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时间:2022-10-14 来源:未知 编辑:梦想论文 阅读:
Since 2014, Shanghai has taken the lead in exploring the implementation of ideological and political curriculum in colleges and universities. In 2016, the Special Plan for the Construction of the Teaching System of Ideological and Political Curriculum in Colleges and Universities in Shanghai was issued to comprehensively promote ideological and political curriculum construction. In May 2020, the Ministry of Education issued the Guiding Outline for Ideological and Political Construction of Courses in Colleges and Universities, pointing out that comprehensively promoting ideological and political construction of courses is a strategic measure to implement the fundamental task of establishing morality and cultivating people, and an important task to comprehensively improve the quality of talent training. Ideological and political education should run through the entire talent training system. We should adhere to the central link of establishing morality and cultivating people, run ideological and political work through the whole process of education and teaching, and achieve the goal of educating people in the whole process and in all directions.
The professional education mode of China's higher education has obvious advantages in professional training. The ideological and political theory course should improve the educational affinity and pertinence, and constantly meet the needs and expectations of students' growth and development. Each professional course should keep its own channel, plant its own responsibility field, and go with the ideological and political theory course to form a synergistic effect. It is one of the important tasks of the ideological and political work of colleges and universities at present and in the future to comprehensively promote the ideological and political construction of college courses, base on talent training, orderly promote ideological and political courses, professional ideological and political construction and curriculum ideological and political construction, make good use of the main channel of classroom teaching, give full play to the role of each course in educating people, comprehensively build the ideological and political work system, and improve the quality of talent training.
1、 Necessity of Ideological and Political Reform of Insurance
(1) Necessary Requirements for Implementing the Fundamental Task of Building Virtue and Cultivating People
Virtue does not stand, and line does not go far. As the soul of education, the essence of ideological and political education is the process in which educators lead the educated to gradually identify with and practice social morality through educational practice. Higher education is the main channel and position of students' ideological and moral construction, and the cultivation of educational talents cannot be separated from ideological and political education. Ideological and political education is an important focus to promote the implementation of the teaching policy of ideological and political education. In March 2021, the Ministry of Education officially launched the construction of ideological and political demonstration courses, famous teachers, teaching teams and teaching research demonstration centers, comprehensively promoted the theoretical research and teaching practice of ideological and political construction of courses in different types of universities, explored ways to innovate the ideological and political construction of courses, and built a curriculum ideological and political system with comprehensive coverage, rich types, progressive levels and mutual support, It has promoted the situation of "schools have high-quality products, schools have ideological and political education, courses have characteristics, and everyone values education". To comprehensively promote ideological and political education in the curriculum, professional curriculum teachers need to design personalized ideological and political path based on the characteristics of the curriculum, truly enrich the form and content of ideological and political education, and constantly improve the effect of moral education. The ideological and political reform of the "Insurance" course responds to the construction needs of educational reform, and has profound educational significance.
(2) An Important Way to Cultivate Insurance Professionals
"Insurance" is a discipline that studies risk management and provides insurance solutions, involving financial, mathematical, statistical, economic, financial and legal expertise. The major of insurance is dedicated to training compound talents with high professional quality, professional dedication and sense of insurance professional responsibility, who can be competent for the operation and risk management of the insurance industry and other financial industries.
The training of insurance professionals can not be separated from the teaching of the basic operating principles of insurance, and can not be separated from the positive guidance of ideological and political awareness. Over the years, the development process and innovation of the insurance profession in China have contained rich ideological and political elements, laying a good foundation for training high-quality insurance professionals with both political integrity and talent. The professional knowledge and theory of "Insurance" is the carrier of the ideological and political curriculum, and the ideological and political curriculum of "Insurance" is the soul of the curriculum construction of "Insurance". The combination of explicit education of "insurance" major and implicit education of ideology and politics, and the integration of professional knowledge of "insurance" with the teaching goal of "moral education", can not only improve students' professional quality and skills, but also cultivate students to actively practice the fine quality of socialist core values in the process of preaching, teaching and dispelling doubts, so as to bring together more high-quality insurance professionals for the country. It is imperative to reform the ideological and political education of insurance professional courses.
