essay case
Term paper


时间:2022-08-21 来源:未知 编辑:梦想论文 阅读:
In recent years, marketing posts have always been posts with high employment rate, and enterprises have a huge and urgent demand for professional marketing talents with high professional quality. At present, more than 90% of Higher Vocational Colleges and universities have set up marketing majors, and quite a number of colleges and universities have built them as key majors at the college level, provincial level and even national level. Therefore, various colleges and universities have established the quality system and evaluation index of marketing talents including professional quality to different degrees. Based on the special research and teaching practice, this paper tries to analyze and discuss the current situation and solutions of the professional quality training of marketing talents in higher vocational colleges.
(1) analysis on the current situation of marketing talent quality system in Higher Vocational Colleges
1.1 construction of marketing talent quality in the field of Education
Regardless of the professional skill standards of "marketing professionals" formulated by the Ministry of labor and social security of the people's Republic of China, or the talent training objectives formulated by various higher vocational colleges, although the description and construction ideas of the quality system of marketing professionals are different, there are relatively similar and consistent understandings:
(1) This is the basic quality of the profession. That is, the basic quality and moral requirements necessary for engaging in marketing, business and other work, including personal values, world outlook and other ideological qualities, moral concepts and psychological qualities, as well as interpersonal communication and work skills for handling general affairs.
(2) Professional knowledge and skills. That is, the knowledge system and professional skills of marketing talents, including comprehensive knowledge systems such as humanistic knowledge, economic knowledge, marketing knowledge, social science knowledge and legal knowledge, as well as market communication and business activity skills such as listening, speaking, writing and doing.
3. Business management ability. That is, the quality and skills necessary for market development, planning and prediction, including personal and team management, innovation and development, organization and coordination, risk bearing and other capabilities.
1.2 requirements of the enterprise field on the quality of marketing talents
In the past five years, according to our follow-up visits to 200 market-oriented enterprises and the comprehensive analysis of the employment trend of Jiangsu Higher Vocational and technical college marketing students represented by Huai'an Information Vocational and technical college, the following requirements exist for the quality composition of marketing talents:
(1) Recognition of the enterprise. More than 70% of enterprises need marketing personnel to identify with the enterprise culture, especially the core value culture including marketing culture and service culture. This is a direct requirement for the professional quality of marketing personnel.
(2) Marketing professional skills. More than 50% of enterprises agree that marketing personnel should have comprehensive professional skills composed of planning skills, negotiation skills, investigation and prediction skills, sales management skills, etc.
(3) Comprehensive working ability. Nearly 30% of enterprises need marketing personnel to not only be able to engage in their own marketing work, but also be good at handling comprehensive work such as finance, management and production, that is, to have management skills for other work.
1.3 "short board" of marketing talent quality system in Higher Vocational Colleges
As for the proportion of the quality of marketing talents, there is a certain gap between the education sector and the business sector: the former pays more attention to the professional skills of talents, while the latter pays more attention to the professional quality of talents. In other words, the "short board" in the quality system training of marketing talents in the field of education is to neglect the key construction and training of the professional quality of marketing talents. The main reasons for forming such a "short board" are:
(1) Educators lack enterprise experience and intuitive cognition of professional quality.
Most of the full-time teachers of the marketing major are not from the marketing department, and lack certain practical work experience in enterprises; Non full time teachers, such as class teachers, counselors and other teaching assistants, lack of understanding of the professional quality of marketing talents; College level leaders with science and engineering background have insufficient opportunities to deeply understand the quality system of marketing professionals due to the deployment of overall work. These have become the fundamental reasons for the lack of professional quality training of marketing talents.
(2) Educational resources lack investment in vocational quality education.
Compared with the resources such as teachers, teaching materials, practice and training invested for the training of talents' professional skills, the special teaching resources invested for the training of professional quality are less. For example, the cultivation of professional ethics is only scattered in non professional education links such as ideological and political education, thematic class meetings and graduation education, and lacks refining and Cultivation in professional courses. This is the direct cause of the "short board" phenomenon.
(3) The mode of school enterprise cooperation is not deep enough.
