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时间:2022-10-15 来源:未知 编辑:梦想论文 阅读:
Health vocational colleges and universities are important institutions to deliver high-quality application-oriented and skilled health service talents to the clinical frontline and society. It is an important mission for teachers in health vocational colleges to cultivate health professionals with high-quality technical skills. The professional quality of teachers will directly affect their education level and teaching results. Especially in the context of the implementation of the "Healthy China" strategy, the missions and tasks undertaken by teachers in health vocational colleges are also changing, and their moral requirements, knowledge and ability, professional quality, humanistic feelings, etc. are more abundant. Therefore, the purpose of improving the professional quality of teachers in health vocational colleges is to help medical students in health vocational colleges establish a correct outlook on life, values, emotions and humanistic spirit through the benevolent mind of teachers and doctors and the exemplary force of being a teacher, so as to promote them to become "warm" medical workers in the future.
The connotation of teachers' professional quality in health vocational colleges
1.1 Teacher quality
Teachers' quality refers to the basic quality or basic conditions that teachers must have to engage in educational activities. It is the basic code of conduct that teachers should follow when dealing with the relationship with others, society, collective and professional work in their career, as well as the conceptual awareness and behavioral quality shown on this basis. Specifically, it refers to the sum of all the knowledge, abilities and attitudes that teachers have designed and controlled for teaching, and it is the quality that teachers have acquired through strict training in the teaching process, including professional knowledge, educational ability and moral quality. The basic task of teachers is to teach and educate people. Therefore, the core content of teachers' quality is teachers' ethics, that is, the moral norms and codes of conduct that teachers must follow in their teaching work. The teacher's lofty ethics not only means that the teacher should follow the corresponding norms and norms, but also internalize these norms and norms into every word and deed in daily work and life, and integrate them with the teacher itself, so that students can understand from the bottom of their hearts that the role of a teacher is the norm and morality of action, which is not only an example for themselves, but also as kind and trustworthy as parents. Students are willing to take teachers with professional ethics as examples to learn and imitate their attitudes and interests, even every move, every look and smile. Therefore, it can be said that teacher ethics is the essence of the role of teachers, which can directly reflect the personality characteristics of teachers.
1.2 Quality of teachers in vocational colleges
Vocational education focuses on the training of application-oriented, technical and skilled professionals. Compared with undergraduate education, it pays more attention to the cultivation of students' practical ability and post competency. In 2016, the Opinions on the Implementation of the Plan for Improving the Quality of Vocational College Teachers (2017-2020) issued by the Ministry of Education proposed that to further strengthen the construction of the "double qualified" teacher team in vocational colleges, teachers should have dual skills, both "technicians" and "teachers", pointing out the direction for the development of vocational education. At the beginning of 2019, the State Council issued the National Vocational Education Reform Implementation Plan, which put forward higher requirements for the quality of teachers in higher vocational colleges, raised vocational education to a national strategic height, and proposed that vocational education plays an important role in serving development and promoting employment. It can be seen from this that under the new era background, teachers in vocational colleges should not only have a solid professional foundation and strong teaching ability, but also master professional technology and have practical ability; It is not only necessary to be competent for the teaching posts of the specialty, but also for the jobs related to the specialty. In addition to mastering the skills related to their own specialty, teachers in vocational colleges should also understand the work content, work process, job responsibilities, employment needs and even the management system of the enterprise, the development trend of the whole industry, and the new knowledge, new skills and new methods applied in the production practice of the specialty.
1.3 Quality of teachers in health vocational colleges
Medical science is closely related to human life and health. With the specific goal of "maintaining physical and mental health and improving the quality of life", it is a comprehensive discipline integrating natural science, social science and humanities.
