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时间:2022-06-27 来源:未知 编辑:梦想论文 阅读:
As we all know, active fiscal policy plays a positive role in promoting China's economic growth. Its contribution to economic growth can be divided into direct contribution and indirect contribution. The social economy under the direct contribution has been directly promoted, while under the indirect contribution, it will be affected by many factors, such as human resources. Therefore, in order to fully and thoroughly play the role of active fiscal policy in promoting economic growth in the future, it is still necessary to comprehensively coordinate and allocate other relevant impact factors to ensure that the effect of "1+1 > 2" can be achieved.
Connotation and characteristics of fiscal policy and economic growth
1.1 connotation and characteristics of fiscal policy
Fiscal policy is a tool for the state to intervene in the economy and achieve macroeconomic goals. It is the basic criterion for the state to formulate various fiscal distribution activities and distribution relations. At present, the formulation of active fiscal policies can promote the employment level, reduce economic fluctuations, and promote social and economic growth and development. Fiscal policy is mainly composed of three components. First, government expenditure. The government's purchase expenditure directly affects the size of national income, and is directly related to the increase or decrease of total social demand. The impact of government expenditure on the overall economy consists of two ways: one is the government purchase policy; Second, the government transfer payment policy. This policy mainly refers to the current livelihood policies of various government unemployment insurance, endowment insurance, etc. Second, tax policy. Tax policy is the main part of government revenue. On the one hand, tax policies affect the income level of the whole society; On the other hand, with the help of tax policy, it will affect the reallocation of social goods and production factors, thus stimulating all sectors of society.
1.2 connotation of economic growth
Economic growth refers to the continuous growth of a country's per capita output over a certain time span. It can be said that the level of economic growth rate directly reflects the growth rate of the economic aggregate of the country or region in a certain period of time. The direct factors that affect the speed of economic growth are the amount of investment, the amount of labor and the level of productivity. According to the relevant theories of statistics and economics, the economic growth rate can be expressed by the formula: g=yt/yt-1. Where, y is the increment of the economic aggregate of the current year, and YT - 1 is the economic aggregate achieved in the previous year. It can be seen that the fiscal policy is to improve the productivity level by adjusting the amount of investment and labor, optimizing the allocation of various technologies, and finally promoting China's economic growth.
2. Contribution of fiscal policy to China's economic growth
2.1 contribution of fiscal expenditure to China's economic growth
Based on the above, the government purchase behavior and transfer payment policy in fiscal expenditure can further meet people's living needs. According to the actual situation of fiscal expenditure in China, government expenditure is generally in economic construction, social culture and education. Specifically, when the government's financial expenditure on economic construction accounts for a large proportion, the growth level of China's total economic income at this stage is higher, and the two show a positive correlation. In recent years, with the further acceleration of the process of modern urban construction, the government expenditure tends to the construction of public infrastructure, which can provide a certain guarantee for economic development, play a role in promoting, and indirectly contribute to the sustainable development of the national economy. In terms of social culture and education, social livelihood activities and educational activities are important contents. The increase of the total amount of government expenditure on social culture and education can significantly improve China's education level, improve the quality and quantity of talents, and have an important impact on the sustainable development of China's economy.
2.2 contribution of tax policy to China's economic growth
Tax revenue is an important source of fiscal revenue in China. Formulating reasonable tax policies can adjust the state of national economic development. For example, making appropriate tax policies can redistribute income, narrow the gap between the rich and the poor, and play a role in stabilizing social and economic development. The contribution of current tax policies to economic growth is mainly reflected in the following two aspects. First, the government organizes and carries out relevant tax collection to raise funds for the government finance, and then applies these funds to various government expenditures. In short, a good tax policy is the key to the steady development of China's economic development and social public utilities. Second, the tax policy will also carry out tax behavior on individuals, which will promote the economic income to carry out various forms of investment or savings management, thus playing the effect of activating the market economy.
In a word, both fiscal expenditure and fiscal and tax policies have a positive impact on economic growth, and the relationship between fiscal expenditure and fiscal and tax policies also affects economic growth. Fiscal budget policy is a concept that expresses the relationship between fiscal expenditure and fiscal and tax policies. It is mainly composed of three forms: fiscal deficit, fiscal surplus and fiscal revenue and expenditure balance. They have made certain contributions to national economic growth, but these contributions are more subtle and indirect, such as the impact of fiscal deficits on economic development. When there is an obvious deficit in the national finance, it means that the fiscal revenue can not meet the expenditure demand, and the expenditure behavior of various governments is restricted, which plays a negative role in economic growth. The fiscal deficit will also bring the crowding out effect, so as to promote the government to reasonably adjust the existing economic structure, reallocate various social resources, and promote the development of the national economy.