In the school enterprise cooperation mode of marketing major, most higher vocational colleges have adopted special lectures, enterprise visits, fixed position internships and other methods, lacking in-depth understanding and cooperation of enterprise culture system; Even the marketing talents who are trained by "order form", most of them only pay attention to the training of enterprise work skills. These are the important reasons for the imperfect construction of professional quality of marketing talents.
(2) building the "enterprise culture" system and cultivating the professional quality of marketing talents in Higher Vocational Colleges
Enterprise culture is a management system formed in the long-term work practice of an enterprise. It is implemented in all activities of the enterprise, affects and determines the mental outlook of all members and the quality, behavior and competitiveness of the whole enterprise. It is the soul of the enterprise. Building the professional quality system of marketing talents is a complex work. How to reduce the "short board" phenomenon and make the marketing students of Higher Vocational Colleges better adapt to the needs of market-oriented enterprises, the author believes that it is a beneficial attempt to strengthen the use of the material connotation and spiritual value of the "enterprise culture" system to build the professional quality training on the basis of professional skills training.
2.1 reshape the professional quality of talents with the spiritual content of "enterprise culture" system
Although different types of enterprises have different descriptions of their own corporate culture, and the structure of corporate culture is also very different, the core values and spiritual content are similar, which can become an important standard for shaping the professional quality of marketing talents in higher vocational colleges.
2.1.1 professional identity
The vast majority of enterprises need marketing talents to identify with the enterprise culture, which is actually to identify with the professional concepts of enterprises and individuals. The sense of identity means that marketing talents should have a high degree of loyalty and responsibility to the enterprise and career.
(1) Loyalty. Marketing jobs are characterized by high employment rate and high turnover rate. According to the survey of marketing graduates of Higher Vocational Colleges in Northern Jiangsu, less than 20% of them have changed their jobs within three times within three years. The high brain drain rate emphasizes the importance of "loyalty" education in the cultivation of talents' professional quality.
(2) Sense of responsibility. Marketing work has high flexibility and repeatability, and a high sense of responsibility is the only source of work motivation. It has rich concept connotation and requires marketing personnel to adhere to the spirit quality of unremitting, meticulous and comprehensive in the whole process from the setting of work objectives to the summary of work stages. This should also become the focus of talent quality training in the school education stage.
2.1.2 people oriented
The concept of humanism is the core of corporate cultural value. The quality of being kind to others is the core demand of enterprises for marketing talents. "People-oriented" has at least two meanings in professional quality training: one is to respect others, and the other is to attach importance to individuals.
(1) Respect others. The core culture of marketing is customer-oriented, which is in the same strain as the people-oriented concept. Students majoring in marketing should not only be able to treat customers (internal and external) with tolerance, but also be able to respect the advantages and even disadvantages of others with tolerance.
(2) Attach importance to individuals. Enterprise heroes are the individual symbols of enterprise culture. Attaching importance to individuals means fully learning from enterprise heroes on the premise of facing oneself squarely and respecting others. For the post-80s and post-90s vocational college students who are independent and advocate themselves, it is of great vocational education significance to cultivate the quality of being good at learning from others.

2.1.3 practical work
Higher vocational college students are the first-line application-oriented talents facing the market. Their strong practical ability and practical spirit are the necessary professional qualities of talents at this level. To cultivate the quality of practical work, we should focus on cultivating students' adaptability and action ability.
(1) Adaptability. Marketing personnel should not only be able to adapt to the local culture and market needs, but also adapt to the company's corporate culture and marketing policies when they enter their posts. Only after adapting to the internal and external environment can we better position ourselves accurately and find the career direction suitable for our own development.
(2) Mobility. The market situation faced by marketing personnel is complex and changeable, and various resources need to be integrated to carry out work actions. Students majoring in marketing must cultivate a keen sense of market smell and competition, be able to constantly adjust marketing strategies with the changes of the market, and exercise the ability of teamwork in the changes.
2.1.4 innovation spirit
The market situation is constantly changing, but the marketing mode is increasingly similar. Marketing personnel must be full of enthusiasm and dare to bear setbacks, so as to constantly innovate, and make their own products, ideas, strategies and other personalities known and stand out.
(1) Confident and enthusiastic. The marketing work is very practical and challenging. All marketing personnel entering the industry must love this profession, and no matter how difficult it is, they should devote themselves to it. Only with great self-confidence and enthusiasm can we make unremitting innovation and give full play to the specialty of marketing in higher vocational colleges.
