office areas are similar, with traces of mutual imitation and no characteristics. In addition, there are many labeling phenomena in cultural construction. One sidedly believes that cultural construction is the core slogan of the company, and the leaders of packaging enterprises become public stars. It has spared no effort to spend a lot of money on media platforms such as newspapers, television and the Internet to publicize and make frequent appearances. As a result, cultural construction has been turned into advertising or public relations. It is easy to make the cultural construction lack of spiritual temperament and difficult to have cultural connotation by ignoring the local culture and the actual foreign imitation of the enterprise itself. If the reference of foreign enterprise culture is only superficial, it cannot be properly used for oneself.
2. Nepotism restricts the benign growth of enterprise culture
No matter what type of enterprise, it is difficult to avoid nepotism. Some are family members, some are classmates, and the network relationship is complex. It is easy to induce estrangement, mutual suspicion and pressure among employees due to strong human culture. The promotion of personnel is based on seniority. The departure of some outstanding talents does not stem from the salary and treatment given by the enterprise, but from the worry about internal strife. Under the influence of the "informal organization" within the company, small groups in groups and factions are formed. The rule of man replaces the rule of law, the organization is overstaffed and slack, and the construction of enterprise culture is difficult. Spontaneous nepotism weakens the organizational function, different understandings of the corporate culture, and undisguised adherence to the value judgment and code of conduct of the group, resulting in the fragmentation of the overall corporate culture system and power tilt, resulting in poor communication between departments and constant internal friction. The production efficiency and operating efficiency have been impacted. For those enterprises with branches at home and abroad, the cultural construction of the group headquarters is difficult to take root.
3. Mismatch between enterprise culture and enterprise management system
The enterprise management system should match the cultural program, but in reality, what we see is that the leaders criticize the employees for not acting according to the cultural regulations, but they can not set an example and take the lead in setting an example. Due to the lack of supervision on the middle and high-level managers, the bureaucratic atmosphere in the enterprise is prevalent. In order to fully enjoy the pleasure brought by power, some middle-level managers set up their own critical internal review system under the banner of thinking about the company. The red tape makes front-line employees spend a lot of energy and time to deal with these trivial matters that are of little use. If they are too tired, they have no time to take into account the real needs of consumers and passively respond to the challenges of the market. Many employees advocate charismatic leadership and believe that the enterprise culture is the leadership culture. The thoughts, words and deeds of the superior leaders or individual charismatic leaders are the wind vane of the company culture, and they are obedient to what they say. It is rare to carefully analyze whether the words and deeds of individual leaders are consistent with the company's corporate philosophy. In the final analysis, it is because employees do not regard themselves as the masters of the enterprise. The construction of corporate culture is still at the level of written materials. The core concepts have not penetrated into the hearts of employees. The system is only the "culture" of managers. The system and the culture are two skins. The system becomes an ornament hanging on the wall and cannot protect the practice of culture.
4. Confusion between enterprise culture and ideological and political work
Both enterprise culture and ideological and political work need to act on people's ideology. Many people simply equate political and ideological work with enterprise culture, and let political work cadres take on the important task of cultural construction. The company conducts staff education in the form of General Assembly propaganda and democratic life meeting, but they do not realize that ideological and political work focuses on personnel's values, moral qualities, ideals and beliefs, The content of enterprise culture not only covers ideological and political work, but also includes broader fields such as enterprise operation, operation and production, customs and etiquette, and utensil culture, with emphasis on management.
2、 The role of secretary in the construction of enterprise culture
1. The role of the Secretary as a "knife and pencil official"
Corporate culture is born out of years of business practice. The spirit and culture are hidden in it. It needs to be refined with the help of language and writing. As a strong point of the Secretary, writing work is obligatory. The drafting and drafting of the company's culture diagnosis and suggestion report, cultural construction project plan, employee manual, company system compilation, company culture report and other texts, and the writing ability of the Secretary can be used. "Supporting politics with literature" means that when accurately understanding the intention of leaders and writing manuscripts, the rich atmosphere of leaders and employees fighting side by side and working together should be reflected between the lines, the series of measures of enterprise culture construction should be explained in a simple and understandable way, the construction objectives of enterprise culture should be described qualitatively and quantitatively, the first-class executive culture should be created, and the cultural charm should be displayed by using the pen and ink.

2. The Secretary's intelligence gathering role
As the right and left hand of the leadership, the secretary is the key department in the deep, and can be the first to learn about the company's major decisions, strategic deployment, personnel appointment and removal, and cultural construction. The office organization has become the hub of information exchange, and every day it receives information flows such as customers' product demands, service complaints, competitive merchants' prices and advantages, employees' ideological trends and psychological emotions. The secretary should make full use of the information resources, edit the work briefing to let the cultural construction follow the trend, find and establish the cultural construction benchmark, and create a suitable environment for enterprise innovation.
3. The role of the Secretary behind the scenes
To win the understanding and support of all employees, we must seize the ideological highland of employees. As a link between the leaders and the masses, the secretary should create more opportunities for the leaders to enter the employees and take the opportunity to establish a positive image of the leaders. Take the initiative to make the relationship between the lower and the upper smoother through interviews, questionnaires and other forms. As the "window" for the display of the company's image, the secretary must be strict with himself and do a good job in demonstrating the corporate culture. The work style and mental outlook should reflect the value orientation of the corporate culture. In the daily business of handling documents, affairs and meetings, the secretary should take the lead in practicing the requirements of the corporate culture and put the unique cultural advantages of the company into practice. Under the authorization of the leaders, convene relevant personnel to hold special meetings on cultural construction, coordinate and solve the difficulties encountered, and timely report to the leaders. 4. The Secretary's role of staff assistant
Secretarial work is hidden in the activities of leaders. For the instructions of the leaders in the process of cultural construction, the secretary should obey but not blindly follow, think carefully, and distinguish right from wrong. The function of the assistant staff cannot be replaced by the unanalyzed approval of leadership preferences. If there is any defect in the instructions and arrangements made by the leaders, the Secretary shall be flexible and flexible, seize the right time, give reasonable suggestions impartially, and avoid unnecessary losses caused by decision-making mistakes. So that the organization managed by the leader can form a good mental model, and can make correct decisions and correct deviations in the constantly changing complex environment.
