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时间:2022-06-26 来源:未知 编辑:梦想论文 阅读:
1、 Introduction
In today's era of knowledge economy, the new productivity structure system composed of a large number of knowledge resources has become the core competitiveness, and knowledge capital is also the main driving force to achieve rapid economic growth and social wealth accumulation. Knowledge management in enterprises is a kind of management based on knowledge-based talents. Through the sharing and application of knowledge, the market adaptability and innovation ability of enterprises are improved. As an emerging enterprise, entrepreneurial enterprises need to face more fierce competition in the industry market and face greater difficulties in their development. Whether the enterprise can occupy a place in the fierce industry competition depends on whether the core knowledge competitiveness of the enterprise is strong enough. For internal knowledge management, its essence is to encourage every employee to contribute their accumulated explicit and implicit knowledge to the greatest extent and share it with the whole enterprise, so as to improve the overall knowledge stock and knowledge ability of the enterprise, and finally enhance the innovation ability of the enterprise. Therefore, for enterprises, it is of great strategic significance to design corresponding incentive mechanism schemes for knowledge sharing, continuously arouse the initiative of enterprise employees in knowledge sharing, and produce a good atmosphere for knowledge sharing.
2、 Related concepts
(1) The essence of enterprise knowledge sharing. The so-called enterprise knowledge sharing refers to the process of sharing the knowledge wealth owned by enterprise members to other members of the enterprise according to various communication methods, so as to improve the utilization rate of knowledge and convert it into enterprise wealth. Knowledge sharing can make a group or organization reduce the cost of knowledge acquisition, which is conducive to the application and innovation of knowledge. The purpose of knowledge sharing is to enable enterprise employees to actively share their own knowledge and innovative ideological contributions to other employees through reasonable and effective knowledge circulation channels within the enterprise, so as to form an active atmosphere of knowledge flow and become the driving force of knowledge innovation. And enterprise knowledge sharing has a significant positive effect. Its functions include: (1) it is helpful for enterprises to acquire knowledge effectively; (2) It can further improve the core competitiveness of enterprise organizations; (3) It can effectively prevent the loss of enterprise knowledge; (4) It is an important means for enterprises to allocate knowledge resources.
(2) Classification of knowledge sharing. Employee knowledge sharing includes explicit knowledge sharing and tacit knowledge sharing. Explicit knowledge refers to the knowledge that can be clearly expressed and accepted by others according to text, graphics and other methods. Explicit knowledge can be encoded, easy to understand and share. It is a tangible knowledge structure. Most of its knowledge exists in electronic files, various drawings and books, computer disks and other storage media, which is easy to transfer and share. Tacit knowledge includes employees' experience, judgment, technology, culture, habits, etc. it belongs to employees' personal experience and personal perception and mainly exists in people's brains. Only when the members of the enterprise trust each other and strengthen communication, can the tacit knowledge owned by the individual be transformed into the tacit knowledge owned by the enterprise, so as to achieve the purpose of knowledge sharing. Generally speaking, the more obvious the knowledge is, the easier it is to express and code, and the easier it is to share. On the contrary, the more tacit knowledge, the harder it is to express and share.
(3) Incentive mechanism. Incentive mechanism reflects the interaction between incentive subject and incentive object through reasonable system. It refers to the sum of various policies that must be adopted by the enterprise in order to motivate excellent employees, including laws, rules and regulations, code of conduct, ethics, cultural concepts, corresponding enterprise organization and management institutions and other incentive measures. Through the driving force and attraction created by this management mechanism, employees are guided to sprout their own positive motivation to achieve the organizational goals of the enterprise, and employees are encouraged to maintain and expand their behavior to achieve the organizational goals; And through the corresponding performance appraisal, employees will get a sense of pride and response rewards, and strengthen their behavior.
Because employees are rational people, they have an exclusive desire for their own knowledge and are not willing to take the initiative to share their tacit knowledge. Therefore, enterprises must establish incentive mechanism to promote knowledge sharing among employees in the organization. As long as the corresponding incentive mechanism is created, it will play a corresponding driving role in the enterprise organization system, maintain the organization's working motivation, and then have an impact on the survival and development of the organization.