(3) The uniqueness of "Insurance" professional courses
The Guiding Outline for Ideological and Political Construction of University Curriculum points out that it is necessary to deeply study the educational objectives of different majors, deeply excavate and refine the ideological value and spiritual connotation contained in the professional knowledge system, and use professional ideological and political guidance to guide curriculum ideological and political development. The courses of insurance major mainly include "Principles of Insurance", "Principles and Practices of Life Insurance", "Principles and Practices of Property Insurance", "Insurance Actuaries", "Econometrics", "Financial Risk Management", etc. Most of the corresponding course textbooks use various cases or news events as the starting point to elicit specific course content, so as to help students more easily resonate with the knowledge points in the textbooks. The ideological and political content of the course needs to combine different historical backgrounds and social hotspots to introduce different ideological and political content. The rich course cases and news events in the insurance professional courses provide a good opportunity to promote the ideological and political content of the course. While learning professional curriculum knowledge, students also gain the experience of ideological and political theory courses, so as to truly play the combination effect of professional explicit education and ideological and political implicit education, which is a new direction that insurance professional curriculum ideological and political education urgently needs to try.
2、 Ideological and Political Integration Path of "Insurance" Course
How to organically embed the ideological and political elements into the teaching of "insurance" course, we should first realize that the teaching of "insurance" course can be carried out along two paths at the same time. The teaching of insurance professional knowledge is one thing, and the ideological and political education of the "insurance" course is another. We should work together to organically integrate the ideological and political education into the course teaching, so as to achieve a silent educational effect. Ideological and political education is the soul of insurance curriculum construction. The education of "three outlooks" is an important element of the training goal of insurance professionals. The education of "three outlooks" should be realized through the ideological and political path of the "insurance" course. The professional knowledge and theory of "insurance" is the carrier of the ideological and political construction of the "insurance" curriculum, and at the same time, the misunderstanding of the ideological and political construction of the curriculum should be avoided. The means, methods and entry points of the combination of teaching content and ideological and political education should not be modeled and one-sided, but should be systematically and comprehensively integrated from different paths.

(1) Comprehensively promote the construction of ideological and political content of "Insurance" course
The teaching of "Insurance" should be guided by Marxism to help students understand the national strategy, laws and regulations and relevant policies in the insurance industry and related fields, guide students to go deep into social practice, pay attention to the reality of people's livelihood and economic issues, and cultivate students' professional quality of insurance with moral integrity and moral and law. We will systematically carry out ideological and political education in the insurance field, focusing on family and country feelings, legal awareness, and cultural literacy, and focusing on patriotism, loving the people, and loving the collective. Follow the students' cognitive rules to design the course content and establish a theoretical learning system for the basic knowledge of insurance. We should pay attention to improving the political, contemporary, scientific and readability of the ideological and political content of the "Insurance" course, specifically implement the educational concept of establishing morality and cultivating people in the whole process of ideological and political education of the "Insurance" course, and comprehensively promote the construction of the ideological and political content of the course.
(2) Improve the Consciousness and Ability of "Insurance" Teachers in Ideological and Political Education
Teachers are the main force of the ideological and political construction of the curriculum. Teachers' consciousness and ability of ideological and political construction of the curriculum deeply affect the effectiveness of ideological and political education of the curriculum. Only when teachers accurately grasp the academic connotation of the consciousness of ideological and political construction of curriculum, can they effectively promote the ideological and political construction of curriculum to take root in teaching objectives, teaching decisions, teaching research and evaluation standards. Teachers' classroom teaching activities not only have a direct effect on students' knowledge, but also have an important impact on the shaping of students' values.