3、 Matters that the secretary should pay attention to in the construction of enterprise culture
1. Ming_ Positioning and performing duties wholeheartedly
The secretary should always keep a clear mind, and make clear the role of assisting the leadership in decision-making and the staff assistant. We must not overstep our responsibilities and be willing to be unsung heroes in the process of promoting the construction of enterprise culture. Don't act rashly, pretend to be the second leader, take charge of all the work of enterprise culture reform, or even dictate to others. Originally, he was enthusiastic about the enterprise, but he was too hard and didn't pay attention to methods. As a result, people complained and worked hard. Auxiliary decision-making is not equal to decision-making. If the secretary wants to realize self-worth and make contributions in his work, he must pay attention to all aspects of cultural construction, be keenly aware of the problems in the progress of the project, and report them to the leaders and relevant departments in a timely manner, so as to prevent the trouble from burning and turn the crisis into an opportunity. Fulfill their responsibilities, conscientiously manage the archives of cultural construction, and provide services for convenient access and complete preservation of materials.
2. Continuous learning and scientific management
The construction of enterprise culture can not be separated from the support of multi-disciplinary theoretical knowledge such as management and culture. As an active participant in cultural construction, the secretary should constantly enrich his knowledge of relevant disciplines, be familiar with the traditional cultural characteristics of the Chinese nation, and be aware that culture will change and evolve dynamically in different life cycles of enterprises and products. Collect and compare the cultural construction cases of excellent enterprises for reference. For multinational enterprises, the secretary should also be familiar with foreign cultural types, cultural differences and other international corporate culture management practices. Do your homework in advance for giving advice and suggestions to the leaders. Guided by the enterprise management concept and combined with the characteristics of the enterprise, the company accurately serves the corporate culture strategy and reduces the losses caused by blind hitting and wrong collision in the work.
3. Communication, coordination and resource integration
The specific implementation of enterprise culture construction can be divided into three stages: the initial stage of preparation and organization, the middle stage of all-round promotion and the later stage of maintenance and promotion. Secretaries can be useful in these three stages, but their work focuses are different. In general, at different stages of the implementation of corporate culture, it is inevitable to encounter some obstacles and pressures from both inside and outside. During this period, the secretary should establish a sense of communication, sincerely communicate, resolve conflicts and disputes, integrate resources in all aspects to ensure the orderly development of corporate culture construction. In the early stage of preparation, the establishment of the cultural construction leading group, capital investment, publicity and promotion, clear strategic positioning, conflict between old and new cultural concepts and other thorny issues often make the competent leaders uneasy and hard pressed. At this time, the secretary should give full play to the functions of communication and communication. Maintain the leadership's prestige, make up for the situation without digging the bottom of the wall, so that the leadership's cultural construction concept can be effectively conveyed and deeply rooted in the people. We will not shift blame to each other, and work together with colleagues to participate in the drafting of corporate culture construction outline and other programmatic documents, and formulate and introduce corresponding cultural systems. Go to the grass-roots level, listen to opinions widely and give feedback to decision-making leaders, be good at giving advice and devising strategies. In the medium-term stage, it is necessary to use the means of training and publicity to inculcate the enterprise vision, mission and values to all employees, further standardize the behaviors of employees, shape the image externally and strengthen the quality internally. The construction of enterprise culture should be included in the overall work evaluation of the whole year in a safe and reasonable manner. During this period, the inspection of such indicators as whether the upper and lower consciousness are unified, whether the words and behaviors of employees are compliant, and whether the publicity effect is achieved cannot be separated from the supervision and inspection, tracking and implementation. This is the routine work of secretaries, so it is particularly important to tacitly assist the cultural construction leading group in implementing the corporate culture plan, eliminate the blind spots of cultural construction and resolve the practical contradictions. The maintenance and promotion of enterprise culture in the later period is a long stage. The Secretary shall assist the relevant personnel to do a good job in the research on the effectiveness of cultural construction, and understand whether the supporting reward and punishment measures have played the role of ordering and prohibiting. Evaluate whether the comprehensive dissemination of corporate culture has created a brand-new brand image and good reputation. Collect information from various parties, evaluate the fit between the management style and the enterprise system, and calmly analyze the problems to be solved in the cultural value system, rules and regulations and work style. Consider whether the enterprise culture system needs to be adjusted and improved with the development of social environment, science and technology, politics and economy. The numerous and tedious work tests the Secretary's patience and perseverance.
Corporate culture exerts a subtle influence on employees' behaviors and produces corresponding results. Cultural construction is a systematic project, which is related to the survival and development of enterprises. It is not a matter of one day. In the process of work, the Secretary shall put the position right, consciously serve, act according to the opinions of the leaders, and implement the enterprise culture to the grass-roots level without losing its appearance. The secretary should be good at dancing, sharing information, accelerating the decision-making process and improving the quality of decision-making. Care about the fate of the enterprise and guard the honor of the enterprise. Through meticulous communication, the conflict and opposition between individual and organizational culture generated in the cultural construction can be removed, the unity of the enterprise can be maintained, the subjective initiative of people can be brought into full play, the vitality of the enterprise can be stimulated, and the enterprise can be developed and expanded.