3、 Influencing factors of knowledge sharing among enterprise employees
(1) Characteristics of knowledge. It is found that tacit knowledge accounts for 90% of the enterprise knowledge, and explicit knowledge only accounts for 10%. Tacit knowledge accounts for a relatively high proportion, but tacit knowledge depends on individuals and cannot be coded, clarified and obtained through formal channels. In reality, these characteristics are mainly reflected in the monopoly of application, which is not easy to transfer to others; Tacit knowledge must be attached to a certain carrier to play its role. Because tacit knowledge is difficult to encode, some scholars even directly define tacit knowledge as knowledge that cannot be shared, or at least knowledge with high communication and sharing costs.

Because tacit knowledge itself is very personalized, it is difficult to formalize, concretize and code it. Therefore, people often express their tacit knowledge accurately through intuition, gestures and other ways of expression, but it is limited to some extent. Only by improving employees' enthusiasm for enterprise tacit knowledge sharing and establishing a good interactive atmosphere and platform for enterprise employees, can we reduce the possible negative impact of enterprise employees' tacit knowledge on enterprise knowledge sharing due to their own particularity.
(2) Enterprise organizational environment
1. Organizational structure. According to the survey, the majority of Chinese enterprises still adopt the pyramid structure, and there are defects in the organizational structure. This structure often leads to multiple levels of management, overlapping levels, overstaffing, slow information transmission and even distortion in the transmission process; The power is concentrated in the senior management, the subordinates have few opportunities to participate in decision-making, and the innovation potential is difficult to play; The high degree of departmentalization also makes the organizational structure inflexible, makes it difficult for employees to communicate and cooperate, and gradually loses the awareness of mutual cooperation, which will hinder the effective realization of knowledge sharing among enterprise employees.
2. Corporate culture. The realization of knowledge sharing generally needs the guidance of corporate culture. Corporate culture, like air, is invisible and colorless, but it is everywhere. It is the most important, basic and influential factor in knowledge management activities, and it is not easy to establish and cultivate.
The organizational culture of an enterprise is a general term for a certain social consciousness that can make all members of the organization accept and form corresponding collective consciousness, such as core values, code of conduct, team consciousness, way of thinking, work style, psychological expectation, and sense of belonging of the team. A good organizational cultural environment for knowledge sharing is conducive to the common development of our employees and the enterprise. If employees maintain the retention and monopoly of knowledge for a long time, it is not conducive to the spread and sharing of tacit knowledge.
(3) Motivations affecting knowledge sharing among employees
1. Driven by personal interests. Knowledge, especially tacit knowledge, is self formed knowledge stored in the human brain. Because of the increasing value of knowledge, people regard knowledge as a private resource, wealth and right. With the increasingly fierce competition among enterprises, knowledge has become the embodiment of people's value and the key element to obtain competitive advantage. For individual employees, the shared knowledge will no longer be unique to them, thus reducing the value and benefit of knowledge.
2. Security needs. First of all, due to the corresponding value judgment behind the tacit knowledge, ordinary employees and managers tend to hide some of their own ideas rather than tell everything, so the knowledge sharing and communication between them is very superficial. Secondly, the status of enterprise members in the enterprise is generally determined by their professional knowledge, and they are not willing to share their expertise considering the need to maintain their existing positions and promote in the enterprise.
3. Social needs. In the process of knowledge sharing, there will inevitably be different opinions and disputes. In order to protect themselves and others from being hurt by their words, they hide a lot of tacit knowledge. Because the ability of knowledge providers to impart knowledge is different from the ability of knowledge recipients to accept knowledge, both sides are worried that their ability will not be recognized by others, which will affect their influence and reputation in the enterprise.
4、 Establishing incentive mechanism for knowledge sharing among enterprise employees
The essence of the incentive mechanism design is to stipulate that the managers, on the basis of the core concept of people-oriented, standardize the personal behavior of employees according to the people-oriented rules and regulations, stimulate the initiative of employees, realize effective and orderly management, and try to shorten the gap between humanization and institutionalization in enterprise management.
(1) Establish a flat organizational structure. Modern enterprises have many kinds of organizational structures, and the flat organizational structure is one of the emerging organizational structures. The organizational structure of traditional enterprises is an obstacle to knowledge sharing. It has the characteristics of overstaffed organizational structure, strict levels and too many levels, which will cause the distortion or loss of knowledge in the process of transfer. The flat organizational structure has changed the disadvantages of the traditional hierarchy and pyramid organizational structure. There are few management levels from the highest decision-making level to the lowest operation level. The flat organizational structure will make it easier for employees to communicate with each other and form an equal and smooth interactive channel. The biggest advantage of a flat organizational structure is that it can expand the scope of management and improve the efficiency of communication and management. This organizational operation mode ensures the sharing of information on the basis of trust. Employees have greater autonomy in work affairs, which greatly meets the needs of employees for work challenges and helps to improve loyalty. In order to promote knowledge sharing among employees, enterprises should fully empower employees, participate in management, improve subordinate morale, speed up information flow and improve decision-making efficiency. Therefore, a flat organizational structure must be established.