The ideological and political education of the curriculum should first mobilize the enthusiasm of teachers, especially the teachers of the "insurance" professional course, to enhance their ideological and political awareness and improve their ideological and political ability, so as to urge teachers to reasonably design the ideological and political content of the curriculum according to the teaching content, flexibly and vividly integrate the ideological and political education into the teaching process of the "insurance" curriculum, and achieve the synergy between the teaching of insurance knowledge and the ideological and political education. Teachers need to closely follow the changes of policies in ideological and political education, pay attention to the policy documents closely related to their majors in real time, and store ideological and political materials in order to better use them flexibly in classroom teaching. For example, when teaching the future development prospects of life insurance, teachers introduced relevant contents in the 14th Five Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of the People's Republic of China and the Vision Outline for 2035 in real time to discuss with students how to standardize the development of the third pillar endowment insurance and improve students' sense of industry mission. The improvement of teachers' awareness and ability of curriculum ideological and political construction is not achieved overnight. It not only requires teachers to actively integrate themselves into the society, actively explore the significance of curriculum ideological and political construction and the truth, good and beauty of curriculum ideological and political construction, but also requires universities to improve top-level design and system guarantee.
(3) Integrate "Insurance" Course Ideological and Political Education into All Teaching Links
The integration of ideological and political education into the curriculum should run through the entire talent training program, build a curriculum system of mutual penetration of ideological and political education and "insurance" professional education, excavate the ideological and political resources in the "insurance" curriculum, and find the fit point of the ideological and political design of "insurance" curriculum, so as to achieve the organic integration of "insurance" curriculum content and ideological and political education.
The design of teaching objectives. The professional goal of the teaching of "Insurance" is to improve students' understanding of risk management and insurance, and cultivate modern insurance awareness; Be familiar with the basic links of insurance operation and the operation procedure, operation mode and operation mechanism of the insurance market; Master the basic theories, links and skills of insurance, cultivate the ability of insurance product design, marketing and insurance agency management, and be able to independently use the knowledge learned to analyze and explain the problems in the insurance field.
The ideological and political education goal of the "Insurance" course is to integrate and use resources in multiple ways based on various ideological and political education topics, ideological and political textbooks in colleges and universities, insurance professional training concepts, as well as the requirements of talent training programs, to transfer "positive energy" from the aspects of national destiny, school development, professional discipline construction, cultural life, social livelihood, and national future, so as to guide students to establish a correct world outlook, outlook on life, and values, Set up lofty ideals. The two goals are interwoven and complement each other, demonstrating the great significance of insurance professional talent training, and also penetrating the direction of the ideological and political reform of insurance in the future. We should not only focus on the cultivation of students' knowledge and skills, but also give consideration to the enlightenment and guidance of students' ideological and political education. The ideological and political design of "Insurance" should be based on the needs of contemporary students and creatively integrated into the whole teaching process. In class is one of the focuses of ideological and political education. Before and after class are equally important ideological and political nodes. Proceeding from reality and taking students as the center, we are moving forward to achieve the professional goal of "insurance" course teaching and the goal of "insurance" ideological and political education, so that the significance of curriculum ideological and political education in improving the overall teaching quality of the curriculum and teaching and educating people can be maximized. Teaching knowledge. The completion of a good lesson requires not only excellent teaching in class, but also enough effort after class. The selection of textbooks is an important part. Good textbooks can mobilize students' initiative in learning professional knowledge, help teachers grasp the difficulty of teaching, and scientifically integrate ideological and political elements. The teaching courseware plays a leading and enlightening role in classroom teaching. The content should be rich and diversified. Try to display the content related to knowledge points from multiple perspectives, and add ideological and political elements in real time. For example, when designing the introduction courseware of the "Insurance" course, the origin of the "July 8 National Insurance Public Publicity Day", videos and posters of related activities can be inserted to stimulate students' sense of industry identity. Classroom teaching is the main position of ideological and political education. Teachers should creatively combine interactive teaching, case teaching and cooperative teaching to maximize the subjective initiative and independence of students' thinking, promote the two-way circular growth of teachers and students, and constantly improve the educational effect of ideological and political education. For example, in the form of course discussion, students work together in groups to complete the writing of the topic after class. In class, they exchange ideas and collide ideas with teachers to deepen their views on the knowledge they have learned.