3. Specific means to give full play to the contribution of fiscal policy to China's economic growth
According to the above analysis, fiscal policy contributes to economic growth through fiscal expenditure, tax policy and fiscal budget. In the actual development process of China's economy, if we want to give full play to the positive role of fiscal policy, we need to formulate fiscal policy reasonably. At the same time, the economic growth rate is not static. With the further acceleration of globalization and the continuous improvement of social science and technology, China's economic development has entered a new era, and economic growth is facing new problems and contradictions. In order to give full play to the contribution of fiscal policies to economic growth, it is necessary to clarify the current economic development status and future trends, Only in this way can we formulate scientific and reasonable fiscal policies.
3.1 formulate fiscal policies based on the current situation and future trend characteristics of China's economic growth
First, the analysis of the current situation of China's economic development. According to the relevant data of economic development, China's economic growth has been cyclical since 2000. It has experienced five major economic growth cycles, each of which is 35 ~ 40 months long. After the third quarter of 2017, the economic growth trend began to weaken, but then it will enter a new round of growth cycle. Therefore, in this stage, it is necessary to adjust the economic structure and change the growth momentum. At this time, we need to adjust the fiscal policy to achieve the purpose of economic structure transformation and upgrading.
Second, the future trend of China's economic growth. With the acceleration of the aging process of the population and the decline of the development momentum of the traditional economic structure, these data features show that China's economic growth will show a slowing trend in the future. In this stage, it is necessary to comprehensively analyze the new kinetic energy of economic growth, so as to formulate relevant fiscal policies, so as to effectively obtain the growth rate of economic development. For example, consumption, investment and productivity are all weak in economic development. Taking investment as an example, the efficiency of China's existing investment structure is declining, and there is little room for the growth of the total investment in the future, but the investment potential can be effectively stimulated by continuously improving the investment efficiency and investment structure. Therefore, in the future, China needs to adhere to the reform and opening-up policy to make the total factor productivity grow continuously.
3.2 relevant policy suggestions on improving the contribution rate of fiscal policy to China's economic growth
Based on the above analysis, China's current and future economic growth will show a stable and slow development trend. At present, we can still improve the economic growth rate through the formulation of various relevant policies and supporting fiscal policies.
First, through active targeted fiscal policies to promote the transformation of economic development mode. In the future, only by taking the road of high-quality development can China's economy achieve sustainable development. Therefore, it is urgent to form a modern economic system with quality first and benefit first, change the traditional extensive economic development mode, and develop towards the intensive direction. Second, we should promote the formation of new drivers of economic growth through refined fiscal policies. In the first three decades of reform and opening up, China's economic growth model mainly relied on investment and export as the driving force, and the national fiscal policy also tended to focus on how to increase the total amount of investment and export. At present, this growth model has become unsustainable, and exploring new growth drivers has become the core. At present, according to the development trend of the global society, we can enhance the momentum of consumption growth and gradually increase the contribution of consumption to economic growth. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce various sophisticated and diverse fiscal policies and measures to promote the personalized, differentiated and diversified development of consumption, which will react on the innovative development of industries and promote the formation of a series of new growth points in China's economy. For example, in terms of fiscal expenditure policy, it can improve its expenditure level at the level of social culture and education, and make more cultural consumption and green low-carbon consumption become the focus of consumption. Third, we should implement the overall planning of various policies and accelerate the building of an innovative country. Innovation is the first driving force to lead development. At present, relevant national policies are required to take building an innovative country as the goal. Under this requirement, various forward-looking and systematic policies and systems are formulated. For example, in the formulation of fiscal policy, it is necessary to issue corresponding policies to enhance the training of China's international strategic scientific and technological talents. In terms of financial expenditure, we will increase the level of expenditure on scientific research bases in major universities, and provide a practice experiment base and a science and technology incubation base for young scientific and technological talents and high-level innovation teams. Fourth, we should optimize and improve fiscal policies and promote fair and reasonable income distribution. Based on the survey data, the Gini coefficient in China is above 0.46 at the present stage, which directly restricts the development level of China's economy. Therefore, in the process of future economic development, efforts should be made to narrow the income gap to a reasonable level. In this regard, we can promote more reasonable income distribution through the detailed contents of China's fiscal policy, such as improving the mechanism and system of distribution according to work; We can also effectively regulate excessive income and outlaw illegal income behavior by improving our existing tax system.
4 Conclusion
To sum up, the impact of China's fiscal policy on economic development is mainly indirect. Relevant departments need to conduct in-depth analysis on the contribution mechanism of various fiscal policies to China's economic growth during the formulation of fiscal policy, and summarize through rich theoretical knowledge and practical experience that tax policy, fiscal expenditure policy and fiscal budget policy are important components of fiscal policy. These policies will indirectly affect the distribution of social resources, thus affecting the growth rate of China's economy.
With the further development of society, the characteristics and trends of China's economic growth have changed, which requires that the existing fiscal policies also need to be improved and adjusted. In this regard, after analyzing the current economic growth, the author combined with other policies and measures to formulate a more active and scientific fiscal policy in order to better play the contribution of fiscal policy to economic development.