(2) Form an enterprise organizational culture of knowledge sharing. According to the current situation of knowledge management, enterprises should strive to create an organizational culture with knowledge "sharing" as the core, establish mutual trust among employees, stimulate employees' awareness of knowledge sharing, and fundamentally solve the problems existing in knowledge management. First, in the recruitment process, in addition to considering conventional knowledge and skills, moral level, physical and mental status, enterprises should also take the attitude and ability of knowledge contribution as an important content. Through the continuous investigation process, the enterprise can make the final decision based on the comprehensive evaluation of the candidate's knowledge sharing, requiring the candidate to have a team discussion or communicate with the existing employees. Instill the corporate culture of "knowledge sharing" into the newly recruited employees from the very beginning. Second, cultivate employees' consistent values. One of the incentive measures to stimulate employees' desire to communicate is to make the members of the enterprise have common values and common vision. If an enterprise wants to encourage its members to share knowledge, it must have a common goal, direction and values, reach a consensus, and make knowledge sharing become the value orientation and work mode of the enterprise. Third, we should strengthen the trust between employees and enterprises. Enterprise managers should encourage employees to carry out knowledge innovation, respect employees' innovation achievements, and give certain decision-making power to knowledge-based employees with strong ability to express the recognition of the enterprise for their work ability. In addition, it is also possible to improve communication channels and enhance trust and affinity among employees by holding employee communication meetings from time to time. A successful enterprise knowledge management needs to change the way of thinking of employees and cultivate the culture of knowledge sharing with the help of the change of enterprise culture. Every manager should highly support sharing activities, vigorously encourage system innovation, make innovation the primary goal of employees, and change employees' mentality and behavior.
(3) Establish relevant mechanisms for knowledge performance appraisal. In order to realize knowledge sharing, enterprises must establish a contract mechanism similar to the market. Employees can be rewarded if they are willing to share their knowledge with others. Driven by interests, it further stimulates its enthusiasm for knowledge sharing. The role of establishing the assessment mechanism is to review and evaluate the knowledge sharing achievements declared by employees, determine their performance and effect, and serve as the specific basis for salary assessment.
1. Salary reward. This requires enterprises to have a quantifiable compensation mechanism, and clarify the quantitative proportion of tacit knowledge contribution. When designing the salary system, the human resources department can take the possession of intangible knowledge as an evaluation factor. At the same time, the salary brought by the possession of intangible knowledge must be paid after knowledge sharing. By establishing a corresponding knowledge compensation system, the easily determined knowledge achievements can be linked to the recent income of employees.
2. Intellectual equity. Knowledge equity can accurately determine the economic benefits obtained by itself and can be linked to the long-term knowledge results obtained by employees, and encourage all employees to actively share knowledge by issuing equity. The implementation of knowledge equity incentive measures by enterprises can improve employees' enthusiasm and participation awareness in enterprise management, stimulate employees' enthusiasm for knowledge resource sharing and independent innovation, and make the performance of enterprises and everyone improve synchronously. 3. Knowledge promotion. Knowledge promotion is an indirect economic reward, which means that employees who are not sensitive to the stimulation of direct economic benefits and have great knowledge achievements, strong management level, adopt promotion and promotion methods to encourage and motivate them, so as to promote them to acquire higher knowledge in the future.
5、 Conclusion
The purpose of enterprise knowledge sharing is to effectively use the existing knowledge of the enterprise, improve the innovation ability of the enterprise, and make the entrepreneurial enterprise in an invincible position in the fierce market competition. Therefore, entrepreneurial enterprises should have a certain understanding of the factors affecting employees' knowledge sharing, create a good external environment for employees' knowledge sharing by creating a corporate cultural atmosphere for knowledge sharing and establishing an organizational structure conducive to the exchange of employees, and implement a reward system based on the results of knowledge sharing as the internal driving force of employees, supplemented by explicit knowledge Knowledge sharing based on tacit knowledge is encouraged to ensure the effective sharing of internal knowledge.