The optimization of teaching evaluation system. The current teaching evaluation mostly adopts the traditional evaluation system, which is mainly based on the teacher's evaluation of students, with the degree of professional knowledge and skills as the main basis for evaluating students, ignoring the students' teaching evaluation of teachers and the teachers' assessment of students' moral quality and ideological and political literacy. The evaluation system of teachers for students can be composed of process assessment and result assessment. Process assessment is mainly based on students' learning and performance before, during and after class. The evaluation content includes students' concentration and seriousness in classroom learning, students' recognition and loyalty to the "insurance" curriculum, students' personal integrity and sense of responsibility, etc. For example, students' ability to work in a team and to assume responsibility are examined by assigning group assignments. The result based assessment is mainly based on the students' final examination scores, so as to judge the students' mastery of professional knowledge. For example, in the design of the examination paper of the "Insurance" course, we will combine the ideological and political elements with professional knowledge points, examine the students' ability to flexibly apply the principle of maximum integrity in combination with cases, discuss how to reduce the possibility of moral hazard and adverse selection events in insurance practice, and guide students to establish a high sense of integrity. Students can evaluate teaching through small programs developed by colleges and universities or educational administration system. Although many colleges and universities have adopted this method, the results of improving teaching are not significant. Colleges and universities should pay more attention to teaching evaluation, so that students' evaluation can be truly integrated into the improvement of curriculum education effect, such as setting at least 50 evaluation words.
3、 Key Points of Ideological and Political Integration of "Insurance" Course
"Insurance" is not only a core course for insurance majors, but also an important core course for other financial majors. The teaching of the "Insurance" course involves many cases closely related to the actual situation. The teaching content should be appropriately embedded with ideological and political elements. Combining the characteristics of the "Insurance" course, we should tap the ideological and political education resources contained in the course, optimize the supply of ideological and political content of the course, so as to strengthen students' ideals and beliefs, and cultivate them to become firm believers, active communicators, and model practitioners of socialist core values. Specifically, the ideological and political elements of the curriculum can be excavated from the teaching content based on professional identity, professional ethics, social responsibility and core values. Based on the textbook of Insurance published by Higher Education Press and edited by Liu Yan, the article designs the integration of ideological and political points in the course content.
(1) Risk and Risk Management
The main teaching content is the concept, characteristics and classification of risk; The connotation, procedure and method of risk management; The ideal element of insurable risk. The integration points of ideological and political elements include the following points.
1. Lead students to get familiar with the spirit of the Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Several Major Issues of Adhering to and Improving the Socialist System with Chinese Characteristics and Promoting the Modernization of the National Governance System and Governance Capacity adopted at the Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee, and guide students to form a correct risk view and enhance their risk management awareness in combination with risks and risk transmission in the financial industry.
2. In combination with China's severe "demographic environment", guide students to explore the opportunities and challenges facing the insurance industry under the background of aging, understand the connotation of "intergenerational pension", enhance students' sense of responsibility and mission, and imperceptibly convey China's traditional virtue of respecting the old and caring for the young.
(2) Features and Functions of Insurance
The main teaching content is a brief history of insurance development; General overview of insurance; The function, function and specific role of insurance. The integration points of ideological and political elements include the following points. 1. In combination with the 2020 government work report, discuss the important role that various types of insurance can play in the construction of the "Belt and Road", guide students to think about the future development path of the industry, make the national destiny closely linked with the career development of students, and sow the seeds of cultivating industry builders.
2. In combination with the main achievements of China's insurance industry in the 13th Five Year Plan Achievements and the 14th Five Year Plan Outlook, discuss the role of insurance in China's social security system, opening up areas, and economic poverty alleviation, guide students to understand the role of insurance in specific areas of the country, and advocate students to pay attention to the operating mechanism of China's insurance system.
(3) Property insurance
The main teaching content is the classification of property insurance and their respective characteristics; Property insurance operation mechanism; Differences and similarities among various types of insurance. The integration points of ideological and political elements include the following points.
1. In combination with the contents proposed in the Fourteenth Five Year Development Plan that we should vigorously develop catastrophe insurance, promote full coverage of work safety liability insurance in key areas, vigorously develop agricultural insurance, expand the scope of rural asset mortgage financing, fully guide students to intuitively feel the functions of insurance compensation and disaster prevention, and understand the importance of insurance types and insurance service quality for national security and development, Build national confidence and national confidence.