1.3.1 The health vocational education is more special than the education in other vocational colleges. Tracing back to the past and the present, medical education, including health vocational education, always belongs to elite education. As the "guardian spirit" of human health, having both ability and morality is the basic requirement of medical workers, which determines that health vocational education has higher requirements for the quality of talents. It can be seen that health vocational education is "humanistic education+general education+vocational education". This special school running feature also reveals the difference between health vocational schools and other vocational schools. That is, teachers in health vocational schools should, on the basis of meeting the requirements of "double qualified" teachers, establish correct medical humanistic education concepts, and cultivate humanistic spirit throughout the education and teaching process. Specifically, it is necessary to guide medical students to realize that when they enter a health vocational college, they embark on the journey of respecting and saving lives and healing the wounded; It is to guide medical students to pursue truth, kindness and beauty throughout their study and career, cultivate their original intention of respecting and saving lives, curing diseases and saving people, and doing their best to protect life and health, and enhance their sense of responsibility and mission of saving lives and injuries. In today's society, the contradiction between doctors and patients and between nurses and patients has become an unavoidable social problem in the medical field. As the main delivery institution of health service talents, health vocational colleges play a vital role in the cultivation of medical students' professional ethics and cultural quality. Teachers in health vocational colleges have the responsibility and obligation to cultivate students' modern medical humanistic spirit of "respecting and protecting lives, saving lives, being willing to make contributions, and loving no boundaries", so that health vocational colleges become the model of implementing the education of socialist core values and the cradle of cultivating white angels. In combination with the implementation of the "healthy China" strategy and the new requirements and challenges of the COVID-19 epidemic on the cultivation of medical students, it is an important educational task for teachers in health vocational colleges to educate and guide medical students to become excellent angels in white and health guards trusted by the people with noble medical ethics and superb medical skills.

1.3.2 The origin of medicine with the heart of fraternity is humanistic care. The service object of medical workers is people. They have thoughts, feelings and various demands. Therefore, the first prescription given by medical workers to patients should be love and care, which should accompany their career. Therefore, teachers in health vocational colleges should first of all have a heart of fraternity that saves the dying and heals the wounded, and is people-oriented. Love can be cultivated. The universal love of teachers in health vocational colleges is first reflected in their love for students, understanding their needs, caring for their growth, correcting their mistakes, infecting students, moistening things silently, allowing students to feel love, find love, learn to love, be full of love, and spread love, and finally forming a huge force of love and having a universal heart. Only in this way, when facing patients, today's medical students, that is, tomorrow's medical workers, will inadvertently show their love for patients, which will help patients to alleviate their pain to the maximum extent, make them feel comfortable and comfort, and promote their physical and mental health. Therefore, teachers in health vocational colleges should pay attention to the emotional touch and experience while cultivating medical students' knowledge and skills, and strengthen the cultivation of professional concepts and ethics such as "patient centered", "doctor's benevolence", "treatment is as important as help and comfort".
1.3.3 High medical humanistic quality Medical humanistic quality emphasizes that medical workers should respect and care for people in the process of providing medical care services, not only to see the physiological symptoms of patients, but also to consider their internal feelings when seeking medical treatment. The modern medical model is "bio psycho social", that is, taking patients as the center and attaching great importance to medical humanistic spirit. Teachers in health vocational colleges should always encourage and educate students with the famous words of Dr. Trudeau, that is, "sometimes to cure, often to help, always to comfort". In view of the current scientific and technological level, medical workers cannot cure all diseases. Therefore, medical workers should pay close attention to patients' psychology while trying to relieve their physical pain, and give them as much care and help as possible. Teachers should cultivate medical students' medical professionalism, which regards the interests of patients above everything else. Teachers in health vocational colleges should have high medical humanistic quality, cultivate medical students with humanistic education, and cultivate excellent health talents.
2 Strategies for improving the professional quality of teachers in health vocational colleges
2.1 Guided by socialist core values, adhere to teaching and educating people
Education is a cause full of ideals and sense of achievement, while health vocational education is a cause full of ideals and sense of achievement and facing many challenges. As a teacher in a health vocational college, we must strengthen our ideals and beliefs of teaching and educating people, and take the lead in practicing socialist core values. In the work, we should constantly strengthen our sense of social responsibility, gain social recognition, sense of achievement and happiness through teaching and educating people, so as to form a virtuous circle and realize our ideal of life.