(2) Take on setbacks. Innovation is a double-edged sword. Especially in the face of the rapidly changing market, opportunities and risks coexist. After encountering difficulties and setbacks, marketing personnel should also adjust themselves with high-quality Eq. It is the basic requirement to train the students of higher vocational colleges to have excellent psychological quality of fighting and fighting.
2.2 cultivate the professional quality of talents with the material carrier of "enterprise culture" system
The spiritual value connotation of enterprise culture is realized through certain material carriers, such as the process of activities in the form of production and training, and the results of activities in the form of products and patents. In the process of cultivating the professional quality of marketing talents in higher vocational colleges, we can also use the material carrier of enterprise culture system for reference.
2.2.1 based on strengthening the educators' corporate culture awareness.
The lack of awareness of enterprise culture among the front-line educators is the fundamental reason for the lack of talent quality training. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the enterprise experience and market awareness of educators. On the one hand, strengthen the depth of school enterprise cooperation, so that educators can improve their market theory training, go deep into the practice of enterprise learning, and intuitively experience the essence of enterprise culture. At present, most colleges and universities are only full-time teachers in contact with enterprises, and the teaching assistants lack the opportunity to understand the practical work and organizational culture of enterprises, which is obviously not enough. On the other hand, full-time teachers and teaching assistants need to communicate frequently, strengthen the common understanding of enterprise culture, reach an agreement on the mode of cultivating students' professional quality with the essence of enterprise culture, form a real education team, coordinate and complement each other, and not only perform their own duties.
2.2.2 based on the construction of campus culture of higher vocational colleges.
The students of higher vocational colleges directly feel the campus culture when they are in school. At present, most higher vocational colleges have established their own campus culture, such as "Mingde", "Chongshi" and "innovation", but a considerable part of them are superficial, just some slogans and slogans. Just imagine, if students can not deeply identify with campus culture, how can they identify with the culture of market-oriented enterprises? Therefore, it is an important prerequisite for cultivating students' professional quality to build a campus culture that is similar to and in line with the characteristics of enterprise culture. On the one hand, colleges and departments should establish an overall campus culture that conforms to the characteristics of colleges and universities; on the other hand, classes and student groups should cultivate individual culture that conforms to professional characteristics on the basis of highly recognizing and understanding the former.
2.2.3 take the educational method of applying the project process as the means.
Work process orientation is a teaching mode recognized by most higher vocational colleges. Its essence coincides with the quality of paying attention to dynamic process in enterprise culture. Therefore, our college puts forward the concept of "all staff and all procedures education" and focuses on strengthening the process, spontaneity and creativity of students' professional quality training. First of all, when designing the learning situation, case background and activity items of the professional core courses, we should consciously decompose and cultivate professional quality, and take it as an important standard for assessing students, instead of relying on the inculcation of basic courses such as ideological and moral character and political theory; Secondly, for the daily management of students, we can also use the project-based and process-based management to cultivate professional quality. For example, the cultural activities of students can be awarded to various informal student individuals or teams through competitive bidding, which can be planned and implemented by them, instead of relying solely on the student union and other official social organizations.
2.2.4 take the refined and materialized learning form as the result.
Enterprise culture is not an illusory spiritual concept, but a real form embodied by a certain material carrier. To cultivate students' professional quality with the spiritual quality of enterprise culture, we must also make it materialized. First, formulate quantitative and specific occupational quality indicators, form standard texts, and implement them in the education process of professional teaching and daily management; Secondly, establish a learning team with standard structure and dynamic process, and encourage the systematization and flexibility of the team learning process; Thirdly, the standardized form of learning results should be formulated and implemented throughout the learning process. For example, each project must complete the same written or electronic work results.
To sum up, the construction of enterprise culture system is not only the demand of enterprises for marketing talents, but also an effective way for higher vocational colleges to cultivate the professional quality of talents; Enterprise culture is a long-term, complex and arduous work, which can not be solved by one course of enterprise culture or several courses of ideology and morality. To cultivate marketing talents of Higher Vocational Colleges with the material carrier and spiritual content of enterprise culture, colleges and universities need to attach great importance to it, vigorously invest in educational resources, and scientific division of labor and coordination of educators at all levels.