2. Guide students to compare the changes of insurance rates, loss rates and payment amounts before and after the vehicle insurance reform in the second half of 2020, find out the context of the vehicle insurance reform, experience the reform achievements in the field of vehicle insurance in exploration, and understand the importance of unity of knowledge and practice.

(4) Life insurance
The main teaching content is the comparison between traditional life insurance and new life insurance; The liability components of personal accident insurance; Classification, characteristics and payment conditions of health insurance; The concept and classification of annuity insurance; Development status of new life insurance; Development status of health insurance; Pension annuity; Individual tax deferred endowment insurance. The integration points of ideological and political elements include the following points.
1. In combination with the newly issued Health Insurance Management Measures in 2019, guide students to pay attention to the development trend of commercial health insurance under the background of aging population, and focus on the future development trend of long-term care insurance system. Encourage students to form teams to search for and discuss the current pilot situation in various cities, explore the development space of commercial nursing insurance, deeply understand the social development trend in the survey, combine the national development with their own majors, and cultivate students' broad feelings of managing the world and helping the people. 2. Focus on "medical accident insurance", and guide students to objectively look at social hot spots or pain points such as "doctor-patient disputes". Students, as the main promoters of the future development of society, should be brave to shoulder the heavy responsibility, uphold a sincere heart, dare to make breakthroughs, pursue excellence, and do something or not.
(5) Insurance operation
The main teaching content is the characteristics and principles of insurance business; The main links of insurance operation; Key points of underwriting and claim verification. The integration points of ideological and political elements include the following points. 1. In combination with the Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the High Quality Development of Agricultural Insurance, which clearly points out that local governments at all levels do not participate in the specific operation of agricultural insurance, they should give better play to the role of the government, fully mobilize the underwriting enthusiasm of insurance institutions, establish the institutional confidence of students in the socialist market economic system, encourage students to believe in science, clarify the truth, make appropriate choices, and be promising young people in the new era. 2. In combination with typical cases, guide students to pay attention to topics related to "insurance fraud", and establish the awareness of maintaining the operation order of the insurance market and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of consumers. Insurance professionals should be committed to building an insurance anti fraud mechanism, investigating loopholes in insurance products to avoid tragic events, so that insurance can bring a better life and meet the aspirations of more people for a better life.
(6) Insurance market and supervision
The main teaching contents include insurance market structure; Influencing factors of insurance supply and demand; Contents and methods of insurance market supervision; The current situation and trend of insurance market supervision. The integration points of ideological and political elements include the following points.
1. In combination with the 14th Five Year Plan, it is clearly proposed to improve the modern financial supervision system, complement the weaknesses of the supervision system, and the insurance institutions are often plagued by false capital, insufficient disaster risk arrangements, false underwriting, and false claims settlement. Contemporary college students are in the tide of the times. They are exposed to all kinds of fresh ideas. They need to be alert at all times to trace back to the source, stick to the bottom line in their hearts, and pay attention to learning, politics and integrity.
2. According to the 14th Five Year Development Plan, we should accelerate institutional opening, steadily promote the opening up of insurance, banking, securities and other financial fields, promote the joint construction and sharing of domestic and foreign capital, and promote a smooth circulation, so as to inspire contemporary college students to establish an open and inclusive mind, cultivate a vision of overall planning, observe the world from a higher level, and lead the direction of life development.
The "Insurance" course is the core course for cultivating insurance professionals, and the "Insurance" course "Ideological and Political Education" is an important "magic weapon" for constructing the pattern of education of insurance professionals. The article explores the new possibility of "insurance" curriculum in the new era from four aspects: the background, necessity, implementation path, and integration point of "insurance" curriculum. Deeply understand the ideological and political education value connotation of the curriculum, put people first, and truly integrate patriotism, ideals and beliefs, truth-seeking spirit, and the thought of unity of knowledge and practice into the whole process of professional curriculum teaching; It is an important task for colleges and universities to develop talents for social development, civilization inheritance, spiritual convergence and national rejuvenation from the perspective of the Party and the country.