2.2 Student centered, changing teaching methods
Most vocational college students have poor learning foundation and are not interested in learning. Teachers in vocational colleges often use traditional teaching methods, which can not meet students' learning needs. Although some vocational colleges have carried out a series of reforms in teacher construction, teacher ethics training, technical training, assessment management and other aspects in order to comply with the requirements of the times, the knowledge structure and teaching ability of teachers in some vocational colleges have not been fundamentally changed, and the teaching methods are still focused on the indoctrination of theoretical knowledge to students. In the teaching process, students always focus on the teaching materials and focus on the explanation of knowledge points. They always accept passively and take passing the exam as the ultimate goal, so they can't realize the real fun of learning. Therefore, teachers should start from themselves, pay attention to the cultivation of students' learning interest in the teaching process, make full use of teaching aids, such as multimedia, network teaching platform, adopt lively and interesting ways to organically combine theoretical knowledge with real life, stimulate students' learning interest and cultivate their ability to actively explore knowledge through situation design and project task mode, and also strengthen communication and interaction with students, Actively obtain the feedback of students' learning effects, so as to further adjust the teaching ideas and methods and improve the teaching effect.
2.3 Based on the standard of "double qualified" teachers, improve their professional quality
Vocational education has the dual attributes of "occupation" and "education", which also means that teachers in vocational colleges should closely combine professional knowledge with the professional skills required by the corresponding posts, and require vocational colleges to build a high-quality "double qualified" teacher team with lofty ethics, superb skills and full of vitality. Teachers in health vocational colleges should pay attention to the effective connection between health professional knowledge and skills required by health posts. Therefore, teachers in health vocational colleges should improve their professional quality from two aspects: educational ability and professional ability. On the one hand, teachers in health vocational colleges should, on the basis of their majors, closely focus on the training program of health professionals, study the courses they teach, formulate corresponding curriculum standards, master a variety of teaching methods, and lay a solid foundation for students to continue learning and development; On the other hand, teachers in health vocational colleges should also actively grasp the health market dynamics, closely follow the market demand of the health industry, understand the corresponding post requirements, so as to design more targeted teaching content, so that the students trained can truly meet the needs of professional posts.

2.4 Cultivate a heart of benevolence based on the principle of "respecting and protecting life, and great love is boundless"
Teachers should have a benevolent heart, and use sincere love to gain the love and trust of students, so as to make them interested in learning. And benevolence is also the foundation of medical students' life, and also the foundation of medical humanistic education. First of all, teachers in health vocational colleges should pay attention to cultivating their own moral quality, abide by teaching norms, carefully create professional image, and play a role of demonstration for students from appearance to behavior. Secondly, students should be respected, understood and included. Respect is the basis of love, and understanding is the premise of love. As a teacher, we should always pay attention to the situation of students, start from the actual situation of students, take heart to heart, and exchange the trust and love of students with honesty and tolerance. Finally, as teachers of health vocational colleges, we should take "humanity, fraternity and dedication" as our professional creed, bring the touching deeds in the fight against COVID-19 into the classroom, fully tap the ideological and political elements in the curriculum, cultivate students' humanistic spirit, carry forward the anti epidemic spirit, and pay attention to cultivating students' correct outlook on life and values, and cultivate family and national feelings. In the production practice stage of medical students, medical ethics training should also be integrated into the clinical practice teaching process, so that students can understand that the value of medical nursing is not only to eliminate diseases, but also to provide comfort and help to patients. At the same time, teachers in health vocational colleges should also expand the forms of off campus practice activities for medical students, establish a scientific and standardized training system, so as to improve the professional quality and social adaptability of medical students.
2.5 Take epidemic prevention and control as an opportunity to improve modern teaching ability
Since 2020, in the face of the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic on education and teaching, all colleges and universities across the country have actively implemented the requirements of the Ministry of education on "no stopping classes, no stopping teaching, no stopping classes", adjusted teaching strategies, built online resources, and extensively carried out online teaching. At this stage, teachers should actively explore and improve online and offline hybrid teaching methods in combination with the characteristics of young people in the new era who are familiar with online life and information-based and intelligent learning. The teaching design adopts the concept of "influencing pre class teaching, warming up interaction in class, and stimulating post class improvement". Through online interaction on the course platform, teachers can understand the learning situation, answer students' questions, monitor students' learning progress, and record students' learning trajectory, Effectively adjust classroom teaching strategies, expand learning space, break through the time and space constraints of traditional classroom, build a three-dimensional classroom, guide students to actively cultivate autonomous learning ability, and improve teaching effect.
2.6 Take excellent teachers as examples to improve the quality of mental health
In the past, the evaluation and assessment of excellent teachers mainly included three aspects: political quality, professional ability and work attitude, and few included psychological quality in the assessment. In the actual teaching process, teachers with psychological problems often cause some problems, and even seriously affect the teaching effect. For example, some teachers, despite their personality problems, are rated as excellent teachers because of their high educational background and achievements in scientific research, which will mislead students into thinking that the cultivation of morality is not important as long as they have mastered professional knowledge and technology well. For another example, although some teachers are conscientious in their work, they are strict, harsh and lack of love for students. In order to let students win prizes in various competitions, they train students to be "devil", regardless of their psychological demands, but because of their "fruitful", they are also rated as excellent teachers, which will cause students to feel pain and suffering in the learning process, easily produce rebellious psychology, hate learning, and is not conducive to the healthy development of students physically and mentally. A truly excellent teacher should not only have higher achievements in thought and business, but also have a healthy, positive and sunny attitude, so as to live up to the lofty mission of teaching and educating people. In particular, the sudden COVID-19 epidemic has disrupted people's lives, and students and teachers are frequently at home. The psychology of teachers and students is affected by various negative emotions, such as panic, irritability and anxiety. At this time, it is particularly important for teachers to correctly view the epidemic, overcome panic psychology and timely regulate their emotions. Only when teachers are confident and calm, can they conduct psychological counseling to students in time with their own thoughts and behaviors and carry out effective mental health education. At the same time, teachers should also actively learn psychology related knowledge and be familiar with students' personality characteristics. They should not only understand students' learning, but also their interests, habits and problems. They should explore and master teaching methods and methods under the special background of the COVID-19, master the key to open students' hearts, and inspire students to think deeply about life, health and life ideals, Stimulate students' learning motivation.
2.7 Motivated by the requirements of the new era, achieve lifelong learning
The new era requires teachers to achieve lifelong learning, which is also a necessary condition for their continuous growth and development. As the saying goes, to give students a glass of water, teachers need a bucket of water. However, in the new era, even having a bucket of water is far from enough for teachers. Teachers should become a source of water and constantly update their knowledge. This requires teachers to keep pace with the times and achieve lifelong learning. Especially in the modern society, with the rapid development of science and technology, the teaching content, teaching methods and job requirements of related majors are constantly changing. If teachers still only master the original bucket of "stagnant water", they cannot meet the requirements of today's society. Therefore, teachers must actively understand the latest research achievements and development trends of the discipline, constantly learn new knowledge and skills, constantly learn new teaching methods and means, enrich their minds with new knowledge, and guide their actions with new ideas. Only in this way can they master relevant professional knowledge and skills, master the theoretical system of relevant disciplines, keep up with the pace of the development of the times, and follow the changing new environment New requirements for timely adjustment of teaching content. Therefore, in the new era of teaching and educating people, teachers must adhere to the concept of lifelong learning, constantly spit out the old and absorb the new, accept new knowledge, and accumulate, in order to not be eliminated by the times.
3 Conclusion
"Learning from high school is a teacher, and being upright is a model". In a sense, teachers are the main disseminators of socialist core values, the life instructors and guides of students. The quality of teachers directly determines whether students can grow up healthily in schools. Medicine is an organic combination of knowledge and morality, technology and responsibility, experience and art. Now, affected by the COVID-19 epidemic, the task of medical workers to maintain and protect people's health is more arduous. Therefore, in the face of new contradictions, new challenges and new tasks, as an important disseminator of health professional knowledge, teachers in health vocational colleges can carry out education and teaching more effectively, strengthen the cultivation of medical students' professional quality, moral quality, technical ability and innovation spirit, and cultivate more excellent Medical workers in the new era with "temperature".
